Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 100: Dilemma

Protect the holy light with your twin reflections ...

Without these words, Rhodes took South back to Dongfangshanyuan the same day. But now, he must think about it before he makes a decision. Every sentence in the mission system is not nonsense. Since the mission is designated to bring Christie, it shows that she has played a very important role in this mission. As a player, she has done the game missions of Dragon Soul Mainland for so many years. Luo Germany knows this very well. Although Christie is not familiar with magic and does not know any inheritance rituals, Rod is not surprised at all. Because immediately after he finished the mission, another "Christie" figure appeared in Rhodes' mind.

So far, Rhodes hasn't figured out the true identity of that "Christie", but at least it looks like she should have a goodwill for herself. Not only did she help herself to repair the seriously damaged Grayhill and Madaras in the battle with the demon archduke, but also showed herself the way to wake up the two Holy Sword cards, and warned the invasion of the undead army in advance ... ...

Previously, Rhodes felt that "Christie" was very mysterious. From this task, she is likely to have some unclear connection with the Star Spirit Hall. The tasks and rewards of Dragon Soul Land are related to each other. , Then Christie appearing in the task is no exception. If you don't take Christie, this task will probably not be completed. If the task is not completed, the reward will naturally be lost.

But, if you want to take Christie ......... Rod himself is a hundred reluctant.

Not to mention that Christie has no fighting power, her weak body is also a big problem. In Ping Yue, as long as she runs a hundred meters all the way, she will be tired of gasping children. How could Rhode expect to take her out for adventure, even if Li Tia's asylum keeps Christie from getting sick, but that doesn't mean she won't get hurt, but if she gets hurt, it's even more troublesome. However, Christie is very easy to be injured. According to the player, Christie's defense is completely negative. If he is hit, it is almost a crit. The strength is not as good as a level 1 npc. The most important thing is that Christie is not a magical mysterious clone like Bran's Heart, but a real living life. If there are any three long and two short, it can't be saved.

Of course, Rhodes can also use the floating ship to take the Holy Girl like an army in a floating boat, then suppress it, and then send fire elemental creatures to the pile. After everything is over, then Christie floats down, Go slowly to find and complete this task. But unfortunately, this is not the same. Let's not talk about whether Dongfang Yamahara welcomes these foreigners to take care of themselves and take the army into their territory. The undead creatures entrenched in Dongfang Shanyuan are not as good as Dongdong Castle. Dongdong Castle is a group of miscellaneous troops, but Dongfang Shanyuan and the kingdom of night have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. Yamahara, of course, the country of night cannot be stupid enough to send only a few low-ranking troops to give the other side mixed experience. Rhodes has learned from South, that at present, Dongfangshanyuan is not very flat, gargoyles are flying in the sky, and death knights are running around the street. There were also a few skeleton trolls and abominations jumping ballet and tango at every turn, and the number of high-ranking units in the Oriental Hills was second only to the former Fortress of Atonement that Kolund had dealt with Rhodes. This is why the War Corps left Dongfangshanyuan immediately after losing their base, and with their current strength, they could not stay there.

However, it can also be seen that Dongfang Shanyuan is indeed strong, and Rhodes can handle so many high- and middle-ranking units by relying on smashing construction without money, coupled with canaries and little bubble gum. However, Dongfangshanyuan obviously does not have this kind of plug-in. They are totally relying on their own strength. This is not surprising. In the early days of the game, Dongfangshanyuan had a few non-core areas in the continent of light but the average guard level was over fifty. Place, at that time, there were not even fifty players at full level ...

The strongest man in Dongfangshanyuan is also the most in the entire land of light. Rhode knows it alone, there are three who stepped into the peak of the legend, and then there are twelve legendary middle-level elders. This is not like Gaya. Non-staff in the class. They are also the only place in the entire Muen country that is composed of humans, but has an average human power of 55 or higher.

Strong strength, this is the largest capital that Dongfang Shanyuan can proudly read outside of disputes in Muen. It is just that they only focus on expelling and destroying those undead creatures who dare to cross the border to attack the eastern mountain plains. Otherwise, they will not care about it. Otherwise, relying on their strong power, I am afraid they will have become Muen. The head card.

In the game, players have also investigated the history of Dongfangshanyuan. After all, this is too strange. There are many places at the junction of Moon and Nightland, but the group of undead has identified Dongfangshanyuan. A dozen is a few hundred. Thousands of years. There are even players who have shown evidence that since the end of the World War, the covert attack on Dongfangshanyuan has never stopped. In other words, on this continent, Dongfangshanyuan is the only region that has maintained the state of war since the end of the World War. Although it has been said that the two sides have been fighting in private and there has been no large-scale conflict, everyone knows that Dongfangshanyuan has not calmed down.

The question is, why are undead creatures so enthusiastic about Dongfang Shanyuan? As for this reason, players have different opinions, but they have never been able to dig out the truth. Some people think that Dongfangshanyuan may seal any artifact of the kingdom of the night, and some people think that Dongfangshanyuan may imprison a super powerful necrotic creature, and the undead have always wanted to save it or awaken it. But these are unreliable. Dongfang Mountain was a very closed area. NPC knew little about the situation inside. Although the players are better, it is difficult to access the core secrets. But one thing that every player can be sure of is that Dongfang Shanyuan must have hidden a great secret!

They are so sure that there is no reason. In the game, with the collapse of Muen, Dongfang Yamahara can't stop it again. However, they did not flee like the residents of other territories. On the contrary, in the face of the unstoppable offensive of the Undead Army, they did not know what method was used to blow up the entire Eastern Mountain Plain!

Dongfangshanyuan is a whole territory. Players who have had good things have calculated that if put into reality, the area of ​​Dongfangshanyuan is nearly 10,000 square kilometers. However, such a large piece of land was completely destroyed by the residents of Dongfang Mountain Plain. It was the first time in his life that a player had seen such a terrifying explosion. The snow-white dazzling light broke through the ground and straight into the sky. The rolling dazzling light can be seen very clearly even as far away as Casablanca. The earth shook and the sea water rolled and roared, as if the end of the world was a precursor. Even more horrible, when the explosion passed, a curious player stepped forward to see it, and it almost didn't scare him to death—I saw that it should be a rolling mountain range, and there was only one slice left after that. Bottomless bottomless pit. It looks as if an invisible giant has turned Dongfang Shanyuan over and turned away!

At the beginning, players still had doubts about whether this is the latest weapon of the kingdom of night, but soon the players of the Principality of Muen said that this was done by the people in the mountain in the east. They also took this task to help They completed a "significant ritual." After the results were completed, these players were teleported away. Although they did not know what those people did, everything that happened in Dongfangshanyuan ... Chu.

At this moment, even the most dull players can be sure that there must be some terrible secrets hidden in the eastern mountain plains, otherwise they don't need to do this at all. One territory, more than 100,000 people, will all be wiped out. Nothing left! Even nuclear bombs don't have such great power. How did they do it?

But unfortunately, this secret was gone with the horrible explosion.

This is also the impression that Dongfang Yamahara has always brought to everyone. They are tough, strong and mysterious. This is why the nobles of the Principality of Muen thought that after the first reaction, he thought that he was born in the east of Yamahara. Most of the people there were black hair and black eyes, and they were mysterious and powerful. And Rhodes himself also looks like this, and naturally can't blame others for association in this regard.

It can be seen that Dongfang Shanyuan is definitely not a peaceful place. How to say that in the early part of the game, it was also a difficult leveling area. Together with the level players, they did not dare to run wild. Those fire elemental creatures in Rod ’s hands deal with low-level immortality Creatures can still pretend to be prestigious, but in the face of high-level necrotic creatures such as skeleton trolls, they are completely dead.

What made Rhodes more headache is that in the description of South, there are still shadow figures in the undead legion of the offensive warfare station ...

Shadow Fiend ......... But even the stuff that even feels a headache, this also brings Christie, isn't your sister playing me?

Because of this, Rhodes has been struggling, and this reward he really does not want to let go. However, he was really reluctant to take Christie to Rhodes Oriental Hills. The undead creatures there were at least in their early forties. Marlene rushed over and had no good fruit. If Christie goes, the results can be imagined .

No wonder the difficulty of this task is aaa, this is simply not intended to let yourself complete.

Rhode didn't go to Christie to ask if she would like to go, because he knew that as long as he spoke, Christie would never hesitate to agree. Don't look at the girl who is very weak on the surface, but that's just the "fake" she can't help but feel weak because of her weak body. Anyone around Christie knows that Christie is actually a stubborn person and has her own persistence. This can be seen from the time she was in Gaoya Village, even when facing so many people's scolding and beatings, she hardly supported her sick body to climb the mountain to release the sheep. If Rhode asked, Christie would certainly not refuse.

So Rhode didn't ask. He had to make up his own mind first, but ...

When Rhodes was in a dilemma, Canary came unexpectedly. (To be continued.)

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