Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2587: Difficult reunion

  In order to ensure the safety of her lover and children, she endured to marry someone else.

   did not expect that the date of her marriage was actually the time for her lover's death.

  If she was not supported by her lover and child, she would not have survived long ago.

   Now, she just feels that she is desperate.

  The lover has died tragically, and when the son witnessed her marrying, she must have hated her.

  All her motivation to survive has collapsed. Instead of letting her stay in the world and suffering, it is better to go like this and reunite with her lover in the Yincao Difu.

   "Huo Lang, I'm sorry for you, I'll be here to accompany you."

   Her eyes were closed and tears slowly fell.

   Facing the cliff, she didn't have any intentions, but instead turned around and jumped with a relief smile.


The companions beside    screamed. The next moment, a shadow passed through the crowd and grabbed Fang Yao's arm.


   Fang Yao looked at the person who caught him in surprise.

   But then, she just showed a bleak smile.

   "Let me go, Huo Xiao. This is the sin I should atone for. You must live alive in the future, and don't be cowardly to me."

   Fang Yao is full of regret now.

   If it was not her compromise, it would not harm Huo Lang, nor let her children suffer so many crimes.

   "If you want to atone, you should live well and find out the real murderer who killed my father!"

  Huo Xiao gritted his teeth and lifted his arms hard, which dragged the person off the cliff.

   "Xiaoer, don't you blame me?"

   by the cliff, Fang Yao asked, crying.

   Huo Xiao's expression was somewhat unnatural, but he nodded gently.

   "I know you are not a murderer."

   Fang Yao could no longer control her, holding her child in her arms and crying in silence.

   "It's all Niang's fault. Niang shouldn't listen to them and leave you alone."

   Huo Xiao only subconsciously froze the body, but did not struggle.

  Like Fang Yao, the hatred accumulated for more than ten years is not so easy to eliminate.

   But the moment he saw her jump off the cliff, he had forgiven her.

  He believes that she never really betrayed him and his father.

that's enough.

   The scene where the mother and son recognized each other was an encouragement for each of Fang Yao's companions.

   There are even two Aikos who are eager, or even staring straight at the cliff.

   estimated that I was wondering if I would like to jump this time myself.

   It's a pity that Lin Mengya who arrived a little late saw through the thoughts of all the silly and bold people.

   whispered to persuade: "Cough, this is a strong medicine, it is best not to follow blindly, the risk factor is too large, and it is easy to have an accident."


   There were a few people who were disappointed, and Lin Mengya had a headache.

   What if the big guys line up to jump off the cliff?

   It seemed that she had to send someone to watch it.

   Fang Yao was crying in his son's arms.

  Although Huo Xiao still has some unresolved feelings, he is no longer as cold as before.

   He helped Fang Yao go down.

   After handing over the person to her companion, a decision was secretly made in her heart.

   "Snaper, you"

   Fang Luo thought he was only here to persuade himself, and could not help feeling sad.

   But Huo Xiaoque

  Understood what she meant and pondered her mouth.

   "I can only represent myself, but if other people can accept you, I have to go back and ask their opinions."

   As the boss of the Bu people, Huo Xiaotai knows how unfair treatment they have suffered over the years.

   He can be used as a bridge, but he can never use the trust of Bu people to force them to do anything.

   In the end, whether they can continue their kinship, can only look at their own fortune.

   Everyone couldn't help but ignite a bit of expectation, and both eyes stared at Huo Xiao with great desire.

   At this time, Lin Mengya couldn't help but splash them a pot of cold water.

   "You guys, I don't think this matter is too urgent now."

  Everyone looked at her, and at the same time, they disagreed with her.

   God knows how long they have waited before looking forward to such a good opportunity.

   If they can let their children recognize them, even if they let them exchange their lives for it is willing.

   But obviously, they ignored an objective fact.

"I would like to ask you, after recognizing your loved ones, how do you plan to place them? Do you continue to let them wander outside and meet you like a thief in the invisible light? Or take them back to your current home ? Can your current family, partner, or even children accept this stranger? If you can't, will you abandon them again?"

   Lin Mengya's words made everyone silent.

   Seeing this, Huo Xiao also sighed.

   Even if he was worried about these reasons, he would choose to refuse their release at the beginning.

   is happy to be reunited with loved ones.

  After that? Is it necessary to continue to bear the pain caused by this distinction, or to be a transparent person and to sneak in the darkness.

   Rather than this, it is better to never come to know them and hurt even less.

  At this time, the companions of Fang Yao also calmed down.

   Indeed, they neglected this most basic problem because they wanted to meet their loved ones too much.

  Each of them has parents and relatives, and even later they started a family and got married and had children.

   Indeed, the most important thing in their hearts is these children who have not seen for a long time.

   But what about after the acquaintance?

   Did they really give up everything they had and prepare for a complete cut with other family members?

   They still hesitated about this.

   Huo Xiao has seen their performance, he did not condemn anyone, nor did he behave particularly eagerly.

   "I have thanked you for your kindness, but this matter still needs to be considered long. I hope you will not say it later after you think about it."

   His attitude is already quite moderate.

  In any case, protecting his companion is always his first responsibility.

   Those people were silent.

   It’s just that everyone’s heart is not very good.

   Fang Yao knows these people's concerns best.

  At the same time, she is also the kind of person who is the most dragged down.

  After being rescued from the cliff by her son just now, she gradually recovered her senses.

   "I understand the meaning of Huo Xiao, and I also know that everyone has their own responsibilities. They are right, this matter is really urgent."

  After Fang Yao appeased a companion, she turned her head and looked carefully at Huo Xiao.

   "Although it is difficult for us to make a decision at a short time, but can you please, don't refuse our help."

   "Yeah, we just want to help."

   "Huo Xiao, please, let us help you."


   With everyone's longing eyes, Huo Xiao is not easy to refuse.


   He finally agreed, but the condition was that it must be transferred by Lin Mengya as before.

   There is no objection to this.

  After all, she knows best what is missing in the camp, and through her words, everyone is more acceptable.

  Lin Mengya naturally accepted this task unwillingly.

   Eventually Fang Yao left with the companion.

  Huo Xiao stood at the same place, his eyes kept following them, and no one could be seen anymore.

   Lin Mengya didn't bother him.

  Huo Xiao didn't open her eyes until she looked back.

   "Brother Huo, I'm really sorry today, I just don't want you to leave a lifetime of regret."

   In fact, she did not want to design Huo Xiao.

  Now this is Wang Yan's request.

  He followed Huo Xiao for the longest time, and naturally knew exactly what his boss's knot was.

  In Wang Yan's words, he couldn't bear to see the boss leaving regrets.

   If Fang Yao is really related to the Huo family's massacre, Huo Xiao can also feel at ease.

   Instead of being like it is now, love and hate are intertwined and painful.

   Lin Mengya also knew that there was such a thing hidden in Huo Xiao's heart.

   No wonder he was so excited.

   Huo Xiao shook his head.

   "I would like to thank you, in fact, I did not let go of her at all. I thought I hated her for all these years. In fact, I have been freeing her, and now, it is just more obeying my own wishes."

   Lin Mengya was a little surprised by Huo Xiao's transparency.


   has lived in monstrous hatred since he was a child. If he doesn't have an open mind, he may have lost himself long ago.

   "Then do you still want to leave?"


   This time, Huo Xiao answered without hesitation for a moment.

   "Our people have suffered heavy losses. If we do not quit in time now, we are afraid that we will be completely trapped here."

  He once again expressed his apology to her.

   "I thought I could help you, but I didn't expect to bother you to help us."

   "Don't say that, since everyone is a friend, it should be helpful to each other."

  Lin Mengya thought about it, and thought Huo Xiao said something very reasonable.

   "It's true that it's too late to leave now. The group of people in the Presbyterian Church don't know if it's crazy, and they will target you so blatantly."

   heard the words, Huo Xiao tightened his face.

   "They have always treated us like this, except that they used to be covered, now they are completely shameless."

   For the Presbyterian Church, Huo Xiao never had any expectations,

   And now, it is only proved that those people are not worth trusting at all.

   So he did not intend to stay in the ancient tribe.

   Anyway, he is at ease outside. Where can he let his companions come to the ancient tribe to suffer?

  Lin Mengya looked at Huo Xiao like this, and understood in his heart why Wang Yan and Wu Ying, as well as those buddies and companions, were so convinced by him.

   "What are you laughing at?" Huo Xiao looked at her with a smile and couldn't help but asked suspiciously.

   Lin Mengya just said, "I think you are very similar to the man in my family. No wonder he doesn't like you, it turns out that they are of the same sex."

   Huo Xiao's eyes flashed a light, but his face said quietly: "Oh? Since I am very similar to Your Highness, then you"

   "Madam, there is an urgent matter for you, Your Highness."

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