Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2567: Ruin exploration

   "Cough, **** it! Who did it, if I let me know, I must peel him alive!"

  The enchanting woman is covered with embarrassment, but she reveals a bit of viciousness and resentment in her eyes.

  Know that Xueyanhua is not so well-maintained.

   This time it took a whole city of life to catalyze its fruits.

   originally waited for the owner to get things, she can also achieve what she wanted.

   Who knows, was actually burnt!

   The man in red still maintains his posture, but he firmly holds a two-pointed shuttle-shaped seed in his hand.

   bright red blood, meandering down from the palm of his hand.

   But he didn't care at all, his eyes were fixed firmly on the seed, his expression was inexplicably gentle.

   The two rushed out of the fire at several speeds.

   The woman pouted her lips, and then she was charming to the man.

   "Master, let's go back first. I'm still looking for someone who has broken my good deeds! If I can't breathe, I'll be suffocated."

   The man didn't even look at her, and left by himself.

   The jealousy of the remaining charming woman.

   "I really don't know who is in your heart other than that person!"

   But she is different from Sheng Wuyou's idiot.

  She has been with her master for ten years, and she has long understood that they are just the shadow that the master used to find the man.

   Since it is a shadow, there should be no unnecessary distractions.

   Besides, she still has her own things to accomplish.

  The charming woman hooked her lips and sneered at the fire.

   "The old lady wants to see, who dare to miss the good thing of the old lady!"

   The blazing fire almost destroyed the whole Shengjia City.

  As she had expected, some lucky people who hadn't been eaten by ghost vines also escaped after catching fire.

   The fire seems to have annihilated many things, but it is an indelible shadow imprinted on the hearts of those who have experienced this incident.

   From that day on, they lost their loved ones, the homeland they lived on, and the hope of living.

   But those who have experienced despair, without exception, chose to live with a long and persistent breath.

   It's just that some of them chose the depravity, while others chose the same as the father and daughter of the grocery store owner.

   They wandered out all their lives, just to find the ghost vine that brought disaster.

   Gradually, they spontaneously became a small force.

   No one expected that after 20 years, this small force like a mushroom will become one of the most famous forces on this continent.

   Now, after Lin Mengya brought back the news that the ghost vine was burnt, Long Tianyu also sighed with relief.

   Of course, it's good to be able to save it.

   But he was worried that those who cultivate ghost vines actually have another purpose.

   Immediately, he sent people to investigate the situation around Shengjiacheng.

  After the first night, two people mysteriously lost contact.

  After the fire was completely extinguished, their people found two charred corpses in the southwest corner of the city gate.

  If two weapons unique to the people of Long Tianyu were not found next to their bodies, I am afraid that no one could recognize their identity.

  Long Tianyu had to be more cautious about this.

   He is very clear that there are no special circumstances, and the people under his hands will never act without authorization.

   Besides, the two died together.

  If they really encounter a tough enemy, if they resist, they will choose one by one and let another

   people fled back to report.

   Unless, the enemies they encounter are very powerful.

   is so strong that the two of them can't escape due to their desperation.

   But there is such a master in Shengjia City?

   is skeptical about Long Tianyu.

   This time, he insisted on going into the city with Lin Mengya to investigate the situation, but also to find out.

Among the ruins burned by the fire, a black coke almost traversed the whole Shengjia City.

   That is how the ghost vine was completely charred.

   Even so, it is still amazing enough.

   "What kind of vines grow so thick?"

  Liao proudly said with emotion.

   But Qingmeng, who is not far away from Lin Mengya, glanced at him and spoke leisurely.

"eat human."

   Liao was stunned for a moment, and then his expression sank.

  In addition to himself this time, he brought more than a dozen family members who had a good relationship with the Li family.

   They all escaped because they did not attend the wedding of Sheng Family.

   When Li Ao went to the door to lobby them personally, these people still thought he had hysteria.

  But when he saw that he was serious, coupled with Li Jia's consistent good reputation, they still let them send people who were suspicious.

   Now, seeing Shengjiacheng turned into an empty city, several people could not help but secretly startled.

   This is still the case with the Sheng family, if they

   secretly exchanged several glances. The group made up their minds and went back to their respective owners to tell the truth.

  It should be prevented early.

   Along the vines, they came to Shengfu.

   The glory of the past has grown yellow flowers yesterday, leaving only a ruined mansion.

   vines extend from here, almost blocking the entire gate.

  After Lin Mengya determined that the ghost vine at the gate had lost its activity, her people also began to clean up.

   As soon as she entered the yard, she saw the withered vines.

   The big rose-like flowers are already yellow, and it seems to turn into powder in the next moment.

   Faced with such a scene, she couldn't help sinking.

   It seems that although the main vine was ignited, it was not completely burned.

   "Be careful, this ghost vine may be alive!"

   With her warning sound, everyone couldn't help but tighten her heart.

   even timid, has already retired.

  Who knows if this thing will suddenly pop up and bite them?

  Finally, with her in the depths of the family, apart from Long Tianyu and Qinghu and their guards, Liao and the three young people were left.

  The three men were bold and attentive, and curiosity overwhelmed the fear.

   What's more, when they saw that Lin Mengya was not afraid of a woman, she was even more self-esteemed, not willing to fall behind.

  Several people found the underground chamber of Sheng family all the way.

  Lin Mengya carefully looked at the ground and determined that the main vine was grown from here, people started to dig down the main vine.

   Suddenly, a very slight sound of footsteps alarmed her.

   Her eyes were cold, staring alertly at the direction of the sound source.

   "Who is there? Come out!"

   Except for the two masters, Long Tianyu and Qinghu, no one heard the sound.

   thought she was overly sensitive when she saw a slender figure and walked in from the other end of the courtyard.

   "Don't, don't kill me!"

   That sound

   The sound is soft and soft, plus a pitiful look that can't help the wind. As soon as it appeared, it aroused the protection desire of some men present.

   Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, but she didn't put her guard down.

   "Who are you? Why are you here?"

   The girl in front of her suddenly shed tears and whimpered to explain: "The slave-servant is the family slave Qingping of the Sheng family. Because he made a mistake before and was kept in the backyard, he escaped."

  She looked up and looked at them with a terrified look.

   "Several sons wonder if they can sue the slaves, what is going on? What about my old man and his wife?"

   The three young men took the lead to relax as soon as they heard that they were a slave of the Sheng family.

   Family like them, domestic slave is the lowest level of existence.

   Now that the Sheng family is gone, domestic slaves are the most helpless.

  In the moment, he felt a little pitiful.

   "It's okay, it's your parents who always blame themselves. It's not safe yet, so let's go out of town.

   The woman heard the words, but she was shocked.

   immediately burst into tears, crying miserably miserably.

   "How is this good? The slave-servant was sold to the Sheng family from an early age, and he would do nothing but serve the people. Now that the master and his wife have gone, the slave-servant might as well die!"

   said she was about to hit the wall.

  Which of the three young men had seen this battle immediately stopped them, fortunately to persuade them.

   The girl was coaxed by them, you said it to me, and then it was temporarily quiet.

   is just three people next to Lin Mengya, but said nothing.

   The girl seemed to be afraid of them too, quietly hiding behind the three.

   Lin Mengya always thought that this slave was a little strange, but didn't think much about it.

   After all, the Sheng family is so big, and it is not surprising that there are one or two survivors.

   Soon, the person in charge of digging the main vine dug into the secret room.

  After removing the stones, they found the elder Sheng who had been completely with Guiteng.

  He can no longer be called a human at this time.

   "Ah! It's terrible!"

   Qingping screamed, but fell softly into the arms of one of the men.

   The other party was somewhat at a loss, and it was not easy to throw people directly on the ground, so they could only hug them.

   Lin Mengya glanced over there, then turned her attention to the body of Elder Sheng.


   Liao probed and shook her head at her.

   Elder Sheng's eyes have drilled vines, and now he is like a part of the roots of ghost vines.

   "He blamed himself, he could not blame others."

   Lin Mengya was objectively evaluating the facts, but didn't want Qing Ping, who was just waking up next to her, but she suddenly cried and threw herself in front of Lin Mengya.

   "Please beg the girl to save my old man!"

   Lin Mengya stepped back and stepped open, frowning slightly.

   "I can't save him, not to mention that he and Guiteng have grown together in one place, and they are not saved."

   But Qingping said with tears: "The girl must have a way! Besides, the girl came this time, wasn't it just to save people? Now that I see my old man suffering, how can a girl see death and not save?"

   This is a bit unreasonable.

   Lin Mengya resisted and explained to the other party: "It's not that I don't save her, but I really can't save her."

   "If the girl doesn't save people, what else do you do?"

  Qingping asked with a puzzled expression: "Is it possible that the girl, like everyone else, came for the treasure of our Sheng family?"

   As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people could not help changing slightly.

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