Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 850: Conceal deception

I nodded, this matter, Long Tianyu told her before.

Although she was a little bit reluctant, she was not the kind of person with a small belly.

What's more, under the current situation, she can return to Dajin together soon.

Although the temporary difference will be tortured by thoughts, in the end, she also has hope.

I watched Lin Mengya bring up Long Tianyu as soon as she brought up a peculiarity unique to her younger daughter's house, and Qinghu's heart felt a throbbing pain.

"Then you know, why would he go back so soon?"

With a hint of sorrow in the tone of Qing Qinghu, Lin Mengya looked at the other in doubt.

"He has been away for so long, and he should go back to see. After all, the Prince and the Queen are not worrying. Qinghu, what happened to you?"

A moment of pain ran across the clear eyebrows of Qinghu. He suddenly stepped forward and firmly held Lin Mengya's shoulders. His eyes were unbearable, but he couldn't bear to see that she was caught in the drum.

"He ... forget it, you don't know. Bai Su, take good care of her, I will find a way to go to the palace with you in a few days."

The arm was loosened suddenly, Qing Fox lowered his eyes.

These things belong to the two of them. No matter what the result is, the girl should know the truth from Long Tianyu's mouth.

No matter what, he will stay with the girl. No matter whether it is Lieyun or Dajin.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Looking at the back of Qinghu turning and leaving, Lin Mengya could not help but grabbed his arm and asked softly.

Pouting the corner of his mouth evoked a helpless bitter smile, ignoring Lin Mengya's request for the first time, and quickly left her sight.

"This man is really weird."

Gao Linmengya felt a little uneasy in her heart, which was definitely not the case in the past.

What the **** happened to make him suddenly so sloppy?

He turned around, but saw Bai Su, panic concealed in a hurry.

"Do you know something?"

Lu Dingding looked at Bai Su, and the girl immediately panicked.

‘噗通’ knelt on the ground, his face pale.

"I didn't mean to conceal the lady, I just told the master that this matter must not be easily told to the lady."

Looking at Bai Su's sincere words, Lin Mengya's doubts grew deeper.

Grasp Bai Su's arm and drag her from the ground.

"You said so, how can I be as fragile as you think? Before the Lord Wang came, I was wrong to hide you, but he is about to leave, what else can you say?"

Bai Su gazed anxiously at his own lady. If Wang Ye didn't come, this secret could be hidden.

I just came to see the young lady now. Obviously, she had already had a close meeting with him.

So, that Prince Yu did not even mention half a word. To be honest, it was also beyond justification.

"Bai Su didn't dare to conceal Miss, in fact, it was the news that the young master received a few months ago. Since she hosted the funeral, Lord Wang took a Linlang county master and entered the house to host it. And the Majesty of Dajin And prepared a wedding for him. Two months later, a new princess will welcome him into the house. "

Hit him ... Are you going to marry a new one?

Lin Lin Mengya felt dizzy for a while, and her whole body seemed to lose her strength.

小姐 "Miss! Miss, don't do this, maybe, maybe a misunderstanding or maybe!"

Xi Baisu immediately hugged Lin Mengya's body and said distressedly.

I smiled at myself, and in my eyes, I didn't know when it was full of water.

"I'm fine, let's go to the palace."

I barely supported my body, but in my mind was their closeness to those nights.

Long Tianyu never hid her, not to mention how big a thing he would say.

I did not want to, the news turned out to be heard from the mouth of Qinghu and Bai Su.

After two months, he was about to marry a newcomer, so was he hurried back?

Lin Lin Meng Yaming knew that she should ask him, but she felt that the mixed body had no strength to support herself.

I am also, in the eyes of others, the princess Princess Yu, the most beloved, Lin Mengya, the youngest lady in the Lin family, has long since vanished.

What name does she use now to occupy the position of Prince Long Tianyu Yu again?

Lin Yiya's wild thoughts have caused Lin Mengya to completely mess up the rules.

Hazy returned to the palace, and also returned to Feng Yuyuan where she currently lives temporarily.

She even listened to Bai Su comforting her.

With a heart, I have long lost my heart.

"Miss, no matter what others say, you should always ask Lord Wang, what is going on in this matter, isn't it?"

I left the lady alone in the room, and Bai Su was really uneasy.

Squat in front of Lin Mengya, said extremely distressed.

是 "Yes, I should ask him personally, you are right. I have experienced so many things between us, and he knows more than anyone else. I must ask him before making a decision."

Whispering, as if persuading himself.

She believes in Long Tianyu's affection for her. There is already a third person between them.

So, she decided to give Long Tianyu a chance to confess.

"Okay, ma'am, don't worry. I also believe in Lord Wang, I will never lose you."

Wu Baisu blame herself a bit. In fact, she also learned about this incident by accident.

I wanted to hide it, but I didn't expect it to be broken by Qinghu today.

Seeing the lady who has always been strong, now she has actually become like this, and even Bai Su's heart hurts with her.

Xu barely suppressed the anxiety in his heart. Long Tianyu said that he would often come to the palace to see himself before leaving.

清 Qing Fox is here today, and he should be free.

Leaning in front of the window, Lin Mengya looked at the sky outside, but sighed quietly.

If there is a new person beside him, isn't her future life the same as now.

Will he be looking forward to him every day?

He lowered his head, his brow showing a bit of bitterness.

Alas, she would never be like that!

Love and marriage, she will not tolerate another woman.

If Long Tianyu really ignored her feelings and betrayed their feelings, then she knows that she can only cut off the blue silk between them and always forget this unforgettable love.

She is so selfish and so unique.

"Are you waiting for me?"

I don't know how long, Long Tianyu's low laughter sounded in my ear.

He stunned his body for a moment, pulling away the complex emotions in his look.

He turned and looked at him slightly and smiled.

"Yeah, waiting for you."

'S soft voice contained a bit of bitterness, but Long Tianyu did not hear it.

Tong's big hand wrapped around her body, and her beautiful face swelled a little smile.

"I really want to take you back together, Yaer, come with me."

Tong Ming knew he was telling a joke, but Lin Mengya really wanted to promise him regardless.


Not to mention the things that Candle Dragon would have with Xiancheng, that is, the feelings between her and him have become somewhat confused.

Opening her mouth, Lin Mengya finally swallowed her promise.

"Now, it's not the time."

I lay on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating.

黑色 The black cloak had been placed on the chair by the door, and finally, between his breath, it was filled with the light fragrance of his body.

If time can stay at this moment, how good it is.

"I know, it won't be too far that day, believe me."

I took hold of her little hands, and her deep eyes gazed at her. The starlight that night was always imprinted on her heart.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the affectionate him, but the matter was like a choke in his throat.

His Majesty avoided his sight and buried his head in his shoulder.

"Do you have anything important to go back this time? Although I'm not with you, it's okay to help you with an idea."

She could hide the trembling when she heard her voice.

I only knew for myself how much she longed to hear his answer.

Looking at her rare goodness, Long Tianyu only felt that the woman in her arms captured his heart tenderly and softly.

I hugged her and made it soft, and soon, soon.

When everything is resolved, she will return to him.

"It doesn't matter, you are here to take care of yourself and wait for me to take you back."

Hehe ... mocking his folly.

Wu Mingming had arrived at this time, but still did not give up.

"Okay, I will take good care of myself. You too, if there is nothing important, I want to take a rest earlier today."

Leaning on Long Tianyu's shoulder, Lin Mengya only felt that her heart was cold and her feelings were cold.

为什么 Why did he just refuse to tell her explicitly that he would marry another person?

Was he afraid that he would obstruct, or did he feel that if he concealed this way, once it became an established fact, he could only accept it if he did not want to use his affection for him?

No matter which one is possible, it is enough to make Lin Mengya's heart like a knife.

She knows that she is not so generous and shares her husband with others. She can't do it and doesn't want to do it.

"OK, sleep."

I watched her lie softly in her arms, Long Tianyu's heart was full of affection for her.

I put her gently on the bed and covered the quilt.

I dropped a kiss between her foreheads and looked at her sleeping face persistently. He only felt that he was the luckiest man in the world.

Qi Lin Mengya's breathing was slow and long. After she was sure she was completely asleep, the black figure left reluctantly.

At the moment when the figure disappeared into the side hall, Lin Mengya opened her eyes in the darkness.

Squinting the corner of his eyes, a drop of tears fell.

Between her and him, I am afraid that it will never be possible to recover.

Long night Rumo, left the palace in accordance with the secret route given by Mr. Zhu, Long Tianyu hidden in the darkness, successfully avoided all eyes and eyes, and returned to their foothold in the inner city.

"Where is Qinghu?"

As soon as He entered the courtyard, a low voice asked about the man's whereabouts.

After getting a definite answer from his staff, he walked to the backyard.

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