Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 282: The core of teleportation

The moonlight tonight is as beautiful as ever.

Yi Lin sighed softly as she looked at the bright white moon outside the window. After coming to the collar of the void, admiring the night sky has become almost the hobby of the princess of the moon. Unlike the bright red and full moon of the country of night, although the moon hanging above the collar of the void has a white and soft glow, it is unusually huge. Not only that, if you look closely, you will find that there is no Little potholes, seems to have been hit by anything in general. This left a few imperfect scars on the moon, which should have been white and smooth. But I don't know why. Although there are many speculations about why the moon here looks like this, it seems to Yilin, the princess of the moon, that this is what the moon should have been.

"It's a beautiful night, do you mean it? Angeline?"

"Yes ... Her Royal Highness."

Upon hearing Irene's inquiries, Angeline, who had been on the side, hurriedly responded. At this moment, the little poor blood-sucking species can be regarded as extremely depressed, and he had expected to take this relationship with Rhodes even further. Unexpectedly, after the Scriptures of Order, Rhodes threw himself to the princess and asked her to serve Yilin. This made Angeline really feel extremely depressed, and she couldn't figure out why the Dark Dragon would send her sister to the Void Leader alone. No matter what, the relationship between the two sides was not friendly. Although Her Highness Yilin is very strong and she is also ranked among the top powers in the country at night, Anjie Linte knows that there are not only many people who can defeat her in the Netherland. Whether Marlene or Alice, Angeline felt a strong breath from them that was comparable to the Dark Dragon. In this case, if the Void Leader wants to be detrimental to Her Royal Highness, then it is impossible for Elin to return to the Night Kingdom alive. In fact at the beginning. Angelina also had a headache. In case the Highness Princess came here to be a spy or something, did she want to make a small report? Still responsible for helping?

Fortunately, the scene envisioned by Angeline did not appear. After the princess went down to the Nether Lord, she basically didn't go anywhere, just enjoying the scenery in her room. Occasionally go for a turn. I never explored any confidential matters, which finally made An Jie Linte a little bit of relief. But ... what did she do here?

"By the way, Angeline, I don't seem to see Mr. Rhode during this time. Do you know where he went? And Christie, I really miss them a bit."

"This one……………"

Hearing Elin's inquiry, Angeline was hesitant and didn't know what to say. She didn't know if it was something she should talk about. After all, Rhodes is now nominally her own master, and she is also signed a life-and-death contract by the other party. As a vampire, the pros and cons of this are still clear. Such punishment is not uncommon in the Kingdom of Night.

"This ... Her Majesty has been out recently and is not here for the time being."

In the end, Angeline hesitated for a moment and still whispered a reply. Anyway, Rod didn't tell himself before leaving, so it shouldn't be a big deal. But soon, Angeline discovered. I definitely made a very wrong decision. Because she instantly noticed that the princess's eyes shone brightly, it was a way that seemed to hear some interesting news.

"Going out? As the heir to the Dragon Soul. I didn't expect His Majesty to have time to go out. I must have encountered something very interesting. What do you say? Angeline? I also want to see if Can you go with me if it's convenient? "

"This, isn't it convenient, Your Royal Highness!"

Hear here. Angie Lint suddenly panicked. As an advanced vampire royal family of the undead, she naturally knew some rumors about Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Moon. Don't look at her being quite low-key in her daily life, but most of the undead seniors know that Her Royal Highness has a very ancient side. Even the four demons will sometimes be miserable by her torment. During the time when she originally came to the void leader, Yilin has been enjoying the flowers and the moon and the autumn fragrance. Make Angeline think that those before are just rumors. Now it seems that those rumors are definitely not groundless!

"This ... Your Highness Princess, after all, you are a guest, so it is not good to go out casually ... and it is important that Your Majesty go out, this ........."

"But it's also important to entertain guests, isn't it?"

Although Eileen still had a smile on her face, at the moment her words revealed some dissatisfaction.

"It's been so long since I came to Netherworld. Mr. Rhodes has never been to see me. This is not the way to treat guests."

"This one……………"

Hearing here, Angeline was speechless. Because the facts are as Eileen said, although since the Order of the Order she has followed Rhode's fleet back to Netherland. But Rhodes completely left His Royal Highness next to him. Since returning, he has not even paid a courteous visit. It's been so many days. Originally, Angeline thought that Her Royal Highness was good enough to care about these little things, but now it looks like ......... People are waiting here!

"This ......... I really don't know where your Majesty is going, Her Royal Highness."

"Then please trouble me to inquire, please?"


Looking at her hands folded, and staring at Yilin with a smile, Anjie Linte suddenly found that she didn't seem to have anything to say. After all, this problem could not be solved by herself, so she could only sigh deep inside, then piled a smile on the surface, and then saluted Yilin respectfully.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness."

Anyway, this is not a problem you can solve, so let someone who can solve it solve it.

"........." said Her Highness Elin? "

Lifting her head from the scroll, Marin looked in embarrassment at Angeline who was standing in front of her, and Angeline just nodded and said nothing. Seeing Angeline's performance, Marin sighed. Originally came to the Nether Leader. Marin was very nervous about her princess, not only sent Sarah to monitor her actions through the projection crystal 24 hours a day, but also asked Qilian to look at each other a little, so as not to cause her problems. However, Her Royal Highness was actually more honest than they thought, and there were basically no special and unusual actions. Originally, Ma Lin thought that this matter would be easily resolved. But I did not expect that Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Moon really did not sing. The blockbuster was amazing, and actually came to trouble at this time.

By the way, Li Jie is more interested in watching Elin than Malin-I don't know if she saw another lesson of blood and tears.


Thinking of this, Marin rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes. Angeline stared at the young girl in front of her, waiting for her answer. After a while, Angeline saw Marilyn open her eyes again and said, "Well, please. Wait a minute, I will personally ... tomorrow ..." But Marilyn's words were not finished. , But suddenly stopped. Then she looked a little weird, but soon returned to her original calmness and continued to speak. "... In fact, it is not a big deal, Your Majesty is currently in the sea of ​​trees, in the deepest maze. If Her Highness Yilin wants to go. Let her go. There is a contractual connection between Your Majesty and Your Majesty. After that you can contact Your Majesty. Then you will know what to do next ... "

"Okay, sir."

Hearing Marin's inconsistent words, Angeline was a little confused, but nodded, and turned to leave. Until her back disappeared outside the door, Marin shook her head with a bitter smile. Then he lowered his head again and started to continue his work. Just like Angeline, this thing can't be solved by itself, so-let someone who can solve this problem to solve this problem.

all the best.

At the moment, deep in the dark underground maze. Rhode looked at the heavy door with satisfaction. Although a few more people due to various accidents. But it didn't matter much for Rhodes. After that, the demon messenger never came to attack himself, thinking that he should have understood that his strength is not something ordinary people can deal with. I don't know if it perceives that the teleport crystal has been destroyed by Rhodes and others. At least from the system map, except for the bad luck of Adi Luo, the rest of the team is progressing quite smoothly. Although there were some casualties, it was not so large as to need to open the teleport crystal back like Adilo, otherwise, I am afraid that Rhodes will face more than a few demons.

Thinking of this, Rhode reached out and pushed the door open. Soon, with the brilliance of the flame, the dark torches surrounding it were lit one by one, illuminating the huge circular cavity in front of me. With the help of the fire light, a circular stone array in front of me could be clearly seen. The center of the group teleportation matrix is. According to the next steps, it should be reported to the mentor here, and then the beacon crystals that have been prepared are placed on the stone pillars around the French array. After all the teams have arrived, open the stone pillars and activate the teleportation array. , Which marks the end of the trial. but now……………

"Tutor Claire !!"

Along with the fire, Adilo and others were surprised to find that a mage in a black robe was lying down in the middle of the teleportation circle covered with blood. This made them suddenly scream. Among them, Frey didn't even care about the surroundings, so she carried a spear and flew towards the mage who had fallen into the blood. The other apprentices also showed a surprised expression, rushing forward, and after a short time, everyone came to the mage. At this moment, he was covered with blood, and he was in a coma. You can see two extremely obvious wounds on his waist and abdomen that almost tore his entire body. Fortunately, from the slightly undulating chest, he was still alive for the time being. Seeing this, Rhode quickly issued an order.


"I know, head."

Upon hearing Rhode's command, Bubble raised his right hand and hit a ring finger. Soon, with the movement of the bubble, a white beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the mage. And felt this white light. The mage grunted painfully, and then a black breath came out of the mage's body and melted into the holy light. Immediately afterwards, I saw the mage's wound so quickly recovered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. And until this time, the unconscious mage slowly opened her eyes. After coughing a few times, after seeing Adi Luo and others in front of him, he first showed a surprised expression, and then immediately became nervous.

"Come on, get out of here, Adilo ...... this is a trap, those demons ......... heh, what about the others? Be careful, those demons ........."


but. Before the mage's words were finished, a roaring noise was heard. Then, the originally opened door closed again, and then, weird laughter came from both sides. The crowd raised their heads and looked, and they saw that from the dark shadows on both sides, two were wearing tattered robes, but the strangeness of human gestures had long ceased to exist. The twisted figure appeared in front of them.

"Is that ...? ... Teacher Snow and Andyell ...?"

Looking at the tattered but familiar master robes on them. The apprentices can't help but stand still. The mentors they were familiar with would turn out to be like this, totally beyond the expectation of these apprentices. At this moment, their bodies were distorted, like strange and terrible monsters. And Adi Luo was even paler, and she couldn't help feeling frightened at the thought of turning into such a terrible and dirty monster.

"Be careful. They have completely lost their minds and become demons!"

It seemed to be verifying Claire's words. The two distorted figures suddenly held out their hands with a smile, and soon, the dazzling magical light was released from their hands. Shot at the target in front of him. However, this scorching, evil-filled ray was blocked by a translucent barrier before it even hit the target, and the burning evil flame extinguished as quickly as it encountered a violent current. At the same time, Celia and Celestina also quickly launched their operations, spreading their wings one by one, and flew towards the target in front of them. And seeing the two men rushing towards themselves, the two demon angels did not stand still. On the contrary, their mouths made harsh and unpleasant chants. With the weird and evil chants, the shadows around them began to distort, then split into monsters of various shapes, flapping their wings wildly and rushed to their eyes. Angel and devil.

"Look for the dead!"

Seeing these boring demons in front of her, Serestina looked slightly heavier, and she stretched out her hands in anger, and the dark chain sword in her hand suddenly brought a dazzling smooth, crazy burst of dark fire burning. Consume everything in front of me. Behind her, Greyhill and Madaras, who did not know when they appeared, were slightly slender, and disappeared in the next instant.

The little bubblegum who raised his hand to release the guardian barrier sneered, and then threw his right hand forward vigorously. Soon, two beams of light hit the sky, as if two sledgehammers hit the two demons heavily. On their bodies, soon, the screams, the demons illuminated by the sacred beam of light no longer raged before, and instead, they fled away in horror like chicks chased by eagles. But Little Bubble Gum didn't mean to give up at all. On the contrary, she held out her hand with a sneer, and made a variety of different gestures quickly in the air, and then ...

"Want to run, how could it be so easy !!! Stop me !!!"

With the wrath of little bubble gum, countless golden runes spread across the floor of the hall instantly. And the two figures floating in the air stopped completely at this moment. Their space has been completely locked by the runes full of divine power and cannot move at all. Not only that, but at the same time, two icy sharp short blades quietly protruded out of the void and held their chests. The invisible silk thread reflects the sacred light, turning into a cobweb-like existence, completely enveloping two prey in it. Carlin was still standing side by side, with her hands behind her back, and she couldn't see anything except the rhythm of her right hand's tapping.

"Hey, hey, where do you guys run ..."

At this moment, the little bubble gum sneered while moving her wrist. On the surface, she seemed to be the real final wave ss. And Rhodes didn't care about the little bubble gum's malicious selling. Instead, he lowered his head and looked at Christie.

"Christie, can I ask you one thing?"


After listening to Rhode's request, Christie thought for a moment, then she nodded strongly.

"... I will work hard ... Rhode ..."

As he said, Christie stretched out her right hand, and then the white feather pen and the golden blank scroll appeared in front of her again. Then, Christie held the pen in her hand and placed it on the scroll in front of her ...

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