The sun was shining brightly, but the sun was shining brightly.

There is a playground not far from the square. Parents enjoy their children on sunny days, but all this was broken after the appearance of the Celestial Dragons.

"Hey qiqiqiqi." Three Tianlong people wearing glass covers on their heads and holding muskets stood at the entrance of the amusement park, stepping on several corpses, and shouted to the amusement park: "Hide quickly, we are coming in!"

"Hahahaha! I am the best at finding prey!"




"Game start!!"

In a doll house in the amusement park, several mothers listened to the noise outside in horror and held their children tightly in their arms, as if they could escape the pursuit of those demons as long as they did so.

"Here I come! Wow!" The door of the house was slowly pushed open, and first a round glass cover reflected the dazzling sunlight outside and broke in. Holding a musket, he kept looking around.

"I found you!" Among the dolls, he found a trembling figure. It was a woman with her back to him. The woman curled up on the ground and kept trembling.

A small head appeared on her shoulder, with tears in the small, frightened eyes.


The Tianlong raised the gun in his hand and slowly pointed it at the small eyes with tears.

"I found you!" The Tianlong licked his lips, his eyes full of expectation.

"Who did you find?" A sharp voice sounded in his ears, as if the cold breath sounded through the glass helmet on his head and blew into his ears.


The Tianlong turned around suddenly, and a cold blade pierced his neck as he turned around.

"Hehehe!" What appeared in the eyes of the Tianlong was a face with thick clown makeup, and the mouth was always grinning, as if smiling all the time.

"Bumped into the knife? Why are you so careless?" Sarco's weird clown face came up, looking at the trembling Tianlong who was spitting blood and foaming at the mouth, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that you can't see my magic tricks."

Pat the twitching Tianlong's shoulder: "It's okay, it's normal to feel dizzy, take a deep breath, take a deep breath!"


The Knight of God who was near the playground suddenly felt a little uneasy, and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

"How about I perform a magic trick for you?" Sarco looked at the slowly dying Tianlong, turned his head to look at the mother and daughter hiding aside, and came up to the mother's pleading eyes.


Sarco suddenly lifted the floor, revealing a small space under the floor, motioning the mother and daughter to go in. Before closing the floor, Sarco stuffed a clown doll with a shaking head into the girl's hand.


Sarco had just covered the floor when the door was kicked open.

The Knight of God rushed into the house. Except for the Celestial Dragon who was lying in a pool of blood, there was no one else in the house.

Celestial Dragon!

He rushed up to see the situation of the Celestial Dragon.


A sharp laugh sounded, and a spring clown doll suddenly emerged from the belly of the Celestial Dragon's corpse. The bloody doll swayed from side to side, making a creepy laugh. In this laugh, even the Knight of God lost consciousness for a moment.

In this short moment, a long needle came out of the clown doll's mouth and pierced his neck.


In an instant, his whole body was paralyzed on the ground, and he fell to the ground holding his neck.

"La la la!" Sako's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, opening his hands as if to salute the dolls around him.

"Who are you?" The knight looked at the crazy Sarco and asked tremblingly: "Do you know what will happen if you kill a celestial dragon?"

"Shhhhh!" Sarco put his index finger on his mouth, signaling the knight to shut up: "Quiet, quiet! Please keep quiet during the performance!"

Sarco said, bending down, with a brighter smile on his face: "Then let's go to the next show!"

"Hmm." After saying that, Sarco started thinking, as if he was thinking about what to perform next.

"Got it!" Sarco clapped his hands suddenly, "How about a magic trick? The next show is to make you disappear!!"


"Where are all the people? Come out!" The other two celestial dragons were searching in the empty playground. They hadn't found anyone for so long. It seemed that the people hiding in the playground had disappeared.

"I see you!" Among them

A Tianlong shouted excitedly.

He saw a figure flash by and disappear behind the wooden house. He raised the musket in his hand and chased after the wooden house.

"Hey, I saw that too!" The Tianlong people around him watched their companions chase after him, and they also shouted to catch up quickly.

After the two turned to the wooden house, the figure disappeared, leaving only a swaying tree.

"Hey hehe hehe!" A sharp laugh sounded behind the two. The two raised their guns and pointed behind them, and saw a jumping clown figure.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Seeing the figure, the Tianlong people pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the musket in his hand sprayed out a tongue of fire. The bullet hit the figure, but the figure disappeared into the air.

"Huh? Am I dazzled?" The Tianlong people were a little unbelievable.

"La la la la!" Another clown figure appeared behind them.

The two were about to continue shooting, but saw the dagger was swung out by the clown and instantly stabbed into one of the throats. The sharp blade slightly pierced the trachea and blood vessels in the neck of the Tianlong man.

"Ho ho!" The Tianlong man whose trachea was pierced made a ho ho sound in his throat and reached out to grab his partner's trouser leg.

The poison on the blade instantly spread to his body along the blood. In the horrified eyes of another Tianlong man, the purple color spread along his neck to his whole body, and then the whole person began to dissolve.

In the horror of his companions, his skin ulcerated and his entire face became uneven, collapsing quickly, and his eyeballs lost the support of skin and muscles and rolled into the helmet, and then gradually turned into a pool of purple liquid.

"Ahhhh! Help, help me!" The horrible death of his companion instantly defeated the spirit of the Tianlong man, and he ran out of the amusement park.


A sharp laugh sounded, and several spring clown dolls appeared around him, bouncing around him.

"Get out, get out of here!" At this moment, the sharp laughter seemed to be chasing his nightmare.

Puff puff puff!

Countless poisonous needles spewed out from the mouth of the clown doll, densely piercing his body, and then, the uncontrollable Tianlong people fell to the ground and slowly turned into a pool of purple liquid like their companions.


"Something happened!" Several knights stood in the square and watched the Tianlong people who were smashed into a blood flower by the playwright Jin, and frowned deeply: "Notify all Tianlong people that the hunt is over. There are criminals who killed Tianlong people on the island."

"Oh, I don't think you are talking about me, after all, I just arrived."

A soft voice sounded behind them. When they were about to turn around, they found themselves enveloped by a purple energy and imprisoned in place.

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