Su Yiwen Lingzhao

Vol 2 Chapter 494: Dawn melts the ice

Early morning.

Yue Shichan woke up from her dark and dark consciousness.

The moment she opened her eyes, she sat up suddenly, her beautiful little face showing a vigilant look.

Soon, there was an exclamation from her lips.

I saw the quilt slip off her body, exposing her upper body. Although it was not without an inch of thread, only the bellyband was left to cover her chest.

Yue Shichan's beauty suddenly changed.


"Don't worry, you're fine."

A familiar indifferent voice resounded in the room.

Yue Shichan turned her head, and saw a young robed young man lying lazily on the soft couch not far away, a soft light and shadow on his handsome face in the morning light.

"Brother Su, why are you!?"

Yue Shichan's eyes widened, and she felt unreal like a dream.

"If it wasn't for me, you would have been murdered by that Sikongbao last night."

When Su Yi spoke, he got up from the soft couch, pointed to the clothes on the wooden cabinet beside the bed, and said, "This is the clothes for you, there is a place to wash and bathe, pack it properly. Afterwards, remember to go downstairs for dinner later.”

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and Shi Shiran walked out of the room.

Yue Shichan's eyes were dazed, and after a while, she was finally convinced that she was not dreaming.

I was saved by Su Yi!

Gently hugging the soft quilt into her arms, Yue Shichan's originally tense heartstrings relaxed a little, but at the same time, many doubts came to her heart.

"I'll ask Brother Su later."

Yue Shichan took a deep breath and got up from the bed.

At this moment, she saw a red palm print on her abdomen, which made her star eyes widen.

Could it be that Brother Su took off my clothes last night and put his hand on me... me?

Doesn't this mean that he...he should see everything...

After a while, she shook her head and started getting dressed.

The first floor of the pavilion.

Bai Wenqing has already prepared a variety of breakfasts, which are hot and fragrant.

Su Yi sat there alone and enjoyed it comfortably. I have to say that Bai Wenqing's craftsmanship is extremely good.

Yuan Heng and Bai Wenqing sat next to each other, but they were a little cautious when eating.

Set off a series of waves, swaying a circle of ripples.

Quiet and quiet.

When Yue Shichan came to the first floor of the pavilion, she saw such a picture, and her originally nervous mood became calm.

"Brother Su."

Yue Shichan stepped forward to greet her.

Yuan Heng and Bai Wenqing couldn't help feeling amazing, so beautiful!

I saw the girl dressed in white and snow, with crystal clear skin, and a melon-seeded face that was very beautiful, as if coming out of the painting, ethereal.

However, her temperament is very cold, not intentionally, but in her bones, making people look at it from a distance and feel ashamed of herself.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Sit."

Yue Shichan sat down on one side, but she was not rigid, calm and natural.

It's just that she obviously didn't want to eat, so she sat there hesitating for a moment, and then asked, "Brother Su, can you tell me what happened?"

Su Yi briefly explained what happened in Huanxisha last night. After listening, Yue Shichan seemed to be relieved, got up and thanked: "Thank you Brother Su for saving your life!"

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter, sit down, don't be polite, but it's you, how could you be captured by that Sikong Leopard?"

Yue Shichan thought about it for a while, and then told the whole story.

After she left Dazhou, she walked alone with a sword, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally arrived in Daxia a few months ago.

From the beginning of the summer, she encountered more trials and tribulations.

Most of the disputes and ups and downs are related to her peerless appearance. After all, it is difficult for a beauty like her to not attract attention wherever she goes.

Whenever encounters such disputes, Yue Shichan never gives in and bows her head.

But she came from Dazhou after all, and she had no family, no sect, no foundation, and thus offended many cultivation forces.

Like this time, because he killed two of Sikongbao's subordinates, he was led by Sikongbao shortly after arriving in Jiuding City. After a fierce battle, he was unfortunately captured.

What she said was casual and bland.

Yuan Heng and Bai Wenqing were shocked.

A girl who can be called the most beautiful girl in the world, with only a sword, she killed all the way to Jiuding City, how many dangers and ups and downs should she encounter during this period?

How many times have you experienced the test of life and death?

Note, this is summer!

Yue Shichan only has Yuanfu realm cultivation base now, and she is alone, it is undoubtedly too easy to be able to do this step.

Su Yi also felt a little emotional and was very pleased, Yue Shichan was still the same as before, stubborn and proud, even in this big summer, she never lost her pride.

This is also what most monks choose to do.

But Yue Shichan is different.

Even though she has encountered many hardships and many ups and downs, her temperament is the same as before!

Just like his heart of seeking the Tao, he is brave and never bows his head.

And this is what Su Yi admires most about Yue Shichan.

"Brother Su, you helped me... heal my wounds last night?"

Yue Shichan hesitated for a while, but asked again, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"You guys step back first."

Su Yi glanced at Yuan Heng and Bai Wenqing, and they got up and left very wisely.

Then Su Yi looked at Yue Shichan and said, "Yes, only I can cure the voodoo poison in your body, right now I'm just imprisoning it and wanting to destroy it. , it will take a few days, and during this time, you can come to my room once a day."


Yue Shichan was stunned for a moment, and a rare embarrassment appeared on her beautiful jade face.

She didn't expect that Su Yi would speak so forthrightly, without considering the issue of avoiding suspicion between men and women...

"Then...the one who helped me take off my clothes last also Brother Su?"

When she said these words, Yue Shichan lowered her head and did not dare to face Su Yi's eyes.


Su Yi said frankly, "However, in order to help you heal, there would inevitably be skin-to-skin contact. You should understand this, after all, it is urgent to follow the right." Yue Shi cicada:"…"

After a while, she stabilized her mind and said, "Then...will this be the case for healing in the future?"

"It's nature."

Su Yi answered without hesitation.


When Yue Shichan thought of going to Su Yi's room every night to take off her clothes and perform that kind of very private healing, her face became hot and her ears were red.

"It's just healing, don't think too much."

Su Yi shook his head.

"Brother Su, thank you!"

Yue Shichan took a deep breath and thanked him again.

Su Yi smiled slightly and said, "I said in Da Zhou that I would like to be your guide on the Sword Path. Although you refused, it is difficult to hide my appreciation for you. So to help you, I don't want to watch a good seedling like you get destroyed."

Yue Shichan was stunned and asked subconsciously, "Just like that?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Of course, the beauty of your life also accounts for a large part of the reason."

Yue Shichan: "…"

With her cold temperament, she couldn't resist Su Yi's calm and direct way of talking,

If someone else dared to say that, she must be regarded as a hooligan and stabbed a few times with a sword!

However, Yue Shichan could see that Su Yi was not a hooligan.

It was too direct, but Yue Shichan was at a loss for a while.

Su Yi admired the coy and uncomfortable in Yue Shichan's expression with great interest. When a woman who was as cold as ice showed such an expression, she naturally had a different taste.

However, Su Yi is not stunned, and will not make the atmosphere awkward like this, saying: "You should have also noticed that although the voodoo poison in the body is imprisoned, as long as it is You are still alive, and you can’t show your cultivation, so it’s better to live here for the time being in the future.”

He didn't ask Yue Shichan's plan, but made a decision directly for the other party.

As a man, in some matters, you must never leave the right to choose to a woman, which will lead to passiveness, and it is very easy to do bad things.

For example, if you ask what you want to eat, you are likely to get a "casual" answer.

But if you continue to ask, the answer you will get is destined to be neither this nor that.

This is too passive and easy to be manipulated by women.

With Su Yi's proud temperament, he will not tolerate such things happening to him.

On the contrary, making decisions for the other party can often gain a woman's sense of trust and even gratitude.

At this moment, Yue Shichan was obviously moved, and a look of gratitude appeared on her beautiful face, and said in a low voice: "Brother Su not only saved my life, but also took it in with me, for the sake of I heal, I..."

"Don't say that."

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "I didn't do this to make you feel grateful. In short, you just need to remember that as long as I'm here, you won't have to worry about your life, that's enough."

Yue Shichan's heart was ups and downs, showing a long-lost warmth, looking at Su Yi with a hint of softness, like a frozen layer of ice melting silently.

Since she left Dazhou, she has been single and single, used to face the dangerous and unpredictable hardships and ups and downs alone, and also used to bear everything alone,

Nowadays, the care from Su Yi is like the warm light shed this morning, soaking her heart with ice as the shell.

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