Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2569: Malicious lure

   Having said this, it seems that Lin Mengya and her two have no reason to refuse her.

   looked back at her man and made eye contact, she was relieved.

   "Well, you will join us first, and we will send you out safely in the future."

   Qingping is grateful.

   "Thank you girl for her life-saving grace."

  With Qingping's participation, their search speed is also faster.

  After all, there is a house slave who knows the situation of the Sheng family, and they don’t have to go wrong.

   But Lin Mengya never found a suitable vine.

   walked her while studying the materials of jade rose repeatedly with Xiaoyao in the system.

   Could they have made a mistake?

   Even if there is a connection between the two, it may not be similar everywhere.

   was thinking, the three came to a secluded place.

   Qingping stopped, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

   "Why don't you go?" Lin Mengya asked her.

  The latter hesitated for a moment before he bit his lip and said, "The three people were here just now"

   turned out to be the scene of the accident.

   Lin Mengya understood her mood, and suggested: "Why don't you wait outside, let's go in and see?"

   Qingping was hesitant, but finally agreed to her proposal.

   "Alright, there are treasures hidden in Sheng family, you must be careful after entering."

"Oh, I see."

   finished, Lin Mengya pushed Long Tianyu into.

Qing Ping, whose belly was waiting outside, saw the corners of her mouth raised high after seeing the figure disappear.

   What's more pretentious.

  Can't wait to hear if there is something good in it?

   She didn't have the pitiful appearance of talent.

   glanced contemptuously at the yard, then swayed away and led others to come.

The wages of avarice is death.

   It is their own blame, she is just pushing the boat.

   said that Lin Mengya and two people came in and found out that it was actually a private storehouse of the Sheng family.

   It was probably near the backyard at the time of the incident, so someone came in and wanted to take things away.

  Gold and silver jewelry fell all over the ground, but those people still failed to escape.

   Treasury has also become their burial place.

   Lin Mengya was unmoved, but Lin Mengya's face changed when she first came in.

   "There is pollen from ghost vines!" she whispered to remind Long Tianyu

  The latter is also breath-holding, and has always been very careful, and of course will not be fooled easily.

  Served a pure heart pill, Long Tianyu suddenly felt a while, seems to be a lot more sober than just now.

   looked at the white bones in the courtyard, frowning.

   "That Qingping really has a problem, we will go to her to settle the account later!"

  Since Qing Ping appeared, Lin Mengya had doubts.

  According to what the person said, she was just a little house slave. How could she even know where the Sheng family’s private library is?

   Later she provoked one after another, and Lin Mengya just wanted to wait and see the changes.

   But I didn't expect that this person would still use the pollen of Guiteng.

   identity must not be so simple.

  Long Tianyu thought so too.

   Suddenly, there was a faint cry for help in the room.

   "Save life"

   The sound is somewhat familiar.

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were afraid of being the trap left by Qingping, and did not answer immediately.

  The people inside

   seems to be really unsustainable, and the voice for help is weaker than that.

   "Who is inside?"

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu clenched their weapons, and she asked in a loud voice.

The people in    didn't seem to think that someone actually came, and quickly tried their best to shout, "Help! Here, there is a ghost vine!"

   There is another one?

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu glanced at each other.

   Wouldn't it be the ghost vine seedling they couldn't find?

  Although it may be fake, the two of them walked in with courage.

   The door of the private library is already open.

   There was a dark piece in it, followed by the sunlight at the door, Lin Menya and the two people saw the scene inside.

   was originally a shelf full of various rare antiques, and in the center of the private library, a tangled dark green vine stretched from the ground to the roof.

   Three creepy bales were hung on the roof by vines, and the sound came from there.

   "I am here to save me"

The people in    seem to be suffering enormously, their voices broken and weak.

   Lin Mengya suddenly remembered who the voice belonged to.

   is the former Liu Gongzi who accused them!

   "You are Master Liu? Why are you here?"

   Needless to say, the remaining two are his companions.

  The three also recognized her.

  In an instant, half of the hope of survival was wiped out.

   They offended people before.

   Now, will she save them?

   can't take care of it now, and the three men immediately gave a rough idea of ​​their guilt.

   They were also tricked by Qingping here.

   But after entering the door, the body is not under his control.

  By the time they were awake, they were already wrapped in ghost vines, and they were still sucking blood from them.

   I'm afraid that after a while, they will have to be sucked dry by the ghost vine.

   "Okay, wait a minute, I will find a way to save you."

   Lin Mengya has already started to save people.

   The three were quite surprised.

   "Master Gong, don't you blame us?"

   asked Young Master Liu.

   The other two were startled, and wished to block the broken mouth that didn't open the door.

   Ask what these do! If the palace masters were concerned, they would have no choice but to die!

   Lin Mengya pouted.

   thought she couldn't really be angry with these three fools.

   But on the mouth, she may have to praise her quality of atmospheric tolerance that does not exist at all.

   "Damage, I'm not the kind of person with a small belly. You will also learn a lesson from yourself. Don't believe the instigation of others. Be aware that not everyone likes to complain with virtue like me."

  Long Tianyu quietly raised the corner of her lips behind her.

  He dared to pack the ticket, and his wife must be pitting these three people.

   After all, his wife is the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

   The leader of the profiteers.

Lin Mengya checked it and found that this ghost vine is not as powerful, and its root system is only grown from a branch of the previous ghost vine. It has not been parasitized before, and it is not as powerful as before. Attack power.

  She used the characteristic of ghost vine to fear fire, and easily dispelled those slender canes.

   After only hearing the three sounds of "Pootong", the three were thrown down, but their faces were pale, apparently caused by excessive blood loss.

   "Are we saved?"

  Liu Gongzi stared at his hand and suddenly burst into tears.

   The rest of the two are not much better.

   When they were wrapped in ghost vines, they felt dead.

   didn't expect that they could continue to live!

   "Oh, the owner of the palace really thank you. I, I will report to you even if I work as a bull for you!"

  Liu Gongzi is straight, and he is not bad.

   What's more, now that they add up to three, they can only die.

  If you want to survive, you have to rely on Lin Mengya and his wife.

   "You don't need it when you are a cow. You have a good chance to repay me now." Lin Mengya said with a smile.

   Long Tianyu's heart tightened, knowing that his wife was going to pit someone.

   But the three were still very simple, nodded busy, and promised to complete the task.

   "Very simple, I need three of you to help me find the root of this ghost vine and help me take it out."

   The three of them haven't responded yet, but when they heard about Geng Teng, they couldn't help but wince.

   It was Mr. Zhang who was clever and hesitantly asked: "It's easy to find the root system, but how do you take it out?"

   "It's very simple, just let him parasitize on you." Lin Mengya smiled lightly and answered as she should.


   The three of them instantly grew their mouths.

   is over! This little life can't be completely guaranteed!

   But the three of them did not have the right to refuse.

   The three ashamed faces are currently in a complex mood.

Suddenly, Liu Gongzi touched a tear on his face and said as if he was still dead: "That's it! Maybe this is my life! The Palace Master, if you want to kill you, you will have to listen to your honor, I just hope you bring a sentence to my family. Say, just say I'm sorry for them."

   The three of them came out of their grief for a time, and they all left their last words, and even told some small secrets that were going to be hidden in the coffin.

   Lin Mengya nodded frequently, and finally came slowly.

   "According to your current physical condition, even if it is parasitized by the ghost vine, it will go to sleep."

   This was the case with the grocery store lady before.

   It’s just that it’s a daughter plant, and it’s not like this seedling that gets nutrients from the mother plant.

   The three of them were silly.

   So, they will not die?

   Then they just cried and yelled at the father and mother, and confessed and exploded, isn’t it embarrassing?

   But Lin Mengya did not wait for the three people to react, so they arranged tasks for them.

   "In a while I will find a way to find the root of the ghost vine. Don't be afraid, I will guarantee your safety."

  Although the parasitism of the daughter plant is easy, she has not actually practiced the parasite experiment of the mother plant.

  According to the misfortune of the elders she saw before, she probably knew that the inheritance of the mother plant may be the root system to be parasitic to the human body.

   But what conditions are needed, she knows nothing.

   Therefore, I can only try my luck.

   The three looked at each other and lay flat.

   In fact, they were also very dizzy and could not run even if they wanted to run.

  The root system of Guiteng is complicated.

  The data shows that the jade rose has a habit, in order to protect itself it will grow countless false roots.

  If the true and false roots are wrong, or the main root is destroyed, the jade rose seedlings will die.

  Guitou is likely to have this habit.

  After observing for a long time, she could not determine which day was the main root.

   was thinking about whether to let the three people bleed a little bit of blood to see if the true roots had responded, and the seedlings of the ghost vine suddenly moved.

"Be careful."

  Long Tianyu has been staring at her situation, reminded immediately upon seeing it, and quickly moved to her side.

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