Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 817: Undercurrent surging

"Girl! Girl!"

Lin Mengya, who was being fascinated, heard Ning Qiu's call in her ear.

"Oh, sorry, you continue."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Ning Qiu, and reported an embarrassing smile.

She has n’t done this kind of thing for a long time, but helpless, who made her meet Long Tianyu today.

A heart fluttered to him. Fortunately, there was a Shennong system in place, so she wouldn't let it matter what was the key thing.

"Look at me, you all forgot that the girl did a big thing today and should have taken a good rest. But the wife thinks, isn't it a bit inappropriate to leave Mrs. Hui alone?"

Wu Ningqiu thought He Lan was tired, so she frequently lost her mind.

At these days, at the funeral of Yao Shaoshi, all the big and small things were handled by Girl He Lan herself.

Wu Wei would feel very tired, so she took a lot of nourishing herbs for her understanding.

Ning Qiu is more and more fond of this He Lan girl now.

After all, when she came, not only did the queen and Mrs. Hui fall down, but also the relationship between the wife and the king has made great progress.

Although Mrs. Xun liked the girl He Lan, the girl rarely followed her.

Zai Zai, except for the people in Feng Yuyuan, the girls did not touch much.

Although the girl is out of step with everything in the palace, she is not overwhelming.

姑娘 The girl is more like a guest than a maid.

So even Ning Qiu couldn't get jealous of this girl.

After all, she was with his wife, and it was her who trusted her deeply, which He Lan could not replace.

Even in the eyes of outsiders, this Helan has become the head of the palace of Feng Yuyuan.

But Ning Qiu knows better than anyone, that this girl He Lan will not stay in the palace forever.

"If the lady is still not assured, she can send more staff. But I don't think it is necessary. After all, the purpose of Mrs. Hui should be to return to the palace. The king's secret can be considered to cut off all her thoughts. We are not afraid of her playing Whatever the gun is, the most important thing is that everything in the royal palace must be firmly held in the hands of his wife. "

Lin Lin Mengya does not think that Madam Hui will have the possibility of turning over.

If the truth of that year has not been revealed, Madam Jingrou may plead with Wang Shang out of guilt.

As for now, Mrs. Hui has become a mouse crossing the street.

She left her life in Jianzhai still able to stay, if she is not afraid of death to continue to work, I am afraid of the king's temper, it is really difficult to survive.

"The girl is talking about it. In these years, my wife's anger has been enough. But this time, no one in the palace can compete with my wife. All thanks to the girl's help . "

Sui Ningqiu looked at Lin Mengya with a smile, and in the eyes of the water, she was already full of admiration for her.

Of course, not only her, everyone in Feng Yuyuan now looks at the girl He Lan.

Not to mention, it is already Mrs. Jingrou who is in the honey with oil.

"Where is my credit? If it wasn't for Wang ’s affection for his wife, I ’m afraid I would do nothing, but it would be a foolish dream. But when the wife is sweet with Wang, do n’t forget the others. It does n’t matter if you fall for a Yao family, In the palace, it's not just a Yao family. "

Wu Ningqiu put away a relaxed expression a little, and she must be clear. Although the Yao family suffered a fiasco this time, other families may take advantage of this opportunity to develop their own forces.

After all, if the forces in the palace want to reshuffle, Madam Jingrou can't occupy 100%.

No strong family support, always Mrs. Jingrou's weakness.

I can only make up for this with Xiaoyu.

After all, it is not everyone who has been favored by King Shang.

"Okay, the slaver knows. The girl should rest earlier, yes, the king said, from then on, the wife will rest in the king's palace, and she will not be able to return to Fengyuyuan for a while and a half. The slaver will also follow I used to wait, and everything here was given to the girl first. "

Sui Ningqiu blushed when she said this.

Zhe Lin Mengya reacted slowly in a half-beat. Ning Qiu was about the same age as Bai Su, but she was naturally in the palace all year round, and her education was naturally different from her own pure Bai Su girl.

He calmly nodded, and sometimes Lin Mengya felt strange.

how to say? I always feel that the girls who live in the palace are always extremely powerful.

Probably, it's because of preaching.

Xi Ningqiu returned this time not only to console her, but also to return to pick up his wife's usual items.

Squinting watching her directing a large group of people, the dormitory was almost evacuated, and Lin Mengya's eyes could not help but float a warmth.

King Wang really loves Mrs. Jingrou!

Before they had such misunderstandings with each other, the king had to restrain his feelings because he wanted to protect Mrs. Jingrou.

Now it's all in place, and both people seem to be back in their youth.

This kind of dog abuse behavior, in fact, Lin Mengya is quite understandable.

Compared to them, he and Long Tianyu are not afraid to let go.

Unspoken favor for Wang Shang on Madam Jingrou suddenly.

There must have been new speculation in the King's Palace, the Queen was demoted to Yao Shaoshi, and then died of a serious illness.

究竟 Whether or not there is a connection between the two is hard to say.

The wind direction in the palace was obviously changed. Some people who followed Yao Lu before were roughly divided into three trends.

The first one naturally turned to Mrs. Jingrou's side. There were not many accidents.

大多 Most of these people were the ones who were coerced by Yao Lu at first. The wife did not have much defense against these people.

The second type is neutral and wait-and-see attitude.

After all, the entire Lieyun Kingdom cannot be controlled by the king's hands. The harem is like the previous dynasty. They naturally feel that Mrs. Jingrou cannot be safely controlled.

The last kind is a self-contained faction, and even has a tendency to win over the neutral forces and Madam Jingrou.

But this time the king moved his wife to his dormitory, it was a shock to such people.

In the future, if you want to oppose Mrs. Jingrou, you have to weigh it first. You have a few pounds or two.

As night fell, Lin Mengya leaned against the window and chatted with Bai Su.

Anyway, the fall of Yao Lu and Mrs. Hui took her a step further from her goal.

Xun is a good start. As long as everything can be carried out according to her plan, the monarch of Lieyun Kingdom must be the thing in Xiaoyu's pocket.

Speaking, I didn't know what the child was busy with.

Except sending a letter to her, the child had no news at all.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't ask, because she was afraid that Xiaoyu would be distracted.

Bai Su is not an outsider, and she knows her mind best, so she can only talk to Bai Su.

"Xiaoyu ’s child has really changed a lot. I do n’t know what happened to Mo Yan. Mother Tian and Bai Ao will definitely raise him for nothing. Alas, I do n’t know if I will go back. Recognize me. "

Just took a bath, and her slightly wet long hair was covered behind her head. Lin Mengya casually wore a fine white veil and drank with Bai Su at the window.

The tulle skirt is a bit transparent, probably because it is wet by the hair.

Fortunately, in Fengyu Garden, except for them, they are all uniform female soldiers.

I found out a few days ago that there was no housekeeper in Fengyu Garden.

Later Lin Mengya asked about it, probably because Wang Shang didn't like them to serve their beloved women.

So all the girls who can serve in Feng Yuyuan are girls who are innocent and gentle.

Hey, this king, it's really childish to the woman in my mood, it makes people irresistible.

"Well, the young master really has grown a lot, even the fierce king can't help but praise him. I think the lady likes children so much, it is better to have one with Wang Ye."

Liquor is a fruit wine dedicated by Xiaoyu before. It is clear and delicious, without any bitterness or spiciness.

Bai Su drank a few glasses, his face flushed, and his words were lively.

"The time is not ripe yet, let me say, even if I want to have a baby, I have to have a chance, right?"

越 The more the words were said, the quieter the sound, Lin Mengya thought of the hot kiss during the day, her face could not help but burn herself.

I patted her cheek. I don't know if it was wine or other reasons. She just felt that the temperature was getting higher and higher, and her reason was a bit erratic.

Rare she had such a leisurely time, drank a large mouthful of iced fruit wine, and watched Bai Su lie on the table with a lot of alcohol. Lin Mengya only thought that Bai Su was cute.

Who would have thought that their martial arts are high, and the frosty Bai Su women are actually three cups down.

Alas, unfortunately such a fine wine, such a moonlight, I don't know who can share it with her.

"I'm not here, you have learned to be greedy."

A big hand appeared in front of Lin Mengya and rushed in to take away the slender porcelain cup in her hand.

Gao Linmengya frowned and turned, but she saw a slender figure tightly wrapped in black.

"Why are you here? No one found you!"

Suddenly the wine awakened for most of the moment, slightly squinting eyes, staring at Long Tianyu in front of him.

Coincidentally, she was just thinking about him, why the next person appeared in front of her?

He reached out his small hand and squeezed his face tentatively.

I decided to be a real person, and then smiled like a contented kitten, and put into his arms.

"I was still thinking about you just now, and you came. Say, have you inserted a little spy in my heart?"

The tone of Jiao Yan with a thick nose is completely different from Lin Mengya's usual look.

Nine Dragons Tianyu put the glass on the windowsill and backhandedly lifted Lin Mengya.

Looking at her in her arms, her pretty face was reddish, and a pair of crystal clear eyes, but now she was confused.

The pair of wine-stained lips exudes the scent of old wines, which is even more tempting.

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