It was not an accident to meet Shiwa Kasumigaoka here.

Everyone lives in the same area, and the island country is so small, plus today is Saturday and Sunday, it is a normal thing to meet anywhere.

Today, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is wearing a blue and white T-shirt and jeans on the lower body, and with that mature figure, she is completely a youthful and energetic college student.

The woman next to her is an older woman with workplace clothes that look mature and beautiful.

Kasumi Shizi, who walked into the restaurant, turned her head to find a seat, and her eyes lit up.

She pulled the woman beside her over and sat down unceremoniously opposite Kitami Sawagawa.

“Junior brother, it’s a coincidence, I met here.”

In turn, Shiwa Kasumigaoka introduced to the women around him:

“This is Kitami Sawagawa, who is in the same school as me, which is what I told you before.”

Swallowing the food, Kitami Saekawa nodded to the mature woman: “Hello.” ”

“Hello, I’m Machida Enko.” The mature woman replied.

“Senior sister, what are you doing here today?” He asked again.

After ordering the meal, Shiwa Kasumigaoka handed the menu to Machida Enko, crossed her hands and braced her chin, showing a groan smile.

“Talk to the editor about things, and come out to shoot by the way.”

Find a view…… Same reason as him.

Kitamizawa glanced at Machida Yuanko: “Have you discussed the content of the new volume with the editor?” ”

“Well, the outline has been decided, and the second volume will be released probably in the next month.”

“Wouldn’t it be too soon?”

“No, it’s been two months since the last volume.” Teacher Kasumi Shizi shook her head: “The main reason is that the results of the first volume are too poor, and the second volume must be released as soon as possible to drive the results.” ”

“What if the second volume is just as bad?” He raised a fatal question.

If the second volume is the same as the first, there is no doubt that Kasumi Shiko’s book will be ruthless.

Hearing this, Xia Shizi’s dark red pupils exuded a confident light: “For the second volume, I have confidence!” ”

Kitami Sawagawa found that Shiwa Kasumigaoka had very good eyes.

Especially with confident words, her dark red pupils will exude vitality, making people easily assimilated.

“Senior Kitami ……. Why do you keep staring at me…”

The slightly shy voice brought Kitami Zegawa back to his senses.

Hmph, the call a few days ago was not very bold, and I asked if you want to see Black Silk?

After all, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is still a thin-skinned girl, and her boldness is limited to the phone.

“Your eyes are beautiful.” He told the truth.

“Is it…”

Teacher Kasumi Shiko’s cute face is slightly red, and her slender fingers are wrapped around her hair, but her voice is a teasing meaning.

“Kitami-kun is very bold, aren’t you afraid that I will be angry~~”

“It’s not as good as Senior Sister Kasumigaoka.”

“Ah, did I say something strange to Kitami-kun?”


“You’re Kitami-sensei, right?!”

A sudden voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

I saw Machida Enko standing up, leaning forward with her upper body, and getting very close to Kitami Sawagawa.

Kitami Sawagawa glanced at her chest and backed away slightly.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was even more panicked and pressed Machida Enko back into place: “Miss Machida, pay attention to the situation!” ”

Machida looked down and pulled her clothes, revealing the disdain of a mature woman.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, are you Kitami-sensei?”

Kitami Zekawa nodded slightly, there was no need to hide it.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s doubtful eyes swept around the two people.

“No wonder, I’ve always felt that Kitami-sensei is familiar.” Machida Koko breathed a sigh of relief.

“Miss Machida has seen me?”

“I’ve seen your photo in a company.”

Now Kitami Zekawa understood that he had indeed taken a photo with the producer at a celebration party for a game company.

“Wait!” Shiwa Kasumigaoka interjected and asked unpleasantly, “Who is Kitami-sensei?” ”

Only Machida Enko knew, and the feeling of being excluded made her inexplicably a little angry.

“Eh, you don’t know?” Machida Enko was stunned.

“I don’t pay attention to things in the gaming world, and he doesn’t say anything.” Shiwa Kasumigaoka glanced at Kitami Sawagawa and muttered dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Machida Enko solemnly introduced her: “Kitami-sensei is an excellent screenwriter of several beautiful girl games, and he is very powerful in the industry!” ”

No wonder he showed up that day with a script or something!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly realized.

“Now that I think about it, only Kitami-sensei can make Kasumi-sensei change the style of the second volume.”

Machida Enko gave him a grateful look.

Kitami Sawagawa understood what she meant.

Writers are arrogant, and when they see their works being pointed at, their first reaction must be that there is something wrong with the other party.

Writers with a little temperament even know that their problems are unwilling to change.

For example, Kitami Zegawa also faces such problems when facing game producers.

“It’s hard Miss Machida, but I only helped a little with Kasumi Shiko-sensei’s new volume, and Kasumi-shiko-sensei is still talented.”

“That’s right, Teacher Kasumi Shizi is indeed very talented.”

The dishes were served, and the three of them ate and chatted, and more often Machida Enko said something about the industry.

“In other words, would Kitami-sensei want to try a light novel?”

The sudden change in topic made the other two stare at her suspiciously.

Machida explains, “Actually, we’ve been following Kitami-sensei’s work for a long time. ”

“Your work is excellent, and the subject matter is also the love theme that most teenagers like.”

“Just like many light novel writers part-time screenwriters, teachers can do the same, and it will definitely sell well!”

“Sorry, I don’t want to.” Kitami Sawagawa replied very firmly.

“Huh, why?”

“It’s going to be painful!” Kitami Sawagawa explained in a deep voice:

“Once there is no inspiration, Kavin, it is delayed until the deadline, and at this time, the editor will come to urge you and press you on the computer money to type on the keyboard.”

When she heard the other party say that the editor of all evil, Machida Yuanko’s face was slightly unnatural.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka nodded his little head in agreement.

“But being a light novel writer definitely makes more money than a game writer!” Machida said in a seductive tone.

“Follow-up comics, animations, gamification, peripherals, various linkages, etc., can participate in the share.”

Kitami Sawagawa answered as always.

“That’s right, but I refuse.”


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