Everyone has their own past. Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are quietly listeners, not to disturb Wu Ying's nostalgia for the past.

  Wu Ying is not a mother-in-law.

   is just a sentimental sentiment, so I said a few more words.

   Soon, he recovered, and said sorry to the two of them: "I'm sorry, I haven't been back for a long time, so I have some emotions that I can't control."

   Lin Mengya shook her head with a smile.

   "No problem, I understand your mood now."

   Wu Ying was even more embarrassed, and quickly took them to Huo's old house.

   Although the house in front of him had experienced wind and rain, he could still vaguely see the original grand scene.

   "This is the old man. The things in it should still be there. You should be able to live after a little cleaning."

  He was talking and took out the key to unlock the door.

   Who knew the door was a cover-up, the chain head was also destroyed.

  Wu Ying was taken aback, but Qing Fox beside Lin Mengya saw the problem.


   He dragged Wu Ying back, clasped his sword on the hilt, and slowly opened the gate.

   The yard was a messy place, full of decorations.

   "Brother Huo sent someone first?" Lin Mengya wondered.

   But she doesn't look like anything.

  Long Tianyu shook his head, it was not like packing up, it was more like robbery!

  At this time, some movement came out.

   "Hurry up! Let's leave as soon as we have these things, I heard that the house is in trouble"

   A sharp sword suddenly hung over his neck.

   Afterwards, the male and female inexplicable evil face asked with a hint of cold smile.

   "What's the matter?"

   The man's eyes widened, and a roar of fear screamed.


   finished holding the porcelain bottle in his hand and hit the Qinghu.

  The latter gently hid, with a sneer on his lips, and stabbed directly.

   But the man was more cunning.

   He didn't want to fight at all, and ran to the backyard when he got a chance.

   Although Qinghu didn't want to kill him directly, he hated being fooled by others, his lips were tightened, and he pursued with a sword.

  Wu Ying was stunned because of this incident.

   But Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu glanced at each other and led them up.

   Qing Fox had just stepped into the backyard, and a large net came from the sky.

   Even more sinister is that the big net is also covered with sharp blades.

  If the netizens continue to resist, I am afraid they will be cut, just like being sentenced to late.

   Those people thought they were holding the winning ticket. Who knows that in the next moment, the big net that has harmed a lot of people was torn apart instantly.

   "Play tricks in front of your ancestor?"

   Qinghu picked up the fragments of the net and mocked coldly.

   This time, those on the opposite side were stupid.

   "Who are you?"

  Looking at these straw bags, Qinghu draws a sneer.

   "We? We are your ancestors!"

   finished, Qinghu stabbed with a sword, and instantly killed one of them.

  Where the rest of the people are his opponents, in a blink of an eye, do birds and beasts.

   Qinghu sneered, and carried the sword to the backyard.

   "Poor Kou Mochai!"

  Wu Ying originally wanted to remind the other party that the speed of others was much faster than him.

   "Anyway, let him go."

   Facing Wu Ying's anxious look, Lin Mengya's reaction was rather calm.

   "But they must have done a more sinister trap, this master is afraid it is difficult to resist."

   Before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of begging for mercy.


   "We will never dare again!"

   "Forgive us!"

   The next moment, Wu Ying saw the people who had chased in the past, and just dragged a bunch of people out of the house with all his leisure.

   That's right, just a bunch.

   Those bad guys were tied by Qinghu with ropes, and their noses and swollen faces wailed on the ground.

"this is……"

   Wu Ying was shocked.

   Instead, Lin Mengya patted his shoulder and said, "There is nothing surprising, this is a routine operation."

  Regular and routine operation?

   Wu Ying instantly felt the cruelty of their group.

   Wiped off the cold sweat that suddenly appeared on his forehead, and realized how wise and decisive it was to not fight against them.

   "Speak, who the **** are you?"

   Qinghu narrowed his eyes and asked.

   Those people now look at him with fear.

   They did not forget how terrifying this man was when he was arrested before.

So, after a few people discussed each other with their eyes, some of them seemed to be the leaders, and suddenly cried, "Please raise your hands, we just want to move. This is my old house. , Just take whatever you want, just leave our little life here."

   A good move for the wicked to sue first.

   Lin Mengya almost smirked.

   Obviously this is the old Huo family house, when did it become someone else's house?

  Wu Ying was going to take it out on the spot when he heard this, but he was stopped by Lin Mengya.

   "Listen to what they say first."

   Those people should not be here for the first time.

   They know that they are haunted here, naturally know that they are outsiders, and most likely do not know who is the owner here.

   Therefore, they were the wicked first to accuse them of being robbers.

   "According to what you mean, here is your old house? Then we have become wicked people who break into your old house?"

   Qinghu's narrow and long eyes hide a hint of coldness.

  However, those people didn't even know that their lies had already been broken through.

   Hearing this, they were more straightforward.

   "The unknowers are not to blame, as long as you let us go, I haven't happened this thing."

   said so, but the guy's thieves' eyes fell on the remaining people.

  Apart from this ugly guard, all that remained was a woman who looked weak and could not help but a lame.

   The remaining guards are probably not their opponents.

  Thinking like this, the hearts of those people gradually became angry with Lin Nengya and his group.

   But they couldn't even dream about it. In these people in front of them, it's more than 10,000 times more than they can pull out a heart.

  Lin Mengya had already felt their maliciousness, and now there is no half-hearted heart.

   Judging from the techniques of these people, they might not be the first time they hurt people.

   "Since the old house here, let's not be so rude."

   Lin Mengya said.

   She put away the sharpness in her eyes, and instead pretended to be a pure little white flower to "plead" for several people.

  These people immediately climbed up the pole, begging for mercy, but in fact they even more determined that they were all a group of fat sheep.

   Qinghu glanced at her little girl, her heart was already

   These people silently waxed.

   It seems that my little girl is going to do it herself.

   Very good, they will definitely die very happily.

   "Okay. Since you spoke, my little sister, of course I will listen to you. Okay, you can go."

   He let go and deliberately revealed the information they needed in front of these people.

   Those people were afraid of hands and feet. In fact, after secretly communicating with their eyes, they sent a young man with a delicate appearance and a weak look, and asked Lin Mengya to give them some food.

   Almost didn't wait for the young people to pretend to be pitiful, she burst into tears and immediately gave generously.

   The rest of the people have no objections, it seems that they are a group of children of the family who do not know the sufferings of the world and respect them.

   The leader is more and more happy.

   Such "goods" are very popular outside, and they found that the martial arts master safely obeyed his sister.

  This is a rare opportunity.

  After these people got rid of their difficulties, they actively invited Lin Mengya to stay.

   and tried them in every possible way, trying to find out their identity background.

   Where do they know that standing in front of them is not ordinary people, but masters who can hide behind the film emperor.

   Even if the words are not correct once, even the most unfamiliar Wu Ying has compiled his life experience seamlessly.

   Those people only entered the small barren village because they didn't know the way because they didn't know the way.

   Lin Mengya also stopped by and asked them about the matter here.

   "This ghost place...No, I mean this small place, because feng shui is not good, so we moved from here."

The person headed by    was almost speechless.

   But fortunately, few people in front of him didn't notice this, which made them gradually relieved.

  Lin Mengya leaned on Qinghu's arm and made a terrified look.

   "Feng shui is not good? Is it possible that this place is still haunted?"

  I don't know if it is his illusion. The person headed only feels cold behind the neck.

   It seemed that cold water had blown away for a while, almost provoking his goose bumps.

   looked a bit unnatural and said: "The girl is really laughing, there is no **** or ghost here."

   But Lin Mengya's eyes widened, her face was innocent, but the words made people tremble.

"Don't you know? The places where feng shui is not good are all buried with dead people. The grievances of the dead people are too big, they are all killed by others. Some are buried alive, and some people cut off their heads. Yes, there are people who are alive and dug out of their hearts and died. They wandered in the house all night and all night, no matter they met any living things, they would rush over and yell'Return my life! Give me back!'"

   Lin Mengya's vivid voice, almost scared several people to pee.

"do not talk!"

   one of them suddenly shouted.

   Everyone else was startled by him, glaring at him.

   "Aren't you going to tell a story? Why are you so afraid?"

   She blinked her eyes and asked innocently.

  The rest of the people immediately calmed down and dragged their partner away.

   "It's really embarrassing, she is timid and can't help scaring."

  The people explained to her with a smile.

   "It turned out to be so, I thought the story I told was too scary!"

   She lowered her head a little embarrassedly, and slightly raised the corner of her mouth.

  The show is still behind!

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