"You are your mother, the child born of her life. For you, she will sacrifice everything and keep you safe and happy."

Mr. Zhu Zhu's voice was low and firm, and gently wrapped Lin Mengya's shaking mood.

"Before you were born, your mother had met a monk who was a Taoist monk. The monk said that the little boy in her stomach was a star of enlightenment. So use your own body to protect you and grow up. You are in trouble and you have those adventures. Silly child, it is your mother and that monk who trade your life for your peace. "

Mr. Zhu Zhu, no, now it should be Lin Mengya's biological son Zuo Ao, and finally opened up the secrets that he has hidden for many years.

Lin Lin Mengya clutched her cuffs tightly, tears twice, and shed from her cheeks.

Yes, mother loves her, just like any mother in the world treats her child.

In order to protect her, she was willing to go to death.

这些 And these things, except mother and 舅舅, I am afraid no one can know.

Because it was a matter of her life, her mother would never disclose it, and even her father knew nothing about it.

舅 "舅 ... 舅, my mother, she ... how did he die?"

The sound of Lin Lin Mengya also left Zuo Ao, who was never in the mood, to slightly wet his eyes.

I looked at the girl who looked up from her own tearful eyes, the face that was so similar to his only brother and sister, and Zuo Ao's heart was already overflowing with love for his younger generation.

"When your mother was pregnant with you, she was accidentally found by the Candle Dragon Club. However, her true identity was not revealed, and those people only regarded her as one of the keys. Your mother wants to exchange your peace , Then joined me, pretending that she knew nothing about it. Then, she let the other party think that she had drank the poison given by the emperor Jin Yuan Emperor, and for three days after giving birth, she blocked it with her life. The news of the key. Those people could n’t find the key, and they really did not take a dead person, so they temporarily released you and Nan Sheng. "

He nodded, and Lin Mengya actually knew a little about the truth about her mother's death.

She had long anticipated that this matter could not be related to the queen.

I calculated her mother 19 years ago, and calculated her later.

Save a Shangguan family, she will destroy the Shangguan family mercilessly, and let the queen pay the price for her viciousness!

"Thank you for informing me of these things. You can rest assured that I came to Lieyun this time to completely resolve this matter. The two of us joined forces and may not be able to fight against the group of Candle Dragon Clubs. Just alas, you are the King of Lintian And when did you sneak into the candle dragon club? "

Although Lin Mengya's previous events are not clear, one thing she can be sure of is that, when she had been an emperor for more than 20 years, how could she change her body and become Mr. Zhu of the Candle Dragon Club?

I saw that my niece had calmed down, and Zuo Ao let go of Lin Mengya, instead lovingly stroking her black hair.

There was a bit of helplessness between Xu Meiyu.

Apparently these days, he is not so good.

"All these are arrangements made by my father when I was young with your mother. I was sent to the Candle Dragon Club since I was a child. Think about it, our left family has been passed down for thousands of years. , But you can insert a few pieces, but it is not difficult. "

I was sent in since I was a kid? Who is the king who is facing heaven?

Did I have been busy in the heavenly kingdom and the candle dragon society since I was a child? It really takes a lot of energy. Lin Mengya's heart couldn't help showing the slightest amount of worship.

I'm such a powerful person, it's her relative.

After I sorted out my emotions a bit, Lin Mengya accepted these things.

"Rest assured, I will keep the two cousins ​​secret. By the way, I said what I found?"

It's a happy thing to know that my relatives are happy, but the closer to the truth, the more Lin Mengya knows, these things are tricky and weird.

I took out the record book of the palace miscellaneous things, Lin Mengya turned to that page again and asked in a low voice.

"In the beginning, Gu Wei left four keys. It is said that only these four keys can open the gate of Xiancheng. One of them was in the hands of your mother, and the remaining three happened to flow to the other three countries. The head of the Dragon Club is an extremely intelligent man. He doesn't know where to get the way to open Xiancheng. It is said that there are 36 barriers to block the city, and the blood of the descendants of the descendants of Xiancheng is the only way to open it Method. Now, you should understand? "

The thirty-six barriers are actually unlocked with blood. That means that since 18 years ago, the four babies strangled at the same time were also used to unlock the barriers?

I hit a chill, thirty-six barriers. How many talents are there to die?

"Then, how much time do we have left? Once they are first opened by Xiancheng, what will happen to us?"

Qi Lin Mengya's emotion was a little excited, and she hurriedly asked.

Zhuo Zuo looked at her with a very serious look.

"Now, they have unlocked thirty barriers, but because of the continuous leakage of news over the past few decades. The secret of Xiancheng is not just that Candle Dragon will know with us. According to the leader's meaning, he should want Within three years, the barriers are completely lifted. "

Three years! They have only three years.

Although it seems that there is still time left, compared to the waiting time of a thousand years, it is only a short moment.

"Mengya, remember, you must open the fairy city before the candle dragon meeting, otherwise the world may face a catastrophe. Before I let Xin Yu tell you, Mrs. Hui is the key to Wan Yanjing's stay, because, she It is an indispensable part of the final sacrifice ceremony. You must keep her alive, otherwise you will be very dangerous. "

After Zuo Ao told Lin Mengya for such a long time, apparently the time he could stay was approaching.

He nodded, although Lin Mengya had a lot of questions to ask.

But she also knows that 舅舅 staying so long is already taking risks.

"I should go, if possible, I will see you again. If I have something to tell you, I will ask Xin Yu to bring it. But remember, don't talk to anyone, mention that I am your uncle, know Are you there? "

"Don't worry, Mengya knows the importance."

I did not expect that the world still has their loved ones.

When Lin Mengya was happy, she also added a worry.

He left the library three times in one step, and the meeting between the two of them brought Lin Mengya, not only in this world, but a blood relative.

Squinting at the blue-grey figure, he disappeared in front of him, Lin Mengya's heart turned into a touch of complexity.

I inherited the destiny in front of me, and countless people earned a glimmer of vitality.

I didn't expect anything, but it turned out to be like this.

I unintentionally opened the booklet again, and Lin Mengya put her things in place.

Is it true that the so-called fairy city is really under the King of Lieyun?

Where would the mysterious fairy city be found even by those who originally designed and built the palace?

The key I said, is that the ginseng-shaped seal that could open the dragon turtle's back before?

Or is it a golden 钗 without a gem?

I really do, why did she forget to ask me this?

I could not pass these things, but she was handed over to them to take them away.

I said, the other three keys are exactly one country.

In my opinion, she really had to go back to Dajin to find a second key.

If Long Tianyu's nerd knows, it will be happy to bloom.

In the heavy mood, suddenly a little relief.

I just felt that Lin Mengya didn't tell him about it for the time being.

Since the man gave herself a surprise attack, she may not be able to surprise the man.

的 Outside the library, the fallen inner servant was sleeping.

Zhe Lin Mengya closed the door lightly, and there was still some fragrant smell in the air, but after a quarter of an hour, the fragrant fragrance that was not strong in medicine would be dispersed.

Except for her and 舅舅, no one will know the content of their conversation.

It's a bit easy to walk. Before going back, she must first firmly help Xiaoyu to win the position of the next Chujun of Lieyun Kingdom!

Counting time, today is the time for Bai Su to come in and report the news.

As soon as she reached a corner, a figure was blocked in front of her.

"Girls are polite, my lord, I want to ask the girls to go there."

Gao Lin Mengya recognized it at one glance, and this person was the little cricket who had been with Xin Luan all the time.

I did not expect that Xin Luan would come to you at this time.

He nodded, Lin Mengya changed her mind, followed Xiaoyue behind, and walked to Xiannan Hall.

I am still as empty and empty as before. There is nothing other than the book case and those books in the large palace room.

Zhe Lin Mengya followed Xiao Yan, and respectfully stood in front of Xin Luan. He was well-mannered and gave him a courtesy.

"Slaves have met Lord High Priest."

Xin Luan, who was sitting behind the book case, raised her eyes and looked at the beautiful woman in front of her.

Squint's eyes remained the same as before, quiet and restrained, so that people could not see his half distraction.

"Come up, you are sister-in-law's confidant, and you don't have to be courteous with me. The tea you sent last time is very good. I don't know if I can have this blessing again and drink a cup of tea that you personally cooked. "

The tone of Qi was indifferent and clear, except in front of Mrs. Jingrou, Xin Luan was still in the presence of others.

Gao Lin Mengya responded with a yell, and from Xiao's hand, she took over the utensils for making tea.

I did not expect that she had all the flavors she had put here.

He said that the high priest was also an expert in medicine.

Gao Linmengya carefully prepared the dosage and then blanched it with boiling water.

It was not until the third time that I had tea, that I gradually got a fresh fragrance.

Over time, the fragrance gradually became stronger.

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