Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 163: Magic guide and destiny

At the beginning of the creation of the world, mankind took the tinder of order from the dragon spirit of the creation. But at that time, humans were too weak, and they couldn't use the tinders of order well to stop the invasion of chaos. In the end, a group of humans in the original era exchanged with the creation dragon soul. They exchanged their own souls for the manufacturing process and skills of the fire seed source of the creation dragon soul, but at the same time, they also paid a family Freedom, as long as the creation order has not disappeared, then they will serve and guard the source of the tinder for generations, forever.

After that, the war of chaos and order broke out. The chaotic raging earth obscures the glory of order, and the family that originally guarded the source of the fire suffered a lot. However, in order to allow the source of the fire to continue, they separated several clans to migrate around in order Able to escape this disaster.

"... our Xenia tribe is a branch of the Guardian who escaped from the disaster of chaos that year. After that, we came to Munn and signed an agreement with the archangel at the time. We used the surviving magic Leading technology to work for Munn, and Munn and the Archangel are responsible for protecting us. Since then, the Shania family has lived in Munn for generations, and we have been waiting to be eligible to return to this chaotic land The person who started the tinder source appeared in the hope that he could re-ignite the tinder, so that we, the Sonia family, would regain their original glory. "

Walking quietly in the empty corridor, Malin whispered about the history of the Xenia tribe. In the spacious passageway in front of which is enough to accommodate five people passing side by side, magical crystals exuding gloom can be seen everywhere. But unlike other places, there are various mechanical pipes everywhere in the corners and ceilings of the aisles. From time to time, white steam was ejected from the steam port next to it, which brought a bit of sweltering humidity to the originally dry passage.

"So are the residents here also descendants of the Xenia tribe?"

Rhode walked ahead, the passage in front of him was a little dark, but it was empty. It's been more than ten minutes since they came in, but they haven't even seen half a figure. The sounds just now have never existed. But looking at Malin, it seems that she is no stranger to this place.

"Just a part, Rhodes."

Hearing Rhode's inquiry, Marin shook her head.

"The Tinder source is the most dangerous place. Most of the remaining caretaker here are the caregivers of the Xenia tribe. They are responsible for the routine maintenance of the Tinder source. When we left, these watchers also worked with Our remaining tribe were sealed together in this tinder source. Without their efforts, the tinder source would not be able to support it intact until now. "

That's it.

"Head, sister Marlene, Annie feels weird."

At this moment, Annie, who had been following her, couldn't help asking. The girl boringly stretched out her hands and stretched her waist, and glanced curiously at the metal pipelines around the entire passage. Behind her, Christie and Ling also stared at the mysterious, weird golden color.

"Since there are people here, why don't they ignite the tinder, or do we have to run so far in the mountains and rivers? Isn't the head of the team saying that the people here are not weak? They can't get it by themselves?"

"That's not true, Annie."

Hearing Anne's curious inquiry, Marin shook her head with a wry smile.

"At first, in order to prevent people from destroying the tinder source, the Xenia people spent a lot of time creating various mazes and traps. Especially when chaos was raging, in order to prevent chaos from destroying the order, the ancestors were in The guardian of Tinder was turned on before leaving, and anyone who enters will be attacked indiscriminately. Moreover, those who live in Tinder are not eligible to activate Tinder, because everything they have is a gift from Tinder. It can be said that because the tinder source is not turned on, the people living here are not people of complete order, so even if they can destroy those traps, escape the maze and eventually reach the location of the tinder source, they will contact the tinder at the same time It will be immediately and completely absorbed because of the incomplete rule body, and nothing will be left. Only those who come from the complete order can pass the shelter and defense of the source of fire and reawaken it. And ... "

Having said that, Marlene paused, and then she glanced at Rod next to her and said nothing. Although Rhode gazed at Malin's gaze, at this moment, he had a more concerned issue.

"Malin, do you mean that all the tinder sources on this continent were created by the ancestors of the Xenia family?"

"of course not."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiry, Marin quickly shook her head.

"We only serve His Majesty the Dragon Spirit, and that's it."

"So, this time, you strongly urged you to come with me for this reason?"

Having said that, Rhodes turned around and looked at the girl in front of him seriously. Although what Marin said before sounds normal, as Rhode, who is familiar with the history of the game, there is a big loophole in it. The chaotic war of order has passed a long time, and after the war of order and chaos, in order to expand the territory, each country sent a pioneering group to the chaos raging place to light the tinder. Among them, the kingdom of light and the kingdom of night naturally occupied the big heads, but after more than two hundred years of "explosive" development, it has become the current continental pattern. If you look at it this way, then the problem is actually not great. But in the words of Marin, there is a very important question.

That is, which Genesis Dragon Soul did the Xenia tribe serve?

There are not a few dependents who serve the Genesis Dragon Soul, especially in the earliest period. Although it is almost like the Genesis Dragon, such as the White Elf, the Holy Light, the Necromancer, the Dark Night Dragon, and the Law Dragon Soul created by the soul, or a sub-dragon that inherited the blood of the Dragon Soul is a direct family member of the Dragon Soul of Creation, but it is like a noble master not only has a servant and a guard, but also a cook, a gardener, and even Like all other people. According to Marin, the Xenia tribe is actually a craftsman who manages, manufactures, and repairs the magic technology of the Dragon Spirit.

But then, the problem arises. The Sonia family is in the territory of Munn, but Rhodes is very clear. No matter whether it was the Kingdom of Light or the Kingdom of Night, the name of the Sonia family did not appear. Rhodes is certain. When the era of the players began, in order to ensure that they can gain control of the new territory, players can say that they have dug up the history of the pioneering era after the chaotic war. If the Xenia family really participated in it, it would be absolute. It's impossible to disappear at all.

If it wasn't for Marlene, it would be nothing more than an ordinary pioneering trip for Rhodes. This place was once the building house of the Rhodes Guild in the game, so he knows that after the tinder is lit, there will be the shelter of the Dragon Spirit of Light. But now, when Marin said that, Rhodes suddenly felt that there seemed to be something else inside. The Shania family has never appeared in the pioneering action of the light and dark dragon souls. From the point of view of Roder's dealings with them, they are rarely entangled with the church, so the possible surnames under the Ministry of Law It's smaller. So, what are they …………… Recalling the response of the residents in this tower before, Rhodes frowned. In the game, they did not behave like this. Could it be said that leading Marlene to come here is a necessary condition to unlock a hidden seal here? It is not surprising to think so. In the game, at the beginning of the era of the player, the kingdom of light and the kingdom of night were completely destroyed. The starlight led by Rhodes was pushed directly like a bulldozer, and there was no residue. The Ya family had no more voice after the battle of the previous night's invasion of the Golden City. If this is a hidden condition to open the territory, it is not surprising.

"of course."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Ma Lin nodded without hesitation, but after that, she lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, Rhodes."


"Perhaps you don't believe it, but ...... A long time ago, the Xenia family once had a prophecy. In this era, there will be a person who unseals the ancient seal, ignites the tinder around the soul, and reproduces the family. Brilliant. So ... "

"So ... you came to Pafield at that time, not just for the so-called outings, right."

Rhode looked at the young girl quietly, and when she noticed Rhode's gaze, Marin paused to step forward.

"Yes, Rhodes. I went to Pafield at the time to follow the family's prophecy and look for someone who would regain the original glory of the Xenia tribe."

"......... So you chose me? Why? Because I'm handsome?"

Hearing Marin's words, Rhodes was puzzled, because from Marin's words it sounded that she was following herself at that time, because she saw that she was the one in the prophecy. But how is this possible? When Rhodes first met Malin, the Starlight Mercenary Regiment had just been established, and there was nothing worthy of special attention. At that time, he had not even completed a task. Rodko still remembers that when Malin came to her door, she was full of pride. If she hadn't cleaned her up in the following test, I'm afraid the young lady might not be obedient. Doesn't this look like the rhythm of finding the white horse prince in fate?

"Of course, in the beginning, I just wanted to find an organization that can travel around to explore that goal in the prophecy. The main reason why I chose you was because I saw Li Jie's existence and was able to Of course it was a good thing to be with my friends, so I agreed. But then, when I saw your fighting style, I confirmed that the person in the family prophecy was you. "

Having said that, Marin smiled slightly, and then she hummed in person. "... Summon the travellers of the soul, awaken ancient beings, attach their deeds to cards, and spread them to the world ..." Humming softly, Marin stopped, and she blinked, Looking at Rhodes, who was a little surprised. "I think you should know what I'm talking about, Rhodes."


Rhode glanced at the crowd not far behind him and nodded. What Marin just sang just was the official website's praise and chant for the profession of summoning the swordsman. At the time, the introduction of the fantasy atmosphere of the second class attracted many people to jump in There is no way out of the pit. By the time I found out that I had been cheated ... basically it was too late.

However, summoning swordsmen is an ancient profession that has lost its heritage.

This also means that it itself has completely disappeared on this continent, and the Xenia tribe actually has a prophecy about the call of the swordsman, does it mean that they have anything to do with the call of the swordsman?

Although Rhodes wanted to ask more, by this time they had reached the end of the corridor.

With the passing of a breeze, the original sweltering breath immediately dissipated, refreshing coolness struck, and everyone's involuntary spirit was refreshed. But when they saw the scenery in front of them, many people widened their eyes in surprise.

When they saw the old and towering old tower outside, everyone thought that the inside would be as dark and gloomy as the previous shelter. But I didn't expect to look up. There were lush trees and vines everywhere. In addition, I saw a round, blue lake in the center of the tower. The brilliance of the tinder shines from the hollow in the center of the circular tower, making the entire tower full of vitality and vitality. On both sides of the passage, dozens of heavily armed men were holding their arms tightly, and looked at these outsiders with tension and curiosity. In appearance, they look no different from ordinary people, wearing armor, holding swords and shields, and not as naked as the remnants in the sanctuary. This made many people secretly relieved, but soon, the crowd throbbed, and then saw the guards who had originally blocked Rhodes in front of them. Then, several slender figures appeared in front of Rhodes. And seeing these people, Rhodes was shocked.

Different from those who were disabled before, the biggest feature of the people in front of them is white, they are tall, their skin is white, and even their hair is white and flawless, with only a pair of eyes showing bright red hue. They were wearing white leather armor, with hoods and cloaks of the same color wrapped around them. They looked so dazzling under the light. But other than that, the most interesting thing is that these people have long, cable-like things on both sides of their foreheads, which made Rhodes have to remember what he had seen in science fiction movies. Some kind of humanoid machine ...

Who are they?

Seeing the appearance of these people, Rhodes frowned. In his memory, he can be sure that these people have not appeared in the game, and the attitude of the residents here towards themselves is really a big change. Before, he was in the game. At the time of the reclamation, the residents here were initially indifferent, and even before Rhodes lit the source of fire, they had not contacted Rhodes. But now, because she has more Mariin around her, she is treated differently. Could this be the hidden story branch of Tinder?

With the three men coming, the guards around him dispersed. And Malin watched the three strange existences in front, and stepped forward a little. Seeing the staff in Malin's hand, the head of the man bowed his head respectfully.

"Sir Witch, you are welcome to return to Tinder Source."

"I'm back, dear guardian."

Marin held out her right hand and held her chest.

"I have brought the travellers who are qualified to open the road to infinite void in accordance with the past. The chaos will eventually pass, and the glory of order will once again be shrouded in this dusty land. Your protection The responsibility is coming to an end, and now it is our task. "

"Yes, my dear sorceress."

Upon hearing Marin's answer, the three people in front of her face were relieved. They breathed a long sigh of relief, then raised their heads, and looked at Rhode next to him with the eyes of inspection. Seeing this scene, Marin frowned, opened her mouth to say something, but then she said nothing.

"But please forgive us for being rude, according to the rules, we want to confirm whether you are bringing us the characters we have been waiting for."

Speaking of which, the headed man suddenly took a half step back, and then, behind him, two figures, one tall and one short, wrapped in white cloaks, walked forward. I heard only a soft bang, and three white long swords staggered in front of Rhodes. Not only that, I saw the three figures stretch out their left hands at the same time.

Immediately after, the light flashed.

Three cards of different colors appeared in their hands.

Seeing this, Rhodes' eyes narrowed suddenly. Although Rhodes has not been clear about who these people are so far, just looking at the fighting posture can reveal their profession.

These people are summoning swordsmen!

It ’s really fun to expand ...

Thinking of this, Rod's mouth slightly tilted, and a little smile appeared. He reached out his right hand. Soon, a white card flashed through Rod's palm, and then turned into a star-sword.

I really didn't expect that after crossing through, I could still have the opportunity to fight with people with the same profession. So let me experience it, your strength.

ps: When can I restore two more? Probably tomorrow ......... (To be continued.)

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