Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 162: In the name of the Holy

Tinder source.

Rhode lifted his head and looked at the round tower in front of him. From the outside, this tower was more like the high-rise buildings on the earth that had two or three hundred floors. The thick crystal glass plate on the exterior wall reflects the light of the tinder and emits a faint golden luster. And the green vine plants covered the entire outer wall, which made Rhodes think of the scene after destroying the cities in the last-day movies on the earth ... Well, I have to admit that human civilization is intertwined with nature. The beauty produced afterwards is indeed moving. Looking around, you can see that the blue sky in the distance forms a clear barrier, blocking the invasion of chaos like a floating glass wall. This is the power of the Tinder source, which is different from the power of the order in the sanctuary that can survive the respite. Even if the Tinder source has become so small, the chaos of chaos still has no way to cross this perfect barrier of order.

Under chaos, order is eternal.

"Be vigilant, but not to fumble, I don't want them to think we are hostile."


Hearing Rhode's words, Li Jie glanced curiously at the tall building in front of her. Rhodes shrugged his shoulders and nodded and replied.

"Yes, if my memory is correct, there should be residents living here, but unlike those residents in the shelter, they should not be so protected by the source of the fire ..." said Here, Rhode glanced at the expressionless bell, waved his hand, and skipped this paragraph, but even if he didn't say it, those who had been to the shelter with Rhode knew it. "... But I think you can also see that the people here have been isolated from the world for hundreds of thousands of years. We are most likely foreigners who have come here for the first time. At present, this is their place. We need The other side ’s assistance. So no matter what happens, as long as it does n’t endanger your life, do n’t fight back and fight back, have you heard? And do n’t underestimate those guys, although closed, but because of the closure, they are now on the mainland for thousands of years The first generation of the light continent's family of fighting skills can survive in this kind of place, not only by luck. In short, before I say that you can do it, you do nothing, maybe everything here will surprise you And exaggeration, but as long as you know, their time is still strictly the one that was a thousand years ago. "

"Yes, sir."

Hearing here, the people behind Rhodes responded immediately, but they were also full of curiosity. For hundreds of thousands of years, if you calculated according to Rhodes' words, then the people inside were all in Mundo. Many people were full of curiosity when they lived here before the founding of the People's Republic. Nobody noticed that at the moment, Malin, who was standing not far behind Rhodes, was looking at the complex tower in front of her. The girl reached into her arms, held an old badge, and sighed inaudibly.

Sure enough, did you finally come here?

After telling everyone, Rhode turned and stared at the door blocked by the heavy slate before his breath. Then he walked forward slowly, but Rhodes only took two steps, and suddenly an arrow flashed, and he shot at Rhodes' feet. At the same time, a weird, low voice came.

"......... who ... are you ... from where?"

Although the language spoken by this voice is very different from the common language spoken by everyone today, it is not completely incomprehensible. When they heard someone talking, everyone hurriedly raised their heads and watched vigilantly around them, but because Rhodes had the words first, they did not make too fierce defenses.

Rhode glanced at the feather tail on the ground, the trembling arrow, half a step forward. Raised his head and looked at the dark tower in front of him. Although there seemed to be no people there, Rod was very clear that what he wanted to show at this time was his sincerity, although he told his subordinates that the remnants here would not be like a refuge. The lunatic is as dangerous, but Rhode is also very clear, because of the isolation for many years, the values ​​of people in this place are completely different from the outside. Just like the Oriental Hills, people living inside and outside people have completely different views on many things. That's not really isolated from the world, but it's 100% isolated from the outside world, so there are many places and the outside may be completely reversed. Even with the eyes of outsiders, there is no surname at all. For example, players have encountered such a thing in a tinder source when they opened up wasteland. The residents there have a special custom, that is, if they The children who came down were male surnames, and if they were disabled, they were killed and then used as fertilizer or livestock food. If it is a female surname with a disability, she is raised and used as a reproductive machine, because the gathering place of the tinder source is completely isolated from the outside world. If the offspring cannot be conceived, the guardianship of the tinder source will completely decline or even be cut off. Therefore, in this kind of place, sometimes a woman is pregnant with several men's children is not a problem at all. Not only that, but people who are similar to some gathering points will be directly executed or driven out of the gathering place when they are old to avoid They waste such settings as food and water.

However, this kind of thing is obviously not only unacceptable for NPCs. Players have also expressed their unacceptability. Because Dragon Soul Mainland is a game for the entire age group, many feminist organizations, child rights protection organizations, etc. have jointly developed online Shang protested that such a brutal and singular portrayal was harmful to the physical and mental health of the child, and that it was too anti-human and anti-social. In the end, the developer revised it under the pressure of public opinion, but only slightly harmonized the things that were originally placed on the table. For example, in the past, players would see the other person drive the old and weak old people out of the fire source. , Or kill directly. Now it is changed to be taken away, and then if the player observes it carefully, a relatively hidden setting such as a few pieces of flesh will be found in the beast a few days later. Although players are still protesting, the developers are obviously too lazy to manage such trivial matters, and eventually they can only let it go-this is not the first time for this game anyway.

This is the benefit of monopoly.

Thinking of this, Rod shook his head helplessly. At the beginning, Dragon Soul Continent was very popular on the earth. It took almost less than a year and a half to defeat other online games. Although other companies have not thought about making virtual reality online games, the core technology is exclusively owned by the developers of Dragon Soul Mainland, and has never been released to the outside world. Of course, it is not that no country has punished them in accordance with antitrust laws, but the other party is still unmoved. In addition, the virtual reality technology is too tempting for humans. In the end, countries in this game are only Being able to open one eye and close one, even if there are any social impacts, is mostly comforting. Fortunately, the controversial topics created by Dragon Soul Mainland each time are mostly about the content of the game. However, there has never been any high-pressure situation such as the overlord clause fraud on the players.

Forget it, this kind of set aside in advance, although I don't know if the current tinder source is normal or anti-human, you must go in. I just hope that they don't make some actions that are too anti-human in front of Li Jie, Marin and others, such as taking the baby out and selling meat or the like ... If this is to be seen by Annie, I am afraid that If you think about it, you can't stand it. Rhodes did not tell other people about the abnormal situation that the Guardian of Tinder is likely to have. At one time, he could not explain, and at the same time, not every Tinder source was anti-human. This is the kind of gathering place where Tinder has previously opened. Although the people there are a bit rigid, they are not much different from ordinary people in terms of values. With preconceived notions, there may be vigilance and hostility.

"Guardians of the Tinder Source."

Thinking of this, Rhodes calmed down and said.

"We are the people from the land of order. According to the guidance of our ancestors, come to wake up the source of the sleeping tinder. I hope you can open the door and let us enter the road to the ultimate order!"


There was silence.

After Rhodes finished speaking, there was no voice in the tower in front of him, but Rhodes didn't say much. After all, they are also the people of order. Since they are responsible for guarding the source of fire, there is nothing wrong with carefully observing outsiders.

It's just that ... it's too long.

Rhode looked grimly at the tower in front of him, took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It had been an hour and a half since he had spoken just now. However, the other party did not even respond at all. Is this not a plan to make contact with yourself at all? Still investigating carefully? Thinking of this, Rhodes began to look around boringly, but soon, he set his eyes on the closed stone door in front of him, which was carved with a gorgeous, blooming flower pattern, which looked like a badge mark. However, because of the passage of time, the pattern on the stone gate has disappeared seven or eighty-eight, but I do not know why, Rhodes always felt that this mark has been seen somewhere .........

"Let me come, Rhodes."

Just then, a voice suddenly came out from behind Rhodes, interrupting his thoughts. This made Rhodes helplessly brow. He turned his head and saw Malin step out of the crowd slowly. She looked at the tower in front of her seriously, and after a moment of silence, suddenly Marin reached out her hand. In her arms, she took out a very ancient-looking badge and held it high.

Dazzling, bright magical radiance emerged in the air, quickly interlaced to form a new pattern, a metal scepter and a blooming lily.


Marlene's voice seemed extremely crisp and high at this moment.

"In the name of Vientiane, I, Marin Sunia, are here under the void, asking you to open the door and pave the way to order for us. Guardian of the Tinder Source, in Xania Under the glory of the family, now is the time for you to complete your long-term mission and end it. The pointers of truth and the gears of the rules are here to return, fulfilling the ancestors ’wish! Restore the glory and glory of the past!

With Malin's words, the badge in her hand suddenly began to tremble, and then, I saw a golden magic glow constantly appearing on the tower in front of me. Later, I saw the badge in Malin's hand suddenly turned into a dazzling light, and in the next moment, a strange staff appeared in her hand.

It was a wand that seemed to be full of technological style. The metal brass wand was almost two meters long, and the top of the wand was not inlaid with gems like many mage wands. On the contrary, the three huge gears bite into each other, interlaced slowly rotating, and below, various mechanical components are constantly moving, a stream of steam emerges from the jet hole, emitting white smoke. . Not only that, but above the staff, there are three golden irises surrounding it, even if you only look far away, you can feel the abundant and powerful magic.

Then, Marin clenched her staff firmly with her right hand, and drew a heavy meal on the ground. With the movement of Marin, suddenly, a huge golden law circle appeared beside her, slowly turning, and in the four corners of this law circle, the light points representing the four elements of Fengshuihuodi are also Radiates a bright and dazzling light.

"The door to fate has been opened, guardians, now is the time for you to fulfill your duties!"

Marin's voice dropped, and the surroundings returned to calm again, but at this moment, everyone, including Anne, Lijie, and Christie, looked at Marin in surprise. Not only them, but even Rhodes had a rare expression at this time. Although he knew that Malin's request to take the initiative to follow him into the chaotic land must have his own reasons, but he had no idea that Malin actually Will be related to the guardians of these Tinder Sources-No, judging from what she said just now, it should be said that the Shania family has a relationship with the Guardians of Tinder Sources!

This is too unexpected for Rhodes. He has always regarded the Xenia family as the most magical and powerful family in the Principality of Munn, but it is nothing more than that. Players have never It is rumored that the Xenia tribe would have nothing to do with the first magic technology civilization of ancient times. For Marin, she was more concentrated in her special constitution of the four major elements and the mercenary regiment that were all female surnames. As for this experience, few people have explored it. But now, the only thing Rhodes wants to confuse is ... what a weird super expansion!

Finally, at this time, various sounds came from inside the tower that had been silent.

"That staff is the watchmen! The watchmen are back!"

"Is that Lord Holy Witch ?!"

"Open the door, open it soon!"

With the shouting, the thick closed stone door gradually opened, and seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes could not help but twitch. Although I had already been prepared in my heart, the holy spirit was up, and this differential treatment could not be tolerated ... But before that, Rhodes had another very important question to ask Marin.

"Marin, you ..."

"I know what you want to ask, Rhodes."

Hearing Rhode's inquiry, Marin smiled slightly, then interrupted Rhode's speech.

"Yes, as you might think, the Xenia family has a deep connection with the Guardian of the Tinder Source since a long time ago. To ask the reason ... It is actually very simple." Said here, Ma Lyn paused, then looked up silently at Rhodes. "Because on this continent, the original source of fire was created by our Xenia family after inheriting the skills of the Dragon Spirit of Creation."

"how can that be!?"

Hearing here, Rhodes's first reaction was that this was unscientific. Indeed, the source of the tinder is in the hands of human beings. The only technique that can protect and open up a place of order. But this technology has lost its heritage as long as a thousand years ago, and if the Xenia family really has such magic technology strength, then they can completely build a country of magic technology, and it will not be in technology. Not even Bell Helms at the level! The magical technology of the Sonia family, to be honest, although Rhodes saw the skin, but from the perspective of the war in the country of the night, the Sonia family did not fall into this category. If they can master even the source of the tinder of the creation, then the iridescent fantasy that can destroy the world in the legend should also be able to create it. At the time, it was said in the legend that it was the only thing that could harm the creation with mortal body. Super artifact of the soul of the world. However, the Xenia family was completely destroyed in the battle of the invasion of Muen by the kingdom of the night, and Malin herself blew herself up, and Rhodes also knew that. From this point of view, it is too unscientific to say what black technology the Xenia family has. It's as if a country is wiped out in a movie of aliens invading the earth. And then after crossing it, I was told that the country has super-equivalent technology that can make a cannon to destroy the entire star. It is too strange to think of such a thing?

"This is true, Rhodes."

Marin held the metal staff and stared intently at the man in front of her. Then she smiled slightly.

"I always believe that you can come here. And your choice has proved that my judgment is correct, Rhode, you will eventually turn on this ancient tinder again, and sprinkle the glory of order all over this land again. And I will always be by your side as a watcher ... "

Having said that, Marlene stopped, and instead of continuing, she buried the last word in her heart.

"... until the last moment." (To be continued.)

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