Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 206: The covenant of the sky

"Hello ......... the ancient soul ... the successor ..."

A thunderous voice came from all directions, and even Rhodes felt his body tremble slightly because of the strong voice. Fortunately, he has already done a good job of protective measures, and now Rhode, the heir to the Dragon Soul, is far better than ordinary people. For ordinary people, if he hears the sky whale talking, I am afraid he will The vomiting blood that was shocked directly died. In fact, the sky whale did not really speak, but used its own thought wave to merge with the wind element to produce a sound. For mortals, just sneezing in a sky whale is enough to trigger a storm.

"I am ... the son of the elemental world of wind ... Gle ... in the long history ... I can see with my own eyes ... the vanity of Vientiane appears ... and the inheritor makes me feel ... Grateful ......... "The sky whale's voice came out far away, echoing next to Rhodes. "With the help of ... the plane of the plane ......... again with this ..."

"Hello, Grie, the son of the elemental world of wind. I am the heir of the Nether Dragon Soul, Rhode Elante. I came here to meet your ancient spirit and ask for your help. I hope You can help me guard this land, resist external attacks, and fight for me. "

Having said that, Rhode stopped and stared at the giant monster in front of him. The reason why [Sea of ​​Qi Elements] is put at the end is precisely because Sky Whales are more difficult to deal with than other monster lairs. Their powerful power makes Rhodes unable to suppress with power, but can only choose to persuade. Although it is said that in the worst case, if Rhodes talks about collapse, Rhodes cannot use the power of his Dragon Soul to obliterate [Sea of ​​Qi Elements], but Rhodes hopes to solve it peacefully if possible. After all, compared with the kind of Demon and Naga, which is better, there is no need to have a monster nest. [Sea of ​​Qi Elements] No matter in which way, it is very helpful to yourself, not just a bonus on combat effectiveness. The existence of the sky whale itself, sometimes only need to show its form, is enough to deter the younger generation.

Now Rhodes only hopes that the conditions put forward by the other party are not too harsh, otherwise, I am afraid that he has not settled on Demon and Naga, and he will have to face more headaches.

"I ... accept your ... invitation ... the son of the void ..."

After a moment of silence, the sky whale slowly opened his mouth and said that it slightly turned his body, and saw the sudden raging tempest whistling to both sides. The originally calm sea below just began to toss, forming a A huge swirl. This is the power of the sky whale. If it is on the ground, it may be enough to cause an earthquake of magnitude 7 or more by relying only on its subconscious movement.

"But ... I also have ... my own ... requirements ..."

Sure enough, this is the core issue.

Hearing the sky whale, Rhode raised an eyebrow and waited quietly for the next conversation. The sky whale focused on the human in front of it, and then slowly said.

"My lord ......... was in this world ......... residue ... belonging to his own blood ......... hope ........."

As the sky whale spoke, Rhodes gradually understood what it meant, that is, a long time ago, the lord of the wind element world had once come to this world, and did not know what kind of thought it was out of. This world has left its own blood, and now, as a loyal follower of the element leader in the elemental world of wind, Sky Whale hopes that Rhodes can help him find the survivor of that blood and give the other party a "blessing of the wind". After that, that descendant has the qualification to travel freely to the elemental world of wind. This is not a treatment that anyone can have. The elemental world is the four major elemental worlds that form the entire Dragon Soul continent, and it also represents the core of the element. Where the mystery is, mortals don't even have a glimpse into it, and even if someone accidentally enters the elemental world by accident, it will completely collapse in an instant. Because the elemental world is the world where pure elements are located, objects like humans with impurities in them will be excluded by the elemental world instinctively.

After receiving the "Blessing of the Wind", that person can descend on the elemental plane as a pure elemental body, and according to the sky whale, that person inherits the bloodline of the Wind Elemental Lord, which is not ordinary Pedigree. but……………

The more he listened to the description of the sky whale, the more Rhodes felt weird, the wind elemental descent was in this world, and he was also the heir to the bloodline ... How did this sound so familiar?

Could there be such a coincidence that I caught up with?

"I'm willing to accept your offer."

After thinking about the shadow of a young girl in his head, Rod nodded decisively. And getting his response, Sky Whale also hummed in response.

"I hope that ... we will be able to cooperate happily ... I hate cheating ... the successor of Dragon Soul ..."

"Of course, I'm sure of that."

Hearing the answer from Sky Whale, Rhode nodded. He certainly understood what the other party meant. He had said before that the sky whale is a very simple creature, which meant that he had to find the right one at a time. If he casually finds someone to perfunctory, in case he fails, then it is conceivable that the sky whale will immediately lose trust in himself. Although the creation dragon soul is the largest in the world, the so-called emperor is far away, and the creatures on the wind element plane don't care about the majesty of the creation dragon soul. Anyway, they do not live on the main plane, and do not rely on the shelter of the dragon soul to ensure themselves Security. On the contrary, the Genesis Dragon Soul needs to rely on the power of the Four Elements when it is in the barrier of the construction plane. From this point, it is also difficult to serve.

"However, I think I should have more information, right? I think you should also be very clear that this continent is very large. In order to ensure that we do n’t waste time, can you tell me, you Are there any characteristics of the person you are looking for? "

"... ……………………"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, Sky Whale was silent for a moment before answering slowly.

"He has the blessings of the wind race ........."



Is this over? What about cheating?

"... Is there something like an easily recognizable mark?"

Rhodes twitched a bit, but still forced to ask his own question. Just kidding, with the blessing of a wind tribe, you have to find out when you are going. Not to mention, maybe the blessings of the upperwind clan in Dragon Soul Mainland are difficult to obtain, but there are many people in the player. Far from talking, the canary around him alone has the blessing of the wind family, and it is also the highest level of Fengjing guardianship.

Can't say that Canary is the child of the wind that the sky whale is looking for. In this way, Rod will simply go to the phantom ball and figure out the players who have the highest guardian of the wind element ... … I can't figure it out.

In the face of Rod's re-inquiry, this time the sky whale did not hesitate too much, and quickly gave the answer.

"He who is blessed by the wind tribe, behind his back, there will be an engraving of my Lord ..."

This is much more convenient, anyway, there is a specific goal.

Thinking of this, Rod was relieved, then he nodded.

"I see. With my honor, I swear that I will complete your commission and bring the people of the wind to you."

That being said, but in fact, at this point in Rod's heart, he already had a goal. After all, it is also the blood of the wind, the special surname of the half-beast, and the level of wind element control ability. If it is her, then it is not impossible, isn't it?

After establishing a contract with the Sky Whale, Rhode's mission can be concluded. Fortunately, Sky Whale does not need Rhode to bring the person in front of himself to fulfill the contract. Since the two parties have sworn, then from the sky whale's point of view, the other party will definitely complete their commission, so from this moment, The whale has become a substantial subordinate of Rhodes. But ...

Once Rhodes fails to complete the commission or brings the wrong person, the subordinate will immediately raise the rebellion flag. Although Rhodes will not be able to do it, the problem is that if such a thing really happens, then his majesty can be Sweep thoroughly. The most important issue is that the chance is only once. Once the wrong person is brought, there is no possibility of remedy.

Therefore, the simple surname of Sky Whale is sometimes very useful, and sometimes it is a headache.

After the meeting with Sky Whale, Rhode returned to Grantia immediately. The reason why he was so anxious was that in the process of communicating with Sky Whale, Rhode had already thought of a very suitable condition. Characters ...

"Ah, it's head!"

After seeing Rhodes flying down from the sky, Annie who was rolling around on the grass blinked in front of her eyes, and then the girl jumped up from the grass like a turn, cheering and stretched out her hands, not far away Rhode ran over and hugged him tightly.

"Leader, come and play with Annie. Annie is so boring. There is nothing to do here ..."

Even after such a long time, Annie's oral habits did not change at all, and for Rhodes, he did not seem to intend to correct it. After all, compared to the titles of "lord lord" and "sire", Anne's "head" made Rod feel more kind, as if in the game, those players would not call themselves "sire" or "adult" What's more, this kind of title makes Rhodes feel like he's back to the past-no matter how big the territory, how powerful he is, how high his reputation, he is still among the millions of players in the game world. A member, rather than detaching from some existence above them.


Looking at the girl who was looking up, holding her body, Rhode was silent for a moment, then glanced around and gave an order.

"Take off your clothes." (To be continued.)

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