Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 851: Confrontation

The backyard is extremely quiet, knowing Qinghu's temper, so Long Tianyu has never disturbed him easily.

清 Since Lin Mengya's death, Qinghu has been with him.

I just stepped into the backyard, and a bright color cut into the air.

Pu Long Tianyu's pupils tightened, but did not avoid.

He held a sharp long sword and pointed at his chest.

Chen Long Tianyu raised his head, and there was a cold light in the black eyes.

"what do you mean?"

He really trusts Qinghu right, but this does not mean that he can point at himself with a sword.

In the dark of night, the fox was wearing a lilac gown, and everyone looked cool and gorgeous.

I was just those eyes, but it was so cold that I couldn't help shaking my heart.

"Why did you lie to her?"

The questioning without mercy made Long Tianyu's heart tighten.

He reached out and opened the long sword in Qinghu's hand, looking slightly cold.

"You better not talk anymore in front of her."

I warned Qing Fox, Long Tianyu knew him too well.

Qiu Ruo said that the only man in the world who could approach Lin Mengya but still had nothing to do with him was the one in front of him.

He knows Qing Fox's heart about Lin Mengya, but that doesn't mean he can let Qing Fox destroy his plan.

"Hum, I don't say it, because I'm afraid the girl is sad. Long Tianyu, if you dare to lose her, believe it or not, I can take him to a place you can never find, hello."

Changjian retracted the scabbard cleanly, and the fox's charm eyes flashed a warning glance.

What he didn't look at most was that the girl was crying sadly, no matter who it was, she couldn't hurt her.

"you dare!"

No one can take her away from her, even if it is Qinghu!

"Then you try it, I dare, than you think, you took over the four gods, took over the power of the guardian, and I have nothing to do. I have been in the Fox Dragon Club for decades. Is the male pet showing off Cheng Huan? "

This is the first confrontation between Qinghu and Long Tianyuming. They are tit-for-tat, and no one will give in for a moment.

Xiao Long Tianyu dropped his hat on his cloak, his face was extremely serious.

Because, obviously, Qinghu is serious.

"I will not betray her, and you will never have a chance to take her away."

Long Tianyu, who is extremely proud, will not allow anyone to provoke.

Seeing his extreme arrogance, Qing Qinghu couldn't help his anger.

A pair of big hands grabbed Long Tianyu's neckline and suppressed the anger and growled.

"Since you will not lose her, why marry another person? She is the best woman in the world. Since you are committed to you, why don't you cherish it!"

Qing Qinghu's emotions were almost out of control. For him, she was not only a relative, but not just a friend.

She is the only light in his decades of life.

However, he was full of scars, and he had long lost the qualification to hug her.

Therefore, he was willing to retreat to the dark and guard her happiness in person.

But he would never let anyone hurt her.

"This is something between me and her, don't worry about you."

Frowning frowning, Long Tianyu easily opened Qinghu's hand and turned to walk outside the yard.

He was forced to marry someone, and he was about to suffer from the pain of being separated from Lin Mengya again.

Just, there are certain things he has to do.

I Yiya's heart, I believe she would not care about it.

How can those who become major events get stuck in such a small section?

"I will stay here to guard her, and no longer care about your things."

Behind me, the cold voice of Qing Fox came, which made Long Tianyu's figure stagnate slightly.

A subtle sound of breaking through the air, he knew that the clear fox, must have left their place.

Unconsciously, the clenched hands were loosened and clenched again.

Yeah, Qinghu stayed here, he would feel more at ease.

But why do you feel a little uneasy in your heart?

"Master, that gentleman sent a letter."

Around me, the respectful voice of his subordinates came.

Nine Dragons Tianyu could only suppress all emotions and took the stationery in his hands.

In order to welcome Yaer back soon, he can only do so.

"Miss, are you awake?"

Early in the morning, Lin Mengya, who opened her eyes and silently shed tears all night, just felt like an appointment, and felt that her brain was uncomfortable.

"Is it Bai Su? Come in."

He sounded a little unexpectedly hoarse and had a thick nasal sound.

Xi Baisu took the copper basin filled with clear water and walked into the inner room. Behind the layers of the veil, the figure lying on the bed made her feel a little distressed.

She began to regret why she had to be in a hurry, and told the lady about it.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Anxiously wanted to see the situation of her own lady, but as soon as she lifted the veil, she heard inside and heard a slightly tired voice from Lin Mengya.

"I didn't sleep well last night and want to rest today. If there is nothing important, you go down first."

With a clear nasal sound, of course, Bai Su knew that the lady must have cried.

She bit her thin lips, and she knew something that outsiders couldn't help.

However, she was distressed and worried.

"Miss, don't be too sad if Grandpa really loses you. No matter what decision you make, no matter where you are going, Bai Su will accompany you. Just ask you, do n’t take your own I'm out of breath. "

I knelt on the outside of the curtain, and Bai Su never thought that when she said this, she would make a lady with a strong temperament look like this.

恨 She wished she hadn't heard the news.

小姐 If she doesn't know, the lady won't know, maybe the lady won't be sad, right?

"I don't blame you for this. On the contrary, if you didn't tell me, I'm afraid I'm still in the dark. If that's the case, then when I know all the truth, how do I get along? Sue, do you say I'm too careful, you know that he can't just stand alone with me, but I'm still dreaming and won't wake up.

Perhaps, I should learn from my wife and get used to it, maybe it won't be so sad. "

There was a husky voice, a breath of despair.

Suddenly, there was a horror of fear in Wu Baisu's heart, afraid that the young lady would do something stupid.

"Miss, no, Wang must have his distress. Miss, please don't think so!"

Almost frightened by Lin Mengya's attitude.

虽然 Although she is not long with the lady, she knows that the lady with a gentle appearance has a flexible heart that no one can match.

何时 When did she hear such a discouraged statement from the lady? "Maybe, I thought a lot about it that night. I shouldn't deny our feelings, because that's disrespect to him, and to me. So, even the price of trying to make me sad, I need to figure it out. "

Zhe Lin Mengya seemed to have made up her determination, and those red and swollen eyes who had been crying all night silently showed a look of absolute determination.

She must not be in vain, and cut off the relationship with him.

This kind of stupid thing that will pain her whole life, she would never do it easily.

She is Lin Mengya, the world's major events are in her hands, it is just a game, not to mention a man.

She is as proud as she is. She is not like a wife, trying to achieve perfection for love. Although she has achieved good results, she has also suffered for so many years.

She is her, unique, and extremely proud of her.

He loves so clearly and clearly.

If you let go, you will always say clearly that if you live up to your heart, you will never have any misunderstanding!

This is the way to love, and it is her criterion for life.

"Miss means, do you want to go to the king now and ask me clearly?"

As long as the lady can cheer up, she can do anything.

Lin Lin Mengya lay on the bed and said after thinking about it.

"It's not necessary. I asked him last night. He didn't answer me. This shows that he didn't want to let me know. Isn't the wedding ceremony going to take place after two months? We will arrive the same day, and I will personally To watch him marry another woman. "

Tong Ming knew that this was another cruel thing for himself, but Lin Mengya still made up her mind.

From the king city of Lieyun Kingdom to the capital city of Dajin, it takes only one and a half months to get there.

However, Long Tianyu, it will take them a few days to set off. The speed between them is almost the same.

"But, isn't there something bad about Nine Princes?"

打 Since Bai Su understood Nine Prince's obsession with the young lady, she has always been concerned, for she was unhappy because she was afraid that something would happen to the Nine Prince.

Fortunately, Nine Princes only went to the Luoluo Conference, and for a while and a half, they couldn't take Miss.

But if they leave, they do n’t know when they will return.

His Royal Highness Jiu Jiu, will they really let them go easily?

"Anyway, I've figured it out. You can send a message to Xiaoyue for me and tell him not to go back to the palace after returning from Luoluo. Divert to Wanlichi directly. I'll go and give him something to do while I Miluo will have a great victory and win it in one fell swoop. "

This night, Lin Mengya was full of thoughts.

The things on Xiao Xiaoyu's side seemed to be tricky, but they were already done.

I heard the news from there saying that at the Luoluo meeting, only the big prince was really qualified to compete with Xiaoyu.

No one else is his opponent.

And Xiaoyu Xinyi shot, they were shocked.

And there is the poisonous blood she gave, I'm afraid it will be good.

最大 The biggest winner in this session is no one except Xiaoyu.

Now that he has become a hot spot, naturally people have to find a way to cut off his nails.

If you only protect Xiaoyu in the palace, wouldn't all the efforts they had made before be wasted?

The only way I can do now is to put Xiaoyu in the Wanli Pond.

There, even Xin Li couldn't get in easily.

Wu Xiaoyu's cultivation in it will not only increase his own strength and statement, but those who want to murder him can only do nothing.

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