Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2736: Direct disability

Who is the blue-haired youth?

Demon Clan Multi-faced Beast!

The youngest generation's top presence.

Apart from a few people, who dares to disrespect the polyhedron?

But now Xiaohan has rejected the request of the multi-faced beast to buy hairpins?


What did she think?

Understand that in this case, Polyhedron will definitely buy at a high price.

Furthermore, it also sold a faceted beast.

"I have an imperial middle-level decree here." The faceted beast said a golden decree appeared in his hand. "How?"

Everyone's face changed uncontrollably.

This is the imperial order of the middle class.

Xiaohan's hairpin, no matter how precious, is nothing more than a king-level pinnacle.

It can be said that the price of the multi-faced beast is already very high.

But Xiaohan refused.

"Sorry, I don't sell."

"There is an imperial middle-level battle sword here." The voice of the multifaced beast dropped a jade sword filled with imperial fluctuations and appeared in front of Xiaohan.

Xiaohan shook his head, "This hairpin is given to me by a boy. No matter how high your price is, I can't sell it."

The face of the polyhedron suddenly sank.

From the perspective of the multi-faced beast, he has already given Xiao Han a face.

But she ate the bear heart leopard and dared to refuse herself again and again?


Can't you really be kind?

"Cheesy maid, if you are interested, you should obediently present the hairpins, otherwise, don't blame Lao Tzu to put you down." Then a servant of the multifaced beast stepped forward.

Xiaohan staggered, his face pale.

"What did you call her just now?" Ye Hao stood up and asked indifferently.

"Cheesy maid." The attendant didn't realize the danger.

The young man's voice fell and he was wrapped in a flame.

The young man made a harsh scream.

He struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Polyhedron saw this scene with a mouthful of real water spouting out, but what shocked the Polyhedron was that the real water had not been destroyed.

"how is this possible?"

Not to mention that the multi-faced beast feels incredible, in fact the monks are stunned one by one.

"Don't the faceted beasts spray too much real water?"

"Isn't Taiyi Real Water a nemesis of flame?"

"The servant of the polyhedron is about to be burned to death."

The polyhedron awakened.

Now is not the time to struggle with what kind of flame this is, the key is to save people.

"Quickly extinguish the fire." The multi-faced beast looked at Ye Hao's complexion.

"Are you ordering me?" Ye Hao glanced at the faceted beast slowly.

"Are you extinguishing?" The polyhedron said, and he started.

The stars of the heavens were swaying when he threw his fist, and hundreds of millions of stars fell on his fist.

Vast and endless.

Seeing that the fist of the multi-faced beast was about to blow on Ye Hao's body, Ye Hao's body suddenly filled with a terrifying sword.

This sword intention seems to come from the eternal land.

Everlasting and immortal.

Shatter the thorns and sweep through everything.


Ye Hao does not major in swordsmanship, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

You have to know that Ye Hao has obtained so many kendo cheats. Those kendo cheats have been melted by him.

His swordsmanship is a hundred rivers.

His swordsmanship is the oneness of Wan Jian.

His swordsmanship is always advancing.

The face of the polyhedron changed wildly.

It's not that he hasn't seen a master of kendo in recent years, but such a pure sword intention, such a horrible sword intention, but such a vast sword intention has never been seen in his life.


Just now, he was just a hit, and was simply unable to cope with this sword intention.

After the multi-faced beast withdrew more than ten meters, the sword was quietly dissipated.

It's like it never appears.

"Come again." The face of the faceted beast said very ugly.

He was forced to retreat with a multifaceted beast?

What a joke?

Ye Hao's eyes fell upon him when the multi-faced beast wanted to step forward again.

The eyes were like a prison cage, holding the multi-faced beast tightly in place.

"Break me." The multi-faced beast raised his fists.

But soon he was shocked to find that he couldn't break through the prison cage.

The supreme youngsters were shocked.

Who is the polyhedron?

A representative from the launch of the demon domain!

Who dare to say that the younger generation can beat him?

But now the multi-faced beast is imprisoned by Ye Hao.

"What eye surgery is this?"

"However, the ability to imprison multi-faced beasts must be of the top ten eye skills."

"Yeah, I just don't know what kind of eye surgery this man is using?"

"Actually I just want to know who this human race is?"

"I think none of the monks in the audience wanted to know."

Xiao Han was speechless when she saw this scene.

Yuan Mu just said that Xiao Han knew nothing about Ye Hao's power. Xiao Han didn't have many concepts in her mind, but after seeing this scene, she understood.

What about polyhedrons?

Are you still trapped?

"The air of the sky." Just then a light word reverberated throughout the world, and then a faint figure of the city fell slowly.

Even if you can't clearly see the appearance of this figure, but just looking at her graceful figure, you must know that her appearance must be alluring.

"Are you sure this is the air of heaven?" Ye Hao looked at the figure playfully.

Bai Linglong gave Ye Hao a surprised look, and then his eyes fell on the servant of the multi-faced beast wrapped in flames, looking at her face and then changed.

"Are you actually blending three heavenly spirits?"

How rare is the air of heaven?

The world has been lucky to find one.

But now Ye Hao has gotten three open airs.

This kind of creation can no longer be described as horror.

"It's a little bit of insight." Ye Hao said and took back the flame that shrouded the servant of the multifaced beast.

Everyone has an incredible feeling.

Ye Hao, what did he say?

He said that Bai Linglong still has some knowledge?

How dare he say such a thing?

How do they know that relative to this group of guys fighting in the nest, Ye Hao has long been out of the realm of God.

His knowledge is simply not comparable to Bai Linglong and others.

At this time, the crowd found that the servant of the polyhedron was burnt out.

The body is destroyed and the soul is withered.

In such cases, the situation is weak.

"Please also ask this son to take back your eyes." Bai Linglong looked at Ye Hao softly.

Ye Hao's mind disappeared as soon as the sky-eye cage holding the multi-faced beast.


The figure of the multi-faced beast disappeared just as the sky cage disappeared.

Ye Hao snorted.

His eyes glowed with deep luster, and a residual image was captured at the next moment.

His body disappeared instantly.




The two figures collided violently in the dimension space.

After three breaths, a terrible scream was heard, and then everyone saw a shocking scene.

I saw Ye Hao walked out carrying the blood-stained faceted beast.

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