Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 869: Fox and wolf

余 For the rest of her life, 愣 was Lin Mengya, who let out her temper, and made a scene of domestic violence.

Fortunately, the man has retreated. Otherwise, when he sees the young master who has always been indifferent, he will cry for pain under the hands of a woman, and he will certainly feel disillusioned.

"It hurts! I'm wrong sister, I shouldn't hide it from you. But if I say that, you will definitely worry for me, maybe you will ask to follow me. I'm afraid I can't protect you in case I let you What if I get hurt? "

The ear was savagely destroyed by Lin Mengya, and Rao used Xiaoyu's determination to ask for forgiveness.

"Do you still know that I am worried? Then, do you know, in case you were hurt, how sad I can't take care of you? Well, you have hard wings now, so you do n’t look at my sister at all Is it inside? Tell you, one day, sister for life. Since I am your sister, I ca n’t look at you. If there is another time, do n’t interrupt your legs after reading! ”

Xiaoyu's reprimand reprimanded Xiaoyu, who dared to retort, but nodded and said yes, he repeatedly promised that he would never obey, and then he would obey obediently, which let Lin Mengya release her hand temporarily.

He rubbed his red ears with tears in his eyes, let alone, it was only when Lin Mengya twisted him that he would feel extremely painful.

She stood beside Lin Mengya obediently, nodding her head and begging for mercy, and pinching her shoulders to take care of her attentiveness.

的 The three people standing at the door, Bai Su and Qinghu already knew what the pair of sisters and brothers looked like.

I was the first to see Ning Qiu in this situation, a bit stupid, as if unbelievable.

Huh, is this young boy who jumps up and down, really is that His Highness Nine who is indifferent to everyone? Isn't she wrong?

"You have a lot of adults, don't be mad at me. I'm also forced and helpless, and I will never do it again next time. Sister, will you calm down, okay?"

Wu Xiaoyu knew that Lin Mengya had always been good at her mouth, but she cared more about herself than anyone else.

I looked at Lin Mengya pitifully, and after the latter gave him a severe glance, he stopped looking at him temporarily.

Seeing that his strategy was effective, Xiaoyu smiled slyly.

A smiley face came to Lin Mengya's side, and greedily smelled her sister's body, which was a mixture of various poisons and herbs.

I just felt that the fatigue on my body seemed to fade away overnight.

"Why are you so close to me? Go away, I didn't say I forgive you."

I glanced at the guy for a moment, but in fact, I didn't leave Xiaoyu.

After looking up and down on the other side, it was determined that there was no injury, and Lin Mengya temporarily let go of her heart.

If someone dares to hurt Xiaoyu, she will give it back ten times.

"My good sister, don't be angry with me anymore. Guarantee, you will obediently obey in the future. By the way, you came here from Wangcheng this time, did you encounter any danger on the road?

Lin Mengya's sleeves were shaking back and forth, the latter also seemed to be unable to bear him, his face slightly eased.

"Master Xiao rest assured that the King was very well arranged along the way. No one found our whereabouts."

Bai Su said with a smile, but he could not help but pass a hint of worry.

Others may not be aware of it, but when they enter the door, the appearance of the young master embracing the young lady is far from being like a younger brother and the affection made to his sister.

That's the way a man looks when he looks at his favorite woman.

In Miss Ke's heart, only Prince Yu was missing.

I waited until the day when the young master expressed his heart, I really don't know what it would be like between them.

"Your father and father will do things, my girl has worked hard for your business for so many days, shouldn't you give her something good?"

清 The clear fox who had been standing at the door had a flash of coldness in her eyes.

This boy, his vision is really good.

He stood beside Lin Mengya calmly, naturally he knew the girl's mind, and also knew the weight of Xiaoyu in Lin Mengya's heart.

I hope this kid will be killed by himself, otherwise, he will not let him stand on the feeling of the past.

"Why are you here too? Long Tianyu also knows?"

In fact, from the moment Qinghu just appeared, Xiaoyu's heart was full of anxiety.

清 Qing Fox was with Long Tianyu at the beginning, and his people also said that since Lin Mengya's fraudulent death, Qing Fox has stayed with Long Tianyu to help.

I could not help but tighten my mind a little, and it took a lot of effort to make her sister completely belong to him now.

I must not be taken away again by that man.

"He didn't know that Qinghu accidentally found out that my body was not in the cave, so he came to me to find it. I have kept him secret about this."

He didn't wait for Qinghu to speak, Lin Mengya actually helped him cover it up.

However, what she thought was that if Xiaoyu knew that Long Tianyu was also here, she would definitely investigate his purpose.

At that time, it will cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.

After all, as Long Tianyu, he could not sneak into other countries just to see himself.

男人 That man's mind, she knows better than anyone.

Seeing her may be the main reason, but it's hard to tell if he will do something else by the way.

For example, secretly sneak into the Luo Luohui.

This is not a trivial matter. If Xiaoyu knows it, I'm afraid it will cause another wave.

"That's good, there are things that people who don't know are still okay."

Wu Xiaoyu's words seemed to warn Qinghu, who also narrowed his eyes.

He used to know that this child was a little wolf.

Now he has grown sharp claws, so, do you want to rob the treasure he guards?

Huh, it's still too tender.

"That is of course. It is mainly related to the girl. I will never reveal the slightest. Girl, you are tired, and I will accompany you to rest. Little wolf cub, I advise you to have time, or look at yours Sister. Don't let anything show up at the time, so that our efforts will be lost. "

清 狐 also pointed back, and the two men's silent confrontation disappeared before Lin Mengya realized it.

Qi Qinghu was surprised by Xiaoyu's attachment, and Xiaoyu was secretly shocked by the alert of Qinghu.

The fox and the wolf are now rivals in chess.

But one is just for guardianship, the other is for plunder.

He nodded, but Qinghu didn't say it, Lin Mengya also felt that her body was hollowed out.

She was studying on the road for ten days, both mentally and physically, and she had reached a limit long ago.

"Okay, come here, take the lady to rest."

Xi Xiaoyu has already learned that mood and anger are invisible, so under the obstruction of Qinghu, there is no hint of dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, I took the initiative to have them take them to rest, and also ordered Lin Mengya to ask someone to come to him if there was something.

"I'll go to sleep first, and when I wake up, I have something to tell you."

I rubbed my eyebrows, Lin Mengya also knew that if she didn't rest, her brain would strike.

He followed his buddy, accompanied by Qinghu, and returned to the room that Xiaoyu had arranged for her.

"Go to rest, too, I will come to you naturally when I wake up."

Pushed out the clear fox who wanted to massage herself, Lin Mengya looked at the big bed, but felt very kind.

I slammed on the bed, closed my eyes, and even the strange atmosphere just now, she even noticed something wrong.

Xiao Xiaoyu is strange, so is Qinghu.

Even Bai Su ’s response was a bit unusual. Is n’t everyone infected?

She is too lazy to explore the deeper reasons. Everyone is an indispensable family member for her.

I hope that one day, they can meet again, and live together under the same roof as before.

Strayed into the dreamland, when they arrived, the sun was shining, and when Lin Mengya woke up again, it was already full of stars.

I sat up, and the result of high-intensity mental labor was brain bursts.

Recently, she used her brain a bit harshly. Even with the help of Shennong system, she still feels that her brain cells are exhausted.

"Miss, why did you wake up?"

Bai Zheng gently opened the door and saw Bai Mengya sitting in a daze on the edge of the bed, immediately put down the chicken congee in his hand and came over.

"Wake up when you sleep enough, right, what time is it now, what are you doing?"

He got up on his own bed, Lin Mengya sat in front of the table, scooped a spoonful of chicken porridge, and blew it gently by his mouth.

Bai Su looked at her and said with a bite of her lips.

"Clear Fox estimates you should wake up, so go to the kitchen and see if there is anything you like to eat. As for the master, he took Ning Qiu out."

Bai Su was in front of her, and it turned out that no lie was suitable for telling.

Zhe Lin Mengya put down the warm porridge and looked at Bai Su with a fixed look.

"Say, Xiaoyu has no reason, why go out with Ning Qiu."

Xu lowered her eyes, and Bai Su was helpless.

"In fact, His Highness Nine took Ning Qiu to the banquet. The young master said that Xin ’s family had known his intentions three days ago, but he had been dragging his feet to say nothing about it. Now Ning Qiu has arrived, and Xin ’s family has He said he wanted to host a dinner party for the young master. The young master thought that this was the best time for Ning Qiu to make his debut. So he took her with her. "

Lin Lin Mengya obeyed, but nodded.

There is nothing wrong with this, after all, Ning Qiu does need a suitable opportunity to play.

"But you haven't finished it yet? Bai Su, you know, in front of me, you never learn to hide."

苏 Bai Su, completely dismantled by the lady, was full of grievances.

She didn't want to say it, but the master said it. Once she told the truth, the lady would stop it.

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