Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 818: Meet at midnight


Low voice and short answer made Lin Mengya tremble a little between half drunk.

His eyes were scorching, scary.

If it is normal, Lin Mengya must have closed her eyes with shame now.

I do n’t know today because of the fruit wine, or because she is yearning for him.

He sent his red lips warmly and boldly, so that the sweet wine also stained his cold thin lips.

"Did you miss me so much? I miss you so much!"

Is like a coquettish whisper, with ears whispering.

Xun Long Tianyu replaced her answer with a warm and long kiss.

Unlike the day, this time, he embedded too much too much tenderness.

Zhe Lin Mengya also has a different kind of enthusiasm and boldness, which lasted for a long time, until both people were a little breathless.

I sat on the bed hugging Lin Mengya. The woman in her arms added a lot more weight than before.

Although this weight is not much to Long Tianyu, anyway, it is not like the fragile that breaks at the touch.

In my opinion, Xiaoyu did a good job feeding these days.

He still likes her appearance of being alive and well, but in fact Lin Mengya, who is weak, has more charm.

But he can no longer afford to live in despair almost every day.

However, if it wasn't for Bai Su being able to come at any time, it would not be suitable here, he would have already overthrown Lin Mengya to do something big.

He didn't want him to be so patient, but the little woman in his arms couldn't understand it at all.

Like a worm, the cricket kept twirling in his arms, and the little hand was not graffiti on his chest without the teacher's.

"be honest!"

Big hand patted her hips hard, and whispered to warn the unsuspecting fellow.

梦 Lin Mengya, who was hurt, narrowed her mouth and looked at Long Tianyu in grievances.

What's wrong, she cooperated so clearly, why is this uncle so dissatisfied?

"I miss you too, don't mess around, I'm leaving in a while."

He just wanted to quietly enjoy her tenderness. After all, this is the palace of Lie Yun. Although he can come in, it does not mean that he can do whatever he wants.

Hip suddenly reached somewhere, Lin Mengya's body froze for a moment.

I knew he wasn't as calm as he looked, and covered his mouth, smiling like a little fox.

"Well, I just don't move. It's better that I let Xiaoyu arrange a suitable identity for you tomorrow so that you can get in and out more easily, okay?"

Lin Mengya pinched his neck, acting like a child.

Chen Long Tianyu looked down at his lover, a glance of helplessness in his eyes, and shook his head.

"I'm here, don't tell anyone about it first."

Lin Mengya nodded as soon as she had her hair between her foreheads.

She has always been an understanding woman. She should always ask clearly what she should not ask.

"I know, but that's fine. Although we are legal couples, it is rare to be able to enjoy some exciting days occasionally."

Xun Xiaoxiao yawned. Lin Mengyawo was in Long Tianyu's arms. She always did not drink much, because she always wanted to sleep whenever she drank.

"I am afraid that only you will think so, sleep, I will leave when you fall asleep."


Nodded his head, Lin Mengya found a suitable angle in Long Tianyu's arms, closed her increasingly heavy eyelids, and quickly fell asleep.

I hugged the woman in my arms. Since these days, Long Tianyu's wandering heart has finally settled down.

Hit her, in his arms, without danger, joy and peace.

On the middle of the month, Long Tianyu knew that it was time to separate again.

I put her on the couch carefully, dropped a kiss gently, covered the quilt, then covered her face in the center, and left calmly.

In drunkenness, Bai Su woke up and did not see the trace of Long Tianyu.

Instead, he rubbed his head a little bit dizzy and looked up to see Lin Mengya lying on the bed.

"Miss, yes, I forgot to change clothes and went to sleep."

I gently dressed Lin Mengya's undress, but did not know that Lin Mengya at this time already had a sweet dream because she fell asleep in the arms of her sweetheart.

"Master, why are you here?"

When I turned my head and wanted to clear up the mess on the table, I saw the window, Wan Yanyu's tired and handsome face.

Huang Yue's white thin long gown was worn on his body, and she was even more elegant and personable.

I waved and Xiaoyu didn't want to wake up my sister.

His eyes narrowed and looked at the curtain where she was hiding, but he reached out, took the jug in Bai Su's hand, and took a deep sip.

"Sometimes I really envy you, I can stay with her forever and not be bound by anyone."

Looking at Bai Su, Xiaoyu's words contained a lot of bitterness.

He wants to stay with her forever, and wants to hug her tightly with these hands and protect her.

But he knows so clearly that owning her is the hardest thing in the world.

"My subordinates dare not, but my subordinates know that Miss, she also cares about the young master."

都 She can see clearly all the things she used to do during the Jin Dynasty.

Miss Qi really loves the young master, otherwise, she won't bother and work hard to plan for him.

I just have a heavy responsibility for the young master. Naturally, she cannot follow her, anytime, anywhere.

如果 "What if I force her to stay?"

Xun Yi traces the adult's aggressiveness, gliding through Xiaoyu's eyes.

What Eastern show, even the other clan ladies, he didn't want all!

Even though he is young, he understands what Lin Mengya means to him better than anyone.

He wants her!

I am not as a sister, but as a woman.

Wu Baisu was puzzled, but just felt that today's young master is a little strange.

The words uttered by Qun Lian are so upside-down, so that people can't get any idea.

"Miss, she should not like to be forced by people. In fact, young people, Miss, should not be stumped by anyone. I like to stay with Miss, but also because I know Miss, it is doomed to be in one place Stay too long. She will soar between heaven and earth, free and unrestrained. "

Wu Baisu didn't know if it was because of drunkenness that he did not say this to the young master.

I think it's right to think about it. The young lady may have a greater responsibility than someone like them, but it is far more free than them.

That is a kind of throbbing from the soul.

"Even if it is not possible, I will try it."

Xiaoyu drank the wine in the jug.

The warm and cold wine did not affect any of his thoughts, but made him more sober.

He followed Yan Lie to return to Lie Yun Country, and he had obtained an identity that could match her.

现在 But now, God sent her to him, which shows that God gave him a chance.

No Long Tianyu, no clear fox, no one.

There are only two of them, so no matter what, he must find a way to keep Lin Mengya!

"Young Master? Young Master?"

Ji Baisu looked at Wan Yanyu with some worry, to be honest, the eyes of the young master just now were a little scary.

He returned to God, not knowing that he had made up his mind.

My eyes glanced across Lin Mengya's direction, slightly dark.

"It's okay, you take good care of her. No matter what, you must take good care of her. I can't enter the palace in the past few days. If she asks, you say I followed the uncle Lie away.

Bai Su nodded. The young master is probably busy with something big.

Now Lie Yun is an eventful season. Whether it is a young lady or a young master, these things are tightly bound by these things.

The figure of Xun Xiaoyu disappeared in the huge Feng Yuyuan, only Bai Su stood alone in front of the window and fainted.

Everyone, it seems a little different from before.

哪里 As for the difference, Bai Su, who was not keen on these things by nature, shook his head helplessly.

Some things, she really did not understand it as always!

The fruit wine sent by Wu Xiaoyu is good. After drinking, the head will not hurt the next day.

If it wasn't for Lin Mengya's impression that drinking drunk every day would hinder the image, I'm afraid she would come to sleep with a few glasses every night.

As soon as she got up, Bai Su, who always got up earlier than her, sent warm face wash.

After the two men had finished grooming, they appeared refreshingly in front of everyone.

I looked at the yard with surprise, and suddenly grew more than double the morning exercise team.

早 This morning exercise is very useful for girls. It has attracted a lot of people before, but this is the first time that it has grown so strong.

"Girl He Lan finally woke up!"

Lin Lin Mengya was wondering why there were so many people, and a clever and charming Gong'e immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

The little girl in front of me had red lips and white teeth, and she looked very smart.

Zhe Lin Mengya remembered that this was a third-class Gong'e, who was in charge of serving Gong'e who was in charge of Ning Qiu on weekdays.

How come today, she is standing in front of the crowd and acting as a consul?

"You are this"

Xiao Xiaoya was very dexterous, and smiled in front of Lin Mengya, saying flatteringly.

"Isn't it because the girl's mind is so clever that I compiled this morning exercise to benefit our big guys! Feng Yuyuan's sisters said that since the morning exercise of the girl, she is much better than before. So other palaces The elder sisters here must also follow suit, for fear of the quietness of the girls. "

Alas, it turned out to be people from other palaces.

It seems to me that morning exercises have worked. On the one hand, they want to take the opportunity to please themselves as a hit. This is the most important aspect.

My eyes dropped, and after thinking for a moment, Lin Mengya raised her head again, with a mild smile on her face, and looked at those Gong'e.

"I see, since everyone has a mind, you might as well change the address in the garden. First, the yard is more spacious, and second, there is a place with flowers and grass, and the air is fresh. I do n’t know what your sisters and sisters think What about? "

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