The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"Oh, I don't think you're talking about me, after all, I just arrived."

"Fallen Angel Morgana!"

The knights looked at the graceful figure and trembled as they called out the name. The powerlessness brought by their imprisoned bodies made them unable to even tremble.

"Hehe, I like this name." Morgana raised her right hand, and the ground under their feet was completely covered with purple energy, which kept burning the knights' legs and kept climbing up their imprisoned bodies along their lower limbs.

Until their bodies were bent and covered, and scattered into purple dust.

At this time, the Knights of God and the Celestial Dragons also discovered the strange atmosphere that spread throughout the island.

"Stop the game, find the celestial dragons scattered on the island, and gather in the palace." A knight with long red hair and a gorgeous sword in hand gave orders to the people around him. The loss of contact with several celestial dragons and knights made him feel uneasy.

"Yes, sir!"

The moment the knights around him turned and left, purple chains shot in from the palace gate, instantly trapping everyone in place. The purple magic covered on the chains burned their bodies and restricted their abilities and domineering.

"Don't get excited. Since it's a competition, let's go to the end." Morgana walked in on the blood-covered floor. As she walked into the hall step by step, the purple energy gradually covered the entire hall like a carpet.

The blood and corpses on the ground also disappeared after being covered by this energy, as if they had never appeared.

"Sorry." Morgana looked at the horrified and resentful eyes of the knights, raised her lips and smiled slightly, and said: "Every time I see your souls, I can't help but want to wipe you out. You are really disgusting."

"But I still decided to forgive you. You are just mortals who have never experienced pain. Only pain can make you sober, and I will give you pain." Morgana opened her arms: "Feel it!"

From the black and purple energy on the ground, several crosses were erected, and the chains on the crosses stretched out to tie the knights and the celestial dragons firmly to the crosses, and countless spikes pierced their flesh.

Morgana walked out of the palace amid their painful wails and curses.

When Morgana just left the palace, a man with shoe soles on his face fell from the sky. It was the leader of the Revolutionary Army who hurried over - Monkey D. Dragon.


Looking at the knights of God and the celestial dragons who were nailed to the crosses and bleeding in the palace, Long's pupils shrank, and he was also shocked and speechless.

"Long, it's you." The red-haired knight tied to the cross recognized Long, and the muscles on his cheeks trembled because of the pain: "Kill me, Long."

At this time, his body was trembling in pain due to the continuous tearing of the invading dark magic. His abilities and domineering were all restricted by the dark magic, and he could only tremble helplessly in this pain.

"Hehe, you should feel it with your heart, feel the pain of those innocent people who were wantonly killed by you, even if you can only feel a little bit." Long glanced at the wailing people, walked to the middle of the palace, and destroyed the device that blocked the Den Den Mushi signal on the throne.

He walked out of the palace without looking back, leaving only a group of sinners cursing behind him.


The east coast of Saxony Island.

A ship emerged from the bottom of the water, Betty and Silas jumped off the ship, and Betty took out a Den Den Mushi from her chest.


"Okay, the Den Den Mushi shielding equipment has been destroyed. There is a small fishing village to the north of you. Go there first to rescue the residents." Long's voice came from the Den Den Mushi: "Eliminate the Celestial Dragons and the Knights of God, control everyone you meet, don't make too much noise, and avoid alerting the navy."

"Control all ships on the coast."


"By the way, there are other people on this island who are targeting the Celestial Dragons. If you encounter them, don't act rashly." Long's voice was serious: "All the Celestial Dragons and Knights in the palace have been defeated."


"It should be Ms. Morgana."


Instantly, countless elite revolutionary soldiers rushed down from the ship, and followed Silas and Betty into the island, while Crow flew into the air to explore the surrounding situation for Silas and the others.

"Wahahahaha, there is another town here, and all the prey here are mine!" Several Celestial Dragons came to the town on the shore.

In front of them was

Several townspeople who were shot and fled.

"Let's start with you." The Celestial Dragon raised his pistol, pointed it at a man in the fleeing crowd, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! !

The gunshot sounded, but the imagined blood flower did not appear. Silas, who was wearing shackles, appeared in front of the man and used the shackles on his hands to deflect the bullet. Silas swung his right arm, and the magic-forbidden stone chain connected to the shackles was like a whip on the face of the Celestial Dragon.

His mask was instantly shattered, and the huge force turned his head 180 degrees, instantly killing the Celestial Dragon.

At the same time, the surrounding knights also appeared behind Silas, stabbing Silas in the back with long swords, trying to execute this guy who dared to kill the gods here.

"Haha, guys who don't respect the people and freedom, learn to respect death first!" The magic-forbidden stone chain in Silas's hand lit up, and a tornado like a sharp blade emanated from Silas.

The knight behind him was instantly knocked away.

On the sea surface far from Saxony, Admiral Akainu Sakaski hugged his chest and looked at the distant sea level, blocking all living things approaching the island, including pirates, merchant ships, and even seabirds.

"Admiral." Galen came behind Sakaski and asked solemnly, "What are we doing?"

"I don't know, we are just following orders." Sakaski replied indifferently.

"The Den Den Mushi are blocked, the navy is forbidden to approach, and even the observation Haki is forbidden to detect. What is the world government doing in the Kingdom of Saxony?"

"I don't know." Sakaski's emotionless answer to Galen was still the same.

Galen was annoyed by Sakaski's words. Just as he was about to argue again, he found that two golden lights flew from the distant sky at a very fast speed, and the target was the Kingdom of Saxony behind them.

"What is that?"

"Invaders." Sakaski's right arm had turned into surging magma. He raised his right hand and fired several magma bombs at the sky.

However, his attack could not keep up with the speed of the two golden lights. Right under the noses of Sakaski, Galen and other navy officers, the two invaders broke through the blockade of the Navy Headquarters and entered Saxony Island.

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