"This is a good idea, we all listen to the girl's arrangement."

There are a few sensible people in the crowd, and now Lin Mengya has been assaulted.

In fact, they were standing here early in the morning, not to show their face in front of this girl, so as to make a good future for themselves.

With this in mind, Lin Mengya knows these Gong'e more clearly.

"That being the case, then go with this girl. I will teach you new morning exercises every so often. As long as you stick to it, you will definitely gain something. I have nothing to do with me. "

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand, her smile was gentle and gentle, and she had the demeanor of being in charge of Gong'e.

After seeing Bai Su's smile on her face, Bai Su felt a little weird.

Miss Wu used to laugh so shamly.

Smiled and watched the departure of a group of women, until the last one disappeared before and after his own eyes, only then eased the smile.

"I've investigated the people who are new to the palaces today. No matter which palace comes out, we need to make detailed records. As for which palaces haven't come, also record them."

Bai Su nodded, and the lady told her everything she would do properly.

I did not expect that the concubines in the palace would act so quickly.

It was only a few days, and the barriers were so clear.

Morning exercises have been in her palace since she came to the palace, but to this day they have such a scale.

Speaking of which, everyone said, not all of them want to show off in front of the new lord of the harem.

But Lin Mengya knows that many people come here just to test his wife.

The draw that should be drawn and the precaution should be taken, she naturally needs to take precautions.

I had breakfast and walked around for a while before Lin Mengya returned to the side hall of Feng Yuyuan.

At this time, Bai Su has put the records on her desk.

I took it and flipped through it, Lin Mengya's brow gradually tightened.

However, after reading it, it also began to expand. It seems that this list has not affected her too much.

"Bai Su, what's Mrs. Ping's identity, why haven't you heard of it before?"

He knocked on the list, stating that Mrs. Jing Lanyuanping had never sent someone.

Furthermore, all the ladies who had made good friends with Mrs. Ping came.

This way, it seems that Mrs. Ping was intentionally isolated, or that their people can bring news to Mrs. Ping, and she does not need to send someone to floss her teeth.

"I heard that her family from the family of witch doctors was one of the four wives who were married after the king ascended to the throne. However, this lady is usually very cautious and easily uncomfortable. The four princes she came from also It ’s not the kind of person who excels. I ’ve heard that I ’ve been intoxicated in the past few years and do n’t seem to be too sensible in politics. This lady Ping and Jingrou are not good friends, but the relationship is not bad. I've seen her a few times before, and she's a quiet and virtuous man. "

Are you neutral? Lin Mengya flipped through the list. At the beginning Ning Qiu said that the real figures in the palace should have three wives in addition to the queen.

三个 After the fall of the queen, these three people fell down and broke into separate camps.

It seems to me that this lady Ping doesn't seem to appear on the surface.

"Would you like to investigate this Mrs. Ping?"

The list was investigated by Bai Su in person, and it was written according to grade.

I just didn't ask the three ladies about the lady, and the following less beautiful women were never mentioned.

Wu Wei only asked Mrs. Ping, which was very illustrative.

不用 "No, you said she came from a family of witch doctors. Then, did she give it to his wife before, or was it Xiaoyu?"

The reason why Lin Mengya noticed Mrs. Ping was because several other concubines who had children and came from the same family had basically sent some people.

At this point, Lin Mengya is very clear.

They made plans for their sons, and it was normal to come and listen.

But this lady Mrs. Ping is usually not a bad relationship with her wife, but now she hasn't sent anybody, but a few people who have been good to her all come.

要 If there is nothing hidden in this, Lin Mengya will not believe anything.

"I don't know what to give the wife, but when the young master returned, the lady once sent a pair of jade **** to celebrate. If the lady wants to see it, I will pick it up."

Because of Wan Yanyu's special treatment of Lin Mengya, he couldn't wait to give Lin Mengya all his good things, so Xiaoyu's things were placed in the inter-court yard next to Feng Yuyuan.

I didn't use much effort, and Bai Su took the pair of jade jade.

璧 This pair of jade jade is made of very good materials, one is cyan and the other is milky white.

Together, they are natural, as if they are twins.

"This thing, called Yunwen Ruyi Wall, is said to be still a family heir of Mrs. Ping. This pair of jade was cut out from the same piece of jade, but it is very rare. It ’s rare. I used it to make some jewellery for you, but I have never had time. "

When Lin Sui said this, Lin Mengya could not help rolling her eyes.

This is a rare good thing. Xiaoyu, this guy, is too violent.

I put Jade in my hand and played with it. The gentle touch actually made people feel that this object would breathe.

But holding it in your hand is another feeling that makes people reluctant to let go of their hands.

咦 "咦 What is this?"

Su Bai Su suddenly found that the lady's hands turned out a faint purple.

If it hadn't been for her carefulness, she would never have discovered it.

"This thing is the secret of this pair of jade jade. So, what do I say, it is a miracle to put it in, but I want to reveal it, it is more difficult."

Bai Lin Mengya's words suddenly made Bai Su confused.

What did Miss Qi mean?

Released his hand and put the jade in the box again. Lin Mengya took the cloth towel aside and carefully wiped the slightly purple area.

开始 Since this thing came in, the Shennong system in the brain kept on alarming.

He said that the jade jade contained a poison that had a strong hallucinogenic ability.

Holding Yuyu in her hands is equivalent to doing a detailed whole-body examination of Yuyu.

He finally found that all the hallucinogenic toxins in the hostel were concentrated around the small hole in the middle of the hostel.

And, still in it.

Saitama, although its surface is moist and smooth to the touch, is actually very hard.

I say it plainly, it is a good-looking stone.

If you want to completely toxin into the jade, it is either repeated cooking and soaking.

Either, it is to be made hollow in jade to succeed. Both of these will destroy the appearance of jade.

But this pair of jade jade is very warm and soft in color, which is definitely top quality.

Then it shows that the poison in jade is not under these two methods.

Even though this is the case, it is still difficult to want people to be harmed by God.

The texture of Saitama is hard, so if you have some medicine, you must use a bottle made of jade to hold it, so as not to lose the medicine.

He stuck Jade in front of his eyes and used the Shennong system's ultra-micro scanning system to give him a light perspective.

After magnifying countless times, Lin Mengya finally understood the mystery.

Alas, the ingenuity made her take a breath.

The surface of 玉璧 is extremely smooth without any flaws.

But there are countless holes in jade, especially near the middle, which are thinner than hair.

估计 This hole can be seen clearly only with special equipment.

And there is something added between the holes.

I still don't see what it is with her current methods.

It's just weird that the stuff stuffed in the holes is weird.

表情 According to Lin Mengya's analysis and experimental results, when faced with a heat source, the contents of the hole will melt and then tightly adhere to the inner wall of the hole.

In this way, the poison inside can flow out silently, and finally, it acts directly on the human body.

As soon as the temperature dropped, the stuff continued to become a stuffing, and people could not see the magic of this piece of jade.

Lin Mengya was amazed by the powerful and delicate means of poisoning.

But after being amazed, Lin Mengya also determined that Mrs. Ping still had some bad feelings about Xiaoyu.

"Go and find a pot of hot water. Warm ones will do. You need a bigger pot."

Although she couldn't see the jade and the contents inside, but the poison had nowhere to stand.

Although this hallucinogen is very strong, it is only afraid of encountering water.

Once encountering water, the hallucinogen loses its original function and becomes waste.

Bai Su quickly brought what she needed, Lin Mengya did not hesitate to soak a pair of jade puppets in it.

白 In Bai Su's surprised eyes, the water gradually turned into a light purple.

Slightly pungent smell, jade 璧 has not changed much, still beautiful.

"Miss, what exactly is this?"

This jade jade, Bai Su has also seen it before, and has not seen anything purple.

Why did you get into the hands of the lady?

"This is called purple smoke grass. It is native to the extreme south of the Lieyun Empire and has a strong hallucinogenic effect. What's more, this purple smoke grass can keep people fresh and mind But he is so manic. Therefore, what is also called the devil's grass is very rare now. "

I have Qingzheng spectrum in hand, Lin Mengya naturally knows it thoroughly.

Alas, this kind of devil grass is so rare. Was it given to her by Mrs. Ping's family?

I think it's possible to think about it. After all, the Heian family is a family of witch doctors. It is not unusual to have such a thing.

It's just, how could Mrs. Ping put such precious poison in a pair of jade jade?

You know, Xiaoyu doesn't like this kind of thing, and she won't take it with her!

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