Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 860: Axiu's life experience

"Xin Li, I've seen it, it's not a good match. So my husband asked me to come, is he trying to persuade Xiaoyu to rescue Axiu temporarily?"

Unexpectedly Lin Mengya expected, Dongfang Xu shook his head gently.

"I invite you to come, not to persuade that kid, but to persuade A Xiu Mengya. This girl in my family is very stubborn. Other than Wan Yanyu, other men let her choose. But she wanted to accept This marriage from the Xin family. Well, Miss Lin doesn't know if you can convince her for me? "

what? Axiu actually wants to accept a marriage contract with Xinli?

Lin Lin Mengya really couldn't understand. Is it that Xiu was crazy?

"Okay, I'm going to persuade Axiu. But I have something, and I want to ask you. Maybe it will be difficult for you, but also ask me to answer me."

Since Dongfang Xu loves Axiu so much, he must hope that Axiu can be happy and happy.

If she can, she wants Axiu to meet Bai Su.

In this way, two people will no longer feel lonely and helpless.

After all, if you know that there is one more sister in the world that is fused with your own blood, it is also a good thing for them.

Also, Axiu and Bai Su are all rare girls in this world.

When encountering such a thing, she always manages it.

"But it doesn't matter."

Tong Dongfangxu was a little excited, after all, Axiu had a deep feeling for the girl Lin.

After returning from Jin State, she missed her sister Lin.

If she had her help, maybe she could make that stubborn girl change her mind.

"I heard a few rumors a while ago, saying that the long-room couple of the Oriental family had no children after marriage. Later, they went to the temple of the gods to pray and got a daughter like A Xiu. However, some people said that A Xiu was not Oriental The biological daughter of the family. I wonder if this is true. "

The news collected by Wu Baisu some time ago did say something.

However, it is strange that the rumors that doubted Axiu's life later seemed to be deliberately suppressed.

If he is not a greedy guy who wants to get money, he won't tell the person who Bai Su sent out secretly.

Now she took the news to test it, and Dongfang Xu didn't suspect anything.

He just changed his face slightly after the other party heard her.

"I don't know which rumour came from the news. But Axiu is indeed the blood of our Oriental family, the biological daughter of my elder brother and sister-in-law. It's just--"

Lin Lin Mengya originally thought that this was Dongfang Xu's excuse.

He did not expect that the man's face changed, and he uttered a paragraph that shocked her.

"Well, I'm complaining about this. Originally, my elder brother already had a sweetheart, but I didn't know. For my selfishness, I let my family try to promote his marriage. But then, my unscrupulous sister-in-law used to I came here once, but took away the daughter of my sister-in-law. In the end, we inquired, and took the chance to get A Xiu back in the hands of an deceased person. Only since then, even those who are interested have taken this matter. Make a fuss. If I hadn't been alone, Axiu wouldn't have done it. "

Such privacy, Dongfang Xu originally wanted to hide in his heart, and will never mention it again.

I did not expect, even today, I spoke out to a junior.

In the beginning, if it wasn't for the woman he loved, he fell in love with his elder brother.

If it wasn't for the moment that he felt inferior, he would desperately want to be a complete and beloved woman, and things would not have developed like that.

Brother Xi will never want to return to home, and A Xiu will not have to be questioned that it is not the blood of the Oriental family.

I blame him for everything.

"The woman who took Axiu, do you know who it is?"

Lin Mengya felt that she was getting closer to the truth of the matter.

Tong Dongfangxu looked at her, and then said in distress:

"I only know that she is a very good medical woman, but I don't know much about other things. After all, things have been so long."

A Xiu is the biological daughter of the Oriental family, but was later recovered. The person who took A Xiu away was a medical woman.

Suddenly, Lord Witch said that Bai Su and A Xiu are biological sisters.

Is it true that Bai Su is an illegitimate daughter of the Oriental family?

"Except for Xiu, your brother has no children?"

Dongfang Xu shook his head, but Lin Mengya's heart floated a hint of coolness.

The sorceress won't lie to her, especially in this kind of thing, there is no stand to deceive herself.

If this is the case, it can only be explained that Bai Su is very likely to be the daughter of that medical girl.

Her poor Bai Su, she thought she had found a family for Bai Su.

I didn't want to, and opened a secret that was intentionally hidden.

Hyun's desire to make their sisters meet has faded.

What method should she use to make Bai Su and the Oriental family accept this fact?

In my opinion, we still have to solve Axiu's affairs first.

If this is the case, at least Dongfang Xu will owe her a favor, and maybe it will come in handy when it is absolutely necessary.

Lin Mengya, who had figured it out, also made up her mind.

In this way, it is imperative to prevent Axiu from marrying Xinli.

"Mrs. Lin, do you ask me these questions, but is it related to persuading my family Axiu?"

Dongfang Xu is not very clear, after all, these things are right or wrong of their elders, has nothing to do with Axiu's child.

Although he trusted Lin Mengya, he was not quite sure what kind of influence it would have on A Xiu.

"It's not about persuading Axiu, but if the husband wants to completely sever this matter, he still needs to start from the root. No matter how Axiu is, he can't ask to marry Xinli himself. The reason for this, I think you should know better than me. "

Although Axiu's stubborn child, she understands it. But this does not mean that she did not half persuade Axiu.

Axiu is too simple and too pure.

So, just thinking about why she married Xin Li, Lin Mengya can come to a conclusion.

But terrible, it is the driving force behind this thing.

The lady of the east was afraid that she could not get involved.

"I understand what you mean, A Xiu must not marry the madman of the Xin family. As long as you can convince her, I will do other things."

If it wasn't for this matter, it would involve Dongfang Xu's sharp and intelligent brain that would affect his most beloved niece, and he would definitely not let go of the culprit.

He nodded and Lin Mengya knew that even if he didn't say it, Dongfang Xu must have noticed it.

"Master, Miss Axiu is here. Noisy to see you and this girl, ours, can't stop it."

Butler's helpless voice came from the door.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head, but smiled a little embarrassedly.

I sent Bai Su to Axiu. Unexpectedly, these two girls were very neat, and they came within a short time.

"This boy, oh, I can't help it."

Tong Dongxu's eyes were full of petting for this niece.

"Let them come in, Axiu came to me, and it was also my person who informed her."

Gao Linmengya confessed actively. Although she knew it was not good, she knew that notifying Axiu was the best way to solve this problem.

Whether it is Xiaoyu's person or Long Tianyu's person who finds himself missing, he will definitely abandon the waves.

Since everyone is a friend, this kind of hurtful thing is naturally unnecessary.

"Okay, go and invite the lady over."

Tong Dongfangxu glanced at Lin Mengya gratefully. As long as she can convince that stubborn girl, then everything, of course, will be too late.

I know that if I stay, I will make these little girls unhappy.

Dongfang Xu nodded slightly towards Lin Mengya, and people got up and left.

After a short while, A Xiu's crisp and anxious voice came from outside.

"I told my uncle, this matter has nothing to do with Sister Lin! If he dares to be bad to Sister Lin, I'll ignore her again!"

On the one hand, she loves her uncle, and on the other, she has a deep relationship with her, and she treats her like an idol's sister.

A Xiuwei frowned, sucking her nose, but no tears fell.

哭 Since losing her eyes, crying seems to be the most luxurious thing for her.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood up and greeted herself.

"I'm fine, Mr. Dongfang just asked me to come and sit."

Outside the yamen, the girl in pale pink clothes and hollow eyes instantly locked the direction of the sound source.

Regardless of the support and dissuasion of the people around him, he quickly flew in the direction of Lin Mengya like a butterfly.

I took her hands and embraced the anxious girl in her arms.

Every time she sees Axiu, she will make her feel very distressed.

"I'm fine, really fine, don't worry."

Lin Lin Mengya's comforting voice finally played its due role.

Yumei Yuma revealed the anxious girl, eagerly grabbed her arm, said grievously:

"I'm sorry to sister Lin, it's all my fault. I told my uncle, this matter has nothing to do with you. Why the uncle just didn't listen and tied you up. If it wasn't for that sister to tell me, I still Get in the drum! "

Like Lin Mengya's original thoughts, Axiu also thought that the reason why her uncle would bring her favorite sister Lin back was in fact to use her as a bargaining chip and to finish Yan Yu's agreement with her.

I didn't want to, they all misunderstood Dongfang Xu.

"Bai Su, you worked hard."

He helped Axiu walk into the room, Lin Mengya looked up and looked at Bai Su, who was as worried as Axiu.

He gave the other a consoling smile before sitting on the chair and carefully looking at the girl in front of him.

This girl seems thinner than when she met a while ago.

However, the spirit is very energetic, and it does not seem to be arrogant.

Maybe it's because of the palpitations in her body. The temperament and appearance are slightly changed.

Lin Lin Mengya judged for a moment before deciding where to start.

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