Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 161: Source of Tinder

Too red is not necessarily a good thing.

Although Marin did find a treasure that was rare for almost a thousand years for everyone, it was a hot potato for Rhodes. The value of fantasy magic stones on the Dragon Soul continent is enough for a country to wage war for it. Rhodes can be sure that if the matter of holding the fantasy magic stone is leaked out, I am afraid that the kingdom of night will find a new offensive target. After all, this is the most dazzling treasure for undead creatures who are most comfortable using soul power. And if the fantasy magic stone can be obtained, the overall combat effectiveness of the night kingdom will also be improved by more than one step. The husband is guilty of no guilt, and Rhodes himself has snatched this thing before, and of course he knows what danger this thing in his hand will bring to him. At the beginning, Starlight occupied two-thirds of the continent of light, and the power was all at once. There were players who dared to risk the chase and delete the number to steal this stuff. According to their current power, they changed I am afraid that the level of hatred waiting to be set in the game is stabilized.

Fortunately, only Marin and Rhode knew about this. After taking the fantasy stone, Rhode immediately put it into the space belt. Of course, Marlene also knows that fantasy magic stones are enough for many people to make them crazy, and even to launch a war for this, of course she will not talk nonsense. As everyone else was busy resting, he didn't notice what happened here, so there was no need to say anything. And fantasy magic stones are very rare. Many people just smell their names. If Rhodes is not assisted by the system and can see the names at the same time as the props, he estimates that he will only use fantasy magic stones. Look at it as a rare magic gem.

After accommodating fantasy magic stones, this matter has come to an end. At present, Rhodes has not thought of what to do with fantasy magic stones, although he does a set of magical physics skills to attack the full immune equipment like yy in the game. It is not impossible, but the problem is that Rhodes always feels that this is too unsafe, and I am afraid that even Rabis can not make such difficult equipment. It is good to use it on magic guide equipment, just like the Tour de France. The association is like that, but at present, Rhodes doesn't have strong magic technology-he can only take one step at a time.

However, this is not the primary goal of Rhodes at present, and he is only one step away from the source of the fire. Only once, but ... …………

"I hope you can do it to the point once."

Rhode looked at the bell in front of him seriously, but the bell was silent. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his right hand, raised two fingers, and then stretched his left hand flat, shaking it on it.

"Of course I understand that it will be more secure if it is transmitted twice, but we can't guarantee that after the next transmission, we will encounter the same or even the same trouble as the current one." Although I have been there before, if I can come a few more times A Serasig's projection came out by himself, but that was just Rhode's talk. It was considered a blessing from heaven that Marin could imagine something like the magic stone. And Silas's role in the Devil's Kilometer is relatively easy to deal with. Right now is the center point of the Chaos Land. Although the barrier of the Tinder source isolates the chaotic monsters, it is as if the filter always filters out the largest impurities. Those powerful chaotic monsters will also linger around. Perhaps there will no longer be a projection like Thelass. This kind of existence, there may also be more difficult to deal with the guy than Therasago. One accident in the plan is enough. Even two times, Rhodes can't bear it anymore.

"Can you succeed at once?"


This time, Ling didn't answer immediately, she lowered her head and looked at the ground beside her feet. After a while, the girl raised her head, made a fist gesture to Rhodes, and drew a circle with her hands wide open. Then she nodded, then shook her head again.

"If you have enough energy, you can try it, but there is no guarantee of success?"

Rhodes never found out that he still had the talent to understand sign language, which was strange to say. Although Bell's gestures were mostly casual, Rhodes was basically able to understand what she wanted to express and heard Luo German questioning, Bell nodded. But soon, she raised her hands again, drew a circle towards her body, then made a strong pull, then shook her hand, then stopped and looked at Rhode quietly in front of her. And this time, Rhodes was silent.

He certainly understands the meaning of the bell. In fact, as the owner of the power of order, the bell can theoretically achieve what he called a success. No, it can even be said that, in theory, after they step into the chaotic land, Bells can also deliver them directly to their destination with just one transmission. Instead of transmitting a dozen times like now, it takes so long.

But that is theoretical after all.

It's as if, theoretically, a motorcycle could have a speed that surpasses high-speed rail, but the premise is to give it an airplane engine. This is meaningless theory. Lingda can succeed at once, but then she will immediately die. Because the girl's petite body can't bear the power of order output that moment. In fact, there have been such signs since this time. At the beginning, when the bell was teleporting, it would only be dizzy at most. After several transmissions, the power of chaos became more powerful. In order to break through the obstacles of chaos, She will need to use more order power to strengthen her teleportation in order to maintain her connection with the Tinder Source coordinates. This is why the later, Bell's physical condition became worse, and even this time when he faced the projection of Silasgues directly unconscious and did not wake up for a while before waking up again. Of course, there is naturally a resistance bonus of Serasg as the projection of the devil, but with the deepening, it is obvious that Bell's body is more and more strenuous. At the moment, she has clearly explained to Rhodes. If this is done, her body is likely to be harmed to a certain degree.

And Rhodes also knew that it was definitely not straightforward to comatose and wake up to sleep. Although the old patriarch seemed to have sealed the channel of order power in Bell's body from an early age, and allowed her physical constitution to adapt to the flow of order power. However, she was too young. Although she didn't even know how old she was because she was living in a refuge, I was afraid she was still in her early tens. No matter how strong you are, you can't make up for your physical defects, except for mixed breeds like Anne or Sol. Lijie is an exception.

"Wait a minute."

Rhode was silent for a moment, then he patted Bell's head, then stood up and waved to Li Jie, who was not far away. Seeing Rhodes' movement, Li Jie pursed her mouth with a little dissatisfaction and walked over.

"Is there ... what is it? Mr. Rhodes?"


Although Li Jie tried to show the same response as in the peace, but her slightly stiff tone still caught Rhodes' attention. He was not so stupid that others would play a small family name in front of himself and be as idiotic The **** actor in the known harem comics has some things that he should not know, but he should know. Pretending to be stupid is not a panacea, and the harem fire and death is the most troublesome thing.

"What's wrong, Li Jie? I'm in a bad mood."

"It's nothing."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Li Jie slipped her mouth, and the pretend calmness had disappeared at this time. She glanced at Rhode dissatisfied, and reached out to press her chest.

"Anyway, I just don't have someone's best."

So this is ah.

Hearing Li Jie's answer, Rhodes shrugged his shoulders, don't need to think about it, I'm afraid that it was Li Jie who saw the scene where her hands had itchy before, but when Li Jie complained, Rhode laughed a little inside Since she was willing to complain, Li Jie was no longer angry now. Moreover, Rhodes was able to detect that although Li Jie's tone was dissatisfied, she was a little more happy. Woman's heart, it's a sea-bottom needle ...

"Small has small benefits."

Rhode said, reaching out to gently hold Li Jie in her arms, and at the same time, she pierced into Li Jie's spiritual robe without any trace, and gently passed on the silky **, which let Li When Jie's body could not be softened, he leaned against Rhodes 'arms, while Rhodes' fingers were not hindered in any way, and he continued to caress to the depths.

"Well, delicate and silky, still sensitive."

"Ra, Mr Rhode!"

Holding her neckline together, Li Jie stared anxiously at the rest of the people in the distance, for fear that this scene would be seen. Fortunately, the bow knights were sitting in a distant chat, while most of the others were now in deep sleep. No one noticed everything that happened here, but Li Jie wasn't as "unscrupulous" as Annie, and felt that Rod's hand was not honest. She also stretched out her hands and pulled her clothes tightly.

"No, don't play anymore. Bell is watching next to it."

Blushing, she glanced at the girl who was staring blankly at herself and Rod next to her, Li Jie whispered as if asking for mercy. And hearing her begging, Rhode didn't say anything, but squeezed gently in Li Jie's **, then pulled back. And Li Jie quickly tidy up her robe, then glanced at Rhode in dissatisfaction, then flushed and lowered her head.

"So, what ... Mr. Rhodes asked me for what?"

"I remember right, Bubble should have taught you a lot before."

"Yes, Mr. Rhodes."

When she heard this, Li Jie knew that Rhode had come to find herself not just for fun, so she also trimmed her hair, then nodded and answered. In the Land of Atonement, Li Jieping also did not follow the bubble to practice together. Although the training of the bubble itself can be said to be inhumane, but she has been able to give Li Jie more than just the spirit when she has reached the highest level of authority The technique of using the technique is so simple. Players will get all kinds of rare spirits in the later period, and little bubble gum is no exception. There are some spiritual skills that are not learned in the church at all. Little Bubble Gum also taught them to Li Jie. For Little Bubble Gum, her strength does not need to rely on that kind of low spirit. It's a mess.

"So have you learned the same body?"

"......... Yes, Mr. Rhodes."

Although I don't know why Rhodes asked this question, Li Jie nodded.

"But being one body is very dangerous ........."

"I know."

Rhodes waved his hand. Little Bubble Gum is his own spiritual master. Her skills and moves are as clear to her as to herself. He certainly knew what Li Jie was worried about, but Rod himself wasn't worried about it.

"Then I want you to prepare now, before waiting for teleportation, to cast the same body, the subject is the bell, and the designated bearer is me."

"Oh? Mr. Rhodes?"

Hearing here, Li Jie's complexion changed slightly. As a spiritual master, of course, she knows the harmful surnames of the same soul. This spiritual skill itself is used to weaken the victim. In other words, a spiritual master can use the same body of the soul to let another person share the damage suffered by the surgeon. This trick is also used by players. Soul Conjoint is a very rare skill. Therefore, most of the spiritual player groups who learn this trick will be equipped with four meat shield classes. In this way, when they open ** oss, their Mt's damage will be reduced. Rhodes would not have undertaken such a task before, but now ... with his strong physical fitness, this is not a big problem.

"Is there something wrong with Ling's body?"

"The next teleport will have a certain effect on her body, so I will share her injuries aside."

"But, Mr. Rhode, you ..."

"Don't worry, although it is not exclusive to mt like Annie, but my ability to fight is not weak."

"So why not just let Annie do it!"

Li Jie glanced dissatisfied at this time Annie who was lying next to him and sleeping, from her happy sleeping face, you can see that the girl in front of her must have encountered a rich Manhan full seat in her dream, and was openly appetizing Eat it.

"Woo ... No, no ......... Head ......... Annie can't eat ........."

……………… Maybe eating another protein-rich food?

"... Mr. Rhodes, I still think it's better to let Annie do it."

It is rare for a spiritual master to have such a murderous tone.

"Okay, don't be upset, get ready."

Helplessly glanced at Annie who rolled over, Rhode had to push Li Jie away to avoid the kind of fire that had been difficult to extinguish, and turned into the fire of Liaoyuan again, that would be a big trouble. But at this moment, Rhodes felt his corner was being pulled, and he turned his head, only to see Lingzheng stretched out his right hand, grabbed his corner, and then shook his head firmly.

"No, bell, this is my responsibility."

But this time, Rhodes replied very resolutely.

"You are my subordinate. Of course, if there is a way, I will certainly not let you die alone, and I have enough confidence that you need not worry about this."


Ling silently released his hands holding Rhodes's corner, then the girl looked up, looked at the man in front of her quietly, and nodded strongly.

It's time.

Rhode stood in the crowd, watching the roaring storm outside the chaos barrier, beside him, Bell stretched out his small hand and held Rhode tightly. Li Jie stood behind the two of them. She stretched out her hands and stretched forward. You can see that a seemingly lingering soul line connected Rod and Bell together.

"Come on, bell."


No response, but soon, Rhodes felt a sudden movement of his soul, and then a strong shock came from the inside towards his body. It was a pain that I had never felt before. It was as if a person had dissected his body, and the internal organs of his body were blasted against the tenth strong wind. The strong impact came from the inside of the body, agitating blood vessels , Bones, internal organs, muscles, and even the skin felt intense pain as if torn. This even made Rhodes frowned, he knew very well that the damage did not come from the outside world, but from the soul of Bell, which was completely condensed by the power of order. Although it has long been known that this method may cause great damage to the soul, the difficulty of breaking through the obstacles of chaos at present is beyond Rhode's expectations.

The body floats in the void and has to endure this kind of pain from the inside out. In addition, the only thing Rhodes can feel is the soft little hand holding his palm firmly. I don't know how long, suddenly, the chaotic and dim colors in front of me were swept away, dazzling, bright and brilliant light and solid earth appeared again in front of everyone.

it is finally over.

After confirming that the teleportation had been completed, Rhode sighed for a long time, then he looked up and looked into the sky.

In front of him was a beautiful, blue sky. ** The clouds are floating above, and at the foot is a green grassland. However, what attracts most is not this beautiful scenery, but the huge tower that has been turned into ruins in front of everyone. Although it has been ruined, the still solid circular tower stands in front of everyone. Looking up, you can see above it that a faint, almost invisible fire light has replaced the brightness of the sun and illuminated the land.

That's where the Tinder Source is.


Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhode finally relaxed a lot, he lowered his head and looked at the bell beside him. When he realized Rhode's gaze, Bell looked up and looked at Rhode quietly. Because Rhodes shared half of her shock and pain, this time Bell finally did not faint as before. Although looking at her pale complexion has also experienced a lot of pain, but it is much better than before. Thinking of this, Rhodes let go of his hand and gave Bell a hair. But to his surprise, Bell smiled slightly at him, then quickly converged, turned around, and returned to Christie's side.

"Mr. Rhodes, this is ........."

Looking at the dilapidated look in front of her, she still showed the majesty of the towering cylindrical tower leading to the sky, even Li Jie could not help lowering her voice.

"Yes, Lijie."

When Lijie asked, Rhode nodded.

"This is our destination, the source of fire." (To be continued.)

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