Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 859: Lady of the east

There was actually a hostess in Lifu, but she came all the way, but never found the slightest trace.

I just don't know what kind of woman will make Dongfang Xu catch the eye.

As the housekeeper went deep into the inner courtyard, a small courtyard looking very quiet appeared in front of her eyes.

"The girl please rest here first, everything is still waiting for my hometown to come back, and I am wronged."

He nodded, Lin Mengya did not feel a bit awkward.

It is natural for her to be a little bit smart on other people's sites, so as not to give people any trouble.

Pu Xiaoyuan has a nice view and a nice house, but the smell of dust from the air still made her realize that it should only be cleaned here roughly.

However, anyway, the tables, chairs, benches and quilt pillows are all new.

I presumably because it was just an accident to invite her over.

If it was n’t the five grandfathers who came here to make trouble today, it is likely that Dongfang Xu may not find himself.

I said, I still blame that guy.

最好 It's best not to let her meet that guy again next time, otherwise she will never be polite!

Sister sitting at the table, Lin Mengya's finger knocked on the table unconsciously.

The room is indeed very nice and the decoration is quite elegant.

It was more than enough for him to imprison her.

The reason why Dongfang Xu locked her up was nothing more than to use her to threaten Xiaoyu.

Now she and Xiaoyu's oolong incident is so hot in the palace that a family like the Oriental Family may not know it.

With Dong Dongxu's affection for A Xiu, he was naturally anxious and wanted to give A Xiu a good home.

However, since Dongfang Xu knew his identity and the relationship between Axiu and himself, he was able to take him back in a hurry, and he was too anxious.

After all, others don't know, they are fully aware that they are a pair with Long Tianyu.

If it is not necessary to do it, or if it is necessary at this time, Dongfang Xu should not risk it.

Among them, what is the secret?

Obediently stayed in the small courtyard, and before she called someone in, someone brought her hot tea and fruits, all of which were superb and fresh.

I didn't have to tell Lin Mengya, those girls would automatically put things on the table in front of her.

I waited until the placement was finished, and they all retired quietly. Even Lin Mengya had no chance to find a match.

It seems that Dongfang Xu intentionally made himself dumb.


Long sighed, Lin Mengya lay on the table.

I don't know if Bai Su has sent the news, she doesn't want to waste time here.

She glanced across the door inadvertently, and a figure quietly appeared in the corner of her window, making Lin Mengya's spirit.

He continued to paralyze on the table as a prop until the sneaking figure disappeared, and Lin Mengya got up from the table.

I wondered, who would come to peep at her?

With a curious mood, Lin Mengya subconsciously wanted to follow.

But she just went outside the yard and saw the housekeeper hurried towards her yard.

Scrambled back to the yard, rolled back to bed, closed his eyes, and slapped.

Fortunately, the housekeeper did not personally confirm it, but after looking at it through the door, he left lightly.人 The people here are really weird. Why do you like to peep at her as such a stranger?

With her arms folded, Lin Mengya felt more and more weird.

It didn't take long for me to hear a sound outside.

Gao Linmengya thought that it was the return of the housekeeper, or the arrival of Dongfang Xu.

But when she sat up and just sorted out her messy clothes, a few Qianying appeared in front of her.

"Madam, this woman, the housekeeper welcomed him from outside the house today!"

His sharp voice was slightly harsh.

Gao Linmengia frowned, only to find a woman with gorgeous clothes and beautiful appearance standing in front of her eyes, but with a bit of suffocation between her brows.

From the title, it should be the hostess here.

Unable to tell her, this lady seems to have misunderstood something.

For example, the angry look that almost eats her is very telling.

At this moment, explaining or not explaining has become one of the problems she is currently encountering.

"Seen Madam."

Finally, Lin Mengya will do a generous gift.

She is also a person who has been beaten in the palace. She can cope with people who are difficult, not to mention a woman who is obviously a grieving woman in front of her.

Sure enough, the lady seemed a little accustomed to her initiative.

After looking at her scornfully, she said arrogantly:

"You know the rules. Since the master can get you in, you have to understand the rules in our house. Otherwise, you won't be able to live here."

This misunderstanding is a bit big!

Lin Lin Mengya smiled helplessly in her heart, she is really an innocent and good person, why is she always involved in such things?

夫人 "Mrs. may be misunderstood, He Lan is not Mr. Dong's confidante. He Lan is only a small female officer in the palace, just to be ordered to do things."

I heard that she was a female officer in the palace, and the masters and girls who were opposite her eyes widened.

"What? You are a female officer, how does the master know you? Does the master dare to move even the people in the palace?"

Oh my god! Lin Mengya really wanted to hit her head and die.

She all stated that she had come to work for business, but why this lady still wanted to lead her to the fork of the adulterer and adulteress.

He pressed his hold on his temperament, Lin Mengya took out her arms, and held the share belonging to Mrs. Jingrou with her hands.

"Mrs. See, this is proof of He Lan's identity. He Lan is really just here to do things, there is absolutely nothing else."

Mrs. Dong looked at the token in her hand suspiciously, but her face changed after seeing the sign of Mrs. Jingrou above.

"Does it mean that Mrs. Jingrou agreed to Axiu's entry into the palace? How come, hasn't Her Royal Highness already had a sweetheart?"

Alas, Madam Oriental seemed more shocked than before.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know what to answer, she just smiled, then lowered her head and pretended to be dead.

"Forget it, since this is the case, you are so happy to be here to wait. If you let my lady find that you have lied to me, no matter if you are a lady in the palace or someone else, I will never let you go! "

The tokens were returned to her hands. In Lin Mengya's cramped smile, the girls and their girls twisted their waists and disappeared into her sight.

夫人 "Ma'am, if the lady officer really proposed to Miss Axiu, wouldn't your plan be"

Outside the window, the ring was lowered, but Lin Mengya, who was at the tip of her ear, could hear a voice.

But because of the word Axiu, she took extra care.

"Anyway, it seems that she is just a female official who comes to do business. The little **** of Axiu must not escape my palm. The nine prince's eyes are high, how could he possibly marry a blind man."

He heard the lady in his ear and answered with a little pride.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, but her heart was a little disturbed.

夫人 This lady is planning something she doesn't know, but in her tone, it seems that she wants to marry A Xiu to someone else.

Suddenly he realized why Dongfang Xu was so anxious.

I'm afraid there is a connection between them.

In a little anxious, Lin Mengya finally waited for the arrival of Dongfang Xu.

She's complexion is still a bit iron-colored. It seems that after she left, the uncle who broke the heart for A Xiu had other things to do.

"Mr. Dongfang, I have something to ask you."

He stood up, Lin Mengya said urgently,

But Ke Dongfangxu waved his hand, and sat in front of her with a look of loneliness for a long time before sighing.

唉 "Oh, I'm sorry 嫂嫂, I'm also sorry, Axiu!"

This, let Lin Mengya's question was in his mouth.

She found a suitable opportunity for a long time, and asked carefully.

"What the **** are you worried about?"

If Madam Dongfang came, she thought Dongfang Xu only used her as a condition to force Xiaoyu to marry Axiu.

So now, she feels that this man's behavior is mixed with many last resorts.

"Mrs. Lin, my husband knows you are careful and smart, please, save Axiu!"

He said, Dongfang Xu was about to kneel to Lin Mengya.

The latter immediately stopped his behavior, obediently, Dongfang Xu could be like her father.

If she knelt down like this, she would not live three years!

"Sir, don't be like this, if you have anything to say, you can do it. I will never quit if I can do it."

It's about A Xiu, she has to be nervous.

After Gao got her affirmative answer, Dongfang Xu's dim look didn't alleviate much.

"It's actually my fault when it comes to talking about it. If it weren't for my wife's lard, I wouldn't have done it. After A Xiu had blinded his eyes for that reason, I was going to find her A suitable visiting son-in-law. But the woman actually wanted to marry A Xiu and marry the madman of Xin's family! I beat her with anger, but she did not expect that she would intensify and instigate other forces in the family. You must force me to submit! Axiu has grown up since I was young, and I will never allow anyone to send her into the wolf den! "

I did not even think of Lin Mengya, and things turned out to be like this.

"The lunatic of the Xin family, but Xin Li?"

Dongfang Xu nodded, and there was a dread in his eyes.

"Who else besides him? The lunatic is not a normal person at all. It is rumored that he married his wife in the first room at the age of fifteen, but he was killed alive within three days. Later there were several more A woman was sent to him, but one ended in worse than the other. My family's A Xiu, the pearl of my palm that I smashed with my elder brother, how can he make it worse! "

Tong Dongfangxu was emotional and Lin Mengya was anxious.

Not to mention Xin Li's weird temperament, that is, the inhuman radon emanating from that person, which cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

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