Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 667: Queen of Witches

If she knew less about these things, it would not be possible to have such associations.

But there is a bit of Lin Mengya who can be sure that the dungeon where the witch is located can never be the fairy city they are looking for.

Although the emergence of the magic witch, it is very likely that it will be related to the fairy city.

Because the Lieyun people believe that they are descendants of 蛊 王 and the queen.

Various legends also have some relationship with Xiancheng and Gu Weiguo.

What is the connection between her and her? She and her are not clear?

His subconsciously took out the slate capricorn in his arms, besides Bai Su and A Xiu, I was afraid that it was the contents of this slate, and only those guardians knew about it.

Xu thoughts drifted into the distance again, I do not know what secrets are hidden in a mysterious land like Lieyun.

I hope that the day when the secret is revealed, it won't be too far.

"The girl seems to be worried?"

Wu Ningqiu gave a curious glance at the slate in Lin Mengya's hand, but there was nothing special about it except for some small ones.

恩 "Well, I don't know the legend about the King of Kings and the Witch, do you know?"

After the king and the witch, Lin Mengya only felt that the closer she was, the more she felt that the two existed only in mythical figures and had an extraordinary origin.

It seems that to date, all the secrets and traditions of Lie Yun Kingdom have something to do with these two people.

She is more willing to think of them as two strangers than she has ever met before.

She is even more curious. Why do these two people still have such a lofty status in the minds of Lieyun people thousands of years later?

"Is the king and the queen? I think they are like Wang Shang and Mrs. Jingrou!"

Sui Ningqiu don't look deep into the harem, but folk legends are all beautiful.

With a bit of longing in his eyes, this is a story that every Lieyun person knows, but also the longing of every Lieyun girl.

"It is said that the King of Kings used to be the most powerful king. He created the unique technique of Lieyun Kingdom. It is the most powerful master of all time. Later, he met the beautiful and gentle queen maiden. The queen is probably from heaven. The goddess fell in love with the King of Kings after seeing his heroism. The King of Kings immediately fell in love with this beautiful fairy after seeing the queen maiden. They held a grand wedding and since then, 蛊The king and the sorceress lived happily together. "

Lin Mengya shook her head looking at the yearning look of Ning Qiu.

I am like every modern girl who has a princess dream.

I heard these girls who grew up in the legend since childhood, how many more do not want to be the legendary queen?

I gathered my thoughts back. Although there were many secrets between the king and the queen, there were still many things waiting for her to solve.

But what is more important is to solve the problems before us.

"Okay, one day sooner or later, the person who belongs to you will appear. By the way, I have one more thing to tell you. After arriving at Xin's house, I am not in a position to come forward. So if there is anything, you just talk to Bai Su. Say. Once you have established a foothold at the Xin family, ask one person to move to the house next to Wanlichi, with only some followers. At that time, we will quietly mix in. Once it is successful, then we will also Freedom. "

The niece has many privileges, and in order to maintain the innocence of the niece, she must live in isolation.

Before Wang Shangguai brought the previous maidservant, I was afraid that the supervision of Ning Qiu would be more severe.

The residence next to Wanwanchi Lake is generally opened only when someone needs to go to Wanwanchi to practice.

Because it is not easy for anyone except the niece to enter.

The entrance and exit of the puppet, both have puppeteer and tapeworm.

Don't say someone abducted, it is impossible to meet the previous one.

So Lin Mengya has full confidence. As long as Ning Qiu is identified, they will live in the courtyard next to Wan Wan Po.

When she was left unattended, her temporary disappearance would not attract the attention of the caring people.

He nodded, and Ning Qiu carefully remembered everything in his heart.

She knew that she had to be careful step by step at Xin's house, so she had to engraved He Lan's words, every word, in her mind.

"Also, according to the meaning of the wife. If you want to be a niece, you have to go through a series of rigorous scrutiny. You must not believe anyone except Xiaoyu and me. You said that he was sent by Mrs. King, and you should not believe a word. Unless we are here in person, you should not believe the news of others, do you understand? "

I nodded seriously, Ning Qiu naturally understood.

What's more, she was in the deep palace, naturally she was suspicious and easily refused to believe strangers.

After a few words, I told her that the carriage also reached the first stop.

As soon as the four talents jumped off the carriage, someone greeted them.

"Adults have already arranged it, ladies please please."

Tong Lai lowered his voice, took out a secret letter Wang had written secretly and gave it to Lin Mengya.

After taking it calmly and carefully reading it a few times, Lin Mengya temporarily let go of her worries.

Since He was personally prepared by Wang Shang, he would not be in trouble.

"Thank you."

I followed the man into the humble little inn behind him. There were not many things in it, and there were not many people, but it was very clean and tidy, not like a wild shop by the village.

They will stay here for two days before changing to a new carriage.

This is the first stop of Ning Qiu's training for the devil.

I settled down a little bit, and the king's people protected them at any time, and there were not many customers in this Ono store, and it did not cause anyone's doubt and attention.

In the backyard of the inn, Lin Mengya was still plunging into the pile of herbs. No one except Bai Su was allowed to enter her house.

He rubbed his eyebrows a bit tired, looking at the herbs that had shown results in his hands, Lin Mengya stretched out.

In fact, these days, she has been studying how Xiaoyu can successfully control Wang Yan.

I just tried so many methods, none of her blood worked.

Mrs. Xun told her that if Xiaoyu couldn't completely control Wang Xun by herself, she was afraid that in the end, Wang Xun might be bitten back.

So she must strive for 100%.

But Wang Yan is terrific after all, she can only speed up research.

"Raise your head and look at everything. Yes, you need to be more calm. Do n’t laugh, do n’t show who you hate. It ’s like you do n’t look down on anyone, not because they are weaker than you, but because they ca n’t let you in eye."

Outside the window, the impatient voice of Qing Fox came.

I treat people other than Lin Mengya, this guy has always lacked the necessary patience.

Naturally, Lin Mengya knew this clearly.

Can hinder her request, Qinghu can only be patient.

Through the window, Lin Mengya saw outside, and Ning Qiu was scolded by Qinghu's eyes and turned red.

That guy's mouth has always been very spicy, and has nothing good to say about Ning Qiu.

What a stupid idiot said a basket and didn't know where he found a three-finger board.

As long as Ning Qiu did something wrong, the board would fall heavily on her.

Although the voice is not loud, but how good is the clear fox, but I am afraid that I can't bear the pain of Ning Qiu.

"Why didn't you just say it for a long time? What I want is to look at everything, not to be intimidated. Is it true that slaves have become accustomed to it, won't the master become a prince?"

I was scolded again, Lin Mengya clearly saw the red eyes of Ning Qiu, tears that could barely hold back.

I sighed slightly, in fact, the iceberg-like beauty, Ning Qiu may have never seen.

After all, the women in the palace will go to the favor of the king.

Who would hold a face and hold a cold beauty shelf one day?

It was really hard for Ning Qiu to let her learn this feeling she had never seen before.

I just happen to be tired too, so it's better to go out and help them.

"Your teacher is too mean, I asked you to teach her patiently, but I didn't say that you should let her be a bag."

The cold female voice has no joy or sorrow, and her voice is slow but not slow.

A pair of uncles pushed open the door of the room, and Lianbu shifted lightly. A cold, cheeky face that seemed inedible by fireworks appeared in front of three people.

Seeing Lin Mengya's appearance, Qingqing Fox suddenly lighted up, and immediately moved like a rabbit and rushed to her.

"That's it, do you see it?"

Qinghu smiled and pointed at Lin Mengya's face, as if using her as teaching aid.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

The soft female voice had an ethereal feeling that could not be said. Lin Mengya's eyebrows were frozen, she could not feel her true emotions at all.

She was like Qinghu said. She didn't look away from anyone, but she didn't know who she was looking at.

Su Ningqiu looked at He Lan stupidly, as if to remember her, all in her mind.

This way, she won't forget.

"That's it. It's nothing difficult. You just have to practice a few more times. The so-called desirelessness is just hiding your heart deeply. And you, please teach her well, don't take another Perfunctory attitude, be careful I'm not happy, you're dead. "

Wu Liang spit out Bai Sensen's teeth, and Qinghu returned naturally, and did not follow the rules. In the end, Lin Mengya will surely make him dead.

Immediately swearing by the promise that God must be a good and patient teacher, this coaxed Lin Mengya'an to sit on the side instead of looking at herself so coldly.

"Miss seems to pay special attention to Ning Qiu, in fact, it is only half a year, why does Miss have to worry so much?"

Bai Su handed over the soft and warm papa, and let Lin Mengya wipe the medicine powder stuck to her hand clean.

In the eyes of the latter, there was a swift passing of light.

In a volume that only two people can hear:

半年 "Six months? No, I changed my mind. If it goes well, I hope that Ning Qiu will continue to be until the Xin family can not be completely used by Xiaoyu."

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