Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 526: Gloomy Territory (XII)


With the re-photographing of another claw of the white wolf, the stalactite pillar that was originally crumbling finally could not bear it any more, and collapsed suddenly. For a time, huge stones can fall from the top and land heavily on the ground. With the fall of the last stone pillar, the earth in front of him returned to peace again. And until this time, the huge white wolf raised his head and glanced around, then it shook his body hard. Immediately afterwards, the body of this huge white wolf began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if being reduced, and soon, a giant monster that was four or five meters tall was twisted and deformed, and then Annie's figure emerged from it. With the disappearance of the white wolf, the originally thin air around it quickly recovered to its original state.

"Huh ... it's really tiring ........."

At this moment, Annie had a look of exhaustion, which was in stark contrast to the look of excitement and eagerness on the previous face. It is no wonder that although the elemental spirit appears as one of the most powerful skills of the dominant class, it is a pity that Annie is not The real element lord, so even if she showed this trick, it would be very expensive. At this moment she was exhausted and even yawned several times.

"......... It's finally done ... Angie Lint? That's right here."

"Yes, Miss Anne."

Hearing Anne's inquiry, Angeline quietly emerged from the shadows next to her, and then she replied. The dark elves didn't know that Anne's sudden use of the elemental spirits was completely prompted by Angeline. As a blood-sucking species, Angeline naturally has the means to extract information from other people's heads, so after she learns the true location of these enemies she faces, she immediately informs Annie. Although Angeline did not say specifically what to do with Anne. But on the battlefield, Anne's intuition was one-on-one. The so-called capture the thief first capture the king, Annie certainly understands this truth. Because of this, after receiving the information from Angeline, Annie transformed into a decisive situation immediately, and made a direct attack on the other's family base camp. Then completely blasted each other's buildings. I have to admit that Annie's intuition is still very sensitive, at least here now, there are no enemies to dare to come to her anymore.

It can even be said that there is no living person .........

Angeline raised her head and glanced at the surrounding ruins, then she narrowed her eyes, and a cold smile flashed in the bright red eyes. Rhodes did not specifically tell Angeline how to stand up, but as a blood-sucking species in the country of birth night, Angeline certainly knew what to do.

"Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. Annie also plans to finish up early and go back to rest sooner ......... Huh ......... There is no more Anne's business here. Then Annie will take a step?"

Having said that, Annie didn't even look at the tragedy caused by herself, so she turned her head, waved her hands to Anjie Linte, and then left the ruins in front of her. And Angeline did not say anything, so respectfully watched Annie's departure. Although in terms of strength, the full-strength Anjie Linte and Anne are actually not much different, but it is a pity. The status of the two sides is very different. Angeline knew very well that the innocent looking girl in front of her was very favored in front of her master. As a courtier of the master, of course, she will try her best to please each other. That's why Angie Linte gave Anne the opportunity to defeat the enemy, and she followed behind her silently. Although Anne's elemental soul incarnation was under great pressure, Angie Linte was a vampire. There is no need to breathe. Naturally there will be no hindrance. As a fighter, Annie is still very competent. Unfortunately, she knew nothing about politics and conspiracy.

And this is the field of Angeline.

"Okay. So, let's start ........."

With a smile full of evil and insidiousness, Angeline raised her hands, and with her movements, a faint red mist spread around Angeline, gradually rolling and spreading around. Just a moment's work, the red mist became more and more dense, and then, in the red mist, the chilling wailing sounded, and then one by one, ugly ghosts emerged from it. Seeing this scene, Angeline's face appeared with an elegant and charming smile.

"Then, it ’s time for the black elves to let you experience the horror of your masters. As a hole punching mouse, if you do n’t know your identity and status, it will be very difficult ... ......... "

Along with Angeline's muttering to himself, countless dead figures crawled out of the ruins again, and they opened their eyes shining with scarlet light, and made a screaming sound.

The shadow of death is spreading silently, covering the entire city of Callessodar.

But unfortunately, the Dark Elves haven't noticed this yet.

"What? You say it again?"

Werner's eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't believe looking at the three dark elf mages in front of her. She couldn't believe it anyway, and she would have waited for such a message. The family established by her eldest daughter not only failed to block the attack of the other party, but also was completely destroyed by the other party, and even the family station was destroyed? !! Are you kidding me? Of course, Werna knows that the opponent must be strong, but she does not have her own intelligence network. Of course, she knows that fewer than ten people entered the Dark Elf City this time. What can a few people do in this area? No matter how powerful they are, can they withstand the massive assassination of the slave army and the dark elves?

It now seems that they can indeed do it.

Elemental soul ... …………

Upon hearing this, even Verna could not help looking pale, but she secretly rejoiced that her luck was good enough, and the elemental spirit was very terrible existence. Although among the Dark Elves' family, there are not a few casters who have stepped into the realm of legends, but there are only a handful of people who want to reach the peak of the legend and have the ability to fight with Elemental Spirits, as of now. Only the head mothers of the top ten families have such power. However, even if Werner herself, it is difficult to defeat the elemental spirit. Maybe she has to work hard, not to mention her daughter.

This is troublesome.

Werner quickly set aside her daughter's death and the demise of her family. For her, losing a daughter was not a big deal. Because of the dark elven tradition. Werna naturally knows her daughter's mind very much, because she had acquired her current status and rights after killing her mother. Then, of course, according to the moral values ​​of the Dark Elf society, her daughter can only do everything possible Conspiracy against yourself is truly the filial piety. And the reason why Werner sent her two daughters could not help but consume their power to prevent them from growing up and in turn threatening themselves. Now, Werner's goal is naturally achieved-and she still has to complete the task in excess, and she no longer has to worry about her daughter cutting her throat behind her back.

But for Werner, the price. It seems a little too big ...

But soon, Verna left her daughter's affairs behind her. In fact, she is not feeling good here. Although Verna has sent two thirds of her army to attack, but from the front The news that came was that Verna was secretly shocked. Just in less than ten minutes, through the connection of her mind, she had felt that four mages had died one after another. They were not ordinary casters. It's the elite confidante cultivated by Werner that everyone has a legendary level. Although it has not been able to open the cause of its own order, its strength cannot be underestimated. Werner trained a total of thirteen legendary early casters, which is also the basis for her family to stand among the top ten families in the city of Callesodar. This battle is for insurance purposes, and also to The others showed their deterrence, and Werner sent eight of them to the front to direct the battle. Originally in Werner's view, with so many soldiers, plus a mage with sufficient strength, those younger generations should be able to easily grab the hand. But what Werner didn't expect was that four people died in a blink of an eye. Not only that. Judging from the connection of the mind, these four people died in almost no more than three minutes! !! In other words, in the face of that mysterious enemy, they were killed without even the slightest fight back! !!

Now Werna can be described as a dilemma. At first, she still had some luck in her heart, but now it seems that the opponent's strength is far above her. Now she has only two choices, either to retreat immediately, and then send someone to make peace with the other party. This may damage her face as the fourth family of Callesodar City, but at least she can escape her family. As long as you have enough time, you can make a comeback.

The other option is to stay to the end and fight with each other. If you can succeed, it is best, but if you fail, then the consequences will be unthinkable ... …………

Thinking of this, Werna bit her teeth firmly, holding the Hydra in her right hand, and holding the armrest of the chair with her left hand. For a moment, the hall was extremely quiet, no one spoke, everyone was watching carefully Focusing on the mother in front of them, everyone knows that the fourth family is now in danger.

"Report, Master !!!!"

At this moment, suddenly, a dark elf guard rushed in, almost rushing in, his scream broke the tranquility of the hall, and Werner could not help but withdraw her thoughts and looked at the guard in front of her.

"There was news from the front line just now. The 37th family coalition was completely defeated !!"

Hearing here, Verna only felt that her heart sank into the ice in an instant, and the only thing left before her was darkness. However, the glory of being the master of the dark elf still brought her back to God immediately. She forced herself to show no expression, but stood up solemnly, coldly, and watched the guard in front of her quietly.

"Tell me what happened!"

Then Werner asked. (To be continued ...)

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