Su Yiwen Lingzhao

Vol 2 Chapter 493: expel Gu

Shui Lao said politely: "Lord, King Yong has put his son Xia Jingyu in the clan dungeon and ordered him not to go out for three years."

"Also, King Yong hopes to beg the Lord in person."

The middle-aged man in the cloth robe frowned slightly, and snorted coldly: "As a child of the royal family, but colluding with the demons of the Tianyan Demon Sect, the Yongwang just punished him like this?"

The voice is still floating, and his figure has disappeared into the night.


Shui Lao bowed to take orders.

That night.

Yongwangfu, Xia Jingyu's cultivation base was abolished, and he was reduced to a mortal person.

Parties related to Xia Jingyu were executed.

It is just news, but it is blocked in Yongwangfu, and outsiders can no longer know it.

The so-called power is nothing like this.

Qingyun Courtyard.

Moulins are built with bamboo, pavilions and pavilions, and green water flows around.

The well-proportioned jade buildings and palaces are filled with antique flavor, simple and exquisite.

In the night, the red lanterns hang high, the light and shadow are clear, warm and quiet.

In addition, there are elegant rooms for meditation, a jade platform for drinking tea and enjoying the scenery, and a secret room for alchemy and alchemy…

No matter the layout, decoration and furnishings, there is a noble and extraordinary atmosphere.

Even the fish raised in the pond are extremely rare colored spirit carp, one piece is worth ten rank five spirit stones.

And the colorful carp like this, haunt in groups in the pond...

In short, this small courtyard of Qingyun is as large as houses and buildings, as small as flowers and plants, all of which are ingenious, revealing a noble atmosphere that can only be felt in the precipitation of time.

Such a mansion is located in Qinglongfang, an inch of land in Jiuding City, adjacent to Zhuque Street, covering an area of ​​100 acres!

On the side of Qingyun Courtyard is the famous "Golden Scale Lake" in Jiuding City. The place is thick and dense.

"This is a nice place."

Su Yi nodded. After arriving at Qingyun Courtyard, he had already handed Yue Shichan to Bai Wenqing, who placed him in the room prepared for him.

I plan to release the "Witch Demon Poison" in her body after recuperating and saving tax tonight.

"Senior Su, after going to Yunze Tower today..."

Bai Wenqing told everything about her experience in Yunze Tower today, and then returned the Dragon Sparrow Jade Pendant to Su Yi.

"Then Tang Jiansen dares to attack you, it's just damn!"

Yuan Heng was very angry.

Bai Wenqing felt warm in her heart and said softly, "Brother Yuanheng, don't worry anymore, that Tang Jiansen has already been punished. By the way, where did you and Senior Su go tonight?"

Yuanheng suddenly felt guilty and stammered: "'s a long story, I'll talk to you when I have time."

Su Yi glanced at Yuan Heng contemptuously, and went to a brothel, how could he be so embarrassed?

"You should rest early too."

Su Yi walked towards the pavilion where he lived.

On the way, his fingertips gently rubbed the dragon sparrow jade pendant in his palm, but his heart was slightly strange.

Flower trade wind's identity is not simple!

The price of Jiuding City is extremely high, and ordinary monks can't expect to have a place in the city that can shelter from the wind and rain.

And the Qinglongfang where the Qingyun courtyard is located, if it is not the top-level big clan in Jiuding City, then

No matter how much wealth you spend, you will never have a place to live in Qinglongfang!

Nowadays, with just a piece of jade pendant, Yunzelou can arrange such a mansion, how could Hua Tradefeng's identity be simple?

Not to mention that Yun Zelou, because of this jade pendant, directly cleaned up Tang Jiansen, the direct descendant of the great power.

All of this is enough to prove how powerful the strength behind the flower trade wind is.

Of course, Su Yi didn't care about that.

He just made an inference through this matter, and this inference is not only related to the dragon sparrow jade pendant, but also to the owner of Na Weng Jiu.

"The owner of Weng Jiu will definitely come to the door again, and you will know when you ask."

Su Yi secretly said.

He put away the jade pendant and walked into his room.

On the bed, Yue Shichan was lying there quietly, her eyes closed, she was unconscious, her picturesque face was pale and pitiful.

Su Yi felt pity in his heart.

Recall that in Dazhou, Yuliu Wang Yueshichan was a legend of the younger generation, and countless warriors were like fairies in their hearts.

She is also a good seedling that Su Yi admired most in Da Zhou.

Unlike Little Sword Demon Wen Xinzhao, Yue Shichan is introverted and cold in temperament, very opinionated, stubborn and strong.

Wen Xinzhao's temperament is much brighter and more outgoing, graceful and graceful, exuding a graceful aura.

The two girls are equally obsessed with swordsmanship.

Like plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, each is good at winning.

Su Yi didn't expect that on the first day he arrived in Jiuding City, Yue Shichan, a beautiful girl, was almost killed tonight!

Staring at Yue Shichan silently for a moment, Su Yi raised his hand and lifted the quilt, revealing Yue Shichan's graceful undulating slender figure.

After that, Su Yi thought about it, and finally decided to let Qingwan take off Yue Shichan's clothes.


Qing Wan appeared out of thin air, wearing a bright red dress, her skin was snow-white and crystal clear, and her big, deep and clear eyes were like a crescent moon in the sky.

Only, when she learned that Su Yi was going to take off Yue Shichan's clothes by herself, Qingwan didn't know what to think of, her pretty little face fluttered her cheeks, she lowered her head in shame, timid Said: "Master, you... do you want... double... double cultivation?"

Su Yi: “…”

After a while, he said in a bad mood, "What do you think about every day, you little head, what's more, I just want to double repair, why should you take off your clothes?"


Qingwan was embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Hurry up, I'm here to help her detoxify."

Su Yi ordered, "Well, don't take it off, just leave your underwear."

As he spoke, he looked at Yue Shichan on the bed, and he had no awareness of "see no evil".

This is his room, naturally he will not leave just to avoid suspicion.

What's more, she will personally help Yue Shichan detoxify later, whether she should see it or not, whether she should touch it or not, is destined to be inevitable.

Qingwan didn't hesitate, stepped forward and moved her hand.

Yue Shichan didn't wear much clothes,

A white coat, a golden belt, a yellow leather wine gourd, and a red string tied around the wrist.

Remove these, and only the blue apron and a pair of trousers are left.

Under the shadow of the lamp, her slender arms and slender legs as clean as ivory jade glowed with a soft and attractive luster.

She lay there quietly, like a sleeping fairy, so beautiful.

Even Qingwan couldn't help but gently squeeze Yue Shichan's cheek, exclaimed: "This sister is not only amazingly beautiful, even her skin is so smooth and soft, It's so pretty."

Su Yi stepped forward and instructed, "Press her legs."

Qingwan hurriedly followed suit, only to feel that this sister's legs were soft and elastic, and felt great.

Su Yi took a deep breath, his eyes were clear and serious, and he gently pressed Yue Shichan's snow-white abdomen with his palm.

Between the palms and fingers, a trace of spiritual power poured into Yue Shichan's body like tentacles.

Witch Demon Poison is a kind of living creature, extremely sinister and vicious. To get rid of it, there is only one way to use Yuan Power as a thread to form a noose-like "Edict of Expelling Gu" ”, firmly imprisoned this Gu, and then strangled it a little bit.

In this way, this Gu can truly be wiped out from Yue Shichan's body.

However, with Su Yi's current Daoism, to do this, it would take half an hour every day for seven consecutive days to truly kill this Gu.

This is the viciousness of the Witch Demon Poison Gu. If an ordinary cultivator encounters it, it is impossible to get rid of the control of this Gu.

Suddenly, Yue Shichan's delicate body trembled violently, and Qing Wan quickly pressed her legs firmly.

Qingwan blushed inexplicably when she heard this moan, her heart was shy and embarrassed, the voice was as thin as a pharynx, hurried and tactful... Which man can stand it.

Qing Wan took a peek at Su Yi, and saw that Su Yi was focused and his eyes were clear, as if he was unaware.

"The master's concentration is truly extraordinary."

Praise in my heart.

He didn't know that the moment he heard Yue Shichan groaning, Su Yi's heart also swayed, and the silk thread of Yuanli controlled between his palms and fingers almost went wrong.

Time ticks by.

All soaked in sweat, highlighting the attractive lines.

She was visibly distressed, moaning constantly.

Qing Wan felt distressed for a while, and from time to time she helped the other party to wipe the sweat, with gentle movements.

A quarter of an hour later.

Su Yi put away his right hand on Yue Shichan's abdomen, and let out a long breath. There was a look of exhaustion in his brows.

The key is to consume a lot of energy.

Fortunately, I finally succeeded in trapping the witch demon poison with the exorcism edict. After that, I only refine it once a day, and within seven days, I can completely kill this poisonous beast. !

ps: Thanks to the bandit brother for the monthly reward~

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