Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2578: Blind woman delivering medicine

   "However, you must promise me that as long as I do what you say, this piece of paper will never be available!"

  Zhao Qian is also suspended.

  He did not want to die, nor did he want to betray his family.

  Doing this now is also forced by the situation, not to mention that as soon as he arrives at the Zhao family, he will immediately report the matter to his father.

Although    may anger his father, as long as he is alive, there are countless ways to make this matter a secret forever.

   Lin Mengya glimpsed his deep viciousness, but he didn't care.

   She didn't really want to fight against Zhao's family, but just wanted to block Zhao's mouth so that he wouldn't talk nonsense.

  At the moment, he quickly asked the other party to sign and draw.

After   , she collected the paper properly in front of Zhao Qiang.

   "You have to take it away, in case if your negligence harms our Zhao family, I will never spare you!"

  Zhao Qiang is in a bad mood.

   But Lin Mengya just patted her chest.

   "The four lords can rest assured that anything that enters my pocket, even if the emperor comes, he can't take it away."

  Zhao Qiang snorted aloud, and stopped talking.

  The person in charge of the news at this time hurried back to inform them.

   Lin Mengya asked Zhao Qiang to the rear, and then Yu Yu learned that Qinghu had rescued Huo Xiao from the news.

  However, because Huo Xiao saved people's hearts at that time, he stayed in the fire for so long that he was stunned and had severe dehydration symptoms, so he was still comatose and did not escape danger.

  The husband and wife discussed each other and decided to go and see Huo Xiao's condition first.

   "What about him?"

  Long Tianyu used his eyes to signal Lin Mengya and Zhao Qiang were still there.

   "People will take him to Shengjia City first, he is not trying to grab other people's things, then I let him watch those things, and was moved away."

  Lin Mengya had already thought about where Zhao Siye had been.

   heard the words, Long Tianyu shook his head helplessly.


   The two men and the remaining guards separated into two paths.

  Following the marks left by Qinghu, their couple didn't find their temporary camp until dawn.

   There are countless people lying on the ground, life and death unknown.

   This was all fought out last night.

   There are still some people who will stay in their hometown forever.

   She took a deep breath and only felt a little bored in her heart.

   "Come on! Brother, they are inside, please go and see!"

   Wu Ying, who had not slept all night, blushed her eyes.

   saw them, but just forced himself to pick the corner of his mouth, but it fell into Lin Mengya's eyes, but it was more uncomfortable than crying.

   "Well, let me check the situation, don't worry."

   faced with her comfort, Wu Ying could only smile bitterly.

   "Palace Lord please please."

   Facing Wu Ying who was polite, she did not know what to say.

   Inside is a dilapidated log cabin in the forest.

   entered the door and she saw Qinghu sitting there with her eyes closed.

   Hearing the movement, he immediately opened his eyes, but Lin Mengyaqiang first pressed his shoulder.

   "You sleep with you."

   Qinghu nodded tiredly at her, closed her eyes again and went to sleep.

  Lin Mengya saw that there was no obvious trauma on his body, then he was relieved and turned to see others.

   The cabin is empty

   has limited space, so only three seriously wounded people were placed.

   She knew two of them, one was Huo Xiao, and the other was Wang Yan, who had not seen it for a long time.

   At this time, both of them were indiscriminately covered with herbs and wrapped in dirty cloth towels.

  Despite this, she could still see some burns that hadn't been dealt with before.

   Even in a coma, the two are still frowning, seeming to worry about something.

   Lin Mengya immediately stepped forward to check the situation of the two of them.

   "Palace Master, Big Brother and Wang Yan, the two of them"

  Wu Ying was a little choked and a little self-blamed.

  He failed to stop his eldest brother and Wang Yan.

  If they really die because of it, then he might as well die with death.

"At present, they are caused by high temperature dehydration and excessive smoke inhalation. In this way, you can find a few bodies that are healthy to take care of them. Remember to add more water. Others, go to the mountains with me medicine!"

   The wound medicine she carries is limited. Even if all of them are used, it may not be able to cure all the wounded.

   Fortunately, there is a mountain forest not far from here.

   I hope there will be some wound medicine that she can use.

  Wu Ying was in a state of panic and no main body. When she was commanded by her, she no longer turned around like a headless fly.

   Soon, the entire camp began to operate in an orderly manner.

  After inspecting the situation of the wounded people, Lin Mengya personally took the person to the mountain forest not far away.

   At this time, Zhao Mengya was so deep that Lin Mengya was not familiar with the situation here, and she could only let the small medicine turn on the detection function to find the medicinal materials that she could use.

  I don't know if they are unlucky or if they don't produce those herbs here.

   In short, she walked almost half of the forest and saw few medicinal plants.

  Not to mention others, it is nothing.

   "Madam, shall we go out and buy quickly?" the guard suggested.

   But she was rejected.

"No, the fire-proof people are still hiding in the dark. Our people are all face-faced. I'm afraid that as soon as they show up, they will be noticed by the other party. Even if it's the nearest town to buy, those injuries may not be able to hold on ."

   "So what shall we do?" The guard was also embarrassed.

  Be aware that there are also his companions in the injured crowd.

  Lin Mengya thought for a while, and could only give up the idea of ​​collecting medicine for the time being.

   "You go to take back all the wound medicine from our previous foothold for emergency treatment, even if you want to buy medicine, we have to go far away."

   That batch of wound medicine was her life-saving thing.

   But now the injury mattered, she couldn't care about that much.

   The guard immediately went to get the medicine, and she returned with no help.

   But on the way, she received a message.

   "Madam, our people found that an old lady seemed to be looking for our tracks around."

   Old woman?

   Lin Mengya was slightly surprised, but soon she saw the old lady.

   "Meet again, the wife has seen the palace owner."

   The man was still hiding under the black robe, but Lin Mengya was on her body, smelling a strong smell of medicine.

   "Grandma, are you injured?"

  The blind mother-in-law shook her head.

   "The nose of the Palace Master Hao Ling, it's just me, not you, but you, your companions?"

   "So her mother-in-law wanted to come this time?" she asked suspiciously.

  The blind mother-in-law did not sell the pass, but untied a big package on her body.

   "These are medicines for treating burns. Although not good, they are enough to save lives."

  Lin Mengya took a look, the big package was full of medicines for treating burns and scalds!

   It's just that some are very fresh, some are already prepared, and some are powder and pills. At first glance, they are installed in a panic.

   "This medicine"

   "It's just a little bit of my heart, my wife can use life guarantee, this medicine is absolutely no problem!"

   Lin Mengya is not a medicine for doubting blind mother-in-law.

   It was just that she was a little curious. She had clearly rejected the blind mother-in-law once before, why did she still take medicine to save people.

   Moreover, how does she know she needs these medicines?

   "Mother-in-law was present last night?" Lin Mengya couldn't help but more questions, but this time, she obviously thought too much.

   "I, I just want to help. The house owner, the wife is not the kind of heart-shaped heart. Even if I counted you last night, but I definitely don't want to stand by."

   About this, in fact, she did not care much.

   People who have nothing to do with her, naturally there is no need to desperate for her.

   "Well, then I will thank the mother-in-law's kindness for the wounded."

  No matter what the other party's purpose is, after all, it is also a gift from the snow.

   Besides, she was there and she knew at a glance whether there was any problem with these medicines.

   "You're welcome, then I won't delay the time of the Palace Master."

  The blind mother-in-law turned around and left, but he was hesitant for a while.

  Lin Mengya thought she had something to say and walked a few steps forward.

   "Master of the palace." The blind mother-in-law asked in a low voice.

   "The old lady just asks casually, are your companions, he and they all okay?"


  Lin Mengya didn't know who she specifically asked, and had to say vaguely: "There were two injuries, but with the mother-in-law's medicine, I think they should be fine."

   "That's good, that's good! I will give you medicine tomorrow, but I don't want others to find out, I wonder if the palace owner can still meet me here?"

  Injury medicine is important, Lin Mengya agreed without thinking.

   The blind mother-in-law immediately seemed relieved, and the tone was a little more relaxed.

   "Then I will go back to find the medicine immediately, what do you need, even if you talk to me!"

  Lin Mengya thought that the blind mother-in-law was a little strange, but the two were not familiar, and she was not good to ask for anything else. She just said that she wanted some clean cloth towels.

  The blind mother-in-law promised, and said that she would bring some digestible food over, so that she should not worry.

   Watching the rickety figure disappear quickly, Lin Mengya was holding the package, looking at the blind mother-in-law's back thoughtfully.

  Why is this person so strange?

   But soon the news of the camp’s support that the wounded could not support came. She too late to think too much, and went to heal the wounded quickly.

   was busy for another day and night before the wounded condition stabilized.

  Although she exhausted all her means, there were still six seriously injured people who didn't hold up in one day.

   Lin Mengya is very clear that this number will continue to increase from today.

  Because of the limitation of conditions, the wounded person's infection and inflammation will definitely take away some people's lives.

   And she, she can only do what she wants.

   A dawn came quietly. Lin Mengya was too tired to move her fingers, so she returned to the tent they had set up temporarily.

   "Come here, I will help you press."

   was also busy all night long Tianyu gently patted his legs and said softly.

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