Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 281: Emerging Demon

The apprentices of the Tour de France stared blankly at what was happening in front of them. They didn't know how to face these things. It all came so suddenly. The puppet started a trap. They originally thought that they would be killed alive. With the help of Adi Luo, everyone managed to escape. But before they returned to God, a terrible higher devil appeared, and now, Adi Luo, unaware of being attacked by something, lay on the ground, and seemed to have lost his vitality.

"Is it a demon? Or chaos?"

Rhode stepped forward, looked at Adillo, and frowned at the unconscious girl. After Celia returned the sword to her sheath, she walked to Adillo and sighed softly.

"It's a Chaos monster."

"Cut, that same **** again."

After hearing Celia's answer, Celestina grinds her teeth in dissatisfaction. The devil and the demon are the revenge of a lifetime. The war that erupted in the lower plane has continued since the creation of the world. The dead corpses of the demon and the devil add up enough to rebuild a dragon soul continent. As a higher devil, Serestina naturally hated the devil.

"I didn't see it, these guys were quite well prepared."

Rhode snorted. He had just heard about Celia and Celestina just now. It's not surprising that these mage apprentices have teleport crystal rhodes. After all, these are the elite of the Tour de France. If you don't give them some life-saving means, you will be a hell. However, it now seems that the other party had anticipated this and had done something on the teleportation crystal. Once these apprentices are unable to persist, they will be possessed by the demons inside when they activate the teleport crystal, and these possessed demons must be more powerful than the apprentices, in this case. It's not that difficult to get the job done.

Although I have known for a long time, from this point of view ... I am afraid that there are more than one or two demonic messengers in the Tower of the Tour ... Thinking of this, Rhodes suddenly has a bad feeling. She asked Marlene to take Alice with her, but now she will be fighting in the Tour de France!

The facts are not far behind Rhodes' imagination.

The overwhelming magical glow whistled past, but disappeared in the blink of an eye. Alice was floating in the air, and the heavy pages between her hands couldn't stop turning. A bright white light shone, and in front of her, several high-ranking mages turned pale, and they had exerted all their power. But she didn't even touch the corner of the girl in front of her.

"Chaotic running dog ........."

The girl whispered to herself, turning her right hand on the page, and saw that with her movements, in the blink of an eye, Alice had appeared where the mage was. The mage stood in her place instead of Alice. next moment. The magic that had previously disappeared into the air flashed again, and castration blasted towards the target in front of it. There was no expectation that such a thing would happen. Without any precaution, those mages were immediately covered by the spells they released, accompanied by a series of screams and bombardments, and the flames of Pentium enveloped everything. But then, whistling, a foul breath spewed out. Dispelled that magical light and flame. But the mages who reappeared at this moment showed a completely different appearance, the bodies covered with black scales. Goat-like sharp horns and thick tails all show their true identity.

"You actually betrayed your soul, and fell down to serve the demons of the lower stratum!"

Seeing this scene, Pilenus also opened his eyes in anger. Originally, when Alice suddenly launched an attack, the old mage tried to stop it, but now. After seeing his colleagues turned into this ghost, the president of the Tour de France no longer pays attention to the trivial matters. On the contrary, he felt incomparably angry that so many of these close friends around him had become demon messengers! Although nominally the president of the Tour de France Association, Pyrenos is mostly indulged in spell research and historical investigations, leaving these matters to others to handle. This is his trust in his subordinates and colleagues. But now, the foundation of trust has been completely eroded.

"Hahaha, Pyrenos, after all, you are old and can't see the future of this world. The future belongs to us !! You still don't realize it!"

While roaring, the mages who turned into demons raised their hands again. With their actions, the smell of sulfur emerged, and the flames of a sudden burning burst out suddenly, sweeping towards everyone in front of them. In the face of their attack, Alice still didn't mean to evade. Instead, she just reached out her hand and turned the page slightly back.

Soon, as if rewinding, everything before it all turned back, the flame released was retaken, and the raised hands were put down again. Everything is back to its original point. This is the real history of Alice, the demon of history. She can manipulate the past as she wants, replacing, modifying, decorating, and even deleting them. For her, simply restoring this "history" to what it hadn't happened before is enough to change everything.

"Abominable ... Orderly running dogs, you won't succeed. The great chaos will eventually come to this continent. Your struggle is futile ........."

Alice was not interested in listening to the nonsense of these chaotic believers. She raised her hand. With the movement of Alice, invisible pressure suddenly filled the entire space. Then I saw Alice holding her right hand and pressing down. Then the shouts of those people came to an abrupt halt. With the movement of Alice, these unfortunate demonic messengers were thus empty into a pile of fly ash, disappearing without a trace. They no longer exist in the past and disappear into history. Without the past, they would naturally not be able to appear in the present, like an air tower, and they will eventually collapse.


For a moment, the originally noisy space was exceptionally quiet. Pilenus stared blankly at the pile of dust. A person who was very spirited now seemed to be much older. Even his white beard became dim. It's no wonder that there are so many demon envoys in the Tower of the Tour de France, which really embarrasses Pyrenos, but the embarrassment is still a small matter, which makes Pyrenos worry. Only a small group of people came here this time. This was after he learned from Marin that Rhodes wanted to talk about the apprenticeship of the Tour de France, and he brought a few people casually. Originally, Pilenus was also curious as to why Rhodes was concerned about the apprenticeship trials of the Tour de France, but now it seems that the young dragon soul heir apparently has his own judgment.

Originally, when he heard that the destination of these apprentice trials was the deepest maze, he was also opposed. But eventually others convinced him. And at the time Pyrenos didn't know which path they had chosen to reach the deepest maze. If you let Pyrenos know that they are going through the sea of ​​trees outside, then there is nothing to stop. Looks now. Obviously these guys have chosen the sea of ​​trees instead of other places. By that time, even if Birenos found something wrong. It is also very difficult to bring people over because the deepest maze is too large. If you enter through other entrances, you will not find the place of those apprentices. And if you want to enter the sea of ​​trees, then you don't intend to greatly slow down the speed of the Tour de France rescue. After all, not everyone can drive a Warwick like Rhodes to scare away Warcraft.

Now the only expectation is in the body of the heir of the Dragon Soul. Listen to Marin saying that he is also in the deepest labyrinth and has met his apprentice. Now I only hope that Her Majesty is in a better mood, and can help them rescue people by the way. After all, that's the brainchild of the entire Tour de France!

Think of it here. Pilinos cleared up his mood, and then turned around, looking to tell Marin with a sorry smile beside her, even Marin hadn't thought that Alice would actually do it when she said it. With her own troops down here, before the two sides started talking, Alice immediately launched an attack on these people. If it weren't for the chance that even Marin suddenly didn't respond, I don't know what the outcome would look like. And the other mages who came here following Pilanos did not get caught in the pond fish, but at the moment they were equally complex. But these are not the issues that Alice needs to care about.

So this is what Marin needs to care about.

"President Reynolds. I think you already know the seriousness of the matter."

Helplessly glanced at Alice, who was holding the heavy books in her hand and stood beside him again, and began to show her sense of non-presence. Marilyn sighed and said.

At the same time, Rhodes and others did not stop their footsteps.

The encounter of Ardilo and others is a coincidence. Originally, Rhodes had reached the eighth floor at this time, while Ardilo and others were the fastest, and were close to the edge of the fifth floor. But after stepping into that trap. They fell directly into the hollow of the eighth floor. Fortunately, Adi Luo responded in time, otherwise this group of people may fall into a meat sauce. But now they find themselves moving towards a future that is completely different from what they expected.

Walking in the crowd, Frey looked complexly at the back of Rod and others, as an elite of the Tour de France. She certainly understood what just happened. It seemed that the teleport crystal in Ardillo's hands had been tampered with, and she was almost possessed by the demon. If that's the case, the consequences are unthinkable. As soon as she thought about it, Frey could not help shaking, because before the arrival of Serestina and others, Adi Luo had already decided to go back. If these people did not appear at that time, I am afraid that together with themselves and other alumni will be defiled by demons and become their servants. And now ...

Thinking of this, Frey glanced at the pale Adi Luo beside her, because the girl was not killed in time for the deportation. In fact, she was dying at that time. But Little Bubble Gum revived her decisively after a resurrection operation. Little Bubble Gum, the strongest spiritual master, wasn't called for fun. She could become Rhode's exclusive spiritual master. Naturally, it wasn't a little guy's close combat ability. As for the unlucky Cray who broke his leg, he was naturally cured by little bubble gum.

But now these apprentices are extremely confused, and they have learned the whole thing from Rhodes. I have to say that these apprentices are still too young. When they encounter such a thing, they have no idea what to do. Their mentors and demons are affiliated, and their apprenticeship trials are simply planned by the demons in advance. In this case, these Tour de France apprentices have completely panicked. Without the teleport crystal, they cannot leave the deepest maze. At the moment, they have no way to contact their mentors, nor can they ask the Tour de France for help. So what should I do?

Now these apprentices have no other way but to follow Rod and others. Here is the eighth floor. It is impossible for them to go back by themselves. Only wait to reach the tenth floor and see if there is any way to start the group teleportation matrix to leave. Of course, no one is a fool. Since this is a demon's conspiracy, can I really leave even if I wait there?

Not only that, but the higher devil ... Frey's eyes slightly shifted to the tall figure not far away, and then quickly withdrew. What makes Frei somewhat puzzled is that they had dealt with each other before entering the deepest maze. At that time, Frei remembered that there were only six talent pairs, including Rhodes. Now, their number has almost doubled, regardless of the two petite elves. Still the war angels, including the devil, Frey was sure she hadn't found them before. If they were there, it would be impossible for them to be unaware. Now, how exactly do they appear here? And ... what is the relationship between these people? Frey was puzzled by this. She originally thought that the devil was a prisoner of Rhodes, but later found that it didn't seem to be the case. The high devil's toe-like attitude looked nothing like a captive, on the contrary. The war angel looked timid in front of her, and Frey even heard her call the devil "Master"! !!

This world is really too unscientific ......... no. It's too magical ...

"I think I almost know who's behind this **** plan, master."

Ignoring those lowly humans who looked at themselves completely, Serestina was biting her teeth at the moment and said angrily.

"Grazt, it must be that bitch. That kind of trace of imitation is really disgusting. I think it must be all behind the scenes. Ah, it's really hot!"

"That‘ most demon-like demon ’?”

After hearing Serestina's answer, Rhodes wasn't surprised. Grazte is indeed an alternative among demons. It is more like a devil in many ways. Treacherous, cunning and intertwined. But the demon's chaotic nature always allows it to give up after the game is set. This made the devil very irritable and hated. As a conspirator, conspiracy is an art to the devil. However, Grazte's performance is like trampled by throwing this wonderful art on the ground, careless about its beauty and value. He even sometimes fiddles with conspiracies, and for the devil, mastering his own power is the most important. But Grazter didn't care if his conspiracy would be profitable or if he could lose both. It was such a nightmare.

"Master, Miss Ben has a plan."

Just then, Celestina suddenly changed her voice and said with a smile. Then she reached out and took out a dark round crystal, which was the token that Adilow had used to place.

"Miss Ben took a secret analysis of this thing while the group of pariahs weren't paying attention, although she didn't know the final result. But Miss guessed that it should be a channel connecting the bottomless abyss, and if it was Grazte The words of the guys are mostly in their own glass courtyard. Miss Ben has a plan to increase the power of this beacon in the reverse direction, and in turn ......... wow, grab the nasty demon lord. Let it See who is the real conspirator! "

"How confident are you?"

Rod is not opposed to Serestina's proposal, and he always feels that the recent things about chaos and demons are a little bit unusual. Although in the game, they did not deal with chaos and demons in the late period. But that was against the background of the dragon soul shelter's complete and complete collapse, and now, the dragon soul shelter is intact, and the void dragon has reopened a new area. In this case, chaos and demons are still so active, so abnormal, there must be something wrong with them.

Grazt is known as "the devil most like a demon." From this point of view, its plan must have some purpose, maybe it has something to do with the recent past. What's more, they opened the way into the deepest maze, and most of them are trying to get something here. Thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't help feeling his luck. If you haven't accidentally encountered these Tour de France apprentices, you don't know what will happen.

"One hundred percent, Miss Ben is different from those demon without mind. Please rest assured, master, this time, Miss Ben will let the devil see what is the real art of the devil. But ..."

Having said that, Serestina narrowed her eyes and glanced at the magical apprentices behind her.

"Miss Ben needs a little bait."

Hearing Serestina's words, Rhodes didn't answer immediately, he was silent for a moment, then glanced at the people behind him.

"give it to you."

Then Rhodes answered. (To be continued)

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