Megumi Kato’s house is a single-family type with two floors, which is not large, but it is very lifelike.

Pine trees are planted in the yard and flower pots are neatly arranged in the corners.

It seems that the owner of this house likes things like flowers and plants.

After parking the bicycle, Kitami Zekawa helped Megumi Kato to ring the doorbell.

The one who opened the door was a beautiful lady, dressed in home clothes, who looked gentle and had a face similar to Megumi Kato.

“You guys… This is? ”

Mrs. Kato, who opened the door, was obviously stunned when she saw her daughter being supported by a boy.

“Madam, I’m Kato’s classmate, she hurt her foot at school and can’t walk, I’ll send her back.” Kitami Sawagawa explained.

Mrs. Kato looked at her daughter, stared at the young man for a while, and suddenly showed a bright smile.

“Megumi is fine, come in quickly~~” The tone was slightly different.

Madam, did you misunderstand something?!

Kitami Sawakawa looked strange and helped Megumi Kato in.

Sitting down on the hall sofa, Mrs. Kato enthusiastically went to make tea, leaving two people waiting in the hall.

“Thank you today.”

When she returned home, Megumi Kato’s expression softened a lot, and her voice was more vibrant than usual.

“But I didn’t expect Kitami-san to loudly reprimand those two girls today.”

“Is it weird?” Kitami Zegawa is unknown.

“Hmm.” Megumi Kato nodded, “Because those girls all say that Kitami-san is very easy to get along with and is a gentle person. ”

Hearing this, he let out a breath and said unpleasantly: “This group of people likes to set labels for people without permission!” ”

“I’m not a gentle person, and if I had to add one to me, I would prefer ‘bad personality’.”

Megumi Kato looked at him in surprise, as if he didn’t expect the other party to evaluate him like this.

“Kato-san should also remember it so that he will not be disappointed in the future.”

“I see.” The girl thought for a while, and nodded seriously with her eyes.

“I’ll go first if there’s nothing to do.”

“Eh, don’t you stay for dinner?” Mrs. Kato, who came out with tea, looked disappointed.

“No need ma’am, I still have some things to deal with.” He responded politely.

“Yes?” Mrs. Kato sighed regretfully, and solemnly instructed: “I will come often in the future, Mrs. I will make tea.” ”

Kitami Zekawa couldn’t stand his wife’s enthusiasm a little, so he could only quickly respond.

What surprised him was that she was obviously such a passionate and existential wife, why was her daughter completely different?

“Kato-san, see you tomorrow.” When he reached the door, he waved his hand handsomely on his back.

Looking at the gradual back under the dim light, Megumi Kato tilted his head, his small face full of doubts.

“See you tomorrow, and Kitami-san, you rode my bike…”

I can’t hear it anymore.

Kitami Sawakawa rode his bike and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

“This is Kato’s bike, right?”

Kitami Zekawa was downstairs in his house, staring at the parked bicycle, lost in thought.

No wonder, when he came back, he felt that something was wrong, and he always felt that something was strange.

Now that the bike is on his side, what should Kato-san use to go to school tomorrow?

I won’t complain about her, right?

Thinking of the other party’s personality, he felt that it should not be, that girl was still quite gentle.

Besides, the enthusiastic Mrs. Kato should send her to school.


When he woke up in the morning, Kitami Zegawa realized that his worries from last night were superfluous.

Today is Saturday, and there is no such thing as going to school at all.

Since the production of the game script next, the busy days have made Kitami Zekawa remember all the time.

After cleaning up, eating breakfast, and writing some game plots, the time came to ten o’clock.

Looking at the time, he picked up his wallet and decided to go for fun.

This is also the norm in Kitami Sawagawa.

As a writer, it’s a common thing to shoot outside.

Sometimes to some temples, sometimes to some mountains, sometimes to some countryside…

Without going out to grow surveillance, you simply don’t know where the snacks are, what the temples have, and how the monks treat tourists.

Today’s players are very demanding, and they are simply picking bones in eggs.

If there is a little mistake, they will spray the producer to the skin.

Today, Kitami Zegawa is going to a large shopping mall nearby.

In the creation, he just wrote a plot where the male protagonist and the female protagonist went shopping.

As a matter of common sense, you should go with your girlfriend….

Unfortunately, Kitami Zegawa does not have such a creature as a girlfriend at all.

But does it matter?

Some authors have not even experienced love, and they can write plots that make readers cry and are so sweet that they twist their bodies.

He Kitami Sawagawa is that kind of person!

Having said that, it’s the same to observe the movements of those couples in the mall and record their behavior.

Coming downstairs and seeing the electric car parked alone in the corner, he decided to use this car for today.

Speaking of which, Megumi Kato’s bike is also surprisingly good to ride.

It’s not a shifter, but it’s exceptionally smooth when going uphill.

It was the frame of this white bike with some pink girly cartoon stickers that didn’t quite suit him.

After parking your bicycle, Kitami Sawagawa walked around the square and wandered aimlessly.

When he comes across interesting things and good looks, he will pull out his notebook and write them down.

In the game arena, in the arcade King of Fighters game, he proudly defeated a dozen elementary school students with a single coin, attracting their adoring eyes.

At noon, Kitami Zegawa found a restaurant and sat down.

Ordering a pork chop rice, his gaze wandered around.

In a remote corner, he couldn’t help but stop and look at it for a while.

It wasn’t until the pork chop rice was served that he withdrew his gaze in amazement.

What did he see?

Kitami Zegawa saw a man and two women sitting in that corner.

One of them is clearly boyfriend and girlfriend.

And just when his girlfriend went to the bathroom, the man actually fed each other affectionately with his girlfriend’s girlfriend.

What shocked Kitami Zegawa was

Next, the man also went to the toilet, and the girlfriend actually kissed the man at the table next to him.

Who greened whom?

Who is the Lord of Suffering?

Pure love warrior furious!

While eating, Kitami Zegawa began to analyze the answer to this question.

It wasn’t until he saw two women walking into the restaurant that he came to his senses.


Today’s five chapters have been updated, but the data is miserable, please support

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