Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 101: You need to trust more than just yourself

In order to complete this task, Rhodes was almost enchanted. No matter what he was doing, he was thinking about how to complete this task. He brought Christie in peace, and he did n’t have to worry about it. There was a summoning gate. At that time, the ritual was completed. As long as the ring of summon was activated, the fortress of the Atonement was transmitted Already. The question now is how to get to the destination, and also to ensure that Christie is not injured ... In all fairness, Rhodes finds this really difficult.

However, it was because of difficulties that he struggled with himself.

If you change people, you will probably choose not to go. Christie is so important in Rod's mind, and the key of the fantasy world is also a dead thing, not to mention that Rod now has a sea of ​​silver and a burning plain. It is necessary to take such a big risk to get the Protoss Temple?

That's right, of course not necessary.

Because Rhode's plan is to have both fish and bear's paw! He wants Xingling Dian, and Christie must not be injured at all!

He knew it was very greedy. It was like playing a boss and asking a group of fifty people to die and kill a lot of blood at once, is it possible? It is certainly impossible for players to know that there is such a possible surname in theory, but after all, players are human beings, and it is human beings who have negligent carelessness, what if they lose their mind? What if someone panics? What if the treatment is misplaced? Or even if someone is temporarily off the line because of his wife's ears because of playing a game?

This is still a game. In reality, there are even more accidents. What if Christie stomps while climbing a mountain? What if she accidentally eats the wrong thing? What if she can't stand the poison of undead's radon? It's all sorts in case you're waiting for yourself in front, so from Rhode's point of view, this is an almost impossible task. But in turn, because of this, Rhodes became more vigorous.

In the game, Rhodes likes to do this. Others find it meaningless, but it makes sense for Rhodes. He wants to win, and it is perfect. No matter what the enemy's tricks or any accidents occur, he can completely solve them. There is no 10,000 in his dictionary, and no case. For Rhodes, he "must" do it. It seems that after the destruction of Muen, many Muen players are lamenting that the game is only a game after all, and their players can't beat their thighs with their arms, and **** it. This is how the script is written, and they have no choice but to follow the script. But Rhodes didn't think so. In the end, he found Little Bubble Gum, and gathered a group of players who were also unwilling to enjoy the dragon set in the script written by others. He kicked him away from the desk, and then started writing what he wanted to write on the script.

If at that time, Rhodes did not kill the Dark Dragon, the broken chaos would not appear, the new chapter would not be the battle of order and chaos, and the era of players would not come. There will be no invasion of the demon army afterwards, and it will not open the deepest maze, which will eventually lead to the return of the Nether Dragon ......... All this will be a bubble.

In order to ensure foolproofness, Rhodes thought of many ways. He even plugged 10,000 fire elemental spirits into the floating ship and then simulated the terrorist attack by driving the floating ship directly against the undead army. I figured it out-the only pity is that the tide does not pass by the corps of the war. But still not, there are several ways in front of Rhodes. The safest thing is that Rhodes empties the undead before he takes Christie in. But this is basically impossible. Dongfangshanyuan has been fighting, and the number of undead is there. If Rhodes had evacuated the undead in the Occupation Warfare Station, the undead in other places would swarm, and by then they would be completely trapped in the quagmire.

The other is the most commonly used method for players, bringing npc under the eyelids of the Undead Legion, and then finishing the task, but Christie's physical quality determines that she cannot be injured, and the speed is very slow, not like the Rogue Ranger Agile and dexterous, undead are sensitive to the breath of living ...

For the past few days, Rhodes has been thinking about this problem, whether it is practicing sword, eating, working, walking or sleeping. He considered every possible accident, and then considered each solution, then set the solutions together to see if he could come up with a perfect solution. If it doesn't work then tear it down and try again. It's like a person holding a broken brick and trying to reassemble it as much as possible, but this is not a simple thing.

Now Rhode is enchanted with "building blocks", so when Canary found him and slaps him on the table with a slap, and shakes Rhode back to reality, he hasn't reacted to what Canary was saying for the first time. .

"What? What did you say? Canary?"

"I'm asking you, what problems have you encountered?"

Canary's helpless hands ringed his chest, looking at Rhodes. The corner of the girl's mouth narrowed slightly, with a little dissatisfaction and bitter smile.

"How long have you thought I've been with you? Marlene, they all think you're a little bit wrong, can't I find out? What problems did you encounter? This is no better than killing the kingdom of the night and The Council of Light is more difficult. "

"In fact, it's really not that simple in some way."

Hearing Canary's words, Rhodes shrugged helplessly. Until then, he pulled his thoughts out of the "building blocks" and reconsidered the situation in front of him. At this time, Rhodes felt his brain was a bit tired. He glanced at the outside sky and saw that it was already dusk, and the black tea in front of him had already been cool ......... If Rhodes remembered correctly, It seems that after he came to the study in the morning, Agawi fell for him.

"Old trouble again."

Rhode looked at the messy papyrus on the desk in front of his eyes, and a bit of helpless grin flashed in his eyes, and I saw that there were all kinds of messy text and paintings, even a lot of meaningless lines. It was written by Rhodes inadvertently while thinking about the countermeasures, but now, even Rhodes himself can't understand what the ghost painting symbol he wrote is. Seeing this, Rhode couldn't help raising his head to lean on the back of the chair, then reached out and rubbed his temples. When he opened his eyes again, the face of Canary was almost in front of him.

"Well, now you can confess, Rhodes."

Although the girl still smiled, she didn't seem to laugh at all.

"Frank and stricter, resist more severely, choose one yourself."

"I choose neither."

Facing Canary's words, Rhodes shook his head, but he had to admit that sometimes he was not everything. So he sighed, and then Rhodes reminded him of the system missions he received after returning to the fortress, and the information he gathered from South, coupled with the current situation of Dongfang Yamahara and what they are likely to encounter. The boss all told Canary.

"So it is ........."

After listening to Rhodes, Canary nodded slightly. It sounded like Rhodes was doing his best, he basically considered everything that needed to be considered. If there was no accidental factor, Canary thought that it would be no difficulty for Rhodes, but now, it is precisely because of that accident that Rhodes is so anxious ...

"Can you let Annie protect her, haven't you always done this?"

"It was not the same as it is now, and without the assistance of the Holy Girl, Annie would have a hard time dealing with those bones. In Dongfangshanyuan, basically no low-level undead could be seen. I am afraid that Annie can't handle it alone. . "

"I think Annie has this ability."

But what Rhodes didn't expect was that the Canary pouted and refuted his claim.

"Annie is still great in this area, but she was trained by us? Rhode, you are welcome to say that at this level of Anne, even in the game, the players who can defeat her are basically gone. No matter It ’s pvp or pve. I think Annie is doing a good job. Why do n’t you try it? ”

"This is not a copy. It can be done once. If we can't do it again, we ask for success. There is no chance for trial."

"But how do you know if you don't try it? Rhodes?"

"Because the risks are high."

Hearing Canary's answer, Rhodes frowned, looking at the girl in front of him, then spread his hands.

"If it fails ... it won't resurrect like the game, and then come back again, we don't have the opportunity."

"If you want to say, aren't you the same?"

At this, Canary raised a slight brow, and then she reached out and pointed at Rhodes.

"You are different from us, Rhode, you will die too. Did you forget this? You are going to die, this is over, and we will disappear. And maybe this fortress built by the system will completely collapse. , Everything you do is lost, why aren't you afraid of death? "

"Because I have enough confidence."

Rhode was extremely calm when he said this. He knew that, like Canary said, he would die if he was not careful, but he didn't think he would die at all. This is a top player. Confidence, experience and confidence are supporting him. Even if he encounters the Shadow Fiend, Rhodes has the confidence to fight it, even if he can't die, he can escape. He didn't worry about this at all, because he had this strength and qualification.

"Annie does too."

But today, the canary seems to be doing it for Rhodes.

"She was a mercenary. I heard Annie say that she has been doing this since she was five years old, and she has seen a lot of dead and killed people. But Rhode, you were still watching" Saint "at home at that time. Well, you are just a player, Rhodes, aren't you? Although you have killed many people after you came to this world, but in terms of experience, can you compare with Anne? "

"But I have experience with Shadow Devil ........."

"Can you only rely on old books now? Rhode? What if there is a monster in the world that you do n’t understand? For example, the Nether Dragon, we never thought that there would still be such a pervert. A copy of this. If you also encounter a monster like the Nether Dragon here, but you do n’t know it at all. Will you escape the battle because you have no experience? "


This time, Rhodes didn't immediately answer Canary's words. He crossed his hands and stared at the girl in front of him. The canary smiled slightly.

"We have our pride. I know you have the confidence to handle all the difficulties. But sometimes, the person you need to trust is not just you. Think about how many times we have died in the game as players Gaining such valuable and rich experience and having the present achievements? Whether it is you, me, or bubbles. Haven't all come this way? Who of us has never died in a copy, in a boss, or in a mission? But This is the real world, as you said, there is only one life. But Annie, Li Jie, they have not lived yet? From this point of view, our players are not as good as them. If I let me cross the rookie rookie Here, I am afraid I have long become the ghost of the sword. Why do you think that the experience they have accumulated with their lives can not defeat us? "


Hearing this, Rhode did not answer, but he knew that Canary was right. He was able to maintain such a strong self-confidence, completely because the blood that had been killed in the game was flowing, and he was used to confrontation and attack. In fact, when he first played Dragon Soul Continent, he was completely a rookie. He had never seen such a virtual reality game. As a result, he was shocked at the time when he was alone in the wild. Some monster rushed out suddenly. I also encountered a monster that almost scared itself to death after rushing out. It can even be said that at the very beginning, Rhodes died several times. That's just a game, if, as Canary said, if he had crossed over to the Dragon Soul continent at that time ... Rhode thought about it for a while, and it was estimated that he would be a dead body.

Perhaps he could tell the human geography, customs, customs, and boss features of the Dragon Soul mainland, which are also lacking in these indigenous people. But they don't have a chance to come back again, aren't they the same for these adventurers? If you think about it, Annie has followed her "brush copy" several times, but Rod didn't worry about those times, because he was there. In his opinion, as long as he reminded him right, then Annie was not in danger. But now hearing Canary's words, Rhodes thinks about it again-is that really the case?

In the game, even if the commander teaches the game, there are still players who are dead-headed and don't understand the changes, and they are not allowed to die. They are often sent to death. This is not uncommon at all. But Annie was able to comprehend her orders every time, and then ensured that she was not harmed. Is this really just a reminder?

Thinking of this, Rhodes suddenly found that he seemed to have overlooked something. He looked up, and soon met Canary's beautiful and charming eyes. The sweet and gentle voice of the girl rang again in Rhodes' ear.

"You need more than just yourself, Rhodes." (To be continued.)

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