Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 868: Meet Yu Shan

"Isn't Miss Ke said that the potency of those medicines will only last for half a year? In the half year, if Ning Qiu showed his feet, wouldn't all his achievements be abandoned?"

Gao Linmengya nodded, indeed, the medicine she configured was only effective for half a year.

But if within six months, Xiaoyu completely controls Wang Xi.

At that time, every man in the pool will listen to Xiaoyu's order.

Wu Ningqiu, the niece, didn't you want to be a long time?

"So I must study things before Xiaoyu enters Wanji Pond. Bai Su, like your martial arts, no matter how sharp the sword you use, if your own martial arts are not strong, tricks It ’s not powerful enough, so even the most powerful weapon in the hand is like the same pile of broken copper and iron. "

Gao Linmengya's eyes drifted unconsciously into the distance. She can do only a few things, but Xiaoyu's potential is unlimited.

Her blood can help Xiaoyu to subdue Wang Ji temporarily, but it is not a long-term solution.

I heard Mrs. Jingrou said that Wang Ji was very special.

Not to mention that it can choose its owner freely. Even if it can control a large number of Lieyun people, it is enough to show that this thing is not simple.

In fact, Lin Mengya also researched before, and found that these maggots in Lie Yun Kingdom, strictly speaking, are not animals or plants, but they are indeed creatures with extremely special life forms.

Using her brain that has been subjected to modern medicine to analyze, the composition of these so-called 蛊 is more of a special poison that can be artificially controlled.

And this poison is very special, the source is nowhere to be found, including how and how it was produced, for Lin Mengya, I am afraid it is an unsolved mystery.

However, this poison can pass through the human body and reproduce from generation to generation.

If it is not triggered by special methods, these poisons may be dormant forever, without any danger to the human body, and will not be noticed.

But once the hair was stimulated, the way of poisoning hair was strange.

蛊 To Lieyun people, Wang 蛊 is like a master switch.

As long as it is in their hands, it is tantamount to their lives.

At the same time, Madam Jingrou also said that only those with royal family blood would be eligible to inherit Wang Yan.

Otherwise, it ’s like Xinli ’s natural talents, and in the end, he can only get one 蛊.

Therefore, if Xiaoyu wants to successfully ascend to the throne and control the king, it is a simple and crude method.

As for how to soothe people's hearts in the future, I believe that Yan Yanlie will be more skilled than her.

Alas, she was even more curious.

What kind of people are the ancestors of the Lieyun people in the end? Will they be so willing to let their children and grandchildren always be controlled by others?

"Miss said, but do n’t forget too much about sleeping and eating, you still have to take care of yourself."

Bai Lin Mengya said the reason all Bai Su understand, and also know how urgent the current situation.

She can't do much. She can only take good care of the lady and do everything the lady has ordered.

恩 "Well, I have something in mind. You help Qinghu, I don't have to worry about it here."

Taking a sip of the hot tea brought by Bai Su, Lin Mengya felt that she was almost rested, got up again, and returned to the room where she was temporarily living.

不少 A lot of medicinal materials are placed on the table and on the ground in a certain order.

不 There are some extremely rare species, but one thing is that these are very toxic.

If ordinary people are already dizzy and swollen in this case, even people who are weak may have slight poisoning.

But for Lin Mengya, these things are similar to the flowers and plants on the roadside.

Xi Xianxianyu fiddled with those poisons, Lin Mengya frowned again.

If you want to conquer Wang 蛊, you must wait for it to work best.

到底 What should she do in order to make a poison that Wang Ye can't stand?

Simple stacking is definitely not enough. It seems that she still has to make a lot of efforts on all aspects of medicine.

研究 As she studied, she watched the progress of Ning Qiu's training of Qinghu. Time passed very fast.

I came out of the first place, and after a few days of galloping, although the four people were all exhausted to varying degrees, they were all good and had a lot of gains.

Ning Qiu's noble and arrogant temperament became more and more significant under the tune of Qinghu.

Especially a certain look, it is very charming of Mrs. Jingrou.

In fact, Ning Qiu is by his wife's side every day and night, and naturally can contaminate his temperament.

I just had a look of Ning Qiu's attitude in the past. I never thought that one day she would have a chance to inherit her former position.

之间 In a hurry, fifteen days have passed and ten days have passed.

Just today, they finally arrived at Yushan County, the home of Xin's old nest.

When Lin Gang first entered Yushan County, Lin Mengya and his party clearly felt the difference in atmosphere.

If it is said that in Wangcheng, ordinary people can still live and work in peace.

But here, she clearly felt that everyone was a tight look.

Although the street is also crowded with people, it is not as lively as Waiwang City.

Since they came in, I have a lot of eyes, seemingly fell on them.

In order not to arouse suspicion from others, they all changed their line of business, completely dressed by the locals.

Ye Ke, however, they still attracted a lot of attention. This actually surprised Lin Mengya.

"Girl, something is wrong here."

Among the crowd, Bai Su protected Ning Qiu, and Qinghu naturally stood by Lin Mengya's side.

He nodded and Lin Mengya whispered to Qinghu.

"I feel the same way, don't you think that some of the people here are too alert and cautious? Even if we are faces, we don't need to monitor it like this?"

Lin Lin Mengya feels like Qinghu.

So far, she has roughly felt that there are about four or five groups of eyes to look at.

Those sights are bright or dark, hidden in the crowd.

Even though there is nothing malicious, it makes Lin Mengya unhappy.

"What must have happened here, I think it must be related to the disappearance of Xin's family."

Wu Qinghu's long eyes turned slightly, and everything around him had a good view.

Qi Qing's cold eyes pretended to pass a few places casually, in all cases, he could not escape his eyes.

"Possibly, after all, this is the nest of the Xin family. If there is an abnormality even here, I am afraid that the Xin family will be more frightened. Don't worry about them, we are ours.

Pretending not to feel the surveillance of those people, Lin Mengya and his party walked towards the place where they and Xiaoyu agreed to meet.

Twenty-three days ago, Xiaoyu, who shined at the Luoluo Conference, had arrived in Yushan County in advance.

As the winner of the Luoluo Club, according to the rules, Xiaoyu must enter the Wanluo Pool and use his own blood to awaken Wang.

Because of the lack of niece, the previous several Luoluo meetings were all co-coordinated by the high priests of the Xin family, and barely awakened Wang Xi with royal blood.

Now that they have everything in place, Xiaoyu must also enter Wanji Pond in order to completely avoid the assault of those people.

Xi Ningqiu, the niece, is the key to Xiaoyu's smooth entry into Wanluochi.

The location they agreed upon was an inn that Wan Yanlie had secretly bought in Yushan County.

Appearance looks no different from other inns.

But from the shopkeeper to the buddy, it's a complete confidant.

On this way, Xiaoyu was able to reach Yushan County safely without relying on many means.

Although here, the Xin family apparently must assume the role of guarding the prince.

But no one can believe them except themselves.

After seeing the inn called Qingling, Lin Mengya and his party were relieved.

"Guest is here, please inside."

My buddy standing at the door, saw them long ago.

He immediately greeted him with respect and humility, especially after seeing Bai Su, his eyes flashed a fine light.

恩 "Well, can anyone wait for us?"

Xi Baisu is most clear about Yan Lie's behavior. If it is not safe here, he will inform them as soon as possible.

昨天 She also received a message from the young master yesterday, stating that everything is as usual here.

"Yes, your guests are waiting for you on the second floor."

The dude lowered his voice and said, Bai Su nodded, and exchanged a look with Lin Mengya behind him, before he followed the dude and entered the Qingling Inn.

There aren't many people inside, but they all look like ordinary people.

But Lin Mengya was keenly aware that from the moment they entered the door, a few lines of sight, like light, shot over.

The body was a little tight for a moment, but fortunately, those lines of sight were only swept away and then retracted, without any maliciousness.

Lin Lin Mengya's body slowly eased down.

It seems that this place is not peaceful, otherwise, Wan Yanlie would not arrange such people to protect them anytime, anywhere.

I followed my buddies to the second floor and pushed open the innermost doorway. A very elegant and spacious room appeared in front of everyone.

A thin figure was sitting beside the brown wooden table.

There was a cup of tea in front of him.

"Master, man has arrived."

The sound of my dude has long caught the attention of the man sitting at the table.

The man wore a turquoise shirt, gray hair, a bun on his head, and a jade crown of Swiss beast.

Bai Su automatically let go, Lin Mengya stepped forward.

I didn't wait to speak, and embraced with the fragrance of tea, hug her tightly.

"I miss you so much."

I was tired, with a touch of joy.

Lin Mengya lifted her lips slightly, looking at the teenager who was almost as tall as herself, and even faintly showed signs of exceeding her.

Xiao Xiao's hand smoothed the folds on the teenager's shirt, but the next time, the little hand tightened the teenager's ear.

"Well, you little bunny, dare to hide from me! I don't think you know, your sister is my temper!"

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