Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 527: Gloomy Territory (XIII)

If it was a nightmare for the dark elves to face Annie, then they would feel **** in the face of Xi Luosi.

"Hahahahahaha !!!"

The huge, blood-stained red giant sword waved wildly in the air, and passed the light of the sword, the petite girl walked slowly, and the huge iron sword in her hand whistled and waved from the air. However, the serrated blade bit the flesh of the dark elves like the teeth of a fierce beast. Every flutter of the sword can see the scene of fluttering flesh. Everything in front of me is bright red, wet and sticky. Blood and debris were all over the ground. But at the moment those dark elves had only fear and despair.

Xi Luosi's battle is not as big as Little Bubble Gum and Annie. Once they come up, the map cannon is cleared and then directly crushed. On the contrary, this crazy-looking girl made a de facto crazy move from the beginning. Facing the besiege of hundreds of gray dwarfs and bear goblins, she did not use magic and did not deploy protection. Holding the huge sword in her hand in such a way, without any hesitation, he hurled straight towards the crowd.

At the beginning, the dark elves did not look at the girls. On the contrary, the dark elves with suspicious nature even wondered if this was a conspiracy of the other party. After all, Xiluosi seems too "bright". For the dark elves who are keen on conspiracy theory, they will of course wonder whether the girl in front of her is so unmotivated assault to attract her attention and then adjust the tiger away from the mountain. What………

But soon. They found that there was no conspiracy. Helos was only one person. And there was indeed no defense, even if she would explode the dark elves, because in front of them were hundreds of bear goblins and well-equipped gray dwarves, and the opponent was worth mentioning in addition to the outrageous sword in his hand. Besides, there is nothing to be concerned about at all. Even the princess dress on her body was tattered. In the eyes of the dark elf, even if the girl was very strong, she was faced with so many cannon fodder alone. Then in the end it is still a defeated defeat. Looking at the figure rushing forward with the big sword, they could almost have foreseen that she would be surrounded by these slaves, and then died with several swords.

Unfortunately, they guessed the beginning, but did not guess the end.

Xi Luosi did not have a defense. Faced with the efforts of the gray dwarfs who were standing in front of her, the girl just laughed and held up the huge sword in her hand. Then swiped down vigorously. I only heard a loud noise, and the gray dwarf in front of her was immediately smashed into pieces. Although they all wore fine iron armor enough to withstand the sword attack, there was no effect in front of Xi Luosi's great sword. . But at the same time, the slaves in other places had already swarmed up, and then saw the sword and chopped the sword and greeted Xi Luosi's body.

The sharp knife and axe chopped on Xi Luosi's body without any cover. It was not an afterimage or resistance. Almost everyone saw the petite girl's body almost penetrated by a dozen sharp mists almost instantly. If you change the words of ordinary people, then you can't die if you are dead. Unfortunately, they don't know. I am not facing ordinary people.

It wasn't until Xi Luosi laughed and raised the great sword in her hand that they found that they might have encountered a terrible opponent that they could not imagine.

"It's not painful enough !!! It's not enough painful !!! Work harder, work harder !! I still need more pain, hurry up! Hahahaha. It's so painful, you guys can also hurt it together !!!"


With a scream like a madman, Helosi once again waved his great sword vigorously, and saw the red giant sword passing by in the air, and in the next moment countless flesh flew up. As the center, the flesh and blood fan surface appeared immediately in front of the eyes, and the large swaths of bear goblins and gray dwarfs were directly bitten by the fierce and sharp giant blade from the middle. For a time, blood, flesh, and internal organs flew across. Stain the earth in front of you to a dark red color. But Xi Luosi did not care about this at all, she continued to move forward, the giant blade in her hand did not mean to stop at all, and waved forward again.

Again and again and again.

It's like a boring afternoon squatting beside an ant's nest, patiently crushing the ants who crawled out of the hole.

Finally, the slaves were timid. Under the "education" of the dark elves, the slaves, who were not afraid of death, finally started to retreat. Facing the huge iron sword, the girl with blood stains on his body and the clothes on his body was torn, they chose to retreat for the first time. Even if the dark elves at the back took a long whip and slammed hard, cursed, and even drew their swords and killed a few shrinking slaves, but even this did not prevent them from backing down. In the face of the threat of the dark elves, some slaves who were so terrified even took up their weapons and launched a counterattack against the dark elves! !!

For a moment, the scene became extremely chaotic. Xi Luosi was still marching, crushing and tearing everything that dared to stand in front of her with crazy laughter, enjoying the joy of trampling on their corpses. It is this happiness that makes the dark elves chill. They will also enjoy the killing, but this enjoyment is utilitarian, because this killing will bring them a promotion of status or eliminate a competition. The opponent, or completed the heavy task of the family. It is this satisfaction that makes the dark elves so keen on murder and backstab, but they have never been able to imagine that some people will simply have fun from killing, killing, taking away and tearing a life. . Seeing Xi Luosi simply wield a giant sword, excitedly staring at the people in front of her being torn apart under her attack, screaming, mourning the scene of death and shining his eyes, even the dark elves felt Into a icy cold wind rushed up from behind them. They almost froze themselves.

"Put explosive arrows, aim at her, throw explosive arrows !!"

After Xi Luosi stepped on a dwarf's head with a happy smile again, finally, the dark elves could no longer bear their inner fears. Soon, with the sound of orders, dozens of dark elves suddenly lifted their cloaks, and then took from the waist to make delicate bows and crossbones--the dark elves' special poison arrows were completely useless to Heloth, even if They were able to shoot crossbow arrows into Helos's eyes accurately, and for girls, it was just a degree that could be ignored by shaking their hair.

Helox is the perfect undead.

As the prototype of all undead creatures originally made by the Dark Dragon, Helox has all the advantages of all undead creatures, but also does not have their weaknesses. The only weakness is "reproduction", which is why the Dark Dragon abandoned the Necromancer in the end. He originally expected to find a way to solve the reproduction problem of undead creatures, but unfortunately, until now This remains a problem.

But apart from that, Siros has all the advantages of undead.

"Boom boom boom boom !!!"

Soon, with the actions of the dark elves, dozens of red arrows shining at her just shot at her, and then the girl's petite body was completely swallowed up by the exploding fire and disappeared. The thick black smoke mixed with the bright red burst out suddenly. Seeing this scene, many dark elves turned their heads. They are also uncomfortable with the strong light produced by this explosion, but now, as long as they can destroy the enemy, they don't care so much.

The black smoke from the explosion covered the entire battlefield, and the dark elves held their breaths, staring at the mist in front of them with vigilance. If it was someone else, the dark elves can now use their special night vision skills to see if the other party is dead. But unfortunately, Xi Luosi was originally a dead person, so in the night vision of the dark elves, she was no different from the roadside stones. If any dark elves wanted to find Heloth in this way, the end would only be worse.

has it ended?

Looking at the billowing black smoke in front of them, due to the particularity of the undead, the dark elves were not sure for a while. They just stared at the black smoke in front of them, speculating with anxiety in their hearts. The dark elves that Xiluosi are undead are naturally seen through, but unfortunately, as underground races, they have very limited means to deal with undead. The dark elves certainly have healing spirits, but this kind of magic only works on dark elves, but it is a curse that is vicious to vomit blood to other creatures. It can be seen that this kind of spiritual art that does not contain divine power is meaningless to undead. Therefore, they can only choose to deal with Helos with an explosive arrow. After all, undead are still afraid of fire, aren't they?

Looking at the black smoke in front of me, there seemed to be no more. The dark elves could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, suddenly, a slight metal friction sounded.

"this is………………!!"

When they heard this voice, the dark elves suddenly changed their faces, but before they could do anything, the huge iron chain suddenly waved from the black smoke, and under the entanglement of the iron chain, they stopped at the waist. Cut at the dark elves!

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