Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2589: Under pressure

   and the rest of the party did not pass this, in view of the situation of the wounded, Huo Xiao decided to leave a few days later.

   At the same time, Lin Mengya also got a guide.

   "Wu Ying? Are you going with us?"

   Lin Mengya looked at Wu Ying with a parcel in front of her in some surprise.

  The latter smiled quite shyly.

   "I asked for it voluntarily."

   His face immediately filled with a bit of worry.

   "Although the boss now has a change in attitude towards her aunt, I don't think the problem we are facing will be solved. So, I want to stay here and see what happens."

   He took the initiative to explain.

   Lin Mengya can also understand his mentality.

   "Alright, we are all old acquaintances, and we can take care of multiple things on the road."

   They are pedestrians who have been reduced to zero. The spies first detect the situation on the road, and then they sneak on the road.

  The news from the spies was not very good.

  The towns along the road suddenly strengthened their guards, and the Presbyterian Church also sent people to station in almost every town.

   Lin Mengya guessed that maybe they were not just for their own pedestrians.

   In short, the ancient tribes are coming.

   "Crossing the mountain, we estimate that we will be there in three days."

   Wu Ying pointed to the front and said.

   also suffered from the presence of his guide, otherwise they might not be able to avoid those people's arrests this time.

   However, for this reason, the road that could be reached in just three days was dragged on for seven days.

   Fortunately, they are not the kind of impatient people.

  Even if most of the time is spent in a hurry, everyone shows their high literacy.

   No one complained, no one was left behind, and no one questioned the guide Wu Ying.

  In addition to admiration, Wu Ying is thinking more. Although their number is dominant, in fact, their ability is lacking.

  If they are the same as those of the palace master and his lord, then these people will no longer need to hide from Tibet.

  Instead of looking forward to the compassion of others, it is better to make myself stronger.

   Lin Mengya didn't know that everything she was accustomed to could influence Wu Ying so deeply.

   At this moment, she is processing the intelligence brought back by the spies.

   "Judging from the actions of the Presbyterian Church, they seem to be in the entire ancient tribe, hunting those foreigners and mixed-race children."

   This matter was noticed when she was at Li's house.

  Now, the Presbyterian Church has just become more blatant.

  Long Tianyu was carried away by people for several days, and he was sitting on a big rock for a break.

   "Well, after all, the ancient tribe still had a terrible steel knife hanging on their heads. I think if they want to solve it, they have to solve the blood problems first."

   Indeed, judging from the information she currently has, most of the ancient clan families she has seen have varying degrees of pathological effects.

   And some families are likely to be invisible lesions, so I am afraid that you have to pass the planing to test the physical indicators to determine.

   But with such a high probability of disease, it will definitely make the elders anxious.

   But their approach is still simple and crude.

   Sacrificing the lives of others without hesitation, in exchange for his little possibility.

   How arrogant and insidious this is.

   Do people of the ancient tribe are born noble, others can be arbitrarily


   Lin Mengya rubbed her eyebrows, a worried expression appeared on her face.

  Long Tianyu gently touched her small face.

"Don't worry, the Ancient Presbyterian Church is not as powerful as you think. Their control over the Ancient Clan has been much worse than before, otherwise they will not be eager to deal with the Lijia and Ganjia. "

  On the technique of playing tricks, Long Tianyu is a master of this skill.

   Even if they do not have a definite source of information, all actions of the Presbyterian Church have unintentionally exposed their own purpose.

   "Speaking of this, we asked Li Ao to go back and report to the Li and Gan families. I don't know what happened to him."

   Lin Mengya still has some concerns.

  Long Tianyu took her gently into her arms.

   "Don't worry, don't underestimate the abilities of the Li family and the Gan family. The families that can survive in the ancient clan have their own skills."

  Li and Gan's family, who was being cared about by Lin Mengya, was surrounded by a group of people.

   is headed by the clothes of the elders.

   The proud middle-aged man's face was arrogant, and he looked at Li Jiazhuang's eyes not far away, flashing a trace of sinister.

   He had long heard that although the Li family is one of the humble members of the lower string, they have accumulated a lot of wealth.

  Oh, these people who do not know what to do, should have obediently contributed all their benefits to these noble upper-class families.

   cheap slaves are cheap slaves, and if they don’t give them a lesson, they may not understand their status.

   Soon, the staff in charge of Li Xun's "Xunhua" hurried back.

  Although he was arrogant, he couldn't help squinting, trying to cover up his greed.

"how about it?"

   asked rather eagerly, but his heart was ecstatic.

   said above, he can get 10% of the Li family's things!

   But the people who don't want to be under their control are all disheveled.

   "I told Xing to be in charge, Li family, no one in Li family."

   "No one? How is it possible!"

   Xing Guanshi certainly did not believe it.

  Be aware that this time I came to Li's house, but the instructions given by the Presbyterian Church personally were not known before.

   He narrowed his eyes and slaps to his men.

   "Say! Did you leak the news? Or do you want to forget the money yourself when you see the money?"

   Xing Guanshi thought that his eyebrows were as sharp as a knife, and he shook the crowd.

   "Adult manager is wrong!"

   The attendant who had asked to go before felt only bitter tongue.

   "Where do we dare to take your money? It's true, no one really is! If you don't believe it, you can go and see it yourself!"

   Manager Xing will be suspicious, but he still does not believe in evil to check the situation.

  In Lijiazhuang, everything looks as usual, but even in the daytime, it is quiet and quiet, even the sound of chickens and dogs.

   "What about people? What about Li family?"

   Xing Guanshi suddenly felt panicked.

  The money I got is gone?

   secretly ridiculed his arrogant arrogance, but forgot that when he came just now, it was similar to this Xing Guanshi.

   Xing Guanshi gritted his teeth and went straight to the largest and most spacious courtyard in Xingjiazhuang.

   But unexpectedly, after kicking the door, he saw that it was empty.

   Those people even moved away the tables, chairs and benches, and left no feathers for them.

   "This, this group of cheap slaves! I will never let them go!"

   Xing Guanshi's eyes turned black and roared.

   Such a situation also happened in the Gan family.

  It seemed that overnight, the huge Gan family and Li family evaporated like this.

  No matter how they find it, they can't find any trace of the two families.

   The disappearance of the Li and Gan families seemed to herald certain things.

  When Lin Mengya was about to arrive at the Huo family's old house, they also received some news.

   "This time, the Presbyterian Church will have a headache."

  She looked at the secret letter from the spies and couldn't help but say something.

"what happened?"

  Long Tianyu was finally able to leave his back, and finally changed into a wheelchair. At the moment, he was telling his men to prepare to stay in Huo's old house.

   Lin Mengya raised the stationery in Yang's hand and raised a smirk on her lips.

   "The rebellion of the Presbyterian Church is finally making people angry, and now many families have expressed their hope that the elders will give them a statement."

  The Presbyterian Church continued to set up names, expel foreigners, and asked them to surrender those mixed-race children, which finally aroused public anger.

   Not every clan looks like the upper clan, seeing the bloodline so pure.

Not to mention, the Presbyterian Church continued to occupy the living space of these families.

  Under various pressures, some people will rise up and resist.

   Judging from the arrogant attitude of the Presbyterian Church, they must have not expected it.

   There are constant conflicts, large and small, and those of the Presbyterian Church are afraid that they are busy now.

  Long Tianyu finished browsing quickly, and his heart was indeed like this.

   In fact, before this, he also revealed some truth to his family still in the dark through his own channels.

  Fired by his hidden fan, this little flame finally had a sign of Liaoyuan.

   In the future, what will they develop into, I am afraid that no one can predict.

   "Palace, my lord, we are here!"

   Wu Ying's tired face finally showed some surprise.

  Following the direction of his finger, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu both saw a deserted little village.

  Although it has been covered by weeds, the spacious streets and scattered residential houses still seem to tell the old prosperity of the town.

   Wu Ying is particularly excited and familiar with this place.

He rubbed his eyes before introducing them with a smile: "The Huo family was originally kind and charitable. At that time, our days were not so sad, but we didn't meet the relatives of the ancient people for a long time. Uncle Huo distressed us, so just It took a lot of money to buy this land, which was used to give the abandoned divot a place to stay."

   It's just that they didn't even dream about it. They retreated blindly, but the Huo family was exterminated, and they were completely expelled from the ancient tribe.

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are intelligent people, and naturally felt the tragic encounter that Wu Yingwei had not spoken about.

   They followed him and entered the former Huojia Town.

   The other houses here have been in disrepair for a long time, and some even have a bare foundation.

   But in Wu Ying's eyes, there are still countless memories.

   Eventually, he stopped in front of a rather spacious house.

   "Here is my personal home with A Niang."

   Wu Ying caressed the dilapidated and broken courtyard wall, his face was full of nostalgia.

   "A Niang is a very smart woman, but she has been trapped by love all her life. If she didn't meet my father, maybe she would find a better family and live a safe and worry-free life."

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