The death of Kurozumi Orochi meant that his good days were over, and saving his life was the most important thing.

Another person who couldn't believe it was Denjiro. Kurozumi Orochi died, and Jinn fled. The two had no resistance in front of Vega. Could it be that Vega was the destined person in the legend?

Although Orochi was dead, Kaido was still there. Kaido, the beast, and his subordinates, Kui, the plague, and Jack, the drought, had not appeared yet, and Wano Country was still in crisis.


While Wano Country encountered big troubles, Kaido and Quinn's itinerary also encountered problems.

New world, unknown waters.

"Quinn, where do you want to go? Don't you want to sit down and talk?" Graves lit a lighter, put it to the cigar next to his mouth, and gently blew out a smoke ring. Two bullets were pushed into the "Destiny" shotgun in his hand.

Click, click, click.

Graves's pirate ship was across the channel, blocking Quinn's ship. The muzzle baffles on the side of the entire ship were pushed open, and cannons were pushed out one by one, with the muzzles facing Quinn's warship.

With Gana's intelligence, Graves accurately stopped Quinn who was chasing Kaido. The Nether Pirates and the Beasts Pirates are already hostile, and Kaido will never stop until he kills Gangplank.

Since they are already hostile, no matter who Kaido's opponent is, as long as he can make things difficult for Kaido, Gangplank doesn't mind helping out.

And Plague Quinn looked at the densely packed gun barrels on the opposite side, and cold sweat came down.

"What should I do if I have intensive phobia?"

Plague Queen is an ancient animal fruit, the Brachiosaurus fruit ability user. He is better at physical skills and land warfare, but he is also troubled by the naval battle that is prioritized.

"Cino, cinno, cinno!" Queen's arms drooped, and his body swayed from side to side. As he swayed, he hummed rhythmically, and even the entire deck of the pirate ship was covered by purple and red flashing lights at some point.

"Huh?" Graves hit a big golden question mark on Quinn's head.

"What is this guy doing?"

Quinn danced as if no one was around, and secretly made a gesture. The younger brothers got Quinn's gesture and secretly opened a hidden muzzle at the bow. A cannon that had been equipped with Quinn's special virus bullet slowly retreated, wanting to take advantage of the time when Graves and others were attracted by Quinn to secretly fire a shot. The special virus can instantly make most enemies lose their combat effectiveness.


The barrel was just pushed out gently, and the pirate who was about to fire suddenly found a flash of light on the opposite pirate ship.

Then a huge bomb filled the entire field of vision.

The ultimate bomb!

"Hahaha, don't play this trick? Quinn, your skill in attracting firepower is not as good as slaughtering the child touching the wallet on the dock!" Graves blew the smoking muzzle.

"Bomb the ship for me and sink them!"

"Fire!!" Dense shells attacked Quinn's pirate ship in unison.

Since Gangplank appeared on the sea, the naval battle mode in the One Piece world has changed. From the previous shells aiming at the people on the deck to directly attacking the waterline and waist position of the hull, the main purpose has changed from destroying the combatants to sinking the ship.

This set of tactics started with the Nether Pirates and gradually spread to the entire One Piece world, making personal ability play a smaller and smaller role in naval battles. Of course, the top strong ones are excluded.

Unfortunately, Graves, as a mercenary who has been in Bilgewater for his whole life, has this kind of naval combat ability in his bones, and Quinn is an animal-type ability user who is good at physical skills.

The battle situation is naturally self-evident.


On the other side, Kaido, who was flying far away, was also flying more and more wrong. He was about to fly out of the new world, why was the direction of the life paper still moving forward?

No matter what, fly!

Where is my beast Kaido afraid to go?

I don’t know how long he flew, but Kaido saw a huge navy warship appearing on the endless sea level, and the direction of the life paper was exactly this warship.

"Slurp, tsk tsk! It is worthy of being supplied to Marshal Sengoku. It is indeed much more fragrant than the purchased one."

Sitting in the cabin was one of the three admirals of the navy, the flash man Kizaru who ate the wretched fruit-Borsalino.

Huang Yuan held a cup of steaming tea and sat on the soft sofa. He blew the tea leaves on the water gently, drank a small sip, and smacked his lips.

Smacking the tea, savoring the tea in his mouth, sighing from time to time.

Sitting opposite Kizaru was a reserved blonde girl, Lacus, a rookie of the navy sent by Sengoku to follow Kizaru to see the world's largest prison - Impel Down.

"Little Lacus, don't be so serious. Sengoku and the others are not here, just treat it as a trip."

"But Marshal Sengoku said to be careful of the Beasts Pirates coming to rescue people." Lacus muttered softly.

In front of Kizaru, Lacus always felt a little reserved. In fact, in front of all the big guys in the navy, Lacus was a little nervous. In Valoran, even though she had seen many big guys, she had never seen such a big human.

These giants were still too oppressive for Lacus.

"The Beasts Pirates, the Four Emperors, are within the mouth! They are all monsters entrenched in the New World, and each of them can easily destroy the existence of a country!" Kizaru habitually pouted his lips and said "within the mouth". Seeing Lacus's back straightened, he rarely said seriously: "There is no need to worry too much. If the Beasts Pirates want to get here, they have to pass through Gangplank's territory."

"According to their current relationship, Gangplank will not let Kaido easily pass through the waters of Bilgewater. He must be very aggressive. Interference interception."


"Unless what?"

The smile on his face disappeared, and Kizaru looked serious. He put the teacup on the tea table in front of him and stood up: "Unless Kaido flies over alone."

"Hey!" Lacus hadn't reacted to why Kizaru suddenly became serious. Kizaru had already stood up and patted Lacus on the shoulder: "Protect yourself later. If things can't be done, don't worry about drought Jack."

After speaking, Kizaru walked out of the door with a serious expression.

When Kizaru pushed open the cabin door and walked onto the deck, dark clouds filled the sky above the navy warship. The black clouds rolled with red light flashing in them. It seemed that there was a red flame in the dark clouds and rolled with the dark clouds. As the dark clouds surged, the sky seemed to collapse, and the dark clouds in the sky were getting closer and closer to the warship.

A huge dragon head poked out of the dark clouds, and it was the Four Emperors Kaido who was chasing.

"Kizaru! Hand over Jack!"

As the huge dragon's mouth opened slightly, wisps of red flames spewed out from the dragon's mouth, and a dull sound rang out in the sky.


Kizaru on the deck turned into countless golden lights, and his slender figure condensed in the air, with the coat of justice behind him fluttering in the wind.

"Inside the mouth, Four Emperors Kaido! But no, I have a mission."

"Then you go to hell!" Kaido opened his mouth wide, and a mouthful of hot flames sprayed towards Kizaru.

Kizaru's right leg turned into golden light, and a whip kick kicked towards Kaido's big mouth. A golden laser tore Kaido's hot breath and hit Kaido's head.

"I also have some ability."

At this time, Kizaru's previous cynical attitude had disappeared, and an unprecedented seriousness climbed onto Kizaru's face. Through the sunglasses on his eyes, he stared at Kaido in front of him.

"Fighting Kaido, I'm afraid you'll have to raise your salary."

Kizaru put his hands together, and a long sword made of golden lasers was pulled out from his hands, pointing directly at Kaido: "Come on, Four Emperors Kaido! After all, I'm also a navy."

The flames in the sky pressed down and wrapped around Kizaru. At the same time, Kaido's figure flexibly wrapped around Kizaru, and his dragon claws were full of black domineering, attacking Kizaru.


Kizaru's figure passed by, and the laser sword in his hand was like lightning across the sky, tearing through the dark clouds wrapped in flames.

The long sword in his hand pierced Kaido's eyebrows.

Facing Kizaru's sharp attack, Kaido grinned, did not dodge, opened his mouth and bit Kizaru's figure.

Kizaru paused in the air, and swung the laser sword in his hand, cutting right on Kaido's attacking mouth.


Sparks flashed, Kizaru used the force to turn over and retreat, avoiding Kaido's attack, and rolled in the air to disperse the laser sword in his hand, and aimed his hands at Kaido's head.

Yasakani no Magatama!!

The lasers in his hands lit up, and countless light bullets covered Kaido's huge dragon head, and the explosion instantly covered Kaido's huge head.


When Kizaru stopped, Kaido's huge dragon head emerged intact, and a wisp of smoke came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Why doesn't it hurt, Kizaru! Do you want to blind me?"

He turned his body and swept the huge dragon tail towards Kizaru.

Before the dragon tail touched Kizaru's body, Kizaru's body had been transformed into countless light points.

, as the dragon's tail swept across his waist, it seemed to split Kizaru into two sections in an instant.

"Kouwa! I almost died!"

"Stop lying, Kizaru..." Before Kaido finished speaking, a naval gun exploded on his chin, and then countless naval guns bombarded Kaido's huge body.

"Annoying bug!" Kaido rushed down, fading from the dragon form in the air and turning into a huge giant form. He pulled out a huge mace with his right hand and smashed it towards the warship.

Thunderous Bagua! !

Black lightning flashed on the mace, and it smashed towards the navy warship with boundless power.


Kizaru's figure blocked Kaido, and his left leg, which turned into a laser, kicked the mace, blocking Kaido's attack.

"Everyone board the secondary ship and evacuate! Don't worry about Drought Jack, retreat immediately!!" Kizaru ordered the navy on the warship behind him. In the current situation, Kizaru can only choose between the navy soldiers and the mission target Drought Jack.

The navy's warships can't block Kaido's attack at all, and he can only try to block Kaido. Once the blocking fails, the entire warship will be easily broken into pieces by Kaido's attack.

The navy on the warship will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

As long as his soldiers evacuate, Kizaru can leave easily, and even the Four Emperors Kaido can't stop Kizaru who wants to get away.

As for Drought Jack who was to be escorted to Impel Down this time, Kizaru gave up directly. That was the Four Emperors Kaido. Did he have to risk his life to kill Jack in front of Kaido and then leave?

That was Sakaski's job, okay, I'm not Akainu.

Although I'm a jerk, I've fought with the Four Emperors Kaido for hundreds... several rounds. Can't I explain it to the World Government? With only a few hundred bucks a month, why risk your life!

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Retreat quickly, don't hold the admiral back!"

The soldiers on the warship jumped onto the secondary ship. As for Jack who was locked in the warehouse on the bottom floor of the warship, who cares about him! ! We are not the direct descendants of Admiral Akainu, and we must keep the same style with Admiral Kizaru.

"Uncle Kizaru!" Lacus, who had already jumped onto the secondary ship and quickly sailed away from the battle area between Kizaru and Kaido, looked at the sparks that kept bursting in the distance and couldn't help but worry. Kaido brought her too much pressure. It was as if she was facing a ferocious beast and instinctively wanted to escape from him.


Kizaru, who had fought with Kaido for several times, was hit by Kaido's huge mace and flew away. It hit the navy warship that was parked below. The huge force made the navy warship sink suddenly. The huge attack immediately shattered the deck, and Kizaru's figure disappeared on the deck in an instant.

When Kizaru reappeared, his cloak of justice had disappeared and his glasses tilted.

Flicking the dust off the corner of his clothes, Kizaru floated in the air, facing Kaido who was held up by the flames.

"Hey, Jack is down there, I'm leaving first."

"Kizaru, I've changed my mind, I'm going to beat you to pieces!" Kaido swung with a huge mace.

At this time, Lacus, who had already traveled a distance, looked at Kaido who attacked Kizaru again, her clothes vibrated, her body involuntarily floated up from the deck, and her staff rotated in front of her.

"Shine the light ahead and dispel the darkness!!"

With Lacus pushing both hands, a huge beam of light shot towards Kizaru!

Kizaru, who was confronting Kaido, was hit by him. Suddenly, Kizaru's whole body was shining brightly. There seemed to be white light mixed in the golden light, making Kizaru look sacred (if his face was covered). The voice sounded in Kizaru's ear again: "You are strengthened, go and send it!"

"Kouwa!" Looking at his hands, he felt the huge power in his body: "Kaido, speed is power."

Kicked out with a leg, and a huge beam of light shot towards Kaido.


The beam of light hit Kaido's body. Kaido habitually stood in place, posing a very handsome posture to resist Kizaru's attack. In his opinion, Kizaru's attack was only a little bright, and there was no need to hide at all.

However, a huge force came from Kaido's chest, and Kaido's figure flew out instantly.


"I've dealt a heavy blow to the Four Emperors Kaito! I wonder if the bonus will be higher."

With a laser, the severely damaged warship was split into two sections, and then turned into a flash of light and flew away.

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