On the tennis court, boys in uniform swung their rackets in unison, and a boy wearing a hat was supervising.

Outside the court, there were many students from Rikkai University, both male and female, watching quietly outside the fence. Occasionally, there were discussions, but they were very quiet to ensure that they would not disturb the tennis club's training.

Shiba Saori admired in her heart that the students of Rikkai University were of such high quality!

Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori kept "click, click, click" on the tennis court. Shiba Saori pointed at Sanada and asked, "Who is that person? Is he your dean?"

"Pfft, Genichirō, Genichirō Sanada, the deputy director of Rikkai University." Bunta held back his laughter and answered her. Genichirō still couldn't escape the fate of premature aging, although it was much better than in the first round.

Hahaha, after all, in the second round, Aka was mostly taken care of by him and Yukimura, and Aka also had his own friend Sakamoto, so Genichirō had less things to worry about.

Alas, Genichirō has finished training, and he doesn't know what time he will train until today.

Shiba Saori turned the camera to the other side of the team that was running in circles. A beautiful boy with his arms crossed appeared in the camera. Wow! There are too many handsome guys in Rikkai University!

Next to the beautiful boy stood a hedgehog-headed boy with glasses. There was a table next to him. Hmm? Is it a table for water?

How considerate! They even prepared drinking water for the members who finished running.

Shiba Saori took a few photos of Yukimura, and then turned the camera to take a few photos of Karasuma Gaki and Bunta. "Who is that?"

"Yukimura Seiichi, the director of Rikkai University." It was Karasuma Gaki who answered her.

"Eh? Why are you only giving water to the last runners?" Shiba Saori was puzzled. Seeing that the hedgehog-headed boy only gave water to the dozen or so runners at the end, was Rikkai University encouraging education?

"Eh!" Is it poison! ? They all fell down with green faces!

"Well, it's the reward at the end of the run, to replenish nutrition." Inoue Mamoru listened to Karasuma Gaki's words and took a photo of the fallen boys.

"Can we go into the indoor court to take a look?" Inoue Mamoru looked around and didn't seem to see any first-year freshman players.

Karasuma Gaki and the others took them into the indoor court, and saw a few people huddled together from a distance, Niou, Yagyu, Kirihara, Xiyangyang, and Sakamoto, Echizen, and Yanagi standing behind them.

These naughty guys were huddled together again and I don't know what they were discussing. Wenta was also one of the generals, but he was assigned to work today.

"Did you find it? That's it!" Niou asked in a mysterious low voice.

"Are you talking about that one? Niou senior." Kirihara raised his head and looked around after saying that. Fortunately, he was not in the indoor court.


"Which one?" Xiyangyang listened to the riddles of the few people and felt that he might not be so familiar with Japanese.

He learned the most from Feiyangyang. Arigato, Meiyangyang-san~ Feiyangyang talked about it every day for a while.

"It's Minister Yukimura and Senior Bunta! Especially Senior Bunta is too much! I was about to be taller than him! But he suddenly grew taller! There was no movement before!" Kirihara was indignant!

Yagyu adjusted his glasses. Xiaoya was not talking about this, although Xiaoya had complained to him privately, using a jealous tone. (In front of people, Niwang-kun, behind people, Xiaoya, Masaharu.)

Niwang, who was originally as tall as Yukimura, was suddenly left behind by Yukimura, and he was secretly angry.

Now Bunta's height is approaching Niwang, which makes Niwang feel a sense of crisis!

But Niwang is not talking about this.

"Puri~" Niwang was silent for a while, replied with a habit, and was about to continue his topic.

"Huh! Still a long way to go!" There was a hint of envy and indignation in his tone.

Xiao Longma usually has a blank expression, but it turns out that he also cares about his height, piyo~

"You can still grow taller. Some people will only start to grow taller in the third year of junior high school or enter high school." Yagyu comforted his juniors.

"It's not this. Didn't you notice? Agaki, he always smiles when he looks at his phone." Niwang raised his eyebrows and smiled, looking around at the few people.

"Then what?" Xiyangyang didn't understand. What's wrong with smiling when looking at a phone? He also thinks that mobile phones are fun, which means that there is nothing wrong with Karasuma Senior!

"I passed by Agaki's house last weekend and saw a beautiful sister with big waves walking out of his house. She looked about 17 or 18 years old." Niwang smiled proudly.

"Is Senior Agaki in love!?" Kirihara exclaimed, and was immediately covered by Niwang's mouth and silenced.

"It's still a sister-brother relationship!" Yagyu added.

"The probability that Ayuan is in love is 26%, the probability that he is in a relationship with a younger man is 51%, the probability that he is his maid is 28%, and the probability that he is a relative is 54%. "Liu's voice suddenly came from above their heads. Several people looked up. Liu didn't know when he stood behind them, holding a notebook and calculating.Calculate.

"The probability of guessing the result is 35%, and the probability of asking A Yuan directly is 89%." Liu continued to analyze the topic they were discussing.

"So high! Then I'll go ask Yuan Senior!" Kirihara raised his head from the crowd, as if he was going to find someone to ask.

"Ask me what?" Karasuma Yuan and Bunta came in with two reporters. As soon as they approached, they saw Kirihara standing up and clenching his fists, as if asking me to come on.

"Hey!" Kirihara was startled. Just after he finished making a rumor, the person involved appeared. Is this the one who said Boss Cao, and Boss Cao came?

"That..." Kirihara scratched his face embarrassedly, "Who are they?"

Suddenly, an old lady took pictures of him excitedly. He heard that some old ladies like handsome kids like him the most.

He hid behind Liu. Senior Liu was taller and could block him a little.

Karasuma Gaki blocked Shiba Saori's camera by leaning to the side. Inoue Mamoru said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I scared you, Azhi!" She looked like a weird aunt, scaring the children.

"Sorry!" She was too excited.

"You need to give me the photos you took before publishing them in the newspaper." Liu came to Karasuma Gaki and said, "And the content."

I don't like overly high-profile content.

"Of course no problem." Inoue Mamoru still wants to visit Rikkai University a few more times. It is a reasonable process to review these people before interviewing them.

"Next, I will take you to watch, Agaki, Bunta, you go back to training." Liu has finished training, as the financial and extra training distributor of the tennis club, "You six will have extra training."

The few people who have become accustomed to it pouted their lips and turned to train with Karasuma Gaki.

"Senior Gaki, are you secretly in love?" Kirihara approached Karasuma Gaki and asked.

"??? Who made me a yellow rumor!" He is a pure boy, hot and hot.

"I just said I don't believe it!" Kirihara pouted, with a look of "I believe you, senior".

"You just shouted the loudest!" Xiyangyang pointed out Kirihara's behavior just now.

"You are still far away!" Ryoma supported Xiyangyang.


Inoue Mamoru strolled around Rikkai University for an afternoon and boasted about it in the monthly magazine. He originally wanted to write about the characteristics and personalities of the players, but Liu gently refused.

He could only express the characteristics of each player of Rikkai University in a general way.

In this issue of Rikkai University, he posted a lot of photos, all of which were reviewed by Liu.

After the monthly magazine was sent out, this issue had a high sales volume. Rikkai University was too mysterious, and many schools only knew that they were strong.

But teenagers, who would think they were weak? So most people have no concept of Rikkai University.

It happened that I heard that a reporter in this issue of the monthly magazine visited Rikkai University and did a photo interview, which allowed other schools to explore some information about Rikkai University.

After reading it, well, Rikkai University's training is indeed very strict, the equipment is advanced, the selection method is also unique, and there are actually two school teams!

And this reporter is quite good at bragging. It feels like there is no substantial content written. At the end, there is a boasting about the appearance, figure and aura of Rikkai University players that does not match the whole content. It doesn't look like it was written by an editor.

The ending was added by Shiba Saori. She is still an intern and does not have her own page. She also visited Rikkai University and she also has something to write!

I begged Senior Inoue for a long time to leave her some space for the ending. Alas, it is not enough to write. She thinks she can write a 20,000-word short note!

After the monthly magazine was sent out, Rikkai University's school team gained a lot of female fans from other schools.

There are also many people who love appearance in this world.

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