Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2571: Teasing Zhao Family

   "It's the secret treasure that the Song family is looking for to go back to! Zhao Siye, you have to decide for our Sheng family!"

   Qingping's eyes contained tears, pretending to be the poor and innocent tenderness again, but Lin Mengya they would not be deceived by this face again.

   "What secret? Girl Qingping, don't talk nonsense about things you don't know."

Seeing her refute, Qingping's attitude was more determined.

   There is a bit of coldness deep in his eyes.

   If she hadn't just looked at the seedlings, I'm afraid they were really fooled by them.

   These people actually dared to ruin her hope again.

   They all **** it!

   "Secret, what secret?"

  Zhao Qiang was suddenly curious.

   He only heard a brief explanation about the Sheng family, but the specifics were really unclear.

  Qing Ping said timidly: "Sir Zhao doesn't know, that thing is a once-in-a-lifetime treasure. Elder Sheng was backing up with the Song family because of it."

  The discrepancies between the Song family and the Sheng family, Zhao Qian had heard something about it.

   Hearing this, he wanted to know more about the secret treasure.

   "Take things over."

   The men who just got up from the ground didn't dare to step forward, and the two sides were so stiff.

Zhao Qian narrowed his eyes, and said very politely: "Don't toast or eat fine wine, I can't care about things with you, but things that belong to my ancient race, you don't want to take one! Come, go Summon all ancient tribes nearby."

   It seems that Zhao Qian wanted to play a rogue with her through this matter.

   Lin Mengya was still so suffocated that she really got rid of the bag.


   Long Tianyu was rather curious.

  I want to know that according to the character of my wife, what you entered into her hand, there is no reason to go out again.

   Not to mention, it was still threatened.

   "There is no need to fight with them now, they just want to see it, just give them."

   She whispered, but still blinked at her man.

  Long Tianyu immediately reacted.

   I am afraid that it is my wife, I already have a plan.


   Soon, the small cloth bag was delivered to Zhao Qian's hand.

  At this time, his curiosity about this treasure had already overwhelmed his usual caution.

   In front of everyone, he could not wait to open the bag.

   "This is-the secret you said?"

   Qingping nodded, staring at the cloth pocket.

   Zhao Qian's face was a bit ugly.

   "Then tell me, what does this treasure do?"

   Qingping somewhat despised the other party’s lack of knowledge, but still said deceptively: "It is said that the person who got this thing can prolong life and even live forever."

   But before she finished speaking, Zhao Qiang froze and threw the thing on her face.

   "Are you fooling me? I am immortal, I think you are alive and tired!"

  Qingping was also shocked.

   Immediately she grabbed the bag, and under the eyes of all eyes, a black lacquered stone rolled out inside.

"This is impossible!"

   is wrong!

   When she went in, the **** flowers had already cleared the first rooting.

   Only after the first rooting is successful, the blood Yanhua can parasitize people.

  But, how is this stone?

   "What is impossible?"

   Lin Mengya only spoke leisurely at this moment, and her tone was full of helplessness.

"I just like to collect all kinds of stones, and this stone is not from your ancient clan. I brought it from outside. If you can find the same material in the ancient clan, then I will give it to you , And how do you handle it?"

   Qingping is very cunning.

   She held the stone in her hand and tossed it over and over for a while, but she was not willing to admit that this thing was really a stone!

   But even so, she would never let go.

   "Princess Gong, as far as I know, your palace is rich in wealth and you can be rich against the country. Even if you take such a large piece of jade and gold nuggets, I don't find it strange. Why is this stone?

   Or, there is a secret hidden in it, so you are making it mysterious? "

   Lin Mengya immediately showed a look like "it was really guessed by you".

  She sighed and said, "I don't think I can hide this."

   Qingping and Zhao Qian looked at her coldly.

   But in my heart, I would never believe every word she said.

"In fact, this thing is indeed very promising. That's what I asked the Gan family for my husband's remedy. I sincerely ask both of you to return the stone to me. Otherwise, my husband's old wound, just There is no cure."

   "A lot of nonsense!"

  Zhao Qian was about to explode, and now she blamed her.

   Lin Mengya gave up her hands helplessly.

   "You guys are really hard to say, not important, not important, not important. Forget it, I don't want the head office anymore. Husband, let's go quickly, it's too difficult to play with them."

   said she was going to push people away, and her eyes no longer fell on the stone.

  It seems that the person who just said that the big rock is not her at all.

   "Stop, shall I let you go?"

  Zhao Qian realized that he was really being fooled just now.

   Now, my heart is even more angry.

   "So what do you want?"

   Lin Mengya has no good attitude.

"Either way, I'm the one who saved your ancient clan. You have slandered me for stealing things, and I'm innocent according to what you said. Now, what else do you want? In the end, this ancient clan is also yours Please come here, is this the hospitality of your ancient people?"

   She was not a weak woman who was weak and bully.

  Speaking a few words, it is even more imposing and fierce.

Zhao Qian was aroused by her more suddenly, and said with a black face: "Our ancient tribe kindly invites you, who knows you are so badhearted. I think that Sheng Family's misfortune is now you First-hand ambassador!"

   "Hey! You need to show evidence when you speak."

   Lin Mengya sank a small face.

   "My palace family and the temple are not tolerated by others. If Grandpa Zhao insists on this, it seems that I have to let our palace family and the temple hundreds of thousands of troops come to reason with you."

  She said every word, but with a different kind of oppression.

   Even under Zhao's deterrence, Zhao Qian gradually felt a little weak.

   This made Zhao Qiang angry and unwilling.

  He has been in the ancient tribe for so many years and has never been suppressed by a woman.


   Just before Zhao Qian was about to lose his mind, another team arrived.

   "Sir Zhao, please be angry."

   comes from a presbyterian dress that Lin Mengya is no stranger to.

   She raised her eyebrows.

   didn't expect the people in the Presbyterian Church to move so fast.

   But she misunderstood this point.

   These people didn't come to her or the Sheng family at all.

  Originally they just completed a task assigned by the elders together with Zhao Qiang.

  Who knows that Zhao Qian got the news halfway and came to Sheng's family to grab the finances.

   These people are so angry.

  Zhao Qian just walked on the front foot, and they came after the back foot.

   And because of their dissatisfaction with Zhao Qiang, these people will never be with him.

   "What are you doing here?"

  Zhao Qiang was a little guilty in the end, and the questioning seemed less straightforward.

   is headed by a rigid and middle-aged man.

  Liao Ao also gave Lin Meng Ya Kepu the sign of being a member of the Presbyterian Church.

   The lowest-ranking disciples are only responsible for running errands, so they are only wearing grey robes and their chests are blank.

   Above them are the stewards of various places.

  The texture of these people's gray robes is much better than that of the disciples, and there will also be a round meniscus pattern on their chests.

  The next generation is the elders.

  Because the elders are not formal elders, their formal clothing should be light gray, and there is a round of crescent moon and a round of red sun on it.

  The formal elders are silver-gray robes. It is said that the materials will be different according to their status, but they are absolutely gorgeous and exquisite.

   And those people's chests will also have sun and moon, but ordinary elders will have a circle of light, increasing in turn.

  Sheng Baishan, like Song Zixing, is only Elder Sanhui.

   As for the real elders of the Presbyterian Church, even Liao's father had never seen it.

   The person speaking in front of him seems to be just an ordinary elder.

   No wonder Zhao Qiang dared to run.

   The Zhao family is also regarded as the upper-class clan, generally there are no ordinary elders with strong supporters, and they may have to stifle him.

   The elder's face was not pretty.

   "I came here to ask Mr. Zhao, when are you going to deal with serious matters."

  Elder Luo asked, squeezing his anger.

   Zhao Qian glanced at him, then looked impatiently at Lin Mengya.

   "Clear the food of this group of thieves, I will go back naturally. Elder Luo still go first, I will come in a while."

  Elder Luo couldn't let him delay any longer, frowning.

   "No matter what is the matter, please ask Mr. Zhao first to make it clear before saying. Besides, the group of ‘Bu people’ were coming here this time. Before leaving, Elder Zhao ordered that they must be dealt with, otherwise

   "Okay, you should not use him to crush me!"

  Zhao Qian interrupted his words with some disgust.

   But they didn't know that they had talked in a low voice just now, and they had already fallen into Lin Mengya's ears.

  The two sons of "Buren" caught her attention.

   She communicated with Long Tianyu using a password, and the latter tapped her palm.

   "Will you follow along?" Long Tianyu asked with a password.

  Lin Mengya thought about it and gave him an affirmative answer.

   "Okay, wait and see how it changes."

  Before they came, Huo Huo had already expressed his attitude.

   What's more, it doesn't matter whether it's the Zhao family or the elder Luo, it seems that it really doesn't seem to greet people.

   After a brief exchange between the two, Lin Mengya asked: "Can we leave now, you give a happy talk! Tormented, there is no masculinity at all."

  Zhao Qiang glared coldly at her, waving his big hand.

   "Take them away!"

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