Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2586: Excessive stimulation

   Having a thorough discussion with Wang Yan, let Lin Mengya understand the real thoughts of Bu people.

   is ultimately because the relatives in the ancient ethnic group have not given them any hope in these years.

   Waiting is not the most terrible, hopeless is.

   So even if Mrs. Huo tried hard to release the good intentions, the Bu side could not help any disappointment, so they chose to ignore.

   This is the bitter fruit that Mrs. Huo planted themselves.

   was their compromise, indulged in those sins, and eventually became an immense abyss they could not surpass.

   "Boss, are you here?"

   Wang Yan immediately gave Lin Mengya a look, and then immediately changed the content of the conversation.

   Huo Xiao's face is still not very good, but when facing his brother, he also took a few pretentious calm.

   "Well, how is your body feeling?"

  Wang Yan immediately smiled and said: "Thanks to the magic bullet of the palace girl, I feel that I will not be able to use it long enough to run away."

   Wang Yan's hearty voice did not make Huo Xiao much happy.

   He sat down, but instead looked at Lin Mengya seriously.

   "Girl Gong, I want to know how long it will take before Wang Yan's body can withstand running?"

   "Brother Huo, are you going?" Lin Mengya was surprised.

   But Huo Xiao nodded and confirmed her problem.

   "There is no longer any need to stay here. I'm sorry, I'm incompetent and can't help you any more."

  Looking at his decision, Lin Mengya did not persuade him.

   "No, you have helped me a lot. If I want to go, I think I should try to stay for a few more days. Although Wang Yan's physical foundation is good, he has just been injured for a while."

   Huo Xiao seriously considered her words.

   "Okay, then I will stay for five more days. After five days, I will leave with the remaining brothers, and I will not set foot on the ancient tribe for life."

   This is not only Lin Mengya, but even Wang Yan is also surprised.

   "Boss, you are this"

   But Huo Xiao did not give him a chance to speak.

   "You take care of the wounds, let us do other things."

   Just behind him, Wang Yan frowned tightly.

   "The palace girl."

   Wang Yan stopped her just about to get up and leave.

   "Can I please you one thing?" He asked with anxious expression.

"what's up?"

   In the evening, Lin Mengya took two Qing Foxes and quietly left the camp.

   Today everyone's interest is not high.

  At dinner, Huo Xiao announced his decision to leave here five days later.

  Although everyone did not raise any objections, Lin Mengya could feel it from an outsider. In fact, most people's hearts are still swaying.

   Especially the thing that Wang Yan asked her to make her feel tricky.

   "Have you found their foothold?"

   Lin Mengya asked Qinghu in a low voice.

   Yes, this matter has something to do with Mrs. Huo.

   It's just that every time they send something, they come to Lin Mengya on their own initiative.

   This time she wanted to go to Mrs. Huo, but was hindered a little.

   "I found it, but the situation is not so good."

   Qinghu secretly sent Jackdaw to find in the afternoon.

   Fortunately, it is not very far away, otherwise they will really miss it.

   It was probably because of Huo Xiao’s reaction that made Mrs. Huo’s group desperate, so they had already discussed leaving.

   But that's what it says, wait until Lin Mengya finds the door

When   , those people still lingered for various reasons.

   saw her suddenly appearing at the door, and those people were startled.

   "I want to see Aunt Fang, bother your uncles and aunts, give me a convenience."

   Suddenly, those middle-aged people who were quite powerful in each other's family were all panicked like little rabbits.

  After a mess, she and Qinghu were invited inside.

  Although there are only four of them on the show, Lin Mengya, who is beyond hearing, still listened to the people who deliberately lightened their steps outside and tried to eavesdrop.

   It seems that they paid considerable attention to the news she brought.

   Fang Yao's eyes were red and swollen at the moment, but the dress was still neat and dignified.

   came back from the camp, she cried all afternoon.

   She no longer dared to ask for the forgiveness of her children, but if she was asked to give up her hope of reuniting with Huo Xiao, she could not bear it.

  Under such a cycle of death, she even gave birth to a bit of a world hatred.

   Lin Mengya was keenly aware that she could not help but secretly admire the fact that Wang Yan knew his aunt Fang.

   "Do I call you Mrs. Huo or Aunt Fang?"

   Fang Yao smiled bitterly and closed his eyes.

   "You still call our aunt."

   The name "Mrs. Huo" is unworthy of her.

   "Well, this is Aunt Fang. I was entrusted by Wang Yan and I want to ask you something."

   "Wang Yan?"

   Fang Yao cried a little dull brain, just think the name is familiar.

  After a while, she remembered who it was.

   "It's that kid, how is he now? I remember he was thin and small when he was a kid."

   It seems that Aunt Fang has not forgotten Wang Yan.

   Lin Mengya immediately said: "He was seriously injured a few days ago."

   As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a repressed cry from outside.

   "However, it has been cured by me. He is not the same as before. He also said that thanks to your aunt Fang, you might not have such a strong physique."

   Outside crying, how much is guilt and self-blame Lin Mengya is not very clear.

   But she still remembered Wang Yan's calm expression on her face when she was a child.

   If it is not a complete forgiveness, it is a complete carelessness.

   Based on her knowledge of Wang Yan, I am afraid that the latter is the majority.

   Fang Yao also thought of Wang Yan's childhood, and couldn't help shaking his head.

   "What do you want to know, just ask."

   Lin Mengya pondered for a moment, only to hear the volume that only the two of them could hear, and asked.

   "Wang Yan asked me to ask you, did you know that the Huo family's door-killing massacre?"

   "What, what? Kill the door!"

   For a moment, Fang Yao's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

   Lin Mengya watched the other party's reaction quietly.

  At present, it doesn't look like fraud.

"Yes. As early as fifteen years ago, the Huo family was destroyed by mysterious people overnight. At that time, Huo Xiao, who was a teenager, was rescued by his loyal servant Liu Bo. Later, Huo Xiao once ventured to find you at Fang's house. Is the time when you remarry."

   Lin Mengya spoke clearly and clearly.

   But Fang Yao, who was opposite, was exhausted bit by bit, and finally only sat pale in the chair with a pale complexion.

"no no!"

   She suddenly made a stern cry, and then her throat moved, and a spit of blood came out.

   "Aunt Fang!"

   Lin Mengya immediately went up to rescue the other party, but was knocked away by Fang Yao.

   She stumbled out and described her madness.

   "She is this?"

  Lin Mengya didn't expect Fang Yao's reaction to be so great.

   But the reaction of the outsiders is also fast, this time someone has already chased.

But the middle-aged woman who stayed with Fang Yao just now sighed and said, "At first, the old man forced the young lady to remarry, she said nothing, and later the old man actually threatened the lives of her aunt and young master Xiao. The young lady used The knife pressed the sedan chair on his neck. Unexpectedly, Grandpa, they didn't escape the disaster."

   That person is Fang Yao's dowry Lan Gu. She knows exactly what happened to Fang Yao in recent years.

   "You mean, Aunt Fang's father once threatened her with Huo's family?"

   Lin Mengya also realized the seriousness of the matter.

  If the person who destroyed Huo Jiamen's door is really Fang's, then Fang Yao

   "You stabilize Aunt Fang first, I will go to Huo Xiao!"

   It turned out that Fang Yao was remarried in order to save the life of Huo's father and son!

   I am afraid that the only person who can make her survive now is Huo Xiao.

   Just waited for her to return to the camp and find Huo Xiao explain all this, but he was silent.

   Lin Mengya was not urged, but Wang Yan and Wu Ying heard it, and they were relieved.

   "Boss, since Aunt Fang didn't know, then you should go and see!"

  Wang Yan bitterly persuaded.

   In fact, Huo Xiao's heart is also very confused.

  He didn't recognize Fang Yao, but he was also afraid that she was also an accomplice to Huo's destruction.

   But now, resentment seems to have lost its reason.

  He took a sigh of relief.

   "Please ask the girl to help me tell her, I won't hate her anymore. In the future, she will take care of herself."

   This is already his biggest concession.

   "Isn't it better to tell her personally?"

   Lin Mengya still wants him to go.

   But Huo Xiao's attitude is very firm.

   "Even if the Huo family broke the door, she didn't know it, but her family might be the real murderer, and I don't want to see her again."


  What else did she want to say, but Qinghu broke in at this moment and took her away.

   turned out to be Lan Gu.

  I saw her tears all over her face, and knelt down to give Lin Mengya a kowtow.

   "Please ask the girl to save my girl!"

   "Hurry up, what's wrong?"

   Lin Mengya was startled and immediately helped the person up.

   Aunt Lan cried and said, "Miss, she can't think of it, she wants to jump off the cliff!"

   Things have become more serious.

  She looked at the wooden house and suddenly had a plan, shouting loudly.

   "What? Aunt Fang wants to jump off the cliff to find death! But we are going now, I'm afraid she won't stop her!"

   Before this was finished, I saw a figure flicking past, leaving only a residual image.

   Even Lan Gu was stunned.

   Lin Mengya immediately dragged her and ran over.

   "Go, keep up!"

   There is only one cliff around this.

  At this moment, many people have been persuading Fang Yao.

   She was standing on the edge of the cliff, facing the wind independently, her face full of sadness like a dead heart.

   "Sister Fang, you can't die! You still have Huo Xiao, if you die, who will hurt him?"

   Several sisters who had been in good relationship with her were crying and persuading her.

   They all ate bitterness and saw that the days of reunion with their children were near, how could they not think so?

   But Fang Yao turned a blind eye.

   Now she has fallen into her own magic barrier.

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