Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 846: Witch Temple

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at herself and determined that there was nothing wrong with her, and she took Bai Su and walked towards the direction of the God Witch Temple.

Today is not a celebration, so there are not so many people on the street.

Gao Lin Mengya felt very keenly, in fact, some people were staring at them around.

Although their more function is to protect themselves, Lin Mengya is sure that as soon as Bai Su steps closer to the temple of the witch, someone will jump out and take her away.

"You first wait for me outside the palace, and come to pick me up after two hours. If you are early, go to the tea house over there and wait for me."

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Mengya does not make cover up. Xiaoyu or a person who is full of beauty, they can provide her with protection, but also have a certain monitoring role.

Rather than secretly arousing those unwarranted guesses, it is better to be honest.

He nodded, and Bai Su gave Lin Mengya a restless look before he reluctantly left.

"Relax, I'm fine."

Knowing Bai Su's concerns, Lin Mengya began to comfort.

The Temple of the God of Witches is not a Longtan tiger cave, so how can she not treat her.

Crossed the street and reached Waiwang City.

I squinted at the majestic roof of the Temple of Witches, which was very conspicuous on the streets where people came and went.

I also saw the people around me, and they all paid their respectful attention to the building that had been carrying faith for many years.

Lin Lin Mengya was in her heart and sighed slightly.

位置 To her current position, she feels that she is almost sure of Bai Ye's relationship with this wizard man.

Bloodline is mysterious but extremely accurate.

He counted his age again, and with the anomaly of the witch at the time, Bai's identity was already ready.

However, Lin Mengya is even more curious, although Bai Su said that the witches of all ages have not been married.

But for them, there is no dogma, even if they are married to others, isn't there any obstacle?

If Bai 芷 is really born of a witch, then there must be many secrets involved.

I glanced at the gate of Shenwu Temple, Lin Mengyalian moved lightly, and people also entered the gate of Shenwu Temple.

Everything is normal, the atmosphere is quiet, it seems that there is no excitement from the outside.

Following the memories of that day, Lin Mengya easily found the front of the main temple of the God Witch Temple.

I was in a hurry that day, but she didn't look very carefully.

The temple is different from the main temple in the ordinary temple. The architectural style here is not as solemn as that of the Buddhist temple.

But it is just as solemn, so that from the heart, it gives birth to a sense of admiration.

Although there are no believers in practice, there are still some servants in the courtyard who help in the temple.

After meeting Lin Mengya, I naturally greeted him.

I just have a look of solitude and solitude on everyone's face, probably because the people they serve are the most noble people in Lieyun.

"This lady, Lord Witch is meditating. You must not run wild."

She's tone was kind, probably because she realized that Lin Mengya's clothes were not expensive, so she put away some of the arrogance to ordinary people.

Lin Lin Mengya was also not angry. After nodding gently, she took out the lady's jade card and held it in her hand.

"I was ordered by Mrs. Jingrou in the royal palace to come here to ask the Lord Witch some things, and also to be more accommodating to my sister."

Maybe treat others, they can look above the top.

But for the real nobles in the palace, they are not enough.

After hesitating for a moment, the flesh on his face eased a little.

"It turned out to be a messenger from the palace, please wait a moment and let me pass through."

Only by revealing her identity as a wife, can she not be deliberately embarrassed.

Do n’t worry about it, I ’m afraid that Lord Witch will be more alert to her.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't care about these small problems anyway, and looked around casually while waiting.

一切 Everything in this yard is breathed with a sense of ancient awkwardness.

But compared with the adjoining Temple of the Witch, the architectural style here is a little different.

She hit Lieyun on her own, although most of the time she lived in the palace.

She can go in and out of Wangcheng City many times. Those buildings are different, but they have something in common.

Only the style here seems to find no duplicate.

Looking at the memory, neither Dajin nor other two countries have seen such an architectural style.

The architecture of the temple that I want to come to is of great significance.

What is the moral here?

The man went in and returned for a long time and didn't see it. Lin Mengya managed to see a passerby, and immediately smirked a polite and gentle smile and stopped the man.

Fortunately, although this man was young, he was still serving an old man in the Temple of the Witch for three years.

I was relatively mild-tempered, Lin Mengya just assumed she was curious and asked a few words.

Then I learned that the legendary temple was designed by the first generation of wizards.

Although it has been repaired several times later, most of the buildings have not changed.

So, the style here should be influenced by the witch.

The gods and witches all come from the tomb of the sorceress. Do you say that these architectural styles all come from the tomb of the sorceress?

It wasn't impossible. The witches were fifteen-year-old girls since they appeared.

虽然 Although their status is noble, their status is high, and they are respected.

But how can a fifteen-year-old girl go to a strange place by herself without feeling uneasy and lonely?

If she is a witch, she will probably adopt the same style as her hometown.

I'm just thinking about my hometown that I can never go back to.

I can't help but feel a little bit embarrassed. Although her roots are here, she can never forget those 20 years.

The so-called witches, haven't they imprisoned the youth of a young girl, and have spent their years?

If there is no 蛊 王 and the shackles of the sorceress, wouldn't these gods have meaning?

For a while, she thought a lot.

In the chaos of thoughts, it was the attendant who returned to the end.

"Girl, please follow me."

He nodded and Lin Mengya converged all her thoughts.

He followed behind the attendant and entered the main hall of the Temple of the Witch.

Inside the hall, a faint sandalwood fragrance makes people involuntarily seduce their energy.

Zhe Lin Mengya just analyzed the aroma components as usual, but found that there are more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials mixed in it.

But what puzzled her was that most of these medicinal ingredients were analgesic.

Isn't it possible to be ill, Lord Witch is not feeling well these days?

"Please wait a minute, girl, Lord Witch will be here soon."

She politely settled Lin Mengya and offered her a cup of tea.

It seemed that the attendant did not dare to stay here too much, and immediately retreated.

Holding a tea cup, Lin Mengya looked at everything in the main hall.

This is no different from what I saw before, but quiet and cool, not as lively as outside.

同时 But at the same time, Lin Mengya also discovered a strange thing.

虽然 Although there are windows here, the function is only for ventilation.

As for daylight, these windows seem to have not been considered at all.

The light in the inner palace is completely taken from the candlelight that grows day and night.

Strange, do n’t all the ancient witch lords like the sun so much?

"You came."

Looking around for a week, a gentle and cold sound came from my ear.

Gao Linmengya immediately stood up to salute, and sure enough, the sorceress who made her remember for a long time, sat in front of her.

The cymbal wooden wheelchair made a rough noise, even if it was not good, the witch was still noble and indifferent, just like the god.

"Bringing a visit and disturbing adults."

Despite many question marks in his heart, Lin Mengya knew that this sage master could not be offended.

Fortunately, the witch seemed to have a good impression on her, and raised her lips to give her a gentle but distant smile.

无 "Anyway, what's wrong with Madam, you can say it."

I still use it in the name of my wife. Lin Mengya naturally knows that the reason why this witch can see himself is in his wife's face.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Mengya looked up.

His eyes stared firmly at Lord Witch, his face almost the same as Bai Yan's.

"What I want to know is, what is the relationship between Lord Witch and that little girl in my family?"

Go straight to the subject, and go straight to the theme.

Gao Linmengya had expected that the other party would not easily admit it, so she had to press harder to let the witch speak.

"What girl?"

The seemingly calm Lord Witch, in his eyes, accidentally leaked a trace of confusion.

However, she quickly adjusted her state, thinking that she had not been discovered by Lin Mengya, in fact, it was already seen by Lin Mengya.

"My family adopted a little girl seventeen years ago. The girl's parents died, and she grew up with me alone. However, this girl in my family looks exactly like yours. Are they relatives of an adult? "

Gao Linmengya's sight suddenly became extremely sharp, even the master witch was a little difficult to fight.

"There are so many similar people in the world, it is probably a coincidence."

The witch's eyes were a bit erratic, apparently a little guilty.

Zhe Lin Mengya even more determined her thoughts, and the smile on her lips became more and more determined.

哦 "Oh, since that's the case, then I can rest assured. This girl is okay, she just wants to find her loved ones, but unfortunately, if she can take a look, she can be at ease."

Lin Lin Mengya deliberately induced the other party, and said something somewhat ambiguous.

After saying this sentence in a regretful tone, I saw no surprise. I saw the witch who was still calm just now, and now she had clenched her little hands on her knees.

"She ... how's she?"

With an urgency to hide, Lin Mengya watched the other party already hooked.

I sighed and said sadly:

"Oh ... my bitter righteous sister, if you can look at her loved ones, you won't regret it for life."

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