Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2570: Zhao family find fault

   "It's okay."

   Lin Mengya comforted Long Tianyu, then stared closely at the seedlings of Guiteng.

   Is it because she guessed wrong, will the seedlings that have not been parasitized also have an attack power?

   But soon, Lin Mengya discovered that the whole seedling was shaking about right and left.

What's happening here?

   The three men were also scared and hurried to the corner.

   After seeing the ghost vine shaking back and forth for a long time, suddenly, a small root was pulled out from the ground.

   Immediately after, it is the second root.

  In almost a few minutes, all the roots of the seedlings were pulled out.

  Lin Mengya is close and can be seen clearly.

   The root system was not rooted in the soil, but a thick vine.

   Then, the seedlings that had completely detached from the mother plant's vine suddenly shook the vine, and began to retract.

   The huge private library is filled with the sound of rustling when the vines retract.

   She saw with her own eyes that the sprouts of the seedlings still spread all over the roof. After a moment, they became a fist-sized dark green ball!

   "Did I not dream?"

  Liu Gongzi rubbed his eyes.

  The other two also reacted like him.

  Only Lin Mengya reached out his hand and actually caught the ball.

   applied a little force, she took the ball off and weighed it by the way.

   is probably as heavy as a basketball.


   The sudden change made her stupid and turned to look at Long Tianyu.

  The latter is a little calmer than her.

   "You keep it."

   is also for safety.

  After all, among all the people present, only Ya'er had some understanding of Guiteng.


   She took out a small cloth bag filled with medicine, and carefully put the ball into it, then carefully tied the bag.

  Since she can take it away like this, she saves trouble.

   The vines that had no seedlings gradually turned to ashes, and disappeared as if they had completed the change of life.

  Lin Mengya looked at the private library of Sheng Family that had been raged, but only felt sighed.

   For the Sheng family at that time, Guiteng was a disaster for no one.

   The root cause is still greed.

   Lin Mengya took some medicines that can supplement physical strength to the three people, and the three people were finally relieved from the embarrassing situation of taking one step and three steps.

   They accidentally chose to hide what they saw in the private store.

   Not to mention Gongya as their life-saving benefactor.

   It is clear that people dare to pick ghost sepak takraw with their own hands, and they are still unscathed. They are also very clear.

   They just escaped from death, there is no need to die.

   "Let's go out and meet them first."

  With seedlings in hand, Lin Mengya didn't want to delay any more.

   After all, there are people here at any time, and it’s not good if they are misunderstood.

  She pushed Long Tianyu, and the three helped each other out of Sheng's backyard.

   But what she didn't think of was that when they arrived in the front yard, they ran into a group of people.

   "Four uncles, it's her!"

   Lin Mengya raised her head and found that she was staring angrily.

   The key is that she does not know each other yet.

   subconsciously missed her body, she looked at the three troubled brothers behind her, and gestured to them with eyes, someone came to find fault.

   Those three are speechless.

  Hide what to hide, the other party is clearly looking for her, okay?

   "Humph! People outside the region, even dare to covet my ancient people's wealth. Come here, take them to me!"

   said the strong man staring at her sneered.

  In an instant, they were surrounded by people.

  Lin Mengya realized that he really came to trouble.

   She frowned, but it was still a good explanation.

   "We just came to find someone, something from the Sheng family, we didn't get a penny."

  Long Tianyu also narrowed his eyes, the momentum was very impressive.

   But the other party is obviously more horizontal than them.

"You lie! If you really don't get anything, why do you come in alone? Tell you, the Sheng family is gone, everything is our ancient race! Our Zhao family and the Sheng family are good for generations, and their things can't be lost. In your hands!"

  Lin Mengya can only see this clearly. Isn't the person who hides in the crowd arrogantly hopping against the little girl?

   "You are lucky, but still alive." She said lightly.

  The dude of the surname Zhao probably felt more dependent on the mountain at this time.

   "Master is not dead, are you very disappointed? Uncle Si, this woman, she looks down on our Zhao family, and even after my self-report, she still hurts me!"

   That Zhao's dude is also **** luck.

   Those who passed the inspection were taken away by Lin Mengya and their guards.

  The rest, except for the wounds on his body, were the ones he didn't accept.

  In fact, Lin Mengya didn't care about them anymore, but put them in a safer place, and when she came back, she removed the child plants one by one, and then sent them out.

  But Zhao Jiawan was humiliated, so he ran out with his follower.

   was catching up with Lin Mengya and burning ghost vines.

  The smoke and fire caused them to almost hit the ghost vine by mistake.

   At the critical moment, Zhao Jiawan ruthlessly sacrificed his follower to survive.

   But he pushed everything to Lin Mengya.

   felt that she was helpless when she saw her death and intentionally killed herself!

   Taking advantage of the fire, he escaped and notified his family with the fastest speed.

   also happened to catch up with his cousin to work in the neighborhood, which only picked up the bargain.

   is also a narrow road.

  When they were going to the Sheng family to grab something, Lin Mengya and his party appeared.

   The garbage naturally refused to give up such a good opportunity, and now he was holding his cousin, to teach Lin Mengya a lesson.

   Zhao Qian narrowed his eyes and scowled with a calm face: "I don't know what the sky is thick and thick! Is it really good for our Zhao family to have a good temper? Today, I will give you the lessons you deserve!"

   did not expect that their talent was just about to start, and several figures descended from the sky, directly kicking the guards of the Zhao family.

   "Dare to hurt His Highness, kill without pardon!"

The guard headed by    spoke coldly, and a long sword pointed directly at Uncle Zhao's nephew.

Isn’t    crazy?

  Who can be crazy about Lin Mengya and his wife?

   "Actually dare to do it! Well, no need to keep your hands."

   Zhao Qian is also an expert.

  He saw at a glance that these guards were good at martial arts, and the average small door and small households could not afford such masters.

   In this way, if he really has to retreat, I am afraid that the other party will also take the opportunity to propose conditions to divide the Sheng family's things.

   How can this work?

   Lin Mengya watched a lively, not too anxious.

   is the three unlucky eggs behind her, anxious.

   "Master Gong, let's stop! Zhao family, you can't afford to offend!"

  Mr. Zhang is anxious to persuade.

   It's Lin Mengya

  , an indifferent look.

   "Relax, our house guards are amazing!"

   The pair clearly depended on the lively appearance, and almost didn't make the three men vomit blood.

   "It's not a question of who is terrible, but the family members of Zhao family must pay attention. You are foreigners, don't know how terrible they are. If you are really anxious, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back."

  Mr. Zhang is also kind.

  Although he was also afraid that he would be affected, after all, Lin Mengya saved them before, and the Zhao family was really not troubled.

  Long Tianyu glanced at him at this moment.

   "What about the Zhao family? That's where the elders are here, and they can't stop my husband and wife."

  Mr. Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then he could only sigh and shook his head and walked to the side with his eyes closed.

   Forget it.

   The big deal is death, not even the family.

  At this time, their guards and Zhao's family also gotten hot.

  Although the other party has an advantage in numbers, these guards can't stand up and cooperate well.

   But in just a few minutes, the Zhao family was clearly at a loss.

  Zhao Qiang's brows grew tighter.

   These people's kung fu is too weird, and makes him faintly familiar.

   But before he could remember, his wastemen were thrown out by Long Tianyu's guards.

   "Are you still playing?"

   Lin Mengya asked her eyebrows, her expression very beating.

  Zhao Qian only felt that his heart was full of blood and stared at them coldly.

   "It seems that the two of you are going to fight against my Zhao family?"

   "I didn't say that."

   Lin Mengya shook her head.

   "From the beginning, it was your open provocation. It is impossible, you can only reverse the black and white, and we are not allowed to fight back in self-defense?"

   She is very clear.

   Had it not been for the Zhao family's **** to provoke it, things would not have reached this point.

   But she did not like the attitude of the Zhao family.

   hit it, and taught him to be a man.

   lest those people always feel that the boss is the second child, no one in the eyes is tight.

   "Oh, you two, I remembered Zhao Qiang."

   Zhao Qian stared at them coldly.

   "The private grievance between the two and my Zhao family can be temporarily ignored, but what you took from the Sheng family must be left. Otherwise, you are the enemy of my entire ancient clan!"

   Lin Mengya really does not lack their stuff.

   said at the moment: "We didn't take anything, they can testify."

   Lin Mengya pointed to the three brothers and brothers.

   The three of them couldn't help but smile bitterly.

   against Zhao Qian's oppressive eyes, nodded cautiously.

   "Did you really take it?"

  Zhao Qian was not quite convinced.

  Know that the Sheng family has been under the protection of Elder Sheng in recent years, and there are many good things to hide.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't be busy with someone to grab things after hearing that the Sheng family was in trouble, even if he didn't care about the business.

   "You saw that, we are just a few people. And we don't even have a pocket on our body, how do we take things?"

   She spread her hands and said that she was innocent.

  Zhao Qian's eyes were scratched on several people.

   also found that they did not have the possibility of hiding things.

   But at this moment, the Zhao family was suddenly shouting: "Why didn't you take it? In the cloth bag tied around your waist, maybe there will be good baby!"

   Lin Mengya lowered her head and found out that it was the cloth bag containing the seedlings of ghost vines.

  She knew that this thing was better not to appear in front of people. Just wanted to find a reason, she heard another voice inserted.

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