Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 843: Gu Wei Truth

what? Mr. Zhu, is actually her relative!

Lin Mengya was blasted to the surface by this news.

His subconscious shook his head, denying the shocking news.

impossible! Mr. Zhu, how could it be her uncle?

怎么 "How come ... you said you were me, but what evidence is there?"

Lin Lin Mengya took a step back, staring closely at Mr Zhu with a pair of eyes.

No matter what, she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was actually the birth father of Zuo Qiuyu and Zuo Qiuchen.

Mr. Zhu Zhu sighed suddenly, but Qing Jun's face was so old that he could see through the world.

I looked at Lin Mengya, his thoughts seemed to return to many years ago.

"I knew you would n’t believe it. It ’s just Mengya. I and your mother are brothers and sisters. I have survived so far just to be able to free the Zuo family from the curse that has been inherited for thousands of years. Today you traced this I know, it's time to recognize you. "

The confused thoughts made Lin Mengya almost lose her ability to think.

Should she trust Mr. Zhu? Now she cannot make an effective judgment.

But her only clear thing is that Mr. Zhu's next words may subvert her perception.

Wu lovingly looked at Lin Mengya for a day, and the man under the blue shirt looked different and lonely.

He is like the whole world, and he alone is holding on to those secrets that cannot be said.

"Everything has to be said from the ancient kingdom of the Weiwei a thousand years ago, child, our Zuo family has been a famous family of the ancient Weiwei since then."

Mr. Zhu Zhu's voice was very low. Although Lin Mengya had some unspeakable feelings in her heart, she still stuck to the wall and watched him vigilantly while listening to what he said. She had no history at all.

Although the ancient Wei Dynasty was a legend left over a thousand years ago, it was also a very glorious history for their left family.

At that time, whether it was Dajin, Lieyun, or now Lintian and Dongxia, all belonged to the ancient Wei state.

And this ancient kingdom has been passed down for thousands of years.

He did not know when it started, nor did it know why it was prosperous, or even later declined, and it has become an eternal mystery.

In the story of Mr. Zhu, this mysterious ancient country is being displayed in front of Lin Mengya with another look.

The Zuozuo family is one of the famous families in the late Wei Dynasty and the royal family.

Wen Tao, the last defending king of the ancient kingdom, was omnipotent.

The ancient Wei Kingdom, under his administration, returned to its peak.

But then, something big happened in China.

What is the matter, there is no evidence.

But because of this incident, the defending king of the ancient Wei Kingdom was decadent overnight, and he no longer cared about the country.

此时 At this time, the turmoil that has been raging has also spread to the entire Patriotic Power.

A huge and powerful patriotic nation collapsed overnight.

I watched the rebels tribute all the way to the capital, but all of them didn't expect that the capital of the ancient Wei Kingdom that existed for thousands of years was actually a huge institution city.

On the night they were about to occupy the capital, the king of defenders on all sides started the institutions within the capital. Wang Du was sunk deep into the ground and disappeared.

Whether it is the rebels, the people in the king's capital, or the original royal family, they have become the dust of history.

Zhe Lin Meng Yayuan didn't expect that things actually looked like this.

"Even if the king of Gu Weigu is gone, what does it have to do with my mother's family?"

What Mr. Zhu Zhu said really shocked her.

I did not expect that the ancient Wei Kingdom that had once pervaded the world actually disappeared in this way.

"Originally, our family, as members of the royal family of Gongwei, should also fall asleep with the capital. But our ancestors received a more important task. That is to protect the king city and destroy those attempts to disturb All the ancient kings are sleeping! "

what? Lin Mengya's eyes widened, she now understands it. The original legacy of the ancient Wei that she was struggling to pursue was the king of the capital who had fallen into the ground because of the institution!

"Even so, it has been more than a thousand years old, and what mission responsibilities should be left behind, isn't it? Besides, can the legacy of Gu Wei be seen in the sky again, and it has nothing to do with us?"

If that's the case, Lin Mengya can't even understand how much restraint the so-called responsibility has.

"If that's the case, why should I and your mother do this? Not only does Gu Weiguo have powerful skills, but the drug lord has developed to its peak. The green zheng spectrum that your mother took is just one of them. There is only one thing. Both our left family and the survivors are planted with the poison of peculiar ancient kingdoms. This poison will be passed down from generation to generation along with the bloodline. So there are some things we must do. "

In addition to the Zuo family, there are still survivors?

Lin Lin Mengya seemed to suddenly think of something, eyes widened, and looked at Mr. Zhu.

The latter nodded bitterly before he said:

"Lieyun Country is the country created by the survivors. The legacy of Gu Wei is the Kingdom of Heaven, which is word of mouth, and King Gu Wei is also the legendary King of Kings."

The truth actually looks like this, Lin Mengya doesn't know the complex emotions in her heart, how to say it clearly.

I thought that all this was accidental, but never thought that it was a destined fate thousands of years ago, and pushed them to this point.

"It turned out that, but since our family's destiny is to protect the legacy of Gu Wei, why do you want me to approach the truth step by step, and then help me open the legacy of Gu Wei?"

If it is according to Mr. Zhu, the people in their family exist for the purpose of protecting the ancient Weiwei.

So, isn't everything she's doing wrong now?

However, Lin Mengya saw a chilly smile on Mr. Zhu's face.

That smile is so cool, as if the whole world is in his calculations.

"No, in fact, this secret is only known to me, and you are another. So far, the legacy of Gu Wei that everyone is looking for is not the one we want to protect. Because the true legacy of Gu Wei No longer can be traced back. Now what they are desperately looking for is just the most important task that King Weiwei gave us, to find a fairy city in the legend! "

The facts have refreshed Lin Mengya's shocking bottom line again.

The so-called legacy of Gu Wei turned out to be ... it was just an illusion and a bait used by others.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at Mr. Zhu more and more unbelievably. How many of them are secrets that she never knew?

"Now, the approximate location of that fairy city has been determined by our ancestors through thousands of years of searching. Once we find that fairy city, the curse of our family will be completely undone. At first, in order to force the left The descendants of the family will continue to adhere to the task given to us by the ancient king, so they will let out the wind, saying that the key to unlock the ancient Wei's legacy is in the hands of our family. At the same time, in order to prevent our family from being completely destroyed The ancient King Wei gave our family sufficient resources. Now that it has developed here, although we have become the royal family of the kingdom of heaven, this does not mean that we can rest easy. This is the best effort of our family. Is the first line of vitality earned for the Zuo family! "

A series of truths have already struck Lin Mengya, and some reactions have failed.

Compared with the truth in these legends, Mr. Zhu is the news of her mother-in-law, it seems that there is not much deterrent.

"Even if you say so, how can you prove to me that what you say is true?"

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyes were still bright and savvy. There was no trace of confusion because of this matter.

"Your reaction is the same as your mother. When my father Huang mentioned this to us, the girl was the same. Mengya, I ca n’t prove it to you. Even I ca n’t prove it, I am Your dear. But these things are what we have to do. But there is one thing that I still think is only clear to us, your soul, has been to another world, right? "

If it wasn't behind the wall, Lin Mengya was afraid she would run away in surprise.

In front of her eyes, there is no way back. She was forced to the extreme and had to choose to face.

"You ... who are you?"

impossible! There is no way to explain this kind of thing through modern science. How did an ancient man know about it?

Wu sighed, and Mr. Zhu also put away just now, talking about the solemnity of Gu Wei's legacy.

In the eyes of Lin Mengya now, he really looks like an elder who wants to care for his juniors.

"That's because, before giving birth to you, our family had a legend spread. Because our family is loyal to the ancient king Wei, the ancient king Wei left a retreat for us after his death. One thousand Years later, if we have n’t found that fairy city, apart from us, there will be one for the first time, a girl / baby who can get rid of poison. But the premise is that people who have a baby must find one and come from The descendants of that fairy city survivor. And this person is your father, Lin Nansheng. And you, our only family's hope, Lin Mengya, is the only girl who is not tortured by this kind of poison! "

Is the mother's encounter with his father also premeditated?

Su Lin Mengya suddenly felt that she couldn't bear the following truths.

She's eyes drifted into the void, and a series of truths made her extremely firm. For the first time, she collapsed.

"I ... I was born just for the tools you use to escape the curse?"

Suddenly Mr. Zhu Zhu hugged her, and his broad and warm chest temporarily accepted Lin Mengya, a little shaken by the truth.

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