Gin pointed his chin and signaled Yukimura to go in with his eyes, "Cohen, his physical skills test is up to you."

As a sniper of the organization, Cohen's skills are not really good in the organization. He can't beat Bourbon from the intelligence group. Even Gil, who has just joined the organization for a few years, is better than him. Gin actually asked him to test the physical skills of this kid.

Cohen didn't ask much. He entered the training ground and the two began to fight.

Yukimura has been training for half a year under the comprehensive teaching of Karasuma Gaki. He is not as strong and professional as the adult Cohen, but he is flexible enough. Under Cohen, the two of them kept going back and forth. Yukimura has a tendency to be suppressed. He hasn't learned long enough and hasn't practiced enough.

Gin watched the two people fighting inside and barely qualified. After all, his specialty is not physical skills, and the action team does not have to be top physical skills to enter. He doesn't plan to let this kid go to other groups.

Raising his hand to signal Cohen that it's okay, Cohen pushed Yukimura away and stepped back a few steps, making a pause gesture.

The two of them left the practice room. Yukimura did not ask, but the question in his eyes gave him away.

"The physical skills are barely qualified." Seeing the kid smile, he added, "We need to continue practicing."

"Yes." When Yukimura was suppressed by Cohen, he was still a little nervous. He was afraid that he would fail. He needed to practice more.

"Have you practiced sniping?" Gin walked to the sniper training ground, and Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura followed.


Gin turned his head and signaled, "Pull to your maximum limit."

Yukimura took a deep breath, suppressed his accelerated heartbeat, pulled the holographic parameters to 700 yards, stared at the still target in the image, pulled the trigger, and successfully killed it, "700 yards, achieved." The cold mechanical female voice sounded.

"Well, qualified." Very talented, comparable to Barolo in the past.

Gin turned to look at Karasuma Gaki, then turned to look at Yukimura, "Complete the mission independently, I will apply for a code name for you from the boss."

"Mission target, kill Kishigami Morizo, complete within one month, other information you get yourself." Gin sent the mission to Yukimura, it was late, send the two back to Kanagawa, underage kids are trouble! No car of your own!

The three got off the car, Karasuma Gaki had prepared dinner.

After dinner, the three were in the study, Yukimura was checking something on the study computer, "Kishigami Morizo, the president of a travel company."

Yukimura did not have an intranet account, so he could only learn about it through the existing information.

He needed to find out the connection between this person and the organization, as well as his residential address and movement trajectory.

"Gaki, is there any conflict between Kishigami Morizo ​​and the organization?"

Gin looked up and cheated in front of him.

Yukimura smiled at him. In Karasuma Manor, both of them had taken off their disguises. "Gaki is my network resource. Is there anything wrong with using it reasonably to obtain information?"

Karasuga Gaki's mouth was full of smiles. "He borrowed money from the organization and didn't pay it back. It wasn't much, 10 million neon coins. He also found third-rate gangsters to threaten the peripheral members who were in contact with him, and regarded the organization as a third-rate lending institution."

"......" He never expected that there would be such a person. He found out that Kishigami Morizo's company was profitable, but he borrowed money from various lending institutions. Maybe he had a backer behind him, but this time he borrowed money from the organization, which was considered a setback.

Gin snorted and continued to read.


The training at Rikkai University is still going on.

Ever since Echizen Ryoma entered Rikkai University, a reporter named Inoue Mamoru has been applying to the school for interviews and filming. Rikkai University Tennis Club does not have a formal coach. The coach is a part-time coach by Yukimura, the director. He refused the reporter's filming and interview.

Yukimura refused many times in the early stage.

Later, Inoue Mamoru applied to the school leaders. Although the leaders also respected the opinions of the tennis club, this reporter was really persistent. He had rejected too many times before, and now the application was submitted to him, so he agreed for the sake of face.

"Take him to have a look, provided that it does not affect your training." Yukimura received the signal from the school leaders and agreed to Inoue Mamoru's visit, and arranged for Karasuma Gaki and Bunta to take him to see.

Today is the day when Inoue Mamoru successfully entered the tennis training ground of Rikkai University. He carried his camera and took the intern Shiba Saori who had just joined the company.

"Senior Inoue, Rikkai University is too arrogant, right?" Shuttled in the teaching building of Rikkai University, now there were only two of them, Shiba Saori couldn't help complaining that they had applied so many times, and now they agreed.

"We are a professional tennis monthly, not a tennis entertainment newspaper!"

"Ashi, don't complain! Rikkai University has always been so strict, this is their rule, so they are the king of Rikkai, and can defend the national championship for two consecutive years." Inoue did not agree with the complaints of his juniors,Although his applications were rejected by Rikkai University many times, he actually admired Rikkai University.

What's more, Rikkai University also has the son of Echizen Nanjiro, whom he admired.

He also applied for interviews in the past two years, but was rejected most of the time. Only after Rikkai University won the championship every year, there was an interview and photo shoot that they would not refuse.

Rikkai University's players have strong personal characteristics, but they are all very mysterious. Because they don't accept interviews, most people don't know much about Rikkai University's players. They only know that they are very strong.

There are very few photos of Rikkai University players that are exposed, and most of them are group photos taken when they won the championship.

If he can interview the players this time and let everyone know about the mysterious Rikkai University, it must be a small achievement.

Of course, it's not all for the credit. He also wants others to know the strength of Rikkai University and let others know about Rikkai University's players. He thinks these players must be very interesting.

It's the afternoon club activity time now. The two came to the club activity meeting room. The school leaders asked them to come here directly. Pushing the door in, there are two teenagers inside.

The white-haired boy was sitting on the sofa, trying the tension of the racket string in his hand, and the red-haired boy was leaning on the long table, playing with a tennis ball.

"Wow!" So handsome! Shiba Saori almost screamed.

The two boys turned their heads to look at the door, and Shiba Saori's face suddenly turned red. Alas! I was already old when you were born! I was born too early! I should have been born ten years later! The earlier dissatisfaction had long been forgotten.

Karasuma Gaki stood up, and Inoue Mamoru, as the interviewer, took the lead in introducing himself, "Hello, I am a reporter from Professional Tennis Monthly, Inoue Mamoru, I am very happy that you can accept our visit, please forgive me for disturbing you!"

"Hello, I am Karasuma Gaki."

"Hello, I am Marui Bunta, today we will be responsible for showing you around."

Really tall, just sitting on the sofa just now, I can see how long the legs are!

"I am Shiba Saori, the editor of Professional Tennis Monthly!" Shiba Saori smiled brightly.

The two took the two reporters to the tennis court. Seeing the uniform swinging of the tennis rackets, Inoue Mamoru unconsciously raised his camera to take pictures.

When he raised his camera, he remembered the mystery of Rikkai University, put down the camera and turned to look at the two people, "You can take pictures, there are no restrictions."

Yukimura refused to be interviewed and photographed just because he didn't like trouble, and they were the same, not because of the mysticism spread outside.

The indoor court is indeed to cut off external visits, but since they have accepted the visit, there will be no restrictions on them.

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