Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2565: Ghost vine blossom

   I'm afraid this garbage is not meant to be killed.

   Lin Meng Yali ignored her, just told everyone coldly.

   They have limited time. If you want to go, you should check it out. If you don't want to go, you can stay here.

  As soon as she said that, except for the Zhao family, almost all of them clenched their movements.

   It was the dude staring at her coldly, her face full of dark birds.


   She turned around and saw the little girl standing timidly at the door.

  In order to avoid seeing that scum and causing bad memories, Lin Mengya directly led the little girl out.


   The little girl shook her head, but she gave her the clenched hand.

   "These two flints were given to me by dad, you get it."

   Those are two flints that are very easy to hit Mars.

   may not be worth much money, but it is the little girl's father, specially prepared for her self-defense.

   Lin Mengya accepted her kindness and turned to draw a small dagger from her waist.

  The knife handle is also inlaid with a few gems.

   "Ah! It's so beautiful!"

  The little girl exclaimed in surprise.

   Lin Mengya smiled and stuffed her with a dagger.

   "No, I can't accept my sister!"

   The little girl is not stupid.

  Although she didn't know those gems, she also knew that it was something that only rich people could afford.

   By contrast, the flint he sent out was even dwarfed, and the childish heart was full of frustration.

   She gave this big sister her best.

   Unfortunately, it is too cheap.

"Hold, little fool, what you gave your sister is a life-saving thing. If you are really in danger, this dagger can't keep up with your flint! It's just that there is nothing else on your sister's body, you can only use this little thing first. Thank you!"

   Lin Mengya touched the little girl's head.

  To be honest, she admires the family's morals.

  , as a father, can help others selflessly in times of crisis; as a daughter, she is courageous and filial, and knows how to repay her.

  Maybe they will be grinded in the predicament, but one day they will surely be like a polished gem, exuding their own glory.

   The girl didn't understand yet, she held a dagger in her hand and looked at her innocently.

   Lin Mengya couldn't help but scratch her little nose.

"Sister tells you the truth, these things are just some dead things. If it can't be used for you, then it is worth a lot, but it is just a pile of scrap iron; but if it can save your life and death, even a piece of rotten wood , It is also an invaluable treasure. Now that you are young, you will understand it later."

   The little girl nodded ignorantly.

   Outside the yard, the escorts responsible for **** are ready.

  In addition to the family of three, there are more than a dozen people who are willing to go out with them after the inspection.

   Lin Mengya sent the little girl to her father's hand, told them to be careful on the way, and took the remaining guards to the direction of Shengjia's old house.

   opposite directions, the little girl clutched the dagger given by the pretty big sister tightly in her hand.

   Maybe she hasn't understood each other's words yet, but one day in the future, when she meets with that big sister again, she already understands the meaning of the other side's words.

   By that time, maybe it was the beginning of another legend

   Lin Mengya and his party were very fast and rushed to the Shengjia old house before the sunset.

   The air was filled with a sweet floral fragrance


  She sniffed it, and immediately signaled all guards to stop.

   "Cover your mouth and nose, everyone takes Qingxin Dan!"

In the    system, Xiaoyao has taken the lead in making test results.

   There is no problem with floral fragrance, but there can be many pollen-like things in this area.

   And this kind of pollen absorbs too much, it will have a hallucinogenic effect.

   Lin Mengya had to be a little more careful.

  The other party has so many means, maybe it is really a big move.

   A few days ago, Shengfu was still a lively scene.

   But now the gate is indifferent and dilapidated.

   The door opened is like a devil from hell, who can devour anyone who enters at any time.

   "Madam, do you want me to check first?"

  She looked at the guard and shook her head.

  No, it is too dangerous inside.

   She thought about it and took out a small bottle of powder from the small medicine box she carried with her.

   Raised his hand, and the small porcelain bottle shattered in front of Shengfu's door.

   Then the deep red powder exposed inside quickly liquefied.

   Soon after, it turned into a pool of bright red liquid like blood.

   This is the powder she extracted from a plant.

   Both color and taste are similar to blood, and can almost be fake.

   This thing is usually used to trap wild animals.

   Now, I don't know if I can succeed.

  Although most of the vines have disappeared, there are still a handful of vines that quietly leaned out.

   Lin Mengya stared closely, only to see that the thing protruded from the gate of Shengfu, and then quickly plunged into the beach of red liquid.

   But in an instant, blood-like things are sucked cleanly.

   Lin Mengya just felt hairy in her heart.

   Fortunately, they did not care about the enemy, or they would be the one who was sucked dry.

  The guards also felt extremely intractable.

   No matter how powerful the enemy they are, they will not be afraid, but this time, they are not personal opponents!

   For a time, all eyes focused on her.

  Obviously, the command of this operation is in Lin Mengya's body.

  Looking at this situation, she thought for a moment and said: "You also saw the previous situation. If you want to completely eliminate the ghost vine, you can only use fire attack."

   Guiteng, I heard from the mouths of the survivors before, and Lin Mengya also felt very appropriate.

  The guards nodded one after another.

   "Mrs say what to do, we will do it."

   "Well, in order to prevent that thing from escaping, we need to fire at the same time, and I need to lead most of the vines of the ghost vine to a place where it cannot easily run. Otherwise, it will most likely slip away from the ground."

  When Li Man died before, she found traces of suspected ghost vine escape.

  Although Shengjia’s ghost vine is larger this time, if the fire burns, it is likely to escape to the ground.

   By then, they would find it harder to find.

   Several people secretly discussed, and finally selected the grocery store before.

   Once there was a foundation made of stones, even if the ghost vine was going to escape, there was some misery.

  Second before they left, the boss had entrusted everything to her.

  Whether it is kerosene or firewood, there is enough.

  Once the fire is large enough and violent, when the ghost vine has not responded, the fire may be able to follow the part of the vine and reach the root directly.

   Or most of the vines are burned down. Without the energy source, the main body of the vines is better than before.

   In short, using fire attack is the most effective method.

  In addition, these few of them can only be regarded as nourishment for the ghost vine.

  Discuss the division of labor, and several people started to act.

  Only Lin Mengya stayed because her task was to seduce.

  After determining that the fake blood was attractive to the vines, she took out all the stocks on her body.

  After the arrangement is over there, she will lure the ghost vine there with the help of a lighter best guard.

  As for how much can be drawn, it depends on the attraction of this thing to the ghost vine.

   As she sorted things, the fragrance of flowers in the air suddenly became stronger, and the pollen also fluttered with the wind, causing her to sneeze twice.

   "What is going on with this thing?"

   She leaned her head and squinted towards Shengfu.

   Suddenly, a ghost vine with thicker heads suddenly reached the sky.

   Lin Mengya only saw the top of the vine, which seemed to have a bud-like thing.

   Then, one after another, the ghost vines, all bearing large and small flower buds, climbed each other to grow upward.

   She was stunned by this scene.

I go! What is the situation with Nima?

   And when she felt that she probably really had too little knowledge, the buds on the first straight upward ghost vine suddenly burst into tears.

   Mid-air, ghost vines fluttering.

  She rubbed her eyes vigorously, and felt that the scene in front of her just made her scream.

   Those flower buds hide not soft and bright petals, but rows of jagged spikes shaped like shark teeth!

   And those spikes are not just decorative effects.

  She saw the first bud with pointed spikes, and actually bit hard at the bud next to it.

   The ghost vine bitten off the bud quickly withered and fell.

   And the bud above it was quickly bitten by the first one.

  Although the whole process was very short, no blood splattered out.

   But Lin Mengya was inexplicably feeling a kind of **** fighting scene.

   This is simply the mutual killing of plants!

  She didn't know the thing about ghost vines, but she still has the property of cannibalism.

   In her heart, she felt that this thing more and more, I am afraid that it is not so simple for people to remember.

   Perhaps, this kind of rushing thing is actually just an additional function of Ghost Cane.

   Only in this way will someone keep feeding the ghost vines.

   This thing is simply a trap!

   In the depths of Shengfu, the man in red who had stayed here for a few days was sitting leisurely and drinking tea.

   The courtyard where he was, used to be the residence of Elder Sheng.

   was originally a quiet and elegant residence, but now it became extravagant.

  All the furnishings have become blood red.

   The whole yard is as if immersed in the bloodline, grotesque and gloomy.

   "Master, the **** flower is already blooming. This time it looks pretty good, it seems that one can be reserved for use."

  The woman with delicate face appeared again.

   Only this time, she wrapped herself tightly, but there was a creepy sense of excitement in her eyes.


  The man in red did not get as excited as her, but turned his eyes to the vines outside the yard.

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