Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2568: Different minds

  The three felt reminded by Qingping's words.


   Before leaving, the elders of the family had also hinted at them, Sheng family's wealth is innumerable.

  If all the people are really dead, they can take advantage of it.

   This can't be regarded as damaging.

  After all, even if they do not move, those who have long coveted the wealth of the family will never let go.

   Liao is just fine.

   After all, he is a person of the ancient tribe, and the fertile water does not flow outside the field.

   But the three people in front are outsiders

   They are not as informed as the Li family, nor are they like the Sheng family.

   These people are like frogs at the bottom of the well, thinking that Lin Mengya will also be tempted by the wealth of the Sheng family, and now they feel a little unhappy.

   Lin Mengya was so clever that he saw through their plans.

   pouted in her heart, not to mention, she really couldn't look down on the legacy of Sheng Family.

   But she couldn't say that.

   The more she seemed to have nothing to do, the more reassuring she was.

   Not as good, find a reason.

   "The girl misunderstood. Although I did not come to collect treasures, I did come in to find someone."

   "Who are you looking for"

   among the three, the son with the most impulsive surname Liu asked first.

   Lin Mengya gave him a meaningful look before saying, "I don't know how many people have heard of the Gan family"

   The three looked at each other.

  The Gan family and the Li family have hatred for years, and they naturally know.

   "Oh, that's the case. I used to be a guest at the Gan's house with my husband. I had made an appointment for the appointment, but they disappeared halfway."

   She lowered her eyes and made no secret of her concerns.

   "Several people also know that because of the matter of the Presbyterian Church, the Gan family is completely offended by the Sheng family. I thought that perhaps the Sheng family wanted to embarrass the Gan family, so I hurried in to find someone."

   acting, who wouldn’t

  Look at how high she portrayed herself.

   This time, the three of them are a bit cruel.

   "It turned out to be the case, but we misunderstood you."

   said that he accidentally hugged Qingping's son with apology.

   Lin Mengya waved her hand and even went to the corner with Long Tianyu to avoid suspicion.

  Liao also felt a little embarrassed, and could not help whispering to the three people: "Why do you use the heart of a villain to care for the gentleman's belly like this? I understand their behavior.

  As he said so, the three suddenly felt a little guilty.

   saw Qingping, but said in a whisper: "It is common to say that people know their faces but not their hearts. The son is not a roundworm in their stomach, I am afraid they don't know how they think about it."

   Liao frowned, asking in disagreement: "Qingping girl, what do they mean they are my friends? I would like to guarantee my life."

  Qing Ping seemed to be scared by him, hiding behind the former son Liu.

   "I, I'm just kind, and the son doesn't believe it. Besides, maybe they don't have that thought yet, but it may not be necessary for a while."

   Li Ao was a little displeased: "The girl is assured that Li Ao will never go wrong."

   turned around and walked to Lin Mengya to show their attitude.

  The minds of the three people were alive.

   Especially Liu Gongzi.

   He quietly asked Qingping a few words.

   But after seeing the other party answering each one, his thoughts also followed up.

   "Sorry, it was because I didn't think about it that I made you so doubtful."

   The first thing Liao came over was to apologize to Lin Mengya


   But the latter doesn't care at all.

   Instead, Lin Mengya deliberately glanced over there.

   "This girl is not that simple, we have to pay attention to it later."

  If it was just a domestic slave, how could he provoke the greed of the three people in a few words?

   They are so new to the Sheng family that they have to be careful step by step.

   Li Ao also nodded and asked, "What's the situation with Guiteng now? Will it harm others now?"

   Lin Mengya thought for a moment and exchanged opinions with Long Tianyu.

   "According to my speculation, this thing should have fallen into a state of suspended animation. If conditions permit, it may come alive."

   Liao was immediately anxious.

   "How can this be done? If you keep this thing, if you can't keep it, you will have to wreak havoc one day."

   But Lin Mengya has a bold idea.

   "So, I want to dig out its roots and do some research."

   War, pay attention to know each other.

   Not to mention this strange and unpredictable enemy, she needs first-hand information even more.

  According to the research on jade rose in the system.

   After this kind of thing is hit hard, it will abandon the original huge body and renew its vitality.

   That is to say, if they are lucky enough, they can take a young vine from the seedling stage to study.

   Of course, this is not simple.

   Because the seedlings of jade rose do not grow from the root system.

   will select a section of the best quality rhizome to re-root and germinate.

  In other words, vines that are buried underground or not burned are possible.

  The root system of this thing is so big, there are so many vines, it is even more difficult to find it.

   Several people discussed it and decided to look for vines where seedlings might appear in the name of looking for someone.

  Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were looking for them in the house.

   Qing Fox and Li Ao went out with several guards.

  The soldiers were divided into three groups, and the three young masters next to them, plus a Sheng family slave, also completed the division of labor.

   "Brother Li."

   The most stable Zhang Gongzi among the three apologized.

   "The three of us will not go with you, after all, the elders of our family are still waiting for our reply. So, we will go first."

  Liao didn't believe their words at all.

  I was thinking about the family's birth in the Sheng family one moment ago

   is nothing more than trying to get rid of him, and then go searching with Qingping.

   Suddenly, he didn't have any affection for these three people.

   "Well, then I wish you all what you want."

   His words made the three of them blush with guilty conscience.

   But the huge temptation let them go with Qingping.

  Lin Mengya looked at Qing Ping's back, and there was always an unknown hunch in her heart.

   But the other party is three people after all, even if Qing Ping really wants to lie to them, I am afraid it won't take much advantage.

   It's because they have to hold tight.

   I am afraid that the news of the destruction of the Sheng family tomorrow will have to be heard by the ancient people.

   Then those families who are staring at each other will come to divide.

   Their actions are bound to be limited, there is no such a good opportunity.

   The three agreed to leave in the front yard after an hour to find each other.

   Shengfu was plagued by disasters.

   The ghost vine only likes human flesh and blood and does not eat bones.

   So that along the way, they can always see people's bones.

  Long Tianyu always holds the little hand of his wife, often encountering human bones,

   He would block it by meaning and didn't want her to see it.

   Lin Mengya quickly guessed the intention of his own man and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   "How do you still think I'm the kind of coward who sees bones and is worse than killing pigs"

  Long Tianyu smiled.

   "It's your business to be brave. It's my habit to protect you. These two samples will not conflict."

   When he said this, a handsome face always had a gentle smile.

   Lin Mengya couldn't help covering her chest.

   Sure enough, a handsome man is an advantage

  Look at her undisputed heart, nothing beats so fiercely, not mature at all.

   But the corner of his mouth couldn't help raising.

   "Okay, I can say."

  Long Tianyu kissed the back of her hand.

   "It's just some heartfelt words."

   Awkward, when you get a bargain, you sell well

  Lin Mengya just wanted to damage him a few words, he heard outside the yard, suddenly heard a cry of exclamation.

   "Don't come and let me go"

   Then, a familiar figure bumped over.

  Long Tianyu is inconvenient to sit in a wheelchair.

   Seeing that the man was about to fall into his arms, Long Tianyu dragged Lin Mengya into his arms, and then grabbed the wheel of the wheelchair with one hand and turned back.

   At the next moment, Lin Mengya sat on his lap and watched the man fall miserably.

   "Miss Qingping, are you okay?"

Isn’t the person lying on the ground the Shengjia slave who walked with three people?

   estimated that she didn't expect to fall so badly, and didn't let her breath down for a while.

   Hearing Lin Mengya's question, he raised his face.

   It's just that her little face is clean now.

   Eyebrows are clear and beautiful, indeed a pure and weak look.

   "They, they want to force me to do that kind of thing. I won't. I ran out desperately, woo"

   Qingping embraced his arms with both hands, crying and shaking.

   Lin Mengya did not expect that those three people would be like this.

   She originally thought that at most they coaxed Qingping to take them to find treasure.

   "You get up first. By the way, where did you just go"

  She realized at this moment that she was still sitting on Long Tianyu's lap, and suddenly jumped off with some embarrassment.

   Who knows that Long Tianyu glanced at Qingping with some dissatisfaction.

   is obviously uncomfortable with being disturbed.

   Lin Mengya helped Qing Ping up and sorted out her clothes.

   did find some traces of the girl's clothes being torn, and she felt a little bad impression of the three family masters.

   "Thank you girl."

   Qingping thanked her timidly, but her eyes were secretly taken by Longlong Tianyu.

  Unfortunately, the latter is like a wooden pile, and she doesn't even look at her.

   "You're welcome. Since that's the case, then you might as well go out and wait."

   Qingping immediately shook his head, showing a terrified look.

   "No, if I see them, they will be ruined"

  She grabbed Lin Mengya's sleeve and pleaded with tears.

   "Girl I know you are kind, just now I was too stupid to talk nonsense, please forgive me."

   "That thing, I didn't even care about it."

   Lin Mengya's generous expression.

   Qingping listened to her and finally smiled.

   "Then, can I follow you? I assure you, I will never bother you to find someone"

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