Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 279 Untitled

European-style building, a noble academy covered by greenery.

It is very luxurious, at least in the eyes of Zhang Liao, a guy like Zhang Liao whose previous family only had an area of ​​40 to 50 square meters, it is similar to a palace.

The trees are shady and the walls are covered with vines, giving people a sense of history.

But the occasional iron gates, basketball courts and other buildings show that this is modern.

The combination of history and modernity, a peculiar temperament.

Adam stood at the door of the classroom, feeling very familiar with this place, but also very strange.

This mutant school seemed a little different from the one Adam had been to.

This school is obviously smaller, whether it is the floor area or the volume of the house, it should be due to the parallel space.

A transparent ripple suddenly spread around Adam's body, Adam frowned tightly, because he didn't do it.

"System, what happened?" Adam suddenly felt that the world was not as simple as he imagined.

"The Chaos Witch has distorted reality, and time is changing now." The system replied: "This world is very dangerous. There are too many high-level forces and too many unstable factors. I hope the master will recover his power as soon as possible and leave this causal line."

Adam suddenly felt dizzy in his brain, and his memory changed.

His name is still Jack, but the year of his birth has suddenly been pushed back by ten years, and his mutant ability has become energy control.

"This world is really messed up." Adam shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm John"

The two teenagers walked up to Zhang Liao, who seemed to be two years older than him.

"Huh?" Adam nodded, communicating with strangers has never been his strong point. And he couldn't figure out what was going on now, because his memory was still stuck in the last period of time.

Adam was very sure that the two people in front of him were not in the classroom just now.

"My ability is to control the flame." John's brows twitched, obviously a little irritable, and he was a little annoyed by Zhang Liao's "ignoring".

This time Adam looked up at the other party seriously, and said with some doubts: "Are you sure your name is not Paul?"

"My name is John!" John looked very angry, and said loudly: "I heard that your ability is to absorb any energy? Are you interested in a competition? See if my flame will be absorbed by you!"

"But I still think you are Paul..." Adam muttered in a low voice, quite sure that the person in front of him was Pyro in the mutant universe he had been to.

"Remember me! My nickname is Burning Man!" As if hearing Adam whispering, John's expression became even more angry.

Pyro took out the lighter from his pocket, pressed it lightly, and then waved his hand, a fireball the size of a basketball was summoned!


Although the speed of this flame is only about the speed of a person throwing a basketball, it is already a terrifying ability for the students of this school.

But Adam felt very troubled. He just wanted to recuperate quietly, recover his strength and leave this place as soon as possible. He didn't want to conflict with these children.

Adam never found it interesting to bully the weak, let alone an ant lying on the ground waving its hands at him,

There will be danger.

Adam didn't move because he felt someone else did.

An ice wall quickly formed out of thin air and appeared in front of Adam.

Like building a tall building, in the blink of an eye, an ice wall about one centimeter thick blocked Adam's upper body. However, at this speed, the fireball from Pyro Man would be blocked by the ice wall in the end.

And the one who sent out the ice was another boy who came with Pyro.

Get off your horse?

Are the two together?

Adam shook his head, not thinking about what the two of them wanted to do, snapped his fingers, and the fireball in front of him disappeared.

It's as if it never showed up.

And the ice wall that didn't work is still standing there, proving what happened just now.

After Adam finished these things, he turned and left the front of the classroom as if nothing had happened.

Finally, Pyro's face darkened.

"Bobby, I want to punish him." Pyro looked at his long-time rival and friend, and gritted his teeth.

"Impossible, you are completely restrained by him." Iceman Bobby shook his head. The other party's behavior of eliminating the flame in an hour was really shocking, far more shocking than defending against the attack with his body.

Bobby couldn't understand how Adam did it at all, and he couldn't understand what Adam's ability was at all.

Shouldn't it be manipulating energy?

That look just now doesn't seem like manipulating energy!

"Isn't there still you? I saw that he didn't destroy your ice wall." Fireman said.

"How do you know that he can't destroy my ice wall?" The Iceman twitched his mouth. "I clearly saw him smiling at me when he left. I'm afraid our previous plan has been guessed by the other party. Maybe he also has something to do?" telepathic ability?"

Suddenly, the two paused, and a voice suddenly sounded in their minds, "May I invite you two gentlemen to come to the office?"

Looking at each other, the two also saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, and said in unison, "Yes, Professor."

The backyard of the school, here is an empty and abandoned playground, obviously no one has been here for a long time, and the ground is full of weeds.

There are untrimmed branches and scattered gravel, as if there should be a rockery dormant here.

Adam leisurely walked to the rockery as if taking a walk, and just snapped his fingers at the rockery.

With Adam's snap of his fingers, a fireball that was bigger and more powerful than the fireball that Pyro just sent out rushed towards the rockery at a faster speed.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, a large pit appeared on the rockery, and countless gravels were flying around.

"Does manipulating elemental energy count as manipulating energy?" Adam looked at his fingers. "How do I impersonate a mutant who manipulates energy?"

Adam doesn't think that he who has lost his power will be the opponent of Professor Charles or Magneto, so he wants to hide.

Adam wanted to disguise himself as an energy-manipulating mutant as much as possible, quietly waiting for his power to recover.

Although Adam's strength at this time is not considered strong, and he may not be able to defeat Magneto and Professor X, his life safety can still be guaranteed.

But what Adam was worried about was not the two great leaders of the mutants, but the red-haired girl Qin.

Adam didn't know if the Phoenix Force in this universe had any impression of him, and whether he would attack him.

You must know that even Adam was no match for the Phoenix Force when he was in his prime, let alone him who is in trouble now.

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