Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 847: Mother friend

"She's dead?"

All the coldness broke down instantly, all the calmness and tranquility on the soft and dignified face disappeared completely.

He stared at the water eyes, and the shock and grief in his eyes could not lie to anyone.

Lin Lin Mengya put away her aggressive look before. Such a master of witches has already explained any problems.

"She didn't die, but was abandoned by her own mother for no reason. If she knew it, she would be sad. I don't know why the adult gave birth to her, but not. But the only thing I know is that there is no A mother doesn't love her children. If she does, then her mother must have had a last resort. I don't know, can I be right? "

Wu Ming knew that he was being played by the girl in front of him, but the witch was not angry.

Suddenly, she felt relieved, and when she raised her head again, her face was no longer cold like idols.

The frown was full of fatigue, but it seemed like it was suddenly relaxed.

"Yes, no mother will not love her child. But if this child is born, she will face death. No matter how unwilling the mother of this child is, she can only send the child heartily for the child."

What happened, Lin Mengya's surprise.

She thought that the Lord Witch would desperately deny it, but did not expect that in a few words, she lied to her truth.

"Bai 芷 is safe with me, you can rest assured. She is very good, beautiful, and lively and kind. People in our family like her very much."

I mentioned Bai Xi, who had nestled beside her since she was a child, and even bore her a lot of wind and rain.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart always overflows, just like the emotions of her biological sisters.

Even though her brother loves her, Lin Mengwu and her are half-sisters.

When the weak hours are cuddling each other, it is the warmth she can never give up in her life.

So, when she was capable, the first thing she thought of was to bring Bai Ao to her side, change her name, and give her a carefree future.

"Is her name Bai Bai? This is a nice name. Your mother didn't lie to me. Thanks her for me and raised my daughter."

Mother? Lin Mengya was present.

Witch, why did you know her mother?

"You said my mother was--"

"Princess of the Kingdom of Heaven, Mrs. Zuo Shuqing of Zhennanhou, Dajin. She is your mother and my benefactor."

When Lin heard that the witch gently and accurately reported his mother's identity, Lin Mengya was also shocked.

However, fortunately, there was a shocking news in front of her. Although she was extremely surprised, she quickly returned to God.

"Have you met my mother?"

I was a little excited. To be honest, since she found out that her mother is a very mysterious person, Lin Mengya has always wanted to know her mother's past.

These people who were once familiar with their mothers were like fragments, pieced together to form a complete mother that even their father had ever seen.

He made Lin Mengya extremely fascinated and happy.

My mother, the one who worked so hard to bring himself and his brother into this world.

She used her wisdom to defend the real danger from women outside her life.

Inadvertently, she seemed to follow her footsteps, and once again pursued her mother's past.

"I don't know if my child looks like me, but you really look like your mother. When we met, we were all just teenage girls. I didn't expect that a long time has passed, but it's a matter of right and wrong . "

From the first glance at seeing this girl, the witch's heart turned into a huge wave.

When she first saw the beautiful and beautiful girl, it was also in the evening.

At that time, she was still not used to it because she had just inherited the position of the witch.

After the noise of the day passed, the loneliness and coldness of the night seemed to be the poison of the bone marrow, eroding her heart and leaving her nowhere to hide.

Ye Ke that day, she met a woman with bright eyes and a warm smile.

The maiden was a few years older than her, but at a glance, she was soothed by the smile of that maiden.

Although it was only a few days, the girls came almost every day.

I either brought her food outside or told her some interesting stories.

If it wasn't for the girl who encouraged herself to run outside secretly, she would not know that person ...

Even though she was just a glutton, she finally realized the taste of love.

Even if it costs her life, she will never regret it.

I thought that I would never hear from the child again in this life.

Until the appearance of a woman very similar to the girl did not let her dead heart resurrect.

Fortunately, fate is not cruel to her.

"My mother, what kind of person is she?"

This problem has been plagued by Lin Mengya.

The more I know about her mother's past, the more she feels that this makes her father remember it all her life, and also makes people like gods and witches be regarded as close friends' mothers, which is a near-perfect person.

But she knew better that no one was perfect.

So she couldn't help but inquire, and couldn't help asking, in order to better her mind about her mother's image.

Until now, the image seems to have gradually become clear, but more importantly, it is more and more vivid.

"Your mother is very smart and kind. At the same time, she is very stubborn. She recognizes what is dead and must be done anyway. This disposition has caused her a lot of losses, but she doesn't want to change. You don't know yet At first, it was your father that your mother first looked at. But then, your father was a gourd and refused to accept your mother. That's why she came to Lieyun in a hurry. Later, we always had correspondence, your brother Nan Sheng, I They all knew it. I remember her last letter saying that she was going to have a daughter. She was so mad that she asked me to ask for a favor with the queen of the prince and the queen to make your life a smooth one. "

Witch said, there was already tenderness between the eyebrows.

It is always the most memorable time in a young age, not to mention that the only sweetness she has spent half a lifetime is only those years.

"I didn't expect my mother to be so powerful. Then, after you gave birth to a baby, you were also sent to our house by a trustee, right?"

After looking at Lin Mengya hesitantly, the witch finally nodded gently.

I put my hand on my knee and touched my leg subconsciously.

But Xiuqi's brow was slightly wrinkled, and a little pain appeared in her heart.

"I'm sorry for the child. I obviously couldn't give her a home, but she gave birth to her. Although your mother had passed away at that time, I had no friends except her to entrust you. Your father, me It's trustworthy, so I asked for someone and sent the child to your house. "

The fate of this fate is a bit magical.

For the last generation, my mother made friends with the witch.

When she reached her generation, she was as close as a sister to Bai Ye.

Many things are incompetent, maybe this is destined in the deep, fate of the two.

"You do n’t have to blame yourself like this. Bai Ye is very gentle and understanding. She will understand your good intentions. Besides, I will never tell her about it without your consent. Yes, rest assured. "

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said softly.

Others may be able to accept this, but Bai 芷 's character is the simplest.

She must be sure that this thing really does no harm to Bai 芷 before she can say it.

现在 Now, obviously, it is not the best time.

I heard that Lin Mengya would respect her own opinions, and the witch's worry was relieved.

I glanced at Lin Mengya gratefully, thanked her for bringing the news of her child, and even more grateful that she didn't make a claim and wanted to tell the child everything.

Neither the child nor myself is ready.

Maintaining the status quo is the best option.

"Thank you, if you are here this time, just to inform me of my baby, I will be very grateful to you. But if there are other things, please also say them together. But I said before Although you have kindness to me, there are certain things that I will never disclose. "

Wu Shenwu is a smart person, although she has already recognized Lin Mengya, she has not completely forgotten her own responsibility.

After slightly adjusting her thoughts, after simply organizing the language, Lin Mengya said positively:

"If I didn't guess wrong, Lord Witch should come from an underground mysterious place? Or, you witch family, originally lived underground. Although occasionally it will come out, but your hometown, Should be in a dungeon, right? "

I heard Lin Mengya say that her biggest secret was broken, and the witch apparently didn't respond.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Mengya. Obviously, she did not expect that the secret that no one had discovered was actually seen by this girl.

After seeing the reaction of the witch, Lin Mengya confirmed her conjecture even more.

In fact, from the moment she came in, she discovered that the architectural features of the entire Shenwu Temple were only considered for ventilation, not for lighting.

Also, there are so many lamp stands here, not to mention the clever design, but also to the maximum extent, the light of the candlelight can be raised to the extreme.

From the moment she entered the hall to the present, despite the surrounding lights, the hall was shining brightly.

But she didn't smell the savory smell of burning candles. Instead, she smelled of various herbs and spices, but it was not smoky.

She looked around for a week and did not see any incense burner or incense stick in the hall.

Alas, the source of those flavors can only be those candles.

良好 The design with good air permeability will not let the wind shake the candle, but also keep people from being burnt out.

Such a delicate structure cannot be built overnight.

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