Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 207: Everything is ready


The green meadows, lush woods and flowing spring water form a picturesque scene. But in the midst of it, the sound of wheezing and moaning with red face and red ears just sounded. Just in the depths of the woods, the white flesh was intertwined and fused together, and each other greedily took each other's body. Warmth.

"Aha ..."

Annie held the tall tree in front of her with both hands and turned her head. The eyes that were always shining with youthful vitality were closing slightly at this moment, revealing the style of laziness and temptation, and the white cheeks appeared The fascinating blush, the girl just lay on the edge of the tree in front of her, raising her hips to meet the impact coming from behind.

"Well ...... the leader is really ......... so rude ..."

Although she was complaining, she could see from the smiling face of the girl that she didn't care about this little thing. Even if she complained with a little dissatisfaction, it would disappear under the kiss of the man behind her. Annie shook her waist skillfully, and even if Rhode reached out to caress her soaring chest, feeling the warmth and numbness from her chest, Annie narrowed her eyes excitedly and gave a seductive moan.

"Ah ......... Ah ... um ..............."

"A bit more intense? Annie?"

Feeling the trembling of the soft body under him, Rhode whispered closer to the girl's ear with a little smile, but in the face of Rhode's inquiry, Annie did not answer, but turned her head and stretched out. Sticking out his tongue greedily asking for a kiss from the man in front of him. The soft and tender tongue just got into Rhode's mouth and provoked fiercely, but although he didn't get a clear answer, Rhode also understood Annie's choice.

Sure enough, I need to be a little bit more intense.

Thinking of this, Rhodes let go of the girl who squeezed the girl's chest, pressed it against her waist, and then pushed forward hard.


Feeling Rhodes's collision, Annie narrowed her eyes and made an excited cry, feeling the wonderful joy and intense pleasure, and the girl's body began to tremble slightly. The sound of the "papapa" meat-to-meat collision and the sound of silvery water splashes echoed in the forest. The two were so immersed and intoxicated by the exciting pleasure and warmth, Rhode hugged The slender, warm and soft body of the girl in front of her, sticking out her tongue and licking her neck, and feeling Rhode's move, Annie issued a joyful pant, and more actively raised her waist to meet the intense feeling behind her.

"Ah ... hhhhhh ... no, no ...... the head, Annie, Annie wants to ...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you asked you ...

With the final scream, Annie's body suddenly straightened, and then began to tremble violently. The long-established pleasure reached its peak at this moment, accompanied by the volcanic eruption of Rhodes, and the intense, electric-like pleasure swept across the body instantly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's so hot ..."

Annie's body trembled slightly, completely immersed in the aftertaste. Rhodes let out a breath, then leaned against the girl's body in front of her eyes, and the two kept the movement until they separated slowly after a while.


Looking at the girl in front of him, Rhode sighed helplessly, then stretched out his hand and sat down holding the other side. Annie, like a docile puppy, obeyed Rhode's movements and closed her eyes, curled up in his arms. Seeing Annie's expression in her arms, Rhode laughed bitterly. Originally, there was no such intention, but it was probably because of the stubbornness for too long. After hearing Rhode's order, Anne's eyes lit up three times, five divided by two, and she took off her clothes and flew over to Rhode. Fortunately, there aren't many people here, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble. However, it is estimated that only Anne can do this kind of thing. After changing Lijie or Marlene, I am afraid that she will dig a pit and hide when she asks for blushing.


Although it is really comfortable, it also wipes out the depression since these days, but ... the most important question ...............

Thinking of this, Rhodes could not help lowering his head, looking at the back of the girl in her arms. In the sun, Anne's white and soft skin was matched with golden hair, which made people feel extremely dazzling, but --- On that smooth, white and tender skin, but nothing.

It seems that his own expectations are wrong.

Thinking of this, Rhode sighed. After hearing the request from the sky whale, he thought it was Annie. In any case, the power of the wind element on Annie was too strong for the indigenous people, and it was still half Beastization, no matter how you look at it, you should meet the requirements of the sky whale. If it were not for the last so-called marking restriction, Rhodes would take Annie directly to the other party for confirmation. However, it seems that Annie is not that lucky. It is a pity. If Annie has the bloodline of the wind element lord and the blessing of the wind ......... Rhodes can confirm that there will be another powerful person beside him. Let ’s look at it. Although Anne is very powerful now, no one would mind if she would be stronger, wouldn't she?

On the contrary, Li Jie's performance during this time was a bit abnormal, and Rhodes found that she would always be in a daze involuntarily in her spare time at work, which seemed to be annoying. But every time when Rhode asked, she hurriedly said that she wasn't in trouble, but was distressed for fighting. However, Rhodes always felt that what Li Jie was concerned about should have something to do with another one who appeared in the corridor of fate.

After "confirming" that Annie was not the target that the Sky Whale was looking for, Rhode temporarily left the matter aside, because the two sides did not agree on the date, and for elemental creatures such as the Sky Whale that have no life span In terms of finding a one or two hundred years is not that long-term thing--otherwise, it would not take Rod's romantic debt from hundreds of years ago to let Rod find the trouble. Now that he has lost the only clue on hand, Rhodes is not a omniscient god, and naturally can only give up temporarily. After everything in the territory has developed, let Qilian use her intelligence network to collect information. Fortunately, it shouldn't be too difficult just to find someone with an "engraved on the back".

After getting the help of the sky whale, the demon and Naga finally showed the meaning of surrender. As Rhode thought, even after being greedy, after seeing the terrible existence of the sky whale, these desires were stunned. Idiots who have been around should also calm down and think about their current situation. The other party, but even the Sky Whale can conquer the existence for their own use, and they are afraid to have the courage to violate the will of such a powerful existence.

Perhaps with this consideration in mind, this time Serestina finally returned without success, but successfully brought back the chapter of surrender etched by the engraved soul. This is also a necessary step for each monster lair lord to surrender to the master. The soul engraving of the monster lord is not ordinary. Once a monster lord betrays his lord, as long as the soul seal is destroyed, then the lair and subordinates owned by the monster lord Will die at the same time, as if it were some kind of infection with a strong surname. With the surrender of the Lord of Desires, Naga, who had been dominating the sea, also found that she had finally become an lonely person. After Rhodes sent the sky whales to the waters where they were, they finally gave up. That bit of useless restraint resolutely chose to submit.

Until then, Rhode's control of the Netherlander had finally come to an end. The monster's lair has been completely suppressed, and the remnants of the shelter have been selected to live in the cities and towns distributed in four directions of the territory. They serve as a transit point connecting the field and Grantia, with the further increase in post-immigrants. There will be more gathering places, and the current towns will grow further, but for now, this is enough.

Utilizing the power of the Nether Dragon Soul, Rhodes has successfully constructed a channel connecting the four towns and Grantia. At present, there are two ways to reach Grantia. One is to directly transfer to Grant through the teleportation array. Outside the gate of Tia, the other is to take a floating boat to anchor at the port connecting to the outer city of Grantia. For Rhodes, although this method is still lacking, it is only used temporarily. The floating ship used is not a magic guided warship that floats and advances based on dense wind elements such as the tidal wave in the Duke of Muen. It is manufactured according to ancient magic guided techniques and uses the magic array to generate the floating forward ability. vessel. Although Rhodes is interested in researching this technology, it is not his specialty after all. But Rhodes didn't give up because of this ancient technology, he finally came up with a way of transportation that can connect his entire territory.

Of course, this is not a simple task, but Rhodes is full of confidence. Because he had learned from Qilian, just a few days ago, Rabis's work finally came to an end—the second ball of mystery, the Wind King enchantment had been completely repaired, only to get Rhode ’s Ready to use.

For Rhodes, this mysterious ball will unveil a new structure for his territory. (To be continued.)

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