Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 278 The Power of Cause and Effect

"Jack, take a deep breath, concentrate your thoughts in your body, and then control your elemental body, don't let it spread."




Xavier School for Gifted Youth, in the classroom, there is a mutant ability control class. The teacher is Professor X's right-hand man Hank, who is also a scientist with a very high IQ, nicknamed Beast.

The Hank right now is of course not in the form of a rough beast with blue fur all over his body, but a frail scholar who looks a little thin, wearing thick glasses, and is concentrating on guiding a seven or eight-year-old Asian boy in front of him. Boys, teach them to control themselves.

There were about fifteen other mutant kids sitting in the classroom.

All of them opened their eyes wide, looking at this handsome boy named Jack, their expressions were full of curiosity.

Can the body be elementalized?

Seems like a very interesting ability!

Among the fifteen mutant children, there was obviously a little girl sitting far away from the others. She stayed in a corner with her head lowered, looking very withdrawn.

However, upon hearing Teacher Hanke's words, he couldn't help but look up curiously.

His eyes flicked over the little Asian black-haired boy named Jack, and he couldn't help flashing a strange light, as if he was very interested in him.

But soon her expression darkened, she bit her lip, looking very tangled.


Adam looked at the guy in front of him who spoke strange words in a daze, and was speechless for a while.

What concentration? What body elementalization? Kicked in the head by a donkey?

Although this blue-haired monster has no blue fur, Adam still thinks that this family is cuter when it has blue fur.

He turned his head and looked around.

Then he looked at his little hand that had obviously shrunk by a large circle, looking white and tender, and a weird and complicated look appeared in his eyes the next moment.

I didn't expect this causal force to be so powerful.

Even his own body shrunk.

Could it be that the concentration of the mind and the elementalization of the body that the blue-haired monster said just now is the ability of this unlucky ghost that he absorbed?

"Jack, how do you feel? Can you control your abilities? Did you hear me?"

Hank yelled several times. Seeing the dazed look of the little Asian boy in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Well, is he really not as good at teaching children as Professor Charles...

"Uh, I..."

Adam finally came to his senses and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Because Adam felt that his power was limited.

There is only an inexplicable force running in the body, which should be the ability of mutants.

And at this moment Hank patted him on the shoulder, and said with an encouraging look:

"Jack, it's okay. Go back to your seat first. After seeing how other people control your abilities, you can try again. Maybe then you will be able to learn to control your abilities."

Adam knew that the system must have something to tell him, so he will ask the system when he is free.

While thinking about it, Adam nodded and said "um", and then he was going to find a seat to sit down, wanting to see what abilities these little brats have, and maybe use the power in his body to him. A strange energy helps.

The other children were rather disappointed when they saw that Adam had returned and did not show the magical "elementalization" ability.

But a child is a child after all, and soon his attention was attracted, and he looked at the second little boy with thin blond hair who was called to the display stand by Mr. Hanke.

Adam likes places that are spacious, not crowded, and likes to sit in a prominent place.

But the current situation seems to be unable to sit in a place that is too conspicuous.

So when he saw a relatively spacious corner with only a little girl sitting and not many other people, he walked over decisively and chose a seat in front of the little girl to sit down.

Little did he know that his action caused the other children to look over in unison, and they stopped looking at the display stand. They all looked at Adam with wide eyes, and couldn't help showing weird expressions.

Adam frowned, a little puzzled.

Is brother so handsome, as for making you little brats pay so much attention?

I look exactly like I did when I was a kid!

Sarah Connor wasn't as surprised as you were when she first met me.

What a bunch of little bastards.

And at this moment, Hank's voice sounded, attracting the eyes of these little brats again. Adam couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then looked towards the booth with a serious expression.

"Little John, what are your abilities?"

Hanke changed the way of guidance this time, and wanted to let the children understand the way they use their abilities, and then control it through their own understanding.

This boy named Little John is still missing a front tooth, but he still loves to smile, making people feel silly when he smiles.

He said: "Mr. Hank, I can soften my body."

"Oh? Then can you show us?" Hank felt that the rhythm was right, and couldn't help but smile kindly, trying to make himself as similar as possible to Professor Charles.

"no problem."

Little John nodded briskly, as if he was a little excited, and then...uh, then he lay down on the ground.

The audience was silent.

Hank was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Little John, what are you doing? Get up, the floor is dirty, it will stain your clothes..."

As he spoke, he was about to pull Little John up.

However, as soon as he grabbed the shoulder with his hand, he saw that the shoulder was stretched directly like noodles, while the little John was still lying on the ground, his neck suddenly turned around 180 degrees strangely, and he looked at Hank with a thoughtful look. Excited to be praised:

"Mr. Hank, this is my ability, isn't it great?"

"Oh, oh, really, what a great ability..."

Hank couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, with a polite yet awkward look.

Adam in the seat couldn't help but bewildered.

What the hell kind of ability is this, scare him!

Although Adam has seen a lot of useless abilities in this school in the parallel world, such useless abilities are rare!

While he was complaining about this useless ability in his heart, suddenly, a soft, nervous voice sounded in his mind.

"You, hello..."

"Huh? Who?"

Adam looked around suspiciously.

"I, my name is Jean Gray... I'm right behind you..."

Well, it really is about the cause and effect of the Phoenix.

At the same time, the news of the system delay finally sounded in Adam's mind.

"Host, because of the suppression of this causal line, you cannot fully exert your strength for the time being, but your strength will gradually recover, so there is no need to worry. You cannot leave this causal line until all your strength is restored, please careful."

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