The old man was very happy.

Wano Country, the Flower Capital.

Unlike the desolation of Udon and Kuri, the Flower Capital is prosperous and lively, as if it were two different worlds.

All the people here have happy smiles on their faces. If you only look at the streets of the Flower Capital, then this place is simply a beacon of the new world. However, the reality is not that simple.

On the middle street, a group of strong men carried a gorgeous chair, on which sat an ugly square-faced dwarf, who was the current general of Wano Country - Kurozumi Orochi.

"Get out of the way!"

The warriors who were leading the way in front drove away the people in the middle of the road. Just as Kurozumi Orochi was watching all this with satisfaction, a ball flew out from the street and hit the chair under his feet.

A child in ragged clothes rushed out of the crowd and picked up the ball.

"You little brat? If you disturb the general, you can't afford to offend him, get out of here!"

"Guhehe, don't be so harsh on the child." The black charcoal snake sitting high up covered his mouth with a folding fan and laughed, as if he was dissatisfied with his subordinates yelling at the child.

"Yes, sir!" The samurai bowed his head and waited for the order of the black charcoal snake, with cold sweat dripping down his cheeks.

"It's just a lowly person, get rid of it quickly, don't delay the journey."

"Yes! General!" The samurai turned his head, a trace of pity flashed across his face, and he drew out his samurai sword and chopped the neck of the child holding the ball in front of him.

Ding! !

The attack that was bound to succeed was blocked by another long sword. The person who came was Chiyo who rushed to the Flower Capital.

It didn't take long for Vega and his party to reach the Flower City. Along the way, all the giant beasts, poisonous insects, and bandit warriors were reduced to ashes under Vega's dark magic.

This also made Vega's strength more deeply rooted in the hearts of Bao Goro and others.

As soon as they entered the Flower City, they encountered Kurozumi Orochi's outing and his samurai attacking civilians.

"What a man!"

The ninja warriors next to them quickly surrounded Chiyo, pointing their swords at him. If Chiyo made any rash moves, they would chop him into minced meat.

"Rebels? Kill him!"

The Kurozumi Orochi sitting high up saw Chiyo blocking him, waved his hand and asked his samurai to kill him. In the strict hierarchy of Wano Country, even samurai can kill civilians who disrespect them without any punishment, not to mention that he is the greatest general of Wano Country.

This guy who took action was obviously a samurai at first glance, and it is impossible for him not to know this truth.

If he tried to stop her, it would only mean that this person was probably coming for him. At least he was hostile to him, so it would be right to kill him directly.

A group of samurai surrounded Chiyo. After hearing Kurozumi Orochi's order, they raised their samurai swords high and chopped down on Chiyo.


A beautiful sword light flashed, and blood spurted out of the chests of all the samurai, while Chiyo still kept bending over and drawing her sword.

Pah pah pah!

"What a gorgeous sword slash. Do you want to join me and be loyal to me? I can give you whatever you want." Kurozumi Orochi, whose men were killed, was not angry, as if it was not his men who died, but just a few insignificant garbage.

Instead, he applauded Chiyo's performance.

"Die, Kurozumi Orochi!"

What responded to him was the sharp sword light slashed by Chiyo who flew up.


The blade flashed and easily cut through the square head of the black charcoal snake, and the big head fell to the ground and fell on the seat.


Black charcoal snake is dead!

Whether it is the guards, the surrounding people, or even Chiyo, they were all shocked by the sudden death of the black charcoal snake. No one expected that the general of Wano Country, the black charcoal snake hated by countless people, would die so simply.

"Everyone, the black charcoal snake is dead! From now on..." Chiyo turned around and shouted to the crowd facing the people and the guards on both sides of the street.

But neither Chiyo nor the others saw that the body of the black charcoal snake lying on the side twisted.

Before Chiyo finished speaking, a black snake head bit Chiyo's head from behind.


Bao Goro, who came over, took the hemp rope from the street stall, threw it over, wrapped it around Chiyo's waist, and pulled him back. Seeing Chiyo dodge the attack of the snake head,

At this time, the black charcoal snake has turned into a monster with eight huge snake heads, which is the animal fruit, the snake snake fruit fantasy beast

Species - Yamata no Orochi form.

The eight heads stared at Chiyo, Leopard Goro and others: "Leopard Goro, are you still alive?"

Kurozumi Orochi recognized Leopard Goro, who originally led the Flower Capital underworld. When Leopard Goro was defeated and captured by the Beasts Pirates, Kurozumi Orochi also made a lot of efforts.

"Sure enough, the turmoil in the Rabbit Bowl Prisoner Quarry was caused by you guys." Kurozumi Orochi stared at Leopard Goro, and while speaking, several figures fell on the street and the roofs of the houses on both sides, vaguely surrounding the crowd.

A bald old man with long ears and drooping chest caught up from behind.

It was the captain Fukurokuju who led the Orochi Oniwabanshu.

"Boss Leopard, we are here!"

"Boss Leopard!!"

A group of prisoners also rushed over, and the two sides confronted each other. Seeing the prisoners coming, Kurozumi Orochi also laughed sinisterly: "It seems that the information of the Beasts Pirates is indeed correct. You are all in the Flower Capital."

"This way we can catch you all in one fell swoop!"

The Yamata no Orochi-shaped Kurozumi Orochi instantly bit Leopard Goro and Chiyo. Seeing the attack of Kurozumi Orochi, the guards and Oniwabanshu on the side also attacked the prisoners.

"Don't let them run away, Kaido's reinforcements will arrive soon!"

As a conspirator, Kurozumi Orochi would definitely not joke with his own life. As soon as Leopard Goro appeared, he ordered his men to contact the Beasts Pirates, and Flame Disaster Jin, who was catching the fugitives, rushed here as soon as possible.

"Quick battle and quick decision!"

Leopard Goro had a clear understanding of the strength of the Beasts Pirates, and waved the long sword in his hand to chop at the snake head of Kurozumi Orochi.

Domineering entanglement!

Black lightning surrounded the blade of Leopard Goro, just like a hot knife cutting through butter, and cut off the two heads of Kurozumi Orochi without any hindrance. Leopard Goro stepped hard on the ground, and his speed increased. The blade was about to cut Kurozumi Orochi.


A huge bird claw blocked Leopard Goro's blade.

The owner of the bird claw was a huge pterosaur with flames burning behind him, a mask on his head, and a black body.

It was the big boss of the Beasts Pirates who came, one of the Three Disasters, the Fire Disaster - Jin!

"You are the escaped prisoner." Jin looked at the tattered clothes on Leopard Goro and others, and the flames behind him were raging!

"Kill, kill him, Jin!"

Kurozumi Orochi, who was frightened by Leopard Goro's attack, has regained his humanity. He shrank in his seat, pointing at Leopard Goro and shouting wildly. Leopard Goro's attack just now made him really feel the threat of death.

Glancing disdainfully at the yelling black charcoal snake, Yan Zai Jin turned his attention to the prisoners in front of him.

The huge wings swung out, and several yellow wind blades flew towards the crowd like a swordsman's slash.

"Be careful!"

Bao Goro warned loudly, swinging his sword to block the slash in front of him, and the prisoners behind him also dodged in embarrassment.

After defeating several slashes in front of him, Bao Goro slashed at Jin.


A sound of metal colliding came, and Jin stood in the same place, and his chest caught Bao Goro's slash. The blade chopped on Jin's chest and could not move forward an inch.

Jin glanced at Bao Goro who was holding the sword with both hands: "Is this all the strength, prisoner?"

The right wing swung out and hit Bao Goro's abdomen. Bao Goro's body flew backwards, and the huge force almost tore Bao Goro into two sections!

"You dare to mess up Wano Country with just this little strength."

"Wano Country is ours! And you, the Beasts Pirates, Kaido, are just foreign bandits, and Kurozumi Orochi is just a thief who steals power!"

"Cough cough!"

Bao Goro staggered to his feet and coughed up blood.

He underestimated Jin's defense, and took Jin's attack and suffered a lot of damage.

"Heh, boring." Jin stood there, watching Bao Goro get up quietly, and had no intention of attacking.

"Only strong people have the right to have everything, you are too weak."

"Go to hell!"

Jin flew into the air, and his sharp beak turned into a sword, stabbing at Bao Goro.


A curtain appeared between Bao Goro and Jin, and Jin's beak stabbed on the black and purple curtain.

"What is this?" The sudden change made Jin's pupils shrink. He did not feel any resistance, but his body was blocked by the curtain, unable to move forward, as if this thin curtain was an endless space, and he was just trapped in this space.

The dots of light on the curtain rotated, as if it was an endless starry sky.

"Are you the biggest villain in Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi?" A sharp and hoarse voice came from a man in armored robes,

Wearing a big pointed hat and holding a staff like a child, Vega stood in front of Jin.

Xiaoyu beside Vega hurriedly ran up and supported the staggering Bao Goro.


Black magic power surged into the sky from Xiaofa, and a huge, enlarged black shadow of Vega gradually took shape behind Vega. The shadow's eyes, like Vega's, ignited ominous yellow flames.

Staring at the pair of flaming pupils, Jin seemed to be trapped in an endless hell!


Jin's screams rang out, resounding throughout the Flower City.

The residents of the Flower City looked at the figure that seemed to be descending like a demon god, and they all instinctively crawled on the ground, trying to hide themselves behind walls or trees, as if they would fall into endless pain if they took a look at it.

"What, what is this?" In the luxurious attic not far away, Kyoshiro looked at the soaring demonic energy and was also stunned for a moment.

"What happened?" Hearing the loud noise in the distance, the purple-haired little girl who was kneeling and learning to play the piano looked up.

It was Kozuki Murasaki, whom Kyoshiro was protecting.

The real identities of the two were Denjiro, one of the Nine Red Scabbards, and Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of Kozuki Oden.

"Nothing." Denjiro looked at the turmoil on the street not far away through the window, picked up the wine bowl, and brought the wine bowl to his mouth with a trembling hand: "It's not here yet, it's not the prophecy time yet."

Denjiro was undercover beside Kurozumi Orochi in the guise of Kyoshiro, and at the same time guarded Kozuki Hiyori, who was aliased as Kozuki Murasaki. With Kurozumi Orochi's low force, Denjiro had countless opportunities to assassinate Kurozumi Orochi.

But Denjiro believed in the prophecy, and before the prophecy came, he needed to protect Kozuki Hiyori.

"Only when the prophecy comes true, Kozuki will return, and we can defeat Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi! Now, it's too early."


"Jin!" Kurozumi Orochi transformed into Yamata no Orochi, stretched out one head to bite Jin's foot, and tried to pull Jin back.

Although Kurozumi Orochi was weak, he was not a fool. He was extremely sensitive to the situation. In this case, only by saving Jin could he ensure his safety. If Jin died, he might not be able to escape.

"This guy! Why don't you move!"

Even if the snake tried his best, Jin's figure was still fixed in the air.

"Ah, Kurozumi Orochi is a monster! So scary!"

Finally noticing the snake, Xiaoyu exclaimed.

Kurozumi Orochi!

Vega's eyes instantly fixed on Kurozumi Orochi, and the staff in his hand lit up.

Run! !

Kurozumi Orochi made a judgment instantly, left Jin behind and ran in the opposite direction.


A meteorite with a long black tail instantly hit the huge body of Yamata no Orochi, smashing the huge body into pieces.


A small figure rushed out from the body of Yamata no Orochi. It was Kurozumi Orochi who had regained his human form: "Stop, stop them!"

Kurozumi Orochi yelled at the crowd next to him, but no one dared to step forward. The snake no longer assumed the posture of the general of Wano Country, and staggered forward. Run, just run, escape from this terrifying place.

The purple magic ball in Vega's hand rose and shot at the embarrassed figure of Kurozumi Orochi.


Kurozumi Orochi's body was covered with purple flames and fell to the ground.

The general of Wano Country, Kurozumi Orochi who ruled Wano Country with terror, died on the streets of Flower Capital.

On the other side, Jin, who felt the disappearance of Kurozumi Orochi's life, struggled violently.

"Next, it's your turn!" Vega lit up the magic ball in his hand and threw it at Jin.



Jin regained control of his body in the explosion. Looking at the purple flames attached to his body, Jin decisively changed his body into a human form, drew out his long sword and chopped down at his right leg with the flames attached.

He turned into a pterosaur and flew away at full speed. In an instant, he flew high into the sky, leaving only a leg burning with purple flames.

"We, we won!!!"


"Kurozumi Orochi is dead!"

"Kurozumi Orochi is dead!"

Seeing Jin escape, the guards and ninjas fighting the prisoners also dropped their weapons, and the people huddled on the street cheered with the prisoners. The oppression of Kurozumi Orochi had made them miserable.

"Great Demon King, Vega!"

"Great Demon King, Vega!"

"Great Demon King, Vega!"

The cheers resounded throughout the Flower City!

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