Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2577: Fire falls from the sky

  In an instant, this place became a wailing torture hell.

   is full of victims who roll for help, and the enemy and the enemy have been blurred.

  Before the threat of death, they had only one common purpose—escape!

   "Brother, we cover you, you go!"

   Wang Yan suddenly split the rocket that hit them, loudly anxiously persuading Huo Xiao.

   "No! Wu Ying, you and Wang Yan evacuated with the big guy."

   said that as soon as he gritted his teeth, he rushed into the sea of ​​fire to save people.

   "Big Brother!"

   Wang Yan shouted, but Wu Ying was held dead.

   "Let me go! I'm going to save my elder brother!" He was so anxious that his eyes were red, and he yelled at Wu Ying.

  The latter clenched the roots of his teeth and tried to pull the person out.

   "Only if we survive, can we live up to the sacrifice of Big Brother! Wang Yan, don't forget the task Big Brother gave you!"

   Wang Yan was surprised, and he saw the companions who were still struggling for help.

"Step aside!"

   Wu Ying immediately let go.

   Subsequently, Wang Yan no longer rushed into the fire, but quickly rescued the two partners.

In the blazing flames, the tears in Wu Ying's eyes were quickly dried.

   He gazed deeply into the depths of the sea of ​​fire, and finally gnawed his teeth and led the evacuation.

   Smoke is like a snake, coiled in the night sky.

  Lin Mengya Before they reached their destination, she smelled a thick burnt smell, which was mixed with a bad smell.

   She suddenly remembered that Huo Xiao had told her why he was burned.

   It seems that there is really a group of people who have been staring at them.

   But Huo Xiao just ended a hard fight, so if this continues, I am afraid it will be a dead end.

   "Girl, I'll lead people over, you two find a safe place to hide, don't get close."

   Qinghu knows her mind best, and now takes Li Ao and the Jackdaw to leave.

   "Okay, but you have to be more careful. Huo Xiao said that the other party has a very powerful combustion aid. If it sticks to the body, the fire will not be extinguished."

   She informed Qinghu of the information she knew before, so that they could avoid a major casualty.

   But now, she can only hang a heart, looking at the direction of Qinghu they left.

   "Don't worry too much, Huo Xiao is a prepared person, and Qinghu is not a rash character."

  Long Tianyu patted her hand and comforted softly.

   Lin Mengya's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he subconsciously held his hand tightly.

   "It's such a coincidence that we just got out and launched an attack there"

   "Maybe things are so coincident."

  Long Tianyu knew what she wanted to say.

   But the people who ambushed them before are definitely not the dead of a certain family.

   And those people are probably related to the secrets of Ya'er.

  He both intentionally reminded her, but he didn't want to let Ya'er notice certain problems so early, so he had to choose this obscure way.

   "Okay, I hope Huo Xiao can support them."

   Lin Mengya's face was full of worry.

   The fire was so high that the sight was so striking that Lin Mengya's heart was shocked.

   It should have just been a fire at this time, but due to the ignited things, so shortly, this place has become a world of purgatory.

   Although they were not close, the screams from the fire were enough to be a nightmare for some people.

  Not far away from them, Zhao Qiang wobbled away from the last stepping stone and collapsed on the ground, panting heavily to calm down the burning sensation in his throat.

   "Crazy man! What a **** lunatic!"

  Zhao Qian almost didn't scare him to death.

   If his father was not at ease before he left, he told him with a fate that if he had to escape first, he would be more vigilant than the others.

   I am afraid that now he will be burned alive like the incompetent Elder Luo.

  Although a few confidants died, what does it matter?

   as long as he is alive.

   It was at this time that he found traces of Lin Mengya and his party.

   And the scene when he pushed out his burning companion just now was also clearly seen by them.

   For a time, the atmosphere on both sides was a bit tense.

   "Cough cough cough, you, why are you here?"

  Although Zhao Qian still wanted to maintain his previous stiffness, he is now alone, and obviously at a disadvantage.

   Lin Mengya just gave him a cold look.

   "We are here to save people."

   fell in Zhao Qian's ear, and he blamed him for his actions.

   For a time, where did the arrogant Zhao's fourth grandfather suffer such grievances?

   "Oh, save people? I'm afraid it's coming to extinguish the mouth?" He said coldly, and pointedly said.

   "It's not enough for you to harm the Sheng family. This time, we actually took more than one hundred lives of our Zhao family! You two, just wait for our ancients to have skin cramps!"

   Lin Mengya gave him a disgusted look.

   "Your people died because you, the master, abandoned them and ignored them. What does it have to do with us? Tell you, don't blame us for any crime!"

  Zhao Qiang is more arrogant.

"Why? I dare not admit it? I'm guilty? This is what I saw with my own eyes. Obviously we were fine before, but as soon as you came, there was someone arson. This thing was not done by you, and it certainly has a great relationship with you. !Go, follow me back to see the elders!"

   said that this person actually came to pull people.

   But he hadn't waited for Lin Mengya's clothes corner, a flexible long whip, and threw it on Zhao Qian's hand with thunder.

   "Why? Do you still want to kill people?"

  Zhao Qian only knew about fear at this time.

   But in the ancient tribe, for these humble aliens, he was used to the arrogant gesture.

  In his opinion, these foreigners should be creeping under their feet, not at all worthy of being compared with them.

   To some extent, the extreme exclusion of the ancient tribes also gave them no chance to recognize the cruelty outside.

  On the outside world where his strength is esteem, the worms that he can rely on for his family to survive are the first garbage people who should be eliminated.

   "No longer disrespect to my wife, you can reunite with your companion."

  Long Tianyu raised his eyes coldly and looked at him.

   At that moment, Zhao Qian only felt cold, and soaked his limbs and bones.

   He subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and suddenly woke up, and found himself actually confused by a lame, and his face was now dark and dark.

   "If you dare to kill me, my ancient people will definitely chase you down to the end of the sea!"

   He thought that this threat would definitely make the other party scared.

   But the two of them looked at him like an idiot.

"Sir Sir Zhao, if I want to kill you, as long as I force you into the fire, you can be burned alive to a hundred. With such a big fire, people can be burned directly to coke. By then, who can know you? The fourth grandfather of the Zhao family?"

   Lin Mengya's tone is gentle, but her voice is cold, as if all she said is not just a hypothetical threat, but true.

   But Zhao Qian also has his own strength.

   "You are really smart! How do you think this fire burned?"

   Until now, Zhao Qiang has also been out.

"I tell you the truth, if I were really dead, then you would not be able to clean up the crimes. Someone must have stared at me along the way, and your conflict with me, those people must see clearly. They will push all these charges against you, and then I will see how you prove yourself innocent!"

  This is Zhao Qian's confidence.

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's face changed.

   "Do you know who they are?" she asked.

   "Oh, even if I've seen it with my own eyes, but I can still guess that it's a good thing." Zhao Qiang was confident.

   "This" she hesitated.

   Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes, Shen Sheng asked, "What are your requirements?"

  Zhao Qiang hooked his lips, as if winning the ticket.

   "It's very simple, as long as you **** me to the Zhao family safely, I will consider letting you go."

   "Considering?" Lin Mengya sneered. "Did you treat us all as fools? After arriving at your Zhao's site, would you let us go so easily?

   I'm afraid it's your Zhao family. If your grandfather Zhao has a backer, you can squeeze us more brazenly, right? "

  Zhao Qian's plan was seen through by her, and the look suddenly became unnatural.

   "So what do you want?"

   "It's very simple." Lin Mengya suddenly laughed with a gentle breeze.

   "As long as you Zhao Siye signed the painting and said that the destruction of the Sheng family and the fire disaster were all committed by your Zhao family, I can safely send you back to the Zhao family."

   "Impossible!" Zhao Qian was anxious at once, pointing at her and scolding.

   "It's really the most poisonous woman's heart! My Zhao family has nothing to do with this matter. We didn't even know about the Sheng family's affairs! If you do this, you clearly hurt our Zhao family!"

   "This is wrong."

   Lin Mengya is more indifferent.

   "What makes me hurt your Zhao family? This is just the mutual protection that we give each other. As long as Grandpa Zhao does not break the contract, it will definitely let this piece of paper, forever, be a piece of waste paper."

  Zhao Qiang can see clearly, this woman is simply a viper!

   He was a little remorseful, why didn't he get rid of the people, but let her ride on his head instead.

   But when his vicious and vicious thoughts just started, he found that the man who had almost whip off his arm before was staring at himself with a dull face.

   For a moment, he didn't even dare to think about it, and he could only bow his head and yelled at their reluctance.

   "Mr. Zhao Si, chances aren't waiting for others. After this village, there is no such shop."

   Lin Mengya exchanged a look with Long Tianyu. The latter waved their hands, and a small part of the guards hiding in the dark appeared immediately.

  For Zhao Qiang, it was both pressure and power.

  Whether you want to return to the Zhao family alive, it depends on his own choice.

   The fire was getting more and more prosperous, but the wailing sound inside gradually disappeared.

  Finally, after a few minutes of increasing silence, Zhao Qiang suddenly raised his head.

   "I sign!"

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